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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Lights,Camera,Action!(SPN RPF, Misha Collins)


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Author notes: Hi! I`ve uh recently gone deeper into my obsession of Misha Collins and I thought there was a lack of him sneezing so I am going to try writing something, of course ownership of Misha Collins, the Supernatural cast and the show Supernatural do not belong to me(unfortunately). Please enjoy!

Author: Ellie

Fandom: Supernatural (cast)

Characters: Misha Collins, Jensen Ackles and Jared Padelecki

Setting: The Supernatural cast are filming scenes and Jared unknowingly wears cologne that Misha is allergic to. Misha is clueless to this.

Other: variations of Misha will be written as MishMish or Mish


Chapter 1: And Action!


Castiel`s voice was Misha`s burden on normal days but today he was feeling unusual. He cleared his throat as he sat beside Jared in the impala, waiting patiently for the director to yell ``Action``. The director yelled ``Action! `` And Jared started saying his lines, slipping deeply into his character Sam. ``Castiel, you`re helping me on this case in New Jersey. Some reports of dog like creatures in the forest that have killed many. We are going to talk to forest rangers and you are going to do exactly as I say or Dean will get pissed``

. Misha opened his mouth to say his lines but was caught by a surprising urge to sneeze as the giant man had leaned closer to him ``HCHNXCHEWW hchnx`t hcnxchiew`` . Misha had sneezed uncovered, a bit on Jared and the director yelled ``cut! ``. Misha apologized ``Sorry, excuse be. `` And blushed. Jared, with a hand on Misha`s back in a kind gesture, said ``It`s okay buddy, gsundeiht``.

The director yelled ``Take five everyone, Mish please go see the makeup artist``. Jared went to find Jensen, with the intention of pranking MishMish.

Meanwhile, Mish had gone to the makeup room and was greeted with the newest addition to the makeup crew. A tall petite blonde with green eyes looked up at him when he came in and said ``Hi, I’m Amelia. Please take a seat Mister Collins``. Misha did as he was told and said ``Just call me Misha dear, I feel weirdly awful and also guilty for ruiding a scede with by sdeezing. Stupid body functions. ``. Amelia giggled and said ``Misha, please blow your nose I can barely understand a word you`re saying then I’ll fix your makeup and you should be good to go``. The raven haired man blushed and plucked a few tissues from the box in front of him and turned away to politely blow his nose then threw it in the bin. The blonde re-applied the blue eyed man`s makeup then he left once she was done.

``Action! Take two`` the director yelled as Mish and Jared were in the same places as before. Jared said his lines again then Misha said, as his celestial self, ``okay, I shall do my best`` his voice cracking a bit more than usual. Jared tried not to break out of character to say his lines back but was interrupted by wet sneezes ``kishhh kishhh kishhh kishhh kishhhh`` coming from Misha, directed into his fist. The director yelled ```Cut! `` And Misha stuttered out ``s-sorry I don’t do what’s wrong with be`` and hid his face in his palms.

Jared rubbed Misha`s back again, trying to calm him down and brought him to his chest. Jared pet Misha`s hair gently then felt wet sneezes on his flannel ``KISHHHH HURSHHHH HURSSSSH HURSSHHHHHHH``. Jared frowned and said ``Bless ya, MishMish. It’s okay, I don’t mind. Jensen gets me sick all the time, he’s gross`` in a playful tone.

Misha groaned and said ``by dose wont stob tickling and by eyes are itchy and my *wheeze* throat is killing be`` which came out in a raspy tone. ``Sounds like allergies`` the gigantic man said then added ``Are you allergic to anything? ``. Mish said ``uhm`b som`b colodes. `` . Jared could barely understand the smaller man but when he finally deciphered what he was saying, he pushed Mish off him gently then said ``Uh I’m wearing new cologne Misha, I`ll go shower and make sure to throw it out. I`m terribly sorry`` then walked away and sprinted to his trailer.


Notes: Enjoy! Feedback is appreciated.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I thought this was wonderful! Who can resist sneezy Misha? I like how you referred to Cas' voice being his curse as he has said before. And this line was funny: "

Just call me Misha dear, I feel weirdly awful and also guilty for ruiding a scede with by sdeezing. Stupid body functions. "


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  • 3 years later...

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