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Until Morning- The Hobbit- Tauriel, Legolas, Lindir (M)


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One more episode from that time Tauriel and Legolas visited Rivendell. And made friends with Lindir. And the shenanigans that ensued. smile.png

Until Morning

The Hobbit

Tauriel, Legolas, Lindir (M)


The first breath of starlight curled around the room, a smoky whisper catching on the latticed window panels and shattering in a myriad of silver across the stone floor. It was so very quiet in Elrond’s halls. And yet, even the silence held a texture she couldn’t quite fathom, an older language she had yet to hear nor learn.

Her chamber was spun of steepled ceilings, carved finishes hewn thinner than mist and gilded with every comfort of gracious hospitality for which her distant kin were, not unfairly, known. The Elves of Imladris had taken great care to ensure their Mirkwood guests could want for nothing, even that which they had yet to imagine wanting for.

Most enchanting of the generosities were the collection of small bronze dishes, no wider than the palm of her hand, curved to a waxing crescent. Filled with a luminous oil, the touch of flame would see them blossom with a leafy glow for hours, rolling a deep, earthy warmth to each corner of the room. So delighted she had been with these remarkable crafts that she had left none unlit, lining several along the Maplewood bed frame, the windowsills, even the engraved shelves; surely meant for scrolls and other esteemed readings from lands afar. And, thus lulled by the peculiar fondness that came from feeling at home whilst far beyond it, Tauriel lay atop her bedcover, drifting into that half dream state from which one can often better see the world.

The moon was still low in the sky when the mattress nudged her awake. Opening a single eye, she saw him tucked beside, arms tangled up beneath his chin and knees pulled ever so slightly toward her, edges blurred in the grainy lowlight. Curling to her side to face him, she echoed his posture and sleepy smile both. Long had it been since their talk of day had sputtered and flickered to the murmurs of night. She had learnt most battles of the First Age by the candle of Legolas’s voice, and in turn had recited more of the Great Poetries than she suspected her companion had curiosity for, yet his attention never once wavered.

So fond was the memory that she had near slipped to sleep of a more mortal substance, when she felt the bedcover flinch a fraction less gently. Peering across the pillows, she saw her companion’s head bounce back from his chest, the pinch of a thumb and forefinger at the tip of his nose, mouth still softly ajar. Hovering, he had scarcely blinked before wilting to another shaky inhale, half the sneeze squashed at the back of his sinus, the rest desperately muffled into his palm.


Affectionate, she reached her fingers to brush his loosely aside, gently pressing the bridge of his nose where she saw the tickle still lingered. “Are you trying not to wake me up?”

Letting out an amused breath, he smiled back guiltily. “Indeed, failing not to wake you up. Forgive me.”

“There is time enough for sleep when I have no one to amuse me” she whispered, propping her head on the heel of her opposite palm, elbow dug into the mattress. “Perhaps I should wander down to the library and see what volumes the poets of Imladris have to offer us.”

Despite the raised eyebrow, he looked more taken with the idea than she expected, though couldn’t help a tiny wink in answer. “Well. I was having a little trouble drifting off.”

Grinning, she released her hand from his nose, giving a last playful squeeze at the shivery tip. “Knowing the company kept in these halls, I should likely be able to pass such a reflection to them directly, at breakfast tomorrow.”

Ach, please do not” he countered rather hurriedly, as sure as he was that such a thing would never come to pass. Twitching as if wishing her hand to return, she hardly had time before he whipped to the side, throwing himself against the blankets before anything else could be done.


“Blessings!” Dismayed, she made to continue with an apology, regretting teasing his nose when it still troubled him.

As if anticipating it, he made quick to answer, giving her arm a reassuring squeeze as if she were the one in need of a kind word instead. “Ah, it is no fault of yours. Perhaps something in the halls, I took a slight detour on my way here. These passageways are so very… open. I believe that is the last of it though.”

Glancing over his tunic, she swept a hand across the graze of frost at his shoulders, the moisture dissolving on her palm. “A slight detour? Indeed, you must show me the hall where it snowed between our chambers.”

Wrinkling his nose in reply, Legolas coupled it with a fond squint as she smoothed the last beaded droplets caught at his braid. “Well, la. A wrong turn leads a long way when one is seeming to take a casual evening stroll. On the upside, I can recommend some lovely garden paths through the south courtyard come morning.”

Thinking she would not so much mind to see them by starlight, she quickly disbanded the idea as he drew back from her, sheltering behind the closure of his hand. It was a graceful gesture even whilst hurried, his long fingers cautiously pressed at his cheek, palm evenly cupped below his nose.

AHhp’tschhh! Pardon.”

With a misty sniffle, his eyelids fluttered threateningly, and he raised the second hand as an added precaution.


Jolting with the subdued force of the effort, he gave a rueful glance back up, not quite trusting himself. “I am not conducting myself politely at all, please forgive me.”

“It is nothing, bless you” she murmured, opening her arm for him to muddle underneath. “Are you cold? We could make use of the quilt?”

He gave an indiscernible shake of his head, looking much settled below the weight of her elbow over his side, hand loosely slung between his shoulder blades. “Ah, no need, it is in fact quite moderate in here.”

She smiled, her worry ebbing away with the rise and fall of his chest. “It is thanks to the oil burners, cast in the thinnest bronze I have yet to see, near wound as fine as ithildin. One hardly needs a stock of candles where there is just one. Shall I replenish them?”

Legolas stared back, confusion dawning to apprehension, lurching to an answer a little quicker than she expected. “No, no- I am too comfortable, I should not wish to let you go.”

As if suddenly desiring to evidence the point, he curled somewhat closer, tucking his knees so they pressed against her own. Mystified, she acquiesced, tracing her fingertips in a series of soothing loops at his back whilst they eddied into the comfortable practice of trying to guess each other's thoughts. Too far strayed down the fjord of his eyes, she failed to notice as they watered, spilling at the banks as he wrung them shut, ducking as far into his chest as he could manage.

Huh’nghkh! Ah.. ihkghchh!

With a sympathetic rub at the curve of his spine, she twisted to her hunting overtunic draped at the bedside, dipping into the inner pocket for her handkerchief. She turned to see him sitting up, legs gathered to his side. Holding his right arm to still her, the left raised in a hapless fold, muffling an undignified gasp as he pitched toward his lap.

APTSCHHH’htchh!… Hup’tCHHh!

Taken aback, she returned a hand to his shoulder, the other offering the handkerchief somewhere beneath the spill of hair flung over his knees.

“Goodness, again, bless-”

She stopped, frowning as he did his best to relieve the wetness into the cloth, the blush at the tips of his ears not yet dissipated. With piercing recognition, her own hands flew to her face in an expression that mirrored his exactly, though for far different reasons.

“Legolas, forgive me!” she wailed, whirling from the bed before waiting to catch his response. Seizing the two nearest oil burners, she stacked them atop one another, vaulting toward the outer terrace with such speed that the remaining scalding oil doused the side of her hand. “I am so foolish!”

Leaping back inside, she near tripped on the edge of the tapestry rug as she made for the bookshelves, recovering in time to snatch another three bronze dishes before an arm caught round her waist from behind.

“Stop, stop, take more care!” he yelped, a slight note of amusement in his tone before she turned to face him, remorse welling at her eyes. Surprised, he softened, bringing the other arm round her back, his palm spread in her hair. “Truly, there is no harm, I am much recovered.”

The drenched sniffle that followed did little and less to assure her, and she buried her head against him in contrition, giving him the chance to prise the offending objects from her grasp and set them down well outside her reach.

Ach, no” he muttered, quickly smudging away the unspilled tears as if they were the cause of the problem rather than the result. “Really, it is nothing at all- except, of course, a rather amusing story for Lindir tomorrow.” He kept his sleeve ready, not quite sure what result this untried remedy would bring.

“You are ever averse to sharing embarrassing stories with Lindir!” she blurted, stumbling to a small smile in response to his own.

La, yes, but you aren’t” he laughed, pressing his cheek to her forehead. “Now please stop that, else I’ll soon be joining you, and I do not think we have enough handkerchiefs on hand. And-”

He stopped, the sniffles finally getting the better of him, trying to maintain an air of calm whilst his breath trembled to a halt, eyebrows faltering to a despairing tilt. Perhaps weighing up the merits of trying to sneeze over her shoulder, he thought better of it, swiftly releasing her to spin full around. Flicking forward, he found himself doubled at the waist, casting a hand to the adjacent bedpost to steady himself.


Quickly swiping his sleeve at his nose before turning back to face her, he looked suitably breathless and no less leaky. “See. As I said. Much recovered.”

She shook her head, managing a laugh. “I am still so very sorry though.”

Inching the corner of his mouth to a teasing smile, he deemed it safe enough to step forward and hold out both hands. “Ah, well, know you have my forgiveness then, if it helps to mend it. Always.”

Seeing the slight twinge cross her features as she placed her palms down on his own, he peered over the gleam of red where the oil had cut across her skin. Gesturing for her to remain, he removed the sculpted fruit bowl from the shelves, filling it with cool water from the urn at her bedside. Making for the terrace with far greater poise than she had shown not moments before, he pushed back the silken fabrics and disappeared to the balcony, returning to take a sprig of dried athelas from the pouch of the shoulder strap slung by his boots. With a fond tilt of his head he asked her to follow, this time pausing to hold the hangings aside.

Perched at the lofty overlook, they greeted stone arches and milky waterfalls both, answered by the chime of rushing torrents spun to depthless pools beneath. It was a harmony fuelled and changed with each fresh spurt from the icy mountains beyond, fervent and familiar at once. Sitting at the whittled shelf of the balcony, he balanced the bowl on the smooth ledge beside. Careful where his fingertips brushed, he drew her hand into the infusion, the water lapping over her wrist.

Keeping his palm submerged too, the surface settled back to a lucent oval, soon licked with burnt amber as the first stretch of sun pillowed from the distant snowcaps. Catching her eye, he gave a quiet nod. “I think this was worth staying up for.”

As the soreness slowly leached from the wound, the first song of the wrens rippled up from the valley, echoed in a soft knock within the chamber. Surprised, Tauriel shot her companion a questioning glance, only to receive a curious shrug in return. Stealing to the door, she couldn’t help looking anything but suspicious as she pulled it slightly ajar, peeking furtively through the gap.

Floundering to giggles on seeing Lindir’s quizzical stare, she widened it enough for the elf to slip through, watching his expression grow ever more incredulous as he saw Legolas peering round the terrace corner. Though still standing rather stiffly as she hastily closed the door behind him, it was not difficult to imagine he was, in fact, rather pleased to see them.

“I heard some… commotion. I thought I might assure myself that everything was alright.”

Tauriel suspected the motivation more closely aligned with not missing out on whatever such commotion could entail, but she was happy to hear it nevertheless, clipped though his tone may have seemed.

“Ah, excuse us. Ever we are too delighted by the charms of Rivendell.”

Lindir dipped his head, not anticipating the praise however well deserved. His pleasure only dampened on noticing one of the small bronze dishes on the windowsill, and he gave a delicate sniff at the lingering sage aroma.

“Forgive me- I do hope the charms of Rivendell have not at all been marred by wood moths. They usually only make an appearance in summer, and even then-” he paused, noticing several more identical dishes still aligning the bookshelf “-a single drop of lissuin oil is enough to keep them harmlessly at bay. A very potent deterrent indeed.” His eyes stopped at the last collection of dishes still at the bedside, and Tauriel wondered what discipline he was surely employing to keep his mildly perplexed frown from leaking to utter bewilderment. She concluded he was indeed well-practiced, as he finished only with a light clearing of his throat, and no further question.

Feeling a warmth bruise the tips of her ears, she started to an explanation, only to see Legolas step back into the chamber with an expression of grave seriousness.

“Oh they were, very much so. One might almost describe such a disturbance as… a plague. Certainly, something like that would never be seen in the forests of Mirkwood. Terrible.”

Mouth dropping open in horror, Lindir spun between them, completely unsure as to whether he was in jest. Tauriel gave a solemn nod, managing to hold the grim frown for a good few seconds more, before shuddering with withheld laughter as she saw Legolas attempt to subdue a grin behind a casual swipe to his nose.

Lindir gave a slow roll of his eyes, shaking his head in despair. “Somehow, I doubt the truth of it is any more reasonable than that dreadful suggestion. And, given one does not have to arm oneself with a full quiver of arrows to take a stroll through the forests of Imladris, I shall joyfully keep the moths, thank you.”

Smirking back, Legolas looked rather poised in the face of such an indisputable jibe, then carefully held up an arm in anticipation of something much less so.

“Hpt’CHH! Huh’TSCHHH! Ai…AhptTCHHu!”

“And, bless you.” Lindir was already fishing for a handkerchief in his robe before Legolas straightened, pressing it into his free hand with a concern that suggested he hoped there wasn’t something to the moth plague story after all. Quick to intervene, Tauriel ushered her increasingly congested friend back to the terrace whilst he mumbled a delayed thank you into the much-needed cloth.

The shield of the sun now rallying over the horizon, a golden army plummeted down the scores of the mountain to rise as spectre of blue fog, the astral visitors of dawn paying their due at the gates of the last house. Quiet as ever, Lindir joined them, gently arranging a generous armful of cushions on the cool stone tiles. Stirred, Legolas gave him an affable nudge at the elbow. “Bed wares on the floor? The customs of Rivendell have amended with our visit indeed.”

“And will revert at the moment of your leaving” Lindir made swift to reply, then added a chance flicker that one might almost mistake for a wink. “Though, as you have yet to learn, there is only one way to see a sunrise over Imladris, and it does, in fact, involve a few pillows on the ground.”

Needing no further encouragement, Legolas smiled broadly, sitting at the left of the arrangement whilst Tauriel took the far right. Seeing them simultaneously pat the centremost cushion, Lindir could only hope they weren’t up to something as he gingerly folded his legs between them.

“Ah. One more thing!” Tauriel sprang to her feet, bounding into the chamber and returning moments later with the woven bedcover, flinging it over the two elves before Lindir could protest nor Legolas get up to help. Tucking herself back to Lindir’s side, she saw an ever more familiar amusement start at the corners of his eyes, which even a sigh of exasperation did nothing to conceal.

“Another custom of the Woodland Elves?”

“Perhaps just a custom of… two Woodland Elves” she allowed, huddling the blanket up to her chin as Legolas did the same. “Who hope you shall grow used to it.”

Shuffling ever so slightly on the pillows, Lindir smiled, glancing from one to the other, finally yielding into the springy bundle with unexpected softness. “Strangely… I do not have to try too hard.”


Edited by TaurielRiver
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Ohhh man oh man, more elf-ness from you is never a bad thing! I may have done excited chair-wiggles upon seeing this pop up in New Content. And eee, it's more of my favorite friendlationship, I am so down. Now let me ramble!

Okay, so... as always, your intro descriptions are divine. The descriptions of Imladris are so austere and beautiful in their own right, a woodland completely different from your descriptions of the dark, twisted depths of the Greenwood. My mind is somehow calmer for reading them? Rivendell has that effect, I guess! I particularly love the notion of the silence having a "texture".

And this line...

She had learnt most battles of the First Age by the candle of Legolas’s voice, and in turn had recited more of the Great Poetries than she suspected her companion had curiosity for, yet his attention never once wavered.

So very, very sweet and speaks measures about their bond. Oh, elves...

Also, a comparatively small detail, but I also enjoy the subtle differentiation between that waking dreamstate and the sleep of a "more mortal substance", such a good comparison and choice of phrasing. And then aaaa, lazy pre-morning platonic cuddles in bed! With a side order of I'm-trying-not-to-wake-you-with-my-sneezing? You uncover my weaknesses and go straight for the kill, how dare you. (Please don't stop). Extra bonus points for careless nose-touching, like it ain't even a thing between them.

The tenderness of their interactions, though. Excuse me while I clutch my chest and make pining noises. The teasing commentary interspersed with more heartfelt words is well-balanced. Totally unrelated, also, but I have fond myself more and more inclined to use that la interjection with writing elves, and I have no idea why, except that it's cute :lol: Did you come up with that, or am I remiss in my Sindarin (the way more likely option)?

And awww Tauriel, for being such a badass captain of the guard I love those little moments where she reveals how unsure of herself she is at times. The wilting apology makes me want to hug her so tight but -- yes, good Legolas, you can do it in my stead. N'aw these two, especially with that moment of debate with "can I manage to sneeze over her shoulder gracefullyyyyeahNOPE." Pfft!

AND THEN LINDIR. Hello, new OT3. I did not see you coming from even a mile away but I'm so down for you now??? It's nice to see him have friends, even if they are tumultuous, rustic backcountry Wood Elves, haha. I love your take on his personality, rigid and formal but with that not-so-secret undercurrent of guys what shenanigans are you getting up to, I want in. Additional feels now happily simmering away for all of them scrunched up under a blanket together. Yeah, I'm... :q I'm gonna think on this for a while.

Anyway, beautiful as ever. Tha-aaank you for the brain fodder!

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Thank you for another fic so beautifully descriptive. I get totally lost in your writing. Tauriel and Legolas are such a lovely pair. I'm so amused by Legolas' continued protests, "really, the sneezing is over now, ok, maybe not." :) And the two of them teasing Lindir about a plague of moths in the room is very cute.

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This is adorable. wub.pngstretcher.gif

I love your fanfictions, your descriptions are so elegant and just asdfgghkkl.

And the relationship between these three.

P e r f e c t i o n.

I noticed you write a lot for this fandom, do you do requests?

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Garnet- Aeeei, I know I already wiggled back to you juuust a little about this, but AHA!! ninja.gifbiggrin.png I see you are off the grid and it’s now time for me to wiggle back A LOT MORE! Ooooh yes! I am applying the ‘not holding back’ rule across comments on your comments now too! Not that I needed too much coaxingtonguesmiley.gif

Eeehehe ‘friendlationship’, I need a new chapter in my Sindarin phrasebook just for your insanely adorable expressions to describe these guys! I am ever so happy for your bouncing up and down on the bed with me over touching-genuine-closeness plus awww-bestest-buddies-forever-and-ever-ness, you know I love it all!

And AWW, la! Haha, that is too lovely to hear, I am so glad! Oh no, I am totally more than likely to inventy my own elf-speaky-sounds and then skip around telling everyone it’s Sindarin! sweatdrop.gif But, phew, for once this one does have (some) grounding… but I warn you, it’s shaky, and waaay more to do with, ah, ‘Elf-culture’ than Elf-Canon!

So, in a few fun “Sindarin colloquialisms” thingys, lala is a like a funny/silly way of saying ‘haha’, or ‘that’s hilarious!’ But I haven’t yet seen it used in fiction (though I’m sure it must be, somewhere!) …Aaand because I so so enjoy the light-hearted and playful side of elves as much as the wise and majestic, I thought shortening it to just la would be a cute way of taking it down a notch and inferring “I am amused!” So YES, I mostly just adore the sound, and think aww, it kinda... suits. But noooo, your Sindarin is wonderful (write me Sindarin forever! :x)

Lindir Lindir Lindir, ah yes, I see we share the same affection for side characters who totally need more cuddles and blankets (and miiight just utterly and absolutely wish to be dragged along for ALL THE ADVENTURES despite some polite protesting! Y’know… appearances yo!) So YAY, so happeee you like the dorky-trifector that is going on here… so I can not-so-secretly write you another one! 8>

And ohhh, such beautiful compliments from you, as if that isn’t the best thing ever and always… ><

scw- It makes me so happy to hear you enjoyed it, and the style/pairing! Aaand… the goofy situation, haha! Poor Lego, I love him too much for his own good I think! Thank you very much for your lovely comments, I really appreciate it! yay.gifheart.gif

Thrandy- Awww, you are too kind, thank you so much! wub.png

Ahaha, yes, this is perhaps the tip of the iceberg when it comes to me and this fandom…. *gulp* heh.gif And I absolutely love talking/flailing about it! I can’t promise anything when it comes to requests, only because it tends to depend on what inspiration strikes and when! But of course, you are more than welcome to tell me what you like, in case something pops into my mind one day! <3

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I do hope you continue with these three ^_^

I was merely going to ask if you could include a Lindir sneeze somewhere? wub.png

He's so cute. They all are. Aw, feeeeeels.


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I was merely going to ask if you could include a Lindir sneeze somewhere? wub.png

He's so cute. They all are. Aw, feeeeeels.


Aaaa you are too sweet. <3


Oh we are so on the same page about Lindir-feels! I SHALL SAY NO MORE. tonguesmiley.gif

You really make these characters come alive on paper. It was a joy to read.

Aww, it is always lovely to hear you enjoyed, thank youu and I appreciate it!

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I was merely going to ask if you could include a Lindir sneeze somewhere? wub.png

He's so cute. They all are. Aw, feeeeeels.


Aaaa you are too sweet. <3


Oh we are so on the same page about Lindir-feels! I SHALL SAY NO MORE. tonguesmiley.gif

You really make these characters come alive on paper. It was a joy to read.

Aww, it is always lovely to hear you enjoyed, thank youu and I appreciate it!

After reading Garnet's fic about Lindir, I've been totally in love. N'aw.

And the way you write him is perfect. Don't stop.worshippy.gif

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Bahaha, I second that I'ma-need-some-Lindir-sneeze, if it helps light the fire under your ass :D MORE OF THESE THREE. MORE I SAY.

(And whoever else you choose to write, as always, AAAA guess who needs to watch HACF's premiere)

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After reading Garnet's fic about Lindir, I've been totally in love. N'aw.

And the way you write him is perfect. Don't stop.

Yessss yess, mooore love for Garnet, I am totally going to barge in and second the hugs because GARNET YOU STARTED IT (and now I can’t stop! :3 heart.gif)

Bahaha, I second that I'ma-need-some-Lindir-sneeze, if it helps light the fire under your ass biggrin.png MORE OF THESE THREE. MORE I SAY.

(And whoever else you choose to write, as always, AAAA guess who needs to watch HACF's premiere)

OH YOU KNOW IT! yay.gifbiggrin.png

Ahahaha, ohhh man 10 hours to go and I AM WEARING MY HIGH WAISTED JEANS AND WALKMAN ALREADY!! w00t.gif

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