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Duly Noted - Avengers


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Title: Duly Noted

Fandom: MCU/Avengers

Characters: All of the Avengers really, no dialogue from Thor though.

Disclaimer: I don't own (God knows what would happen if I did) or make $ from the characters, plot lines, etc.

A/N: Title sucks, sorry. This was supposed to be a drabble but ended up being longer than expected so here’s a one-shot. A:AoU lullaby idea used.

Steve watched as the red and gold streak in the sky, staggered suddenly before continuing on course. Looking to the rest of the team, he began giving them orders.

“Barton, take care of the the hostiles on the ground. Romanoff...”

He trailed off, seeing Natasha was already handling something on her own.

“Stark! How’s the weather up there?”

“Clear, sunny skies here--” Steve tapped the comm in his ear as the sound cut out. “Tony? Hello?”

“Sorry Rogers, I’ll keep the airspace clear,” Tony said hurriedly before cutting communication. Steve looked at Thor in bewilderment, who merely shrugged before whipping his hammer around like a propeller and taking off. Tony took down a band of Hydra agents, with a shot from his hand repulsors.

"Jarvis, cut communica--" Tony paused, feeling the itch in his sinuses return. He’d been sneezing and sniffling since he woke up that morning.


He tried to wriggle his nose to alleviate the itch.

"Hnn..heh'TZZCH! Huetschhu! Ugh..." Tony groaned, sneezing in the suit was not a pleasant experience. It was also becoming increasingly warm inside the suit.

"J, remind me to redo the air conditioning in here and re-open comms."

Duly noted, sir. Agent Barton is trying to reach you.

"Stark, you've got a bogey on your tail," Barton's voice came blaring through causing Tony's already throbbing head to pound even more.

"G-gotcha..." Clint tapped his earpiece in confusion as communications seemed to have dropped.

"Hey, Tony! You there?"

"--yeah. T-thanks Legolas."

Tony cut communications once more, veering off.

Meanwhile, on the ground Steve and Natasha had taken out all the Hydra soldiers and overtaken the compound.

"Nat and I have secured the compound, how’s everyone else handling things?”

“Stark and I have taken out all the aerial hostiles, although I don’t know what happened to him. Seems like his comms are down.”

Steve turned to Nat, “We could use a lullaby right now.”

Taking the cue, Natasha went off to find Bruce. Tony made a loop, double-checking the skies for any lingering soldiers. He sniffled, feeling the familiar itch return. Damn this suit; what he wouldn’t give to be at the Avengers Tower right now.


“Tony!” Steve’s voice rang through, slightly annoyed.

“Jarvis, I thought I told you to stop communications.”

Sorry sir, Captain Rogers insisted that I put him through.

“Everything, fine and--K’hehISST! Hah’iKSSSH!” This time, everyone heard him.

“Doesn’t sound fine to me--” Steve said suspiciously.

“I’ll meet you guys back at the tower,” Tony cut him short before shooting off back to New York.


Tony collapsed into the couch, relieved that no one was around to hear him sniffling and sneezing anymore. He fixed himself a drink before knocking out. The rest of the team return to see Tony sprawled over the couch, snoring congestedly. Natasha rolled her eyes, while Bruce approached Tony checking his pulse and forehead.

“He’s out but he seems to be running a pretty high fever. I’m going to need a cool damp towel.”

“No wonder he was so snappy,” Clint muttered under his breath.

Tony woke to find himself surrounded by his teammates and Pepper, who breathed a sigh of relief upon seeing his eyes open. Bruce handed him a bottle of pills and a glass of water.

“You can’t self-medicate the flu with a bottle of scotch. Pseudoepinephrine will probably work better.”

Steve placed a bottle of honey on the bedside table.

“This stuff works wonders.”

Tony’s eyelids suddenly fluttered and his chest began to rise and fall quickly.

“hh...heh’TNNCCT! Hahhkshhh!”

Everyone murmured blessings, while Tony tried to clear his blocked sinuses. He nodded gratefully at everyone.

“Sorry for being short with all of you. It’s hard keeping my head level when--”

Clint shook his head, “We get it, no hard feelings Stark. Next time though, you should let us know if you’re not feeling well.”

“Duly noted.”

Edited by sapphiremint
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*giggles happily* This is wonderful. I am loving the increase in Avengers stories since AOU came out, and I think that this one seals the deal. :)

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Oooohhh this is so cute!! Poor Tony, although I'm not complaining haha! :) Steve is my fav him being "slightly annoyed" made me smile like mad :P Thanks for writing, continue maybe? If you feel like it?

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I am so happy this exists. Thank you so much for bringing this into existence. :D Tony Stark sneezing while inside the suit has been a daydream of mine for a very long time and I just loved how this story played out. And the characterisation. The bit where Natasha rolled her eyes made me laugh because I can see that so vividly in my mind. Seriously, really great work.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Aw, Tony :-) I love that JARVIS overrides Tony's order because Cap insisted (and then Tony's too sneezy to protest properly anyway).

And Barton being called Legolas will never not be funny *G* Great fic!

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