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I always feel so awkward when I use up all my tags >.<

Aaaanyway, Age of Ultron got me inspired, and just... Team feels. Science Bro feels. Bleargh.

This is gonna be an Avengers (primarily Science Bros, with some Clintasha brotp and miscellaneous team feels thrown in for good measure) fic of unknown length. Here's part one and here's hoping I actually follow through and don't abandon this! Unlike everything else I write, apparently!


Part One

"So, the thing'll be vibranium-reenforced, obviously, and--are you ignoring me again? Rude."

Tony watched in a mixture of amusement and exasperation as Bruce jerked up, blinking at him in mild confusion. Tony slowly smirked as Bruce tried to put together some response.

"Uh, no, I-I was just, ah..." Tony's smirk evolved into a grin of the shit-eating variety as his lab-partner stammered. Finally, Bruce sighed. "Okay, yeah. Falling asleep a bit."

"Uh huh." Tony's voice was smugness incarnate and it made Bruce sigh in resigned exasperation. "So, snoozing while I regale you with trials of terrorists and fire people and childhood nannies? Understandable. But when we're discussing VERONICA--a good portion of which is your design, I might add--"

"I know, I'm sorry." Bruce muttered, sniffing as he refocused on the holographic designs for the shuttle. "Wh-where were we again?"

Tony gives him a skeptical look before returning to the schematics. "So, the vibranium isn't all that heavy, luckily for us, so it'll be easier to get into the air, but we still need to account for the Hulkbuster's weight, not to mention the spare parts. I won't really know until the thing's done and ready, and that might be a while, what with HYDRA running us ragged..."

Tony glanced back at Bruce who was--surprise!--dozing off on his feet again.

"Maybe literally." He muttered to himself, smirking. All of them were tired, what with the regular attacks on HYDRA bases, but the frequent transformations did seem to be taking it out of his friend a bit more than the others. Tony was used to working on a combination of caffeine and manic energy, and even he had to admit to needing sleep a bit more often with all the Avenging he'd been putting in.

Bruce often had that sleepless-science-three-days-in-a-row complex, too, but the physical strain from the transformations was a bit more intense than that placed on any other member of the team. The moment they figured out Natasha had a knack for Hulk-wrangling (or "lullabies" as the less-fun minds on the team insisted on calling it) Steve had been incorporating the Hulk into their missions as often as possible; something about building team trust, and the obvious bonus of a much-needed heavy hitter. But even with Hulk's willingness to both not kill his fellow Avengers, and to calm down when Natasha asked him to, Bruce was concerned. More transformations mean higher chances of incidents. Incidents meant casualties. He wanted a contingency plan, and trusted Tony to help with that plan. Thus, VERONICA and the Hulkbuster Unit.

Despite Bruce's doubts, Hulk had saved his fair share of missions during these past few months; and Bruce seemed to be paying the price for their success.

Tony bit his lip, having an internal struggle between amusement and concern as he observed his dead-on-his-feet lab partner. He'd have to talk to Steve about Code-Green frequency...

"Y'know what, screw it." Concern finally won out, leading Tony to disperse the schematics with a wave of his hand as Bruce jerked awake again, blinking and sniffing. "Nap time for you, big guy." Tony provided at Bruce's confused look.

"No, I'm fine, really-hah..." He tried to protest, but cut off with a shuddery breath. He brought his hands up to his face as it crumpled in anticipation, before--"iiSHHCH... eeEESHHCH..."

Tony raised a skeptical eyebrow as Bruce sniffled in the aftermath, looking sheepish. "Yeah. Nap time."

"For both of you." A voice from the lab doorway called sternly. Tony winced and turned to see Pepper standing there, giving them both her deluxe 'do-not-screw-with-me-right-now' glare.

"But I'm okay! He's the one falling asleep in the middle of fascinating, technical, very important discussions!" Tony protested as Pepper walked further into the room. Behind him, Bruce winced, flushing in embarrassment as he rubbed his sniffly nose.

"And yet I haven't seen either of you for days." Pepper countered, turning Tony around and all but shoving him towards the door as Bruce followed. "When was the last time you had a meal that wasn't weeks-old takeout? No, no Tony, don't count!" She moaned as Tony made a show of counting on his fingers. "Just--bed. Both of you. Science later."

"Ja, mein Fürher." Tony muttered, throwing a wink over his shoulder at Bruce, who smirked. Pepper smacked on the shoulder and glanced apologetically behind her.

"I acknowledge that I have no jurisdiction over you, but Tony's right; you look exhausted." Pepper stated sympathetically. "Get some rest. Eat something not in danger of growing sentient mold."

"I might have to do that." Bruce admitted, sniffling again before his face slackened. He quickly turned away, clamping his hands over his face again; "ISHHuh... ESHhhuh!" He grimaced, scrubbing at his nose and sniffing. "Uh, sorry."

"Bless you." Pepper replied, frowning. Tony was giving him a suspicious look, but before he could make an either concerned or asinine comment, Pepper had thrown a "Get some rest!" over her shoulder and begun herding her boyfriend towards the elevators, and all thoughts of anything except vaguely indignant protests fled Tony's mind.

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*giggles evilly* Yes... This truly is wonderful, and I am very excited to read more of Bruce's misery. Please continue.

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hehe i love science bros :P crossing my fingers that Tony's exhaustion makes him vulnerable to Bruce's illness :evilsmiley03:

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Sooo I decided to continue right away! Because I have no patience.

Here's part two! Hope you guys like!


Part Two

A full night's rest and a meal that was significantly less likely to give him food poisoning than weeks-old takeout left Tony feeling significantly more human. He hadn't even noticed he had been feeling not human until he was well rested and well fed for the first time in weeks. Once Pepper was satisfied he wasn't going to die of malnutrition/exhaustion, he was permitted to reenter his lab and continue work on plans for the Hulkbuster.

Well, that and his side project. He hadn't been making as much progress as he'd hoped. Maybe he should get Bruce's opinion on that..

"Good morning." He greeted with half-sarcastic lightness, sparing his lab partner a glance as he brought up his schematics, before pulling a maneuver he refused to acknowledge as a double take. "Uh... Not so good morning?"

Bruce Banner looked, in a word, awful. Dark circles shadowed his eyes, his dripping nose had turned a shade of bright red, his entire demeanor was just defeated. He stood hunched over one of the work tables, squinting at the screen, and then blinking up at Tony as he belatedly noticed his friend's entrance.

"Oh, uh, hey." He greeted. His voice was hoarse and stuffy, and he turned aside to cough roughly. "I fidished those Hulkbuster desigds you wadted. Hah... ESHHchhuh!" The sneeze led to more coughs and sniffles, all muffled into his elbow. Tony looked on in concern and mild disbelief.

"Bruce. Did you disobey a direct order from Pepper?" He asked slowly, eyeing his friend carefully as Bruce turned to lean against the worktable, facing Tony. "Did you perhaps, in fact, stay up all fucking night after being explicitly ordered by Pepper to go to bed, for the sole purpose of finishing your modifications to the Hulkbuster designs?"

Bruce frowned, then turned aside to sneeze again before he could answer. "Uh. 'Scuse be... Baybe?" He shrugged like it was no big deal. "I thought you'd be glad I fidished the bodificatiods."

"Well, normally, yes, and normally I'd have stayed up all fucking night with you, but... Jesus, Bruce, you do not ignore a Pepper order. You just don't. She always issues them for a reason, and that reason is you look like shit, Banner. What the fuck."

"What, this?" Bruce asked, gesturing to his rumpled, cold-ridden form. "Do, this is dothig."

"Nothing." Tony repeated blankly. Bruce shrugged, coughing into his arm.

"Yeah, it's-hah... ESSHchuh! Ih... ICHHuh! Ugh, 'scuse be... Probably just post-tradsforbatiod stuff." He explained, pressing his knuckles against his rebellious nose.

"Uh huh." Tony stated. "I thought it looked like a cold."

"Yeah, I, uh, dod't thigk I cad actually get sick?" He tried to laugh, but it transformed into a cough, so he stopped. "Uh, gabba rays. I haved't beed sick id about dide years. Dot sidce the whole..."

"Debacle?" Tony suggested wryly. Bruce nodded.

"That's a good word. I should-hah... R-rebeber th-that--ASHHhuh! Ih-ah-ECHHhuh! Ugh, 'scuse..."

"Right. So I've seen you transform... How many times now?" Tony asked. "A lot. Many times. And the usual 'transformation stuff,' as you put it, entails sore muscles, headaches, exhaustion, and starvation. But runny nose, sneezing, and coughing? Not usually on the agenda."

Bruce shrugged again, stifling a cough in his fist. "Well, I've beed doig bore tradsforbatiods lately thad ever, so who kdows? Baybe this is dorbal."

In pure theory, the appearance of more side effects did make sense, Tony had to admit that. But this was too sudden for it to really match up. Their last mission requiring a Code-Green had been a good four days ago. Post-transformation symptoms usually more-or-less disappeared after a day, maybe two tops. No, Tony was relatively certain that wasn't the problem here, though the extra transformations certainly hadn't helped. He told Bruce as much.

His lab partner seemed to be considering the evidence (interrupted by sporadic sneezes and coughs). It wasn't as though he were actively denying illness; he honestly hadn't thought it was possible. Still, this did seem to be proving that theory wrong.

Since Bruce was still on the fence, Tony pulled his trump card of choice.

"JARVIS? What is Dr. Banner's current body temperature?" He addressed the AI, smugness evident in his voice before he even heard the answer.

"Dr. Banner's body temperature is currently three degrees above normal." JARVIS replied smoothly. He then continued, perhaps having caught on to Tony's ultimate goal. "Despite previous patterns of post-transformation fatigue, the effects of the latest transformation have not yet faded, but instead intensified, likely due to a viral infection. This infection was likely permitted entry by an immune system weakened by Dr. Banner's frequent transformations, and--"

"Okay, okay, I get it." Bruce conceded, smirking slightly. "Do deed to gang ub od be. I'll go rest."

"For realsies?" Tony insisted, glaring at his friend suspiciously.

"For realsies." Bruce promised. Tony raised an eyebrow.

"I'm sending an assassin of my own choosing to check on you in an hour." He threatened. "I would not break that promise if I were you."

Bruce looked like he was about to protest, but he broke of as his expression crumpled suddenly. "Hah-ISSchuh! Eh-ESSHuh! ASHHHuh! ICHHuh! Guh..." He kept his hands over his nose, and looked at Tony pathetically. "Well, I cad't exactly argue dow." He admitted, then bid a hasty retreat from the lab, acknowledging Tony's yelled "Feel better!" with another harsh sneeze.

"So I hear you're in the market for an assassin?"

Tony rolled his eyes, just barely kept from jumping, and turned to face Natasha, who was (of course) lurking in the corner. "Yeah. You wanna check up on him, or should we gang up on Barton?"

Natasha smirked. "I'll do it. Clint hasn't done anything to offend me today. Yet."

"Emphasis on 'yet.'" Tony confirmed. Natasha raised an eyebrow, and Tony decided it would be wise to drop the subject.

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OH MY GODDDD. I loved this so much. I don't get nearly enough science bros as I want, hahah! :P So well written too, thanks! :)

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This is very, very wonderful. I never expected to get another part that quickly, but I'm glad that I did. Keep up the good work.

Edited by Sophie83540
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This is amazing!!!! Tony and Bruce are my favorite!! XD So wonderful!! I'm dying, its so cuuute <3 AKLJSdlkjsdlalkfdjs;

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Awwww this is soooo great!! Sick banner is a cutie!! Completely in denial. Hoping for another update.

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This is so great! Oh man ever since seeing the second movie, with post-transformation Banner wrapped in a blanket and looking all sickly, I have been DYING for a sick!Banner fic. Yayyyyy! I love the science bros. You are great with their dialogue. Can't wait for the next part!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am intrigued that Bruce claims to not have been sick in nine years. It is always the ones who don't get sick often that are the least able to deal with it. sly.gif Of course, that's if he's not just denying all the times he did get sick. Both of which are pretty nice things to think about.

And Tony being such a smug so-and-so. :D This is absolutely great!

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This is so cute! I love how you have Bruce arguing that he's not sick, denying the cold, and then finally going to bed. Definitely some great mental images... =)

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Ahhh I love how in character Tony and Bruce are... Bruce denying that he's sick yeSSSS!!

This was too cute. I can't wait for the next installment.

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Awwww, science bros. I love this. For realsies. I love the 'never disobey a Pepper order' bit especially. heehee It's great watching Bruce insist he's not sick when he SO CLEARLY IS. And that red, dripping nose. Aw, Bruce.

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  • 2 weeks later...


*ahem* Welp, I'm back with another installment! Can be read as gen or Bruce/Natasha if you like! I do like Bruce/Natasha, but I know a lot of people don't, so I tried to keep it at least canon compliant and not IN YOUR FACE shippy. Anyway, here you are! I might move on to Tony next, idk.


Truth be told, Clint had just left to spend a long weekend at the farm. Natasha wasn't sure what story he'd spun to get Steve to give him shore leave (Steve was really rubbing off on her if she was thinking in military terms now) but she did know that Laura had been bugging him to get time off for a while now. The kids were getting antsy and it was Cooper's twelfth birthday in a few days, not to mention Laura's frequent implications of wanting to add to the brood, none of which Clint made any effort to refute. Natasha was more than willing to cover for her long-time partner in the name of such a good cause.

At any rate, an hour later found Natasha wandering down the hall of Bruce's floor to his bedroom, a steaming bowl of soup and OJ on a tray in her arms. Natasha smirked to herself once or twice at the domesticity of it all, but hey; stereotypes were there for a reason, right? There had to be some merit to the idea.

Balancing the tray with practiced ease on one arm, she knocked on his door. A muffled "come in" and subsequent, Star-Trekian swish of the door opening allowed her entry. The sight that greeted her did weird things to her heartstrings.

Bruce was all bundled up in bed, heavy sweats and sweatshirt making him even more bundled, a tissue box tucked neatly against his side and a nearly-full can of tissues just off the edge of the bed. His nose was red and runny, his eyes bleary and exhausted, trying to focus on a holographic screen and, by all evidence, not doing their job very well.

It took all of Natasha's self-control not to giggle (giggle, her!) when he glanced up and did a little double take, straightening out of his slouch and running a hand through his bedraggled hair, trying to make his sweats and sweatshirt look more presentable than... Well, than sweats and sweatshirts look.

"Uh, Nadasha, hi--uh, sorry, I was kidda expectig--" He stammered.

"Clint?" Natasha suggested wryly, setting down the tray on his bedside table and pulling a reading chair up closer to the bed for her to sit in. "Yeah, he just left actually. Vacation, the lucky bastard."

Bruce smirked slightly as he regained his bearings. "Right, how'd he wrangle thad ode, huh?"

"Tony's money is on sexual favors. But then, Tony's money is always on sexual favors." Natasha shrugged as Bruce pulled out a tissue.

"Hah-ISShuh! ESSHuh!" He sneezed, sniffling as he winced in embarrassment. He tried to play it off by continuing the banter as if he wasn't holding a tissue to his nose. "Well, thad's jusd Tody. Snnf, ugh... You kdow hib best, where's the sbart bodey?"

"I'd say that would be Steve losing a bet." Natasha supplied, her tone conspiratorial. She paused as Bruce sneezed again. "Or possibly a card game of some description. Clint's favorite is blackjack, if that narrows it down at all."

Bruce blew his nose gently before replying. "Yeah, I'll keeb thad id bide." He blinked as he noticed the tray. "Is... Is thad soub?"

"Thought you might be hungry." Natasha answered, shrugging again. "Orange juice, too. Good for immune systems, or so those vitamin infomercials and Jamba Juice keep telling me."

"Yeah, uh, i-id bigh--eh-ISSHhuh! ASCHuhh!" He caught them both in a fresh tissue, the previous one discarded, and blew his nose quickly. "Ugh, scuse... As I was sayig, id bight be a bid lade for thad."

"Never too late for the recovery." Natasha retorted as Bruce picked up the soup bowl, still seeming incredulous that Natasha-flipping-Romanov was breaking him chicken soup. Natasha couldn't blame him. The entire scenario did seem a little weird, now that she thought about it.

"Uh, thags. I-I bead... You really didd't have do do all this." He muttered, before taking a half-hearted bite. It seemed to hit him then that, yes, he was, in fact, hungry, because he ate with a bit more zeal after that first bite. Natasha smirked fondly.

"If by 'all this' you mean cracking open a can of soup and shoving it on the stove for ten minutes whilst emptying a carton of juice, I think the appropriate response would be 'it's nothing."

Bruce laughed, which lead to coughing, which lead to not trying to laugh anymore. "Righd. Bud still... Thags."

Natasha merely hummed as Bruce finished off the soup and juice, setting both them and the tray aside. He still looked downright exhausted, but maybe just a little less downtrodden than before. Natasha frowned inwardly. She'd have to have a chat with Steve about Code-Green frequency.

"The, uh, Other Guy isd't id ady dadger of bakig ad appearadce." Bruce muttered, glancing away. "I'd tell you if he was."

Natasha blinked. "Honestly, the thought hadn't even occurred to me." Which wasn't a total lie; she would have been more suspicious/concerned if Tony had asked for her specifically to check in on him. Since he'd specified her or Clint, he probably didn't think there was much of a Code-Green risk, and, say what you will about Tony, but he had a good sense for the big guy; both big and fun-sized versions. However, saying it hadn't even occurred to her was a bit of a stretch, and by his skeptical expression, Bruce knew it. Natasha wasn't sure how it was possible to make a sneeze sound incredulous, but Bruce managed it.

"Well, thags for cobig adyway. Ad for the food." He sensed the conversation was treading into awkward ground, and tried to waylay it before it trainwrecked. Natasha was grateful.

"You make it sound like checking in on you is a chore." She replied, gathering up the tray, though not standing up just yet. "You need anything else?"

"Uh, d-do, Ihh-ISCHHuh! Guh, I'b fide." He assured her, before frowning uncertainly. "Uh, isd't id?"

Natasha stood, sending a suggestive smirk over her shoulder as she left. "Well, saying it's a chore would imply that I get nothing out of it."

The memory of his surprised expression entertained her on the way back to the communal kitchen to deal with the dishes. Quite adorable, honestly. Such natural talent really wasn't fair to the rest of them.

Edited by SpamKey
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OMG AAaaWwwwHhhh This is so adorable and yesss :D Thank you so much for writing!! Calling Bruce's normal form "fun-sized" is really clever and cute!

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  • 1 month later...

So, let's do another, finally! I thiiiink maybe move on to Tony I guess? Yeah idk we'll see where this takes me.


Steve had not anticipated a lecture from Natasha about Code Green frequency. He listened when he got it, of course; you don't just ignore Natasha Romanov. Plus, she was raising valid points. He didn't want to push his friends/teammates to exhaustion. Hell, that was the last thing he wanted. Honestly, he'd just hoped that the more examples he could provide of the Other Guy being helpful to the team, the more comfortable Bruce would be about this whole arrangement. Perhaps he'd gotten a little too into that idea.

Steve sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose as Natasha finally deemed the lecture delivered and left him in peace in one of several living rooms. This whole team thing had been so much easier when it was with the Howling Commandos; all of them unorthodox, sure, all of them bringing something of their own to the table, but still soldiers nonetheless. Able and willing to take orders. Relatable more often than not relatable. Easier to understand.

The difficulty of leading the Avengers wasn't about to stop him, though; if anything, he was all the more determined to make this work. Steve knew it could work; he'd seen it work before. It was just a little difficult to remember that he wasn't leading soldiers anymore; he was leading an assassin, a sharpshooter, a physicist who occasionally became large and green, a roboticist with a major ego problem, and an alien prince. He had to adjust accordingly.

As if the thought of him had conjured him up out of thin air, Tony appeared in front of him with an only slightly sarcastic, stern look on his face. He looked, as ever, slightly tired, a bit of a manic light in his eyes, though still well-groomed. He had a slight red tinge to his nose, though, and his voice was slightly rough, slightly stuffy, which Steve supposed wasn't all that unexpected, seeing as the whole prompt to the recent Code Green lecture was a cold going around. As Tony made to speak, Steve held up a hand.

"Don't bother. Natasha already gave me the lecture."

Tony paused. "The Code Green one?"


"The one about not bringing out the Big Guy quite so often?"


"That lecture?"

"I think we've established that, Tony."

"Okay good."


"Because Bruce's all holed up with a monster cold right now."

"I am aware."

"Odds are this is at least, like... 40% your fault."

"I'll accept that."

"I will take at least 20% of the blame for encouraging him to stay up for days in the lab with me."

"I'd say that's fair."

"The other 40% is him being a stubborn idiot."


"Who is also a genius, but still an idiot."


"But still more or less your fault."


Tony paused for a moment, sniffling, glaring at Cap's slightly vacant expression with suspicion.

"Welp, I'm gonna go out in my Iron Man armor and re-carve the Statue of Liberty."

"True enough."

"What is it with people and ignoring me lately?"

"I hate to be the one to tell you this, Stark," Steve replied, returning from daydreaming. "But you tend to ramble on and say things you probably shouldn't say, and the only way for us to keep from being offended is to ignore a majority of what you comes out of your mouth."

"Rude. True, but rude."

Steve shrugged, then frowned. "You don't look like you're feeling so good yourself, actually."

"What?" Tony asked, diverted for a second. Steve sat up, inspecting him.

"Seriously, you look like you haven't slept in a week." He grimaced. "Have you slept in a--"

"I'll have you know I slept last night, thank you." Tony cut him off, swiping a hand under his nose. Steve, however, was not to be deterred.

"I'm serious, Tony, I think you caught whatever Bruce has."

"And I have no idea what you're on about, Stars-and-Stripes." Tony muttered despondently, sniffing, before his expression blanked. "AKKKshh!"

He turned swiftly into his elbow, and when he turned back, Steve was looking at him with his patented "Oh, really?" face. Tony hated that face. So, so much.

"One sneeze proves nothing."

"Are you sure about that 'one sneeze" thing?" Steve fired back.

"AKKchhuh!" Was Tony's response.

"Oh, I get it now."


"You honestly didn't notice, did you?"

"R-Rogers, Ihh-IKKshh! I swear to-AKKchh!"

"How do you manage day to day life on your own?"

"--To gohh-AKkshh!"

Steve just sat there, smirking as he waiting for Tony, who had given up trying to talk by now, to finish. Finally, the fit let up, leaving Tony with a sleeve to his nose and a significantly rougher, stuffier voice than before.

"Are you finished?"

"Fuckg you, Rogers. AKKSshh!" One more snuck its way out. There was a slightly awkward silence.

"So..." Steve finally began. "Are you going to go rest on your own, or do I have to get Pepper in here?"

Tony narrowed his eyes. "You wouldd'd dare."

Steve bit back his laughter, pulling out his phone. "Natasha taught me how to text, I can have her here in seconds."


"With photographic evidence--"

"Fide! I'b goigg, geez." Tony grumbled as he stormed off, one final "AKKShh!" echoing back into the room as the elevator door closed. Thor poked his head in from a side-room.

"I heard Stark enter. Is something amiss?"

Steve laughed. "No, Thor. Just a bug going around and some tactical revisions to be made."

Thor frowned. "Insects?"

"Illness." Steve corrected. Thor's expression cleared.

"Ah, yes. I did see Banner taken ill earlier today. I attempted to engage in conversation, but he was so intent on reaching his quarters, I do not believe he noticed." He recalled. "I take it Stark has fallen to this illness as well?"

"Yeah. I just hope we don't get hit with any major missions while they recover." Steve sighed, running a hand across his face. "We'll be cutting back on Code Green frequency, by the way."

Thor nodded in agreement. "I have noticed that Banner seems more exhausted of late."

"When was someone going to mention this to me if he hadn't gotten sick?" Steve asked, exasperated.

"I doubt it would have gone on for much longer without you noticing." Thor offered comfortingly. "In your defense, you have been quite occupied these past months." He frowned in concern. "You also seem rather exhausted , Captain."

Steve laughed, shaking his head slightly. "I should probably rest. I probably won't, but I probably should."

"That does not seem very wise."

"No. It's not."


WOW holy banter batman geez. I just love the idea of Steve and Tony having snark-offs. Also Thor. Just Thor in general. Very good. Yes.

Edited by SpamKey
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Aww I loved this!! Glad to see it continued haha! :D Honestly, I do love Steve/Tony snark-offs! :P

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AHHH Tony torture :heart: I too love Steve/Tony snark offs. Your Thor was amazing as well. Hope you'll be inclined to write more :hug:

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Oh, I loved that! Especially Nat's lecturing and Steve ignoring Tony, and also Steve threatening to text Pepper. Ooh! And does that ending mean Steve's going to be up next? *hopes*

Edited by myownprivatesfc
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