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Resurfacing (Criminal Minds, Reid)


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You most definitely should continue. This story is turning out really great. It's nice to see a sliver of Reid's childhood and how that effects him in current time. Very well done. I can't wait to read more.

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OMG! Totally worth the wait. This is my favorite sick Spencer Reid fic ever!!! You are very talented

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Sophie- Everything you say is so encouraging to me! You already know this, but I can’t say it enough! Thank you!

2Shy- You made my day! It made me so happy! I’m glad you like it, because I was kind of worried with getting the character right, blah blah blah! Thank you again!

Here we go:

The sound against Spencer’s ear was almost as soft as the material touching it. The young agent fell into it all: that pulse on and off beneath his ear, the warm solidity emanating through the cotton fabric…

Morgan couldn’t help smiling as the kid stirred enough in his arms to grab the neck of his tee shirt with curled fingers and draw it closer to him. Reid’s breath was hot against his neck, digging his nose deeper into the agent carrying him through the hallways of the hotel.

He’d never seen the kid so vulnerable.

And he’d also never realized how light his friend was.

It was in the elevator that Spencer began to fight that vulnerability.

There was a sharp gasp somewhere by Morgan’s chin, and the young genius jerked in his arms.


The sneeze was desperate and wet- something Morgan couldn’t help but feel against his neck but his concern for his friend downplayed the helpless action, and he gripped the young agent tighter…

That was his mistake.

Spencer had already drawn away; the crime he had committed had already sentenced him to try to escape-only then did he regain full consciousness and he panicked at what before had been natural relief.

The elevator swayed hard when the young man’s ribs collided with the floor.

Morgan was still in shock, watching in dismay as the agent scrambled with his long limbs before lurching up against the other wall with his back.

The kid had actually jumped and thrown his whole frame out of his arms…

“Reid what the hell-”

The young agent went from hyperventilating to choking out coughs.

The elevator had hit the fourth floor, but this time Morgan was ready and he jabbed the button to close the lift’s doors before his delirious friend could sprint out.

“Hey calm down Reid...hey, Hey! Look at me! No not through me kid,-you’re sick!”

Sick. That word…

As if anyone needed more convincing of this fact the young man shoved his frame into the furthest corner in the tight box of a room just in time:

“Heh-NGXT! Nxgt! Nxgt-shiew!!”

To his horror the last sneeze betrayed him. Again.

Morgan studied the genius, hovered over his lap, frozen and aghast.

“Just don’t tell.”

The voice was small and just so pitiful...



The young agent was suddenly at eye level, swaying slightly but his gaze was firm and clearer than it had been since in the ice room.

“You are as stubborn as hell Reid-“

“What room are we in?”

“First, come on, just chill for a sec k?”

“What do you mean chill? The temperature has nothing to do with this, and anyways there’s no AC in this elevator- its run by a fan…”

The kid was rambling and all this was too much…

“ROOM 412! Just calm down for me kid!”

And then the young agent did, and stayed silent that way eerily into the next hour-

Morgan soon regretted his words.


Again, any feedback is delightful!

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2Shy22: Thank you AGAIN!!!! If you have anything you want to read later in this story let me know!

Metalicstarrs: Your words mean so much! THANK YOU!!!


The weather was hell but the darkness was heaven…

The power had gone out and Spencer couldn’t have been happier.

Until Twilight.

“We’re doing you a favor right now Boy Genius, ok?”

JJ’s laptop screen broke through the blackness of the small hotel room. The whole team was crammed into four walls and two beds, thanks to the lack of rooms at short notice.

“It’s a sign Spence ok? The DVD was accidentally left in, and the battery life on this thing is crazy strong…”


Just like him.

JJ’s eyes studied her friend, thankful his nose had indeed stopped bleeding. His thin cardigan hid the red stains she knew were on the sleeves.

It took no time at all for Hotch, Morgan and Rossi to surrender and set up camp on the other side of the room…but the girls had taken their awkward friend hostage, and truth be told Reid had hardly put up a fight.

At least Morgan’s scrutiny was no longer impaling into his forehead that was KILLING him.

And honestly, he had surrendered to that couch the minute he had sat down.

The couch was characteristic to most hotel-made furniture: overblown and far too firm.

But he felt like he was sinking…

He lasted ten minutes through the movie before his brain fought through the haze over his body…

He just had to say something!

The words out of his voice were hoarse and unfamiliar, but he was able to get his point across, just barely.

“Yes Reid, he’s a vampire…stop comparing this to Dracula just because you’ve only read the classics…”

“Hey guys, sorry but we’ve got to go through this for wheels up in the morning…”

Hotch couldn’t help his mouth from curving up as the female agents let out groans before pausing the movie.

Reid jerked up in alert at the groans and shifted himself into what he thought was a more productive position. Morgan and Rossi joined into the full group around the coffee table, slapping down the files on the glass surface so everyone could grab one.

Morgan found it miraculous how they had gotten five minutes into their discussion before Reid’s hands were matching the slight shaking of his frame...the kid was just not going to make it- but there was a stubbornness he knew all too well that took over his friend when every he caught himself slightly swaying…

But after ten minutes Reid’s mind had separated from his body, his brain allowing words to come out at the appropriate moments, but he felt himself shutting down…

The flashlights positioned over all the papers in their hands looked like bobbing stars against the surrounding darkness; the colors began swirling around the murmur of voices. And then he only heard JJ’s: just the right tone that dropped the orange orbs along the end of his eyelashes, sweeping down and splitting into tiny embers that curtained down over his sight…

The frozen frame of JJ’s laptop screen hovered over him for a minute and he suddenly realized that maybe it wasn’t entirely nonsensical for a vampire to glitter in the sun…


The single syllable of his last name in Hotch’s voice created an offbeat to what was blanketing over him and he jerked hard- subconscious words falling out in answer, but he didn’t even know if they were the right ones…“Hih-ISH- Shiew!”

The small jerk of his head stopped the words tumbling out.

“Bless you.”

The sentiment chorused throughout the voices…

JJ watched with concern as the genius didn’t recover after his sneeze; the starts of three sentences failing to end like a match refusing to light.

And she caught the young man just in time as he slumped into her side, guiding his head down into the seat cushion and against her thigh, already hearing soft slurring noises coming through the genius’s slightly parted lips. He had fallen asleep mid-sentence, reminding her of Henry through her shock.

Whatever happened after that the young man would never recall.


I know I keep saying this but there is more sneezing coming I promise! Please let me know what you think! Pretty Please!

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“Never thought that brain of his could shut down…”

Rossi’s tone was slightly amused but Morgan’s voice was burdened.

“I should have told you, but he just got in my head!”

Hotch’s attention jerked up from his place kneeled down in front of Reid, his hand still on his young agent’s forehead.

“What do you mean?”

“He’s got a high fever.”

“Well Morgan, we figured that out already…is there something else?”

The agent sighed roughly, raking his hands over his face after sitting at the edge of one of the beds.

“He was passed out in the ice machine room when I found him…I had to carry him until he freaked the hell out in the elevator and told me not to say anything- DAMMIT!”

“Hey, hey! He’s not dead yet ok?”

Rossi always knew how to level certain situations. He took Hotch’s place listening to the crackling coming from the young genius’s chest but his breathing was still normal. “However if Boy Genius here dies from a fever, then we’ll know who to blame!”

Morgan relaxed slightly, a corner of his mouth turning up at Rossi’s attempt to lighten the situation and his guilt.

“It’s just-” JJ’s voice slipped into the conversation, with her words slightly coated with maternal concern. “Have you ever seen him sick before?”

She carded her hand through her friend’s slightly tangled hair, wishing she could do something about the shaking taking over his curled up frame…

“Hets’ch! He’ishh!”

Their friend’s soft but desperate sneezes silenced them all, watching the young agent as he jerked into himself, pale hands twitching to move to cover, but not having the energy to after all. Spence hadn’t’ even woken up…

“I mean…” JJ’s voice reclaimed the air in the room. “…have you ever even heard him sneeze?”



Spencer’s voice was tentative and weighed down by his five years. The child pressed his palm against the door that divided him and his mother.

He pressed his mouth to the door, hoping his next words would maybe sound clearer that way…

“Mama, it’s time for your bed…time to read again!”

He suddenly drew back and his tiny hand flew to his face, pinching a sneeze away and…


His nose was sore and he felt lightning in his head, but he wouldn’t claim this storm…

“Mama, I’m not infected anymore, I promise! Please!”

“I don’t want the government to take you away. One of us has to stay healthy. It’s the only way Spencer!”

“The government lives in the White House Mama! They don’t come on Christmas!”

“One more hour before I expose myself to you ok?’

The boy bit his lip as his eyes filled, sliding down to his tummy on the floor, playing with a loose thread of one of the bath towels his mother had shoved under the crack. He felt the world slip a little as he waited, actually their world…

Sometimes he wished that world would go away too.

Then he heard coughing.

His head jerked up out of slumber with the imprint of the tiles along his cheek, hating his breathing that had just refused to inhale anymore. He clawed a little at his chest that was continuing to spasm without his permission…and suddenly his lies were running down his lip and escaping through itchiness inside his nose…

“YOU promised SPENCER!”

The young child froze in horror at her accusation.

It wasn’t him, it wasn’t!

His eyes found the mirror leaning against the wall and he froze.

The boy in the mirror was the culprit. His hair was blonder than his own, his eyes were dark and wide instead of light brown, and he was a lot shorter- but clearly infected…

“You promised HENRY!”

Suddenly it was JJ’s voice through the door.

His godson was crying and coughing- a horrible mix that equated to the penalty of separation: no more pigs flying on nightgowns, no more heavy books in his lap to read out loud, no more putting his ear against his mother’s chest so he could fall into her pulse…

Spencer opened his mouth to save the child, to warn him- to let him know that JJ’s voice was going to go away and leave him there to save herself-

So stop coughing Henry, you’ll give it away!

“Don’t Henry! DON”T!!”

But it was Spencer that woke to JJ, and it was Henry that was gone.


Next part: LOTS more SNEEZING!

Please let me know what you think! It means to world to hear from anyone!!!

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Very much so. You've been posting so fast that it just amazes me at how much you are able to get done in a short amount of time. This story is absolutely wonderful and you shouldn't believe otherwise.

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Thank you Sophie so so much for your feedback and encouragement! You made my day- I was worried no one liked this anymore....ill get some more up soon!

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Oh my gosh! Spencer and Morgan! It's just so cute! I loovee the flashbacks to Reids childhood! He's just too precious. Somehow his fear with getting sick and everyone calling him kid and genius just gives the best feels teehee.gif Also the flashbacks are wonderfully written. And all the charachters are written so perfectly. You created the perfect chemistry between Reid and his team! Please update!!!

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amazing as usual!! haha I liked how they were all watching twilight in the hotel room...it made me sad that there aren't any Twilight fics anymore!! anyways, please continue!! I'm loving this story

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I love it more and more. I was busy traveling to Europe, that's why I haven't been able to reply. But I absolutely love it

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Sophie-your words always encourage me! Thank you!

Melody~ I am so spoiled by your comments! They are so insightful and you make me feel so validated, I just am so thankful for you and every word that you say! (even critiques are a blessing from you!)

Metallicstars~ Thank you! I thought the twilight thing would be a funny reference just because Reid is so clueless when it comes to topics like that! He’s just adorable!

Too Shy~ I hope you are having a good time in Europe! Your words always encourage me! Thank you so much!

AND FINALLY!!! here you go:

Five year old Spencer Reid didn’t know what that feeling of his heart hammering meant…

He didn’t get how the other young child before him seemed so very important.

He also didn’t get why the child’s running nose and congested cough was his concern…After all, at least maybe this time HE wasn’t the infected one, the lonely one- the one not deserving of his own mother’s presence…

But he couldn’t shake his feeling of empathy for the other child before him, their knees touching as they lay by the closed door searching for some snip of air that could have been inhaled by the unavailable being on the other side of that wall.

Just some shared air…a piece of evidence that they weren’t the demise of their mothers…

But his mother’s voice had changed, and it was familiar, soft, and at the same time slightly foreign to his younger years…


And along with a sweep of relief something just its opposite slashed across Spencer’s vision; his panic had not left and his heart still ached…

Especially as he watched this other child start to cough and sniffle-


His own voice woke the agent up but he still could hear the voice from his dream.

He wanted to slide into her voice but his own was claiming up the rest of the space between them. He yelled for his godson, coughing from the surge of energy that had thrown him and his frame out of sleep and up and over JJ’s lap.

The sharp blue of her eyes was mottled with the white of her shirt and the stitching was a gold threading along her jeans; every reflex of Spencer’s was fast and dependent on surviving and defending the war of his young reality blending with the present.

“Spence, Hey! HEY! Henry’s fine, he’s fine love- it was a dream!”

Finally the frantic movements of his eyes slowed, pools of honey brown widening as he read her face intently, stammering through a mix of hope and doubt…

The young genius’s last words slipped through the tangled veil of hair that had fallen across his face: “I promise you he’s not infected.”

JJ frowned at the figure curled into her side, his upper frame hunched over her lap. It was finally then that her eyes made contact the rest of the faces in the dim hotel room. Their friend’s flare up had extinguished their level of calm…his chaos was all still burning- in scattered torch-like blazes along the hotel floor.


Everything was still hot as fire.

“Ac’KSH! Ac’Kshhiew!

The sneezes ripped from his throat in a frantic fashion and the young agent’s pale hands rushed to cover his face.

Even his breath against his skin was too hot…

He forgot to hear as he shoved his red cardigan off the cliffs of his shoulders and ripping his arms from the sleeves wildly; his fingers fumbled at the neck of his shirt but they were utterly useless and had reached the highest form energy his body had left.

Some hands cuffed his wrists and Spencer’s hands relented to the force pulling them down before gently releasing them into his lap.

Then there were another pair of hands, daintier and more precise, freeing the fabric of his shirt around the neck- but soon even those hands were making it worse, and he realized he was sweating.

“Hh’KSHH!, Hih’KSHieww!

He jerked to the side, burying his nose into his elbow.

“Bless you Spence.”

He wanted to thank her, but his guilt was hot too and it slid from his mouth in the form of words:

“You don’t want to touch me.”

His words were broken, and the mother in her was already whispering to the shivering figure that he wasn’t going to get rid of her so easy…

“Do you guys need anything?”

He heard Emily somewhere over his shoulder but he sneezed again so suddenly and with a harshness he hadn’t had before; he didn’t hear Hotch’s response- or maybe Morgan’s…or Rossi’s….

“Too hot…”

He mumbled as his fingers grasped for the phantom fabric the color of his own skin to tear out of but a firm grip pulled them away before returning their touch under his knees and along the small of his back.

He was being lifted, but it was too much to fight it, and the heat was just getting worse- Spencer sniffled into Morgan’s chest before a flood of coughing fell helplessly into his friend’s shirt.

“You s- shhhh-shhouldn’t be touching me mm-morgan I’m contaminated…”

The young agent’s words were starting to slur.

Morgan couldn’t help looking down at his friend folded into his arms.

“You’re sick kid, not stupid!- you know that the Germophobe role is already taken and that’s you!”

He watched as his friend’s fever pink lips curved up slightly before falling along with his consciousness.


Please all feedback is welcomed!!!

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Oh my gosh Spencer and Morgan in this part is just too precious!! And the fact that the whole team is sitting in the room just watching him is so adorable teehee.gif And you write his lucid mind SO well. Like his dreams about Henry and how he connects that to his own childhood is literally dead on. The way he acts when he's sick is literally how he would act in the show. Can this be an episode like now :P

Edited by Melody
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Spencer didn’t process much until it was almost too late.

The water’s temperature had nothing to do with the young agent’s reaction- it was something else entirely.

Contrary to before when Reid didn’t want to be carried he found himself utterly frantic; the young agent latched around Morgan’s neck while trying to force tightening fists around the V-neck of the other agent’s shirt.

He didn’t even hear it rip.

“Kid hey! You’re ok! You’re ok! Just need to cool you down!”

But Morgan could tell that Spencer wasn’t with him anymore- despite the fact the young man was dead set on not letting go. JJ’s voice joined Morgan’s in the small bathroom but all he could felt were gloved fingers pushing him into water and the chemical smells from his old bathroom’s water filled tub…

“Please, please don’t!”

Spencer’s voice was young and strangled sounding. But it was the genius’s hands seized around Morgan and in that chaos, the older man came to a final ditch effort for his fevered friend to let go.

“Spencer do you WANT to get me sick???”

His friend’s reaction was just about immediate. His grip slackened around the older agent’s shirt collar he had anchored himself to. His fingertips vacated from around his friend’s neck landing on the cliffs of his shoulders before skimming down to yield just slightly at the man’s collarbones. From there it took the long drop off that summit- hitting the bathwater as dead weight.

And in the same fashion, the apologetic words spilling out of the young genius’s mouth were drowning him.

Getting Spencer to finally release him and accept the bath should have been victory, but Morgan knew he was paying for the comment he had used to do this; Spencer was now defeated and overflowing-

“Kid! HEY!”

Morgan caught under the young agent’s jaw shocking his friend as his words collided with silence. Wide honey brown eyes looked at him before their inevitable decision that it was better not to engage considering the vulnerability in it all.

“You, kid YOU! You’re fine, ok?”

His dark gaze had latched to Reid’s and his words locked the fact in:

“I needed to say that so you would get in the bath ok? You are NOT going to find a way to believe that you have IN ANY WAY “infected” me!”

Morgan winced inwardly at using that word:


The three syllables were drenched in guilt that obviously had been festering for at least eighteen years of his friend’s life. But the kid was just so out it; Morgan had to meet him where he was.

Five years old and infected and submerged in bleach and bathwater.


No one had been prepared for Spencer’s expulsion, especially the genius himself, rocking forward suddenly before silence tinted with sloshing water reclaimed the room again.

“Bless you kid. However, JJ’s going to take over for now, ok?”

The kid looked so young, eyes wide and slightly alarmed through matted hair and cheeks flushed with pink.

“When you fully come back to us pretty boy you’ll be thankful I wasn’t a part of the rest of this, k?”

Without thinking, Morgan reached out, gently knocking under the young man’s chin before removing himself for the vulnerable scene. The click from the door brought the young agent back to the present setting but he seemed to keep slipping to small house in Las Vegas with black and white tiles...it a worse than remembering he was clad only in his underwear…

“JJ…too hot…”

The woman perched on the side of the bath was already far too aware of that fact; Spencer was burning up as she continued to add cooler water into the tub.

No more bleach please, I don’t need it…

The smell filled his senses and he gagged before coughing roughly. He felt hands on his back, but his back was already on fire from his mother’s scrubbing…

No more, no more…

JJ saw her friend shaking his head muttering something as she took a cool washcloth and pressed it to his forehead. Water droplets mingled with her sick friend’s sweat, carrying it all away from his face as continued to murmur to him, hoping at some point the young man would hear her and not his past…

“Hi-ISHH! Hi’ISHHieww!”

The sneezes lurched his body forward with an energy he couldn’t comprehend was from him.

This was too much.

JJ closed her eyes for a moment but tears slipped through anyway at the discomfort too evident before her.

“Bless you Spence, c’mere…”

She drew the back of his head against her knees, smoothing his matted hair off his forehead and gathering the rest of his hair gently combing it with her fingers. Layers of light brown tinged with strands of blonde filtered through her fingers reminding her of Henry.

Henry had been with them more tonight than she had ever expected.

She hadn’t even realized how her child existed so much in Spencer as his godson.

Spencer’s eyes were moving fast under his eyelids and she pressed a kiss to his temple, praying that it would just go away: the fever, her fear, Spence’s past…..

Why hadn’t she noticed this sooner???

“No more bleach…”

The young genius’s plea shocked her as her palm was flooded with the overly fragrant hotel shampoo. She drew it through his hair, quickly rinsing it away but there was so much more needing to rinse away than just cheap soap…

She moved her eyes to his nose- and remember what seemed like forever ago: Spencer’s bloody nose and the red marks he had been indenting into his skin to stop his sneezes from coming…some red was still crusted from before along his nose and she used the washcloth to draw away the blood, but it didn’t last long…

“Ha-Isshh! ESHH-iew!!”

The young agent’s breath hitched on and off before finally jerking him forward again.

He’Esshhoo! Ishhhhiew! ISHHIEW!!”

The avalanche of sneezes made him dizzy: still there were flurries in his nose but the heat was unbearable…

Spencer’s hands at his face repeatedly hit the water before the sneezing died down and his eyes remained tightly shut.

“Aw bless you Spe-“


His voice tore out from deep inside him, utterly raw. Water sloshed over the sides of the tub as he wrenched from her touch.


“DON’T SAY IT!!! …. Please…

He had been found out.

But he had to try again, he HAD to- it couldn’t be over because then he’d be alone….

He just wanted Her.

Why was that So. Fucking. Hard.

“Hih-Nxgt! Nxg-shiew!


His nose hurt under his fingers pressing hard- but the damage was done. He had proved he wasn’t clean. He wasn’t right.

“Talk to me Spence.”

JJ’s voice wasn’t behind the door anymore. His mother was but-…

She kind of always was anyway.

Sometimes the bleach and scrubbing came even if his sneezes didn’t. Even if he’d swallowed his coughs…

He was always “caught” no matter what.

“I’m sick.”

His voice was hollow in the room and he started to shiver- the different temperatures made no sense- they were all chaos. And even when the tiles were black and white he was always the mix of whatever his mother saw anyway.


JJ’s fingers met the backs of his own as his hand flew to cover his face. The single sneeze wasn’t really defeat- it had always been what it was or what it wasn’t- and he was tired.

JJ was next to him now, half drenched in bathwater; a mother’s arms around his shaking frame.

JJ was there. His mother was behind the door.

Maybe that was ok.


PLEASE FEEDBACK MEANS SO MUCH!!!! Any requests for this? Let me know what you think!

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YES!!! i was so into reading this and I got so sad when there was no more.... Continue to update if you can !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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This is too perfect! Reid is just wubsmiley.gif I just love this part

hoping at some point the young man would hear her and not his past…

You just write his past so well!!! And I love how you wrote his delusions so well about his mother! Like I just finished the first season but the dynamic of his childhood and the way his mother would've treated him is so perfect tonguesmiley.gif And the fact that JJ sees her son in Reid is just so precious!! Update soon biggrin.png Also, I love the last line, when he is finally making an understanding in his subconscious about his mother finally being "behind the door!" It's just so genius!

Edited by Melody
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Does anyone have any requests involving Spencer and the other characters interacting with him? I have some ideas but I just wondered... let me know, and i'll post hopefully by tomorrow or the next day :)

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