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The Sneeze of Doom Mini Game (Mario Party)


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The game of Mario Party had just begun. It seemed like nothing would go wrong at first. Mario was selected to go first, then Peach, Yoshi and finally Luigi. The first three players rolled the dice and went in this order.

1. Mario rolled a 3 and landed on a blue space, adding 3 coins to the ten he already had.

2. Peach rolled a 4 and stepped on a Question (?) Space, where she got a free item after a mini-event: a Mushroom.

3. Yoshi rolled a 10 and passed the star space, but was denied a star because he didn't have enough coins, and landed on a red space, taking 3 coins from the ten he had.

But that was nothing compared to what happened to Luigi.

Basically, he rolled a 7 only to land on a Bowser space. Then, the entire board grew dark. Luigi looked around in curiosity. Then he screamed in fear when he heard some evil laughter. Everyone hoped that, like most of the times someone stepped on the Bowser Space, a Koopa Kid (a younger version of Bowser) would come down instead, take Luigi's coins and then leave. That was always better than Bowser.

Instead, unfortunately, the real Bowser came falling down, right on top of Luigi and laughed evilly. "It's time for a Bowser Mini-Game!" said Bowser.

Everyone was in fear. What would the Mini-Game be this time? Darts of Doom? Fruits of Doom? Balloon of Doom? Something different? Everyone knew that this was going to be painful. Whenever there was a Bowser game, one of them would get burned at the end. It didn't matter what they did; he took every minor accident completely seriously and punished them by blowing fire at them, leaving them charred black. The players feared when that happened, but it still did happen.

The Mini-Game began like any Bowser Mini-Game. Bowser sat on his throne of evil, accompanied by two of those Koopa Kids. "Ha ha ha! Welcome! The Mini-Game this time is... SNEEZE OF DOOM!!!"

As Bowser said that, lightning bolts flashed and thunder roared. A large, red button appeared on the table just in front of Bowser. Meanwhile, Mario and his friends stood several inches from Bowser, and Mario didn't know what he meant. Just how would a sneeze be considered one of doom? He assumed it was a joke, but then Luigi asked, "Mario, what's that right above us?"

He pointed upward. The players looked up. They saw a large, gray lid with at least 50 holes inside. They were all confused at first, but they remembered the title of the Mini Game. Sneeze of Doom. If this Mini-Game involved a sneeze, then this was a giant, upside-down pepper shaker aimed right under them.

"That's a giant pepper shaker, you idiots!" Bowser told them, and everyone else gasped.

"I was just about to guess that," Mario said.

"Giant... pepper shaker?" Luigi questioned in concern. "Oh, no... you can't be serious!"

"Not that! Anything but that!" Yoshi said. He tried to run away from the situation, but he couldn't. He and the others (minus Bowser and his minions) were chained to the ground by the ankles so that none of them could escape. They gasped again, but not as dramatically as before.

"Nice try, ya chumps!" Bowser said.

"Want to hear the rules?" asked the Koopa Kid on the right.

Not having played this Mini-Game before, Mario nodded in acceptance.

"All right, listen up, weaklings!" the Koopa Kid on the right said. "I'm gonna explain the rules here!"

"So no snoozing!" warned the Koopa Kid on the left.

"You see that giant pepper shaker above you? Master Bowser's going to use it to make you sneeze!"

"You know, just like on TV!"

"When he presses the button in front of him, he'll pour pepper all over you. You'll have to sneeze, but the hard part is that you've all got to stop your sneeze!"

"Also just like on TV!"

"Inhaling? You'll have to stop it manually with that index finger or hand of yours!"

"Ah... Ah... get that hand over there, and fast!"

"But if no one sneezes after 60 seconds have passed..."

"We seriously don’t want that!"

"Master Bowser will pour more pepper on you and restart the time!"

"Yeah, it could go on forever!"

"And most importantly, if one of you sneezes at all..."

"Yes! I've been waiting for this part!"

"The first one who sneezed shall be TORCHED!!"

"It'll feel way worse than the pepper up your nose, mark my words!"

The players were now real nervous about this. None of them had ever sneezed from pepper before. They remembered how Bowser could never accept an apology, so they knew why this was called Sneeze of Doom.

"You can't do this to us!" Peach said, putting a hand over her nose in resistance. "I don't want to sneeze!"

"You're gonna have to," Bowser said. "What's more important? A sneeze, or your lives?"

"Our lives!" all of the players said at almost the same time.

"Then don't sneeze, or else," Bowser warned.

"How hard can it be?" Mario asked.

"How hard can it be? Ha! We'll see about that!"

To answer the question he was waiting for, Bowser hit the button hard. Immediately, the pepper shaker activated and rained streams of pepper on all four of the players. They were disgusted and started coughing a little from the pepper, but couldn't do anything about it. Within a few minutes, however, as fast as the pepper's effect settled in, it left pretty quickly. Unluckily, a new effect settled in soon after: the urge to sneeze.

That was when they heard it. "Start!" the narrator said. A timer appeared and counted down. 60, 59...

Going back to the sneezing. Mario was the first to get that feeling. A good amount of pepper found its way into his nose and spawned a sneeze before sending it out to beat him down.

"Haah... ahhh...!" Mario began to inhale and put his right forefinger under his nose so he would try stopping the sneeze. It wasn't much help, though, because there was pepper on his hand along with the rest of his body. Thus, the urge to sneeze only grew.

The other players fell victim to the pepper, too, and started to sneeze, but knew they had to fight back. Like Mario was, Luigi put a finger under his nose; Yoshi grabbed and held his large snout; and Peach prepared to sneeze into her hand. They were all inhaling repeatedly (much more than explained, really) and at different times. "Ahhh... haaah... ahhhh..."

Seeing that Peach wasn't even trying to stop her sneeze (though she was still trying to), Bowser struggled not to laugh. "Does she WANT to sneeze? Does she WANT me to burn her to a crisp? Ha! I have never seen a weaker princess," Bowser thought. "She's definitely going to lose!"

The inhales continued as the timer continued, halfway up. It was going past 0:30 at this point. The players continued to fight their sneezes, but they didn't stand much of a chance.

"Ahhhhhhh... Haaaaaaaaah... Ahhhhhhhhh... Ahhhhhhhhhhh..."

Just when it seemed like they would explode at the same time, the timer expired. "Finish!" the narrator said. Her voice distracted everybody from their sneezes, which suddenly died. They all sighed with relief; Bowser, on the other hand, definitely didn't react well to that.

"What?! That must have been too easy, huh? I'll take care of that!"

He pressed the button again, and more pepper came falling onto the players, bringing their sneezes back to life and starting the timer all over again. "Start!" the narrator said.

Due to having held back the sneeze slightly longer than the others, Mario ended up being the first to sneeze.

"Haaaaaaaah-CHOOOOOO!! AHHH-CHOOOOO! Hahhh... ahhh... CHOOOO!"

The other players gasped, distracted by Mario's triple-sneeze, which then turned into a full-blown sneezing fit.

"I... AHHH-CHOOOO! CHOOOO! AHHH-CHOOOO! Haaaaah... CHOOOOO!" Trying to speak, but failing, Mario continued to sneeze for several seconds. He tried to hold back the last sneeze, but immediately lost.

The players looked at him sympathetically, having forgotten about their own sneezes only to let them out immediately afterward. While Peach only sneezed twice, Luigi sneezed three times, and Yoshi sneezed twice.

"Finish!" the narrator said.

Bowser was fiendishly happy that they all ended up sneezing, but a bit angered that Peach didn't sneeze first. But since Mario was his worst enemy, he was more than happy to do what he did best. Mario briefly rubbed his nose on his forefinger and looked over at Bowser in embarrassment.

"Sorry..." he tried to say, but Bowser didn't look or sound like he forgave him.

"GESUNDHEIT, CHUMP!" Bowser said. The other players ran out of the scene as Bowser took a large inhale and blew a mile of fire right at Mario, who could do nothing but scream in pain. If you were playing this right now, you'd be either shocked, sad or both as Mario, completely blackened, looked over at you and blinked, and Bowser laughed evilly.

The Mini-Game ended, and back at the board, Bowser laughed evilly once more and took all of Mario's coins. Then he jumped off Luigi and the regular Mini-Game began. The players couldn't believe what had happened, but they all decided to just forget it ever happened. They agreed that Sneeze of Doom was one of those Mini-Games that they would refrain from playing.

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I loved this soo much! Poor Mario...


Edited by Luigi the Magical Kitsune
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