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Jemma Sniffles, Agent of SHIELD! (F/F) Skimmons


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Fitz sidesteps as Jemma exhaustedly sneezes "ptCHIEW!" into her hands. He shoots her a glance that she's too teary to return, not quite recovered from the last sneeze and falling to another.

"hehtshKOUM! ehKITshee!"

Jemma sniffled from her last sneeze; her felt now felt less leaden, but her nose was running uncontrollably. Through her watery eyes, Jemma didn't notice Skye and May's return to the scene.

"Holy shit, Jem!"

"Simmons. What's wrong with you."

These comments came at the same time; however, which much varying degrees of inflection.

Skye quickly entered protective girlfriend mode, and began fussing over Jemma. May looked to Fitz for an answer.

"The toxid-"

(Okay, I know it's totally thrown together and quick buuut...hella open for edits, suggestions, and critique!)

Also-what should the cause of the sneezing be? Comment below with what you think!

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Oh hell yeah you should continue!!! I love that show and the Skimmons pairing is adorable! I think that the reason for Jemma's sneezes should be that she caught a cold (surprise surprise, I know), maybe as a result of a failing lab experiment (she is a biologist after all). That will enable Sky to get into full "protective girlfriend mode" as you've so elegantly put it and maybe (hopefully) catch it herself and allow Jemma her fair share of caretaking :). That's my opinion anyway. I'll keep an eye out for this story.

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Really must get into Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D - so many good series to watch, so little time...

Hopefully you will have some more for us soon...? As a big fan of allergic sneezing, you can't go far wrong with a pollen allergy :D

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There's more, right?

Yes, yes, of course! I was just hoping for suggestions/criticism/guidance on where to go with this!

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I JUST realized something; yall, I am SO sorry about switching tenses!!! I'll edit all to either past or present tense once I can, on my computer. Best with me please; thanks!

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Oh! Can I offer a bribe? 3:)

Why, please do!

Well, remember that lovely suggestion you had regarding a continuation for my last story? If you accept my suggestion above, I'll be willing to wright it in return. How does that sound? ;)

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  • 7 months later...

Yes yes, terribly late update and all that; please don't be horribly mad at me...at least not before reading this. After that, feel free!



Jemma blushed as she lowered her hand. However, no one else at the table seemed to notice. All were bantering or pondering whilst eating, as usual. All except for Skye.

"Bless you, sweetheart."

She leaned in and pressed a quick, mischievous kiss to the upper back of Simmons' head-who, in turn, pretended not to have jumped at the other girl's arrival. Jemma smiled all the same.

"Thank you, Skye."

Not five minutes after giving herself mental kudos for keeping her congestion unnoticeable, she began to sniffle as she made her way to exit the room.

*snlf. snufm. snfref*

Skye fell in line, walking next to Jemma, which didn't fail to please nor startle the girl.

"Hey, Jems."

Skye beamed over at her-Jemma felt her heart race. The way she was looking at her; so happy, so enamored-it was all so much to process. Jemma had experienced very few truly passionate relationshi-

The analysis of why exactly she felt so overwhelmed was interrupted when Jemma tripped over a slight step on the plated metal floors, and bumping into the hand railing-so much for helping stay balanced, Jemma thought scornfully. She glared at the offending chrome and tried to ignore the pounding in her head and ankle.

Chuckles sounded above her head. Typically, this would annoy her, but given the circumstances, it simply diffused a bit of the tension Jemma felt. Right. Stop overthinking Jemma: you're alright, just a bit absentminded. Of course, this didn't stop her from looking up at Skye with a pout. Skye curled one mouth around her mouth to futilely mask her amusement, and held the other out to Jemma, who took it, clearing her throat as she stood up.

Jemma purposely looked away from her giggling gal-pal* to attempt an indignant sniff. Immediately after, however, she began to regret it as she felt her nose begin to itch. She stomped away in what hoped looked indignation, as she desperately attempted to escape before sneezing.

"Aw, baby, come back! I was just kidding-"

Jemma faltered, giving Skye the opportunity to jog to her and throw an arm around her waist, effectively trapping her. Oh, bollocks. She tried to wiggle away, but Skye just pulled her closer.

"You oka-"

etHUTSCH! ESTTSCH! eeehh-eetSHIEW!!!

Jemma attempted to stifle the first two into her left shoulder, away from Skye, but the last escaped before she could help it, squeaking out of her as she jerked out of her embrace.

She blushed aggressively, lowering her head as Skye came to her front. Expecting some sort of condolences or another one of those heart-racing looks, Jemma squeezed her eyes shut out of embarrassment and apprehension. However, she heard nothing.

Instead, she felt a soft kiss pressed on the tip of her nose.

*other considerations include, but are not limited to, Bemused Bae, Humored Honey, Laughing Lover, Snickering Sweetheart...etc.

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