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Hello darlings!

Here's a new Faberry story for ya, featuring wheelchair!Quinn and an Easter theme, as promised to Koda. This takes place in the spring of S3, about a month after Quinn's accident. I think that's all you need to know. Enjoy! smile.png


Easter Sniffles

A Faberry Fic for SFF

Part 1


On Easter morning, Quinn knew before she even opened her eyes that she was coming down with a cold. The back of her throat felt raw and scratchy, her ears were all blocked up, and a stuffy tickle teased the back of her nose. She whimpered softly as she woke up, rubbing her eyes and stretching out her upper body with a woozy yawn.

“Happy Easter, angelfish,” Her girlfriend murmured in her ear, her warm breath making Quinn's skin tingle. Despite feeling sick and achy, Quinn couldn't help smiling as she opened her eyes.

“Happy Easter, starfish,” the blonde girl murmured back croakily, still sounding half-asleep as she wrapped one hand into her girlfriend's long, silky hair, and began absently running her fingers through it. Rachel sighed happily, nuzzling her face into Quinn's temple while she cuddled up to her girlfriend's limp body under the blankets. Rachel knew Quinn couldn't feel their legs twined together, so she slipped a hand over the blonde girl's flat stomach and rubbed her bellybutton in lazy circles.

They stayed that way for a few minutes, cuddling and waking up in comfortable silence; then Rachel sighed, leaned up on one elbow, and kissed Quinn lightly on the lips. “Ready to get up and have some breakfast, hmm Quinnie? Bethy will be here soon, and we can't make her late for the Easter egg hunt!”

“Uhhh...yeah,” Quinn yawned, though she wanted nothing more than to go back to sleep for several more hours. Her eyes stung with tiredness, as if she'd been awake all night, and her whole head felt heavy and stuffy; she really didn't feel very well. But, it was Easter morning...it was the first nice thing she'd had to look forward to since the accident. Plus, two-year-old Beth was coming with her adoptive dads, and Quinn was not about to miss the chance to see her baby girl, period.

“Ready to sit up?” Rachel asked gently, grabbing the little remote from the bedside table that controlled the rented hospital bed. Since Quinn had been released from the hospital three weeks ago, she'd had to use the special bed as she was unable to sit up or lie down on her own. That would come when her muscles were stronger and her injured ribs and lung were fully healed; but for now, her physical therapy was only just beginning.

“Uh-huh,” Quinn agreed sleepily, rubbing her nose absently with a soft sniffle. Rachel leaned in and kissed Quinn again as she pressed the button to raise the bed; and they traded sleepy, early morning kisses as they were slowly raised to a 45-degree angle.

“You think you're so smooth, don't you,” Quinn teased gently, a smirk spreading across her face as her body began to wake up from the power of Rachel's kisses.

“I have moves,” Rachel agreed slyly, returning the blonde girl's grin as she dropped one final kiss on Quinn's warm mouth, nibbling slightly on her lower lip before letting her go. Quinn sighed softly; then she hastily raised a hand to her face as her expression changed, covering her nose and mouth as her eyes snapped helplessly shut, and her eyebrows knit together expectantly.

“Uhh'chxshh!! *S-snfl*...” Quinn shivered a little when she sneezed, then gave a raspy cough, wiping her nose on her hand with a stuffy sniffle.

“Awww, baby, bless you,” Rachel cooed, leaning in and kissing Quinn's forehead.

“Thanks,” Quinn sniffled again, wincing as she pressed a hand automatically to her healing ribs, which throbbed when she coughed. Rachel slipped out of bed and crossed over to the makeup mirror, where a box of kleenex lay, and brought it back to her girlfriend with another kiss, this time on the cheek. Quinn took one and cupped it to her nose for a soft blow; then her expression went slack again as she leaned her head back against the pillow, eyes closed, tissue still rubbing her damp nostrils. “Hhhuh...*snfl*...hhht'iiishhu!!” Quinn sneezed again, bowing forward slightly on the bed as her weakened stomach muscles succumbed to the force of her cold-stuffed sneezing, sending another painful twinge through her damaged ribs and lung.

“God bless you, Quinnie!” Rachel exclaimed sympathetically, stroking her girlfriend's blonde hair back to feel her forehead as she sniffled wheezily and reached for another tissue. “Poor little bunny...are you catching a cold?” Her dark eyes were full of tenderness and concern as she took in the injured girl's sniffles, her pale face, the ever-so-slightly raspy sound under her breathing.

“If I said no, would it make any difference?” Quinn sighed when she'd wiped her nose again, letting the crumpled tissue fall to her lap with a soft snuffle.

“Aww honey,” Rachel cooed sweetly, a sympathetic smile on her face as she leaned in and kissed Quinn on the lips again, apparently unperturbed by her sniffling. “We won't miss out on Easter, all right? I promise. I know how much you've been looking forward to it. We'll just take it slow and make sure we're not asking too much of your poor little body. I'll go get the thermometer and some cold meds, all right? We don't want to let you relapse and get another lung infection.”

“I'm sorry, Rach,” Quinn sighed miserably, rubbing her forehead with a woozy, exhausted look in her hazel eyes.

“Don't you be sorry,” Rachel shook her head, taking her girlfriend's face in both hands and forcing her to make eye contact, gently stroking her thumbs over Quinn's temples. The blonde girl couldn't hold back the smile that tugged at the corner of her mouth when Rachel looked at her that way, and they shared another soft, sweet kiss.

“You should probably...stop kissing me,” Quinn murmured huskily against Rachel's lips when they broke apart. “You might catch it...”

“Don't care,” Rachel murmured back, kissing the tip of Quinn's nose with a goofy smirk.

“You're stupid,” Quinn giggled weakly, shaking her head. “I love you.”

“Love you too,” Rachel smiled, a peaceful, utterly contented smile; because the most awful thing that could possibly happen had already happened, and her angel hadn't been taken away from her. She was still here, and she was going to be fine. What else mattered next to that? She leaned in and stole another soft, sleepy kiss from the blonde girl's warm lips; and she felt Quinn's sharp intake of breath against her mouth as the poor thing made a soft, helplessly hitching sound in the back of her throat.

“Aah'iihhshxt!! *Snfl*...*s-snfl*...” Quinn pinched the bottom of her itchy nose tight, stifling the sick sneeze somewhat, but Rachel still felt it misting her throat and chest. The little starlet had also noticed how wheezy her girlfriend's sniffles became after a sneeze, and it sent a pang of worry and protectiveness straight to her heart.

“Bless you,” She murmured gently, tugging another tissue from the box; but instead of handing it to Quinn, she just reached up and wiped her girlfriend's runny nose for her, tugging lightly on the bottom of her damp nostrils. “Poor Quinnie.” When she'd taken away the tissue, she leaned in again and kissed the slightly pink underside of Quinn's nose, where it connected to the juncture of her upper lip. Quinn smiled shyly.

“It's just a cold, Rach. It's no big deal. I'mb...*s-snfl*...I'mb fide.”

“For now,” Rachel agreed cautiously, finally sitting up all the way and throwing her legs over the edge of the bed. “And I intend to keep you that way. You know you're at risk for all sorts of respiratory complications now, honey...and I know you don't want to miss any more school. Right?”

“Right,” Quinn sighed petulantly, with a little cough that made her wince and hold her ribs again.

“So that just means we have to take very...” Rachel leaned in and kissed Quinn's nose again. “Very...” She leaned in again, kissing her baby on the mouth this time. “Very good care of your little cold. Sound good?”

“Uh-huh,” Quinn agreed, smiling shyly with another soft sniffle as she wiped her nose in a fresh tissue.

“Good. Now I'm going to get the thermometer and some goodies for you, okay babe? Then we can get washed up and be all dressed and adorable before Bethy gets here.”

“Thanks, Rach,” Quinn sighed, her sleepy hazel eyes half-closing as another vacant, sneezy expression overcame her. “Hhhuh...” Her mouth fell slightly open, nostrils widening involuntarily as a thin, clear dribble of snot leaked teasingly from one side. “Hhiih...hhhiiih...hhehiiishxt!! Hhah'chhew!! Ohhh,” Quinn wheezed miserably, massaging her nose in the damp tissue as her lungs seemed to tighten slightly, making her chest ache.

“Bless you, bless you,” Rachel hummed, leaning in and dropping light kisses all over Quinn's face while she wiped and squeezed the bottom of her itchy nose.

“Rachel...it hurts,” Quinn admitted in a small voice, her hand dropping to the center of her chest. The playful, sweet look vanished from the dark-haired girl's face in an instant.

“I'm getting your inhaler, all right? Then we'll call Daddy to come over and give you an exam. He'll know what to do.” Rachel smiled encouragingly, and Quinn nodded. Without stopping for one more kiss, Rachel scrambled out of the bed, anxious for her daddy, the doctor, to come reassure them that Quinn wasn't going back to the hospital, and that her special Easter Sunday with baby Beth wasn't about to be ruined.

Edited by wannablessedbe
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I love you. So. Much!!!! I asked and you sure as hell delivered!!! Gah, thank you so much and I can't wait for the next part!!!

Also, have you considered writing as a job IRL? You're insanely talented and the whole world should get to enjoy your writing, not just us :)

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Wow I love this! I agree with Koda that you should look into writing IRL you're so talented at it!

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Hi guys!

Thanks for the lovely feedback...I'm very flattered! I have thought about the idea of being a writer IRL, but the truth is it's a lot easier said than done. Here in internet fanfic land, there's no obligations...I can do it just when I feel like it, using characters someone else created, and there's no stress. A real career in writing isn't like that, obviously. But maybe some day! For now it's just a great way to blow off steam. Enjoy! :)


Easter Sniffles

Part 2


As soon as Rachel wheeled Quinn into the kitchen, still in her pajamas, pale and shivery with a blanket tucked around her legs, Mrs. Fabray's eyes narrowed critically. “What's wrong, Quinnie? Are you sick?” The older Fabray demanded anxiously, abandoning the cinnamon rolls she was icing at the counter and wiping her hands off on her apron as she crossed the kitchen.

“A...a little,” Quinn sighed, still holding her inhaler in one hand as her mom and girlfriend both hovered protectively over her. “I'm sorry...”

“What did I tell you about that? Stop apologizing,” Rachel said gently, running her fingers absently through Quinn's hair as she added to Judy, “I'm sure you won't mind, but I called my dads to come over. I know we're supposed to meet up at the park later for the Easter egg hunt, but Quinn woke up coughing and sneezing and she said her chest hurt, and I just don't want to wait to make sure it's nothing serious.”

“Of course, thank you sweetheart,” Judy nodded gratefully, squeezing her unofficial daughter-in-law's shoulder with a sympathetic, sad smile. “Oh, Quinnie, you poor little thing. Does your throat hurt? Shall I make you some tea, hmm?” Quinn nodded glumly, a hard lump rising up in her chest that had nothing to do with her cold. She couldn't believe she was wrecking things for everyone...again. It was Easter. They had plans. And she couldn't even make her own damn tea.

“It's okay, Quinnie-pie,” Rachel murmured, as if she could read her girlfriend's thoughts (and after two and a half years together, maybe she could). She climbed into her girlfriend's lap and wrapped both arms around her neck, kissing her on the cheek while Mrs. Fabray bustled around the kitchen with the kettle. “It's not your fault, and nothing's ruined. It's still Easter. And we're still going to see Bethy.”

“Okay,” Quinn whispered croakily, closing her eyes briefly as Rachel wiped a stray tear from her cheek, then leaned in and kissed her on the lips.

“Now how about a little breakfast while we wait for Daddy to get here, hmm?” Rachel smiled encouragingly.

“I'm not really hungry,” Quinn admitted, raising a hand to her face as her eyes narrowed, and her little nose quivered with a stuffy tickle. When her breath hitched helplessly, she felt her chest tighten again; and she gripped her inhaler anxiously in one hand. “Hhh'chxshht!!!” She shivered as she bent forward and sneezed into Rachel's lap, one hand cupped absently to her face.

“Bless you!” Rachel and Mrs. Fabray both said at the same time, while Quinn wheezed softly and took a puff on the inhaler. Her nose was running slightly, but she was wheezing too much to sniffle. Judy brought a box of tissues from the kitchen cabinet to the table, along with a gently steaming cup of tea, and put them both in front of her daughter.

“Thadks, Mom,” Quinn croaked a little hoarsely, taking a tissue and gently blowing her runny nose. Rachel kissed her cheek again.

“Here, baby. Drink your tea,” Rachel murmured, picking up the gently steaming mug and blowing lightly on the surface before holding it close to Quinn's lips. She was still cuddled up in the injured girl's lap, and she kept her other hand resting on the back of Quinn's neck, lightly stroking her hair. Quinn just nodded mutely, putting one hand on the mug too, but allowing Rachel to basically hold the tea for her as she drank. She knew her mom and her girlfriend were both a little scared when they heard her wheezing, because they had stopped talking and no one was trying to convince her to eat breakfast. She felt guilty for their worry, and the lump of shame in the back of her throat got even bigger.

“Thanks...tea feels good,” she murmured, taking the cup from Rachel's hand and putting it aside on the kitchen table. “Mom...am I still gonna get to see Beth today?”

“I hope so, sweetheart. I really hope so.” Quinn nodded, closing her eyes as she dropped her head against Rachel's shoulder. Rachel kissed the top of her head, cuddling her close and playing with her hair.

“I'm so sorry you don't feel good, angelfish,” the dark-haired girl murmured, laying one hand against her girlfriend's cheek and gently stroking the pale skin with her thumb. “Just when you thought you were finally going to get a nice day...you don't deserve this, Quinn. Not any of it.” She leaned in and kissed the blonde girl on the lips. Quinn sighed softly into her girlfriend's mouth.

“If you say so,” she murmured croakily, drawing back a few more inches when she felt her nose starting to run again. “Rach...*snfl*...I need a tissue...” Rachel pulled a tissue from the box and held it to Quinn's damp, pale pink nose, giving it a little squeeze as she felt her girlfriend's wheezy breath hitch in her chest again. “Aahh'txheww!!! Iiiishhu!! Hhiiishu!!” Quinn gave three helplessly sick, stuffy sneezes into the tissue Rachel's hand, unable to stop the rattling cough that followed after.

“Bless you honey,” Rachel murmured gently, wiping Quinn's cute little nose and then rubbing her back while she coughed.

“Ow...oww...” Quinn whimpered, one hand pressed to her broken ribs again as she dropped her head into the crook of Rachel's neck, her entire upper body going limp in the wheelchair so her girlfriend was supporting her weight. Rachel held her tight and rubbed her back, looking up at Mrs. Fabray meaningfully.

“Quinnie, sweetheart, should we take you back to bed?” Her mother asked gently, resting a hand lightly on the top of her head.

“Yes,” Quinn whispered; then she started to cry softly. “It's Easter,” she sniffled miserably, raising a hand and wiping her eyes hastily on her sleeve. “I was...*s-snfl*...gonna wear a pretty dress, and go to church, and see my little girl do the Easter egg hunt.”

“I know, baby...I know,” Rachel cooed, stroking the tears from her girlfriend's pale face. Quinn took a fresh tissue, pressing it urgently to her pink nose as her puffy eyes slid shut again.

“Hhiiishhxt!!!” She shivered with the effort of stifling her sneeze a little, one hand pinching the tissue to her nose while the other was wrapped around Rachel's waist for support. “Hhuh—hhuh'eshhxiew!!!” She shivered again, sneezing weakly into the crook of her girlfriend's neck with the tissue cupped firmly to her runny nose. Rachel didn't even flinch.

“It's okay Quinnie, I've got you...I've got you,” the little starlet murmured in her girlfriend's ear, holding the injured girl up in her wheelchair while she coughed.

“Owww...Rachel...” Quinn whimpered weakly.

“I know baby,” Rachel cooed soothingly, stroking a few locks of messy blonde hair back from Quinn's forehead. “Come on, let's get you back in bed.” Mrs. Fabray grabbed the handlebars of Quinn's wheelchair without waiting to be asked, wheeling both girls hastily back down the hall to Quinn's temporary first-floor bedroom at the back of the house. It was easy for Judy and Rachel to lift the shivering blonde girl between them, transferring her smoothly back into her bed and covering her up snugly in the blankets.

“Mom...can I have my tea,” Quinn asked in a small voice, still feeling ashamed of how helpless she was.

“Of course, baby.” Mrs. Fabray kissed her daughter's forehead and gave her an anxious smile. Quinn could tell from the look on her mother's face that it was at least possible she'd have to go back to the hospital today. She gave a soft, wheezy sigh of resignation. After her mother had left the room, Quinn looked back at Rachel.

“You should...go eat breakfast,” the blonde girl sighed, reaching out and stroking her little starlet's long, dark hair. “You're already covered in my snotty germs, can't have you starving to death, too.”

“How about breakfast in bed, hmm?” Rachel asked gently, catching Quinn's hand in both of her own and holding it protectively, tracing little patterns across her palm. “I know you don't have much of an appetite, but I saw homemade cinnamon rolls in the kitchen...and I know you can't say no to that. Huh baby?”

“God, you know me too well,” Quinn groaned softly, squeezing her girlfriend's hand. She wanted to lean over and kiss her; but since that movement was, for now, impossible, she smiled and tapped her lips instead, and Rachel leaned in and kissed her, holding her face gently in one hand.

“Here's your tea, pumpkin,” Mrs. Fabray announced as she came back into the room; and sure enough, she'd brought along a tray of breakfast, too, consisting of nothing but cinnamon rolls and fresh fruit.

“Thanks...” Quinn smiled weakly, taking a cinnamon roll and nibbling a little on the edge. She really wasn't hungry, but she knew it would make everyone feel better to see her eat a little. After a few bites, she sighed and pushed it aside. “I'll eat more after Michael and Jacob come, okay?”

“Okay, sweetie,” Mrs. Fabray agreed gently, taking the breakfast tray from Quinn's lap and putting it on the bedside table.

“Just...gonna close my eyes for a few minutes...” Quinn coughed softly and rubbed her eyes. “I'll get up when your dads get here, Rach...”

“It's okay, angelfish. Just close your eyes and rest, and don't worry about anything,” Rachel murmured sweetly, threading her fingers through her girlfriend's soft blonde hair.

“Uh-huh,” Quinn mumbled vaguely as her eyes fell heavily shut. The sound of Rachel and her mom talking in low voices was soothing and familiar, and by the time the doorbell rang to announce Rachel's dads' arrival, the blonde girl was fast asleep again and snoring faintly.

“Poor baby,” Rachel sighed quietly, as Quinn's mom got up to answer the door. She hated to wake her girlfriend up, but she knew it was necessary. If Quinn needed a prescription, or even if she did need to go back to the hospital, they needed to know right away. Then they could help her start to get better...again. Rachel just hoped baby Beth and her dads weren't driving all the way down from Columbus for nothing.

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I LOVE this!! Thank you for consistently writing such wonderful fics! definitely my favourite author, although you have been for a quite a while now ;)) (after all you are part of the reason I got this account)

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super well done, somehow you add so much dimension to this no matter your feelings on this pairing or the show itself, the combination of sympathy and with empathy is so well balanced.

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This is so great. Im so into it! I hope theres another part coming :)

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Hello darlings!

Sorry this update took longer than usual. Hope it was worth the wait :)



Easter Sniffles

Part 3


“Wake up, baby.” Rachel sifted her fingers through Quinn's blonde hair, trying to wake her exhausted girlfriend as gently as possible. Quinn whined softly, opening her hazel eyes just a crack.

“Hi,” the drowsy blonde girl croaked weakly, rubbing blearily at her eyes as she took in the small group of people now flocked around her bed. “Hi, Dads.”

“Hi pumpkin,” Rachel's taller dad, Michael, said gently as he pulled up a chair right next to her bed, stethoscope around his neck. “You're not feeling so good today, huh?” He reached out and felt her forehead with the palm of his hand.

“Yeah...I'm sick,” Quinn agreed, her eyes still only half-open as she tried to keep them focused on the man in front of her. “Every time I cough...it feels like someone's squeezing my chest in a giant vice.” After living with the Berrys two years ago when her own parents had kicked her out for being pregnant, she had become very close with her girlfriend's family, and they had thought of her as their second daughter for over two years now. All three of the Berrys had become wildly protective of their favorite blondie ever since they'd had her under their roof; and Quinn was now fairly used to having her unofficial father-in-law examine her, ever since the accident last month. Usually, though, it was on a schedule, just routine check-ups to monitor how her injured lungs, ribs and spine were healing. Not today, though.

Michael took her temp (which was a little high, but not frighteningly so—just 100.3), and looked in her ears and down her throat while the rest of their little family looked on anxiously. “I'm sorry, honey, but we've got to sit you up now so I can listen to your lungs,” Michael said apologetically, squeezing her arm reassuringly. “Judy, will you hold her other arm?”

“Of course,” Mrs. Fabray nodded, going around to the other side of the bed and putting a hand under Quinn's left shoulder.

“Don't let go, Mom,” Quinn murmured a little anxiously, feeling even more helpless than usual because she was so weak and woozy.

“I won't, baby. I've got you,” Mrs. Fabray promised, squeezing her shoulder. With one hand each behind her shoulders, Michael and Judy lifted Quinn's limp body up into a sitting position on the bed; and then Jacob, Rachel's other dad, came and took over Michael's spot so he could have his hands free to examine her, putting his stethoscope against different areas of her back to listen to her lungs. Quinn sniffled wetly.

“Iiiishhew!! Uhh'tcheww!!!” She closed her eyes and sneezed helplessly into her lap, unable to move her hands to her face as both her arms were being held. A trickle of clear snot slid from one nostril, and she sniffled again, pink nose still twitching.

“Bless you,” All three of her parents said at once, as Rachel grabbed a tissue from the bedside table and wiped her baby's wet nose, then kissed it.

“Thadks, Rach,” the blonde girl smiled faintly.

“I can definitely hear some wheezing,” Dr. Berry nodded to himself, his expression stoic as he moved the stethoscope around on Quinn's back. “Quinn, honey, can you try to take a deep breath?”

“Uh...uh-huh,” Quinn nodded slowly, but they could all feel her body tense up anxiously as she attempted to take a slightly deeper breath into her scarred lungs. Immediately, she coughed, doubling over as her chest constricted in protest, and her mom and Rachel's dad tightened their grip on her arms to keep her upright. When she breathed in again, they all heard the painful wheezing sounds rattling around her chest. Michael slipped the stethoscope up the back of Quinn's pajama top, resting it against her skin and listening intently.

“You're all right, sweetheart. We've got you,” her mother said gently, still holding the blonde girl's limp body upright while she coughed and wheezed weakly. Quinn's eyes filled with tears as they locked with Rachel's, and the little starlet's heart squeezed painfully when she saw the pain and, even worse, the fear in Quinn's hazel eyes. She couldn't breathe right, and she was getting scared.

“Oh, Quinnie...” Rachel cooed, her own eyes burning with tears she tried to hold back as she climbed onto the bed and sat by Quinn's legs, stroking her face and hair to help soothe her. “We're all here, baby. Don't be scared. You're gonna be fine, angelfish...I promise.” She leaned over and grabbed a tissue from the bedside table, gently wiping the underside of Quinn's runny nose again. Then she pressed a quiet, unselfconscious kiss of pure devotion to her girlfriend's warm cheek.

“I love you, Rachel,” Quinn croaked softly, making a brave attempt at a smile though her face was streaked with tears.

“Babe, give her the inhaler,” Michael said to his husband as he finally took the stethoscope away from Quinn's back, nodding towards the little blue tube on the bedside table. Jacob put it in Quinn's hand, and she shook it up before taking two hasty puffs.

“So what do you think, Doctor Dad?” Judy asked, trying to inject a little levity into the moment after they had gently laid Quinn back against the bed.

“You're having an asthma attack, Quinn honey,” Michael said gently, squeezing her shoulder. “But it's a mild one, at least for now. It's not surprising that having a cold would trigger this kind of reaction with freshly healing scar tissue in your lungs, I'm afraid. But we can treat this, all right? I'm going to call in some prescriptions for you that will help, some Advair for the wheezing, and cough syrup with codeine to keep things under control until your cold runs it course. In the meantime, keep the Albuterol close. We'll do a peak flow test in twenty minutes and see how it goes. Okay?”

“I don't have to go to the hospital...right?” Quinn asked woozily, her hazel eyes half-closing as she held a fresh tissue to her pink nose. “Aah...hhtchxshh!!” She squished her nose firmly in the tissue as she sneezed, afraid to trigger more wheezing if she didn't try to stifle it a little.

“Bless you pumpkin,” Michael smiled gently, resting his hand briefly on top of her blonde head while she sniffled and wiped her nose. “I can't make any promises about the hospital...this is your first asthma attack, so we have to wait and see how your lungs respond to the Albuterol. If you're not breathing easier in twenty minutes or so, we may well have to go in and get you on a nebulizer. But that's not an overnight stay, all right baby girl? I promise.”

“Kay,” Quinn nodded weakly, still jiggling her wet, cold-stuffed nose in the crumpled tissue. It was frustrating to hold in her sneezes like that, it made the tickle linger more intensely in the back of her nose; and as much as she didn't want to, she knew she was going to sneeze again. “Hh-hhuh...*snfl*...chhxssh!!” The blonde girl trembled weakly and sneezed into the tissue again, pink nose tickling.

“Bless you baby,” her mother said. Rachel curled up against Quinn's shoulder and kissed her on the cheek.

“Jesus, I feel so pathetic,” the blonde girl moaned softly, closing her eyes. “I'mb so sorry...*snf*...I'mb ruining everyone's Easter...” They all wanted to protest, but Quinn's eyes were fluttering again, so they all waited patiently while the woozy blonde girl drew a fresh tissue to her runny nose, sniffling and hitching softly. “Hhh'tchshhu!! ...*Snfl*...Uhh'chxshh!! *S-snfl*...” Quinn coughed weakly and rubbed the pink underside of her nostrils roughly up and down in the tissue, her cold tickling her nose desperately.

“Bless you, bless you,” Rachel cooed, kissing her girlfriend lightly on the cheek again. “You haven't ruined anything, angelfish...I promise. There will always be another Easter. But there will never be another Quinn Fabray. I think we all just want to take care of you.” The dark-haired starlet beamed, stroking the blonde girl's cheek.

“That's right, sweetheart,” Jacob agreed, and Judy and Michael chimed in their agreement, too. “Why don't I go out and pick up your prescriptions, and I'll stop at Whole Foods and pick up some chicken soup, and some of that mango sorbet you like?”

“Okay,” Quinn agreed shyly, squeezing her nose in a fresh tissue with a soft, congested sniffle. It was a testament to how much she'd grown to love and trust the Berrys that she agreed so quickly; in the old days, when she'd first moved in with them, she was almost pathologically unable to accept any kindness they would offer, always terrified that she was going to be kicked out of another home as soon as she became an inconvenience.

“I'll go call the pharmacy,” Michael squeezing his husband's shoulder to show his agreement.

“I'll make some tea,” Judy volunteered, not about to be the only one sitting idly by while her daughter was suffering. That left Quinn and Rachel abruptly alone in the room again; and the dark-haired diva smiled sweetly, cuddling up against her baby and pulling the blankets up around them both.

“You know, there's not many teenagers out there whose parents would deliberately leave them alone in bed with their girlfriends. We're pretty lucky,” she teased gently, threading her fingers through Quinn's soft blonde hair.

“I...*snfl*...I doe...” Quinn agreed absently, raising a hand vaguely to her face as her eyes began to close. “Ehhshiih!! *S-snfl*...” She gave a teasing, ticklish sneeze into her loosely cupped hand, too exhausted to continue stifling her sick sneezes as she had before.

“Bless you,” Rachel murmured, tugging a fresh tissue from the box and gently wiping the wet underside of her poor baby's stuffy little nose. “Poor little thing...at least your wheezing wasn't so bad that time, huh? Do you think the Albuterol is helping? And don't lie just because you don't want to go to the hospital, you know Daddy can tell the difference anyway.”

“Yeah, I thidk it is helping,” Quinn nodded sleepily, taking the tissue in both hands and blowing her nose a little. “It didn't feel like someone was punching me in the chest that time...*snfl*...” She held the damp tissue to her nose with both hands, rubbing lightly up and down as her eyes closed involuntarily once again. “Hhuh'tiiishew!!! Ehhh...ehhiiishu!! *Snfl.*” She shivered when she sneezed, and wiped her nose hastily, putting the tissue aside as she took in another soft, wheezy breath; but it didn't sound as bad as before, and she didn't reach for her inhaler.

“God bless you, baby,” Rachel cooed, laying one hand lightly against her girlfriend's collarbone, and tracing little circles with her thumb. “You're going to feel so much better once Daddy gets you the good drugs...just try to relax, and before you know it you'll be floating on a fluffy cloud of narcotics.”

“Just what every girl wants to hear,” Quinn teased faintly. Rachel could still hear the asthmatic wheeze in her breath, but it was comforting to see her joking and smiling a little.

“Do you wanna watch some bad TV while we wait, hmm Quinnie-boo?”

“Yeah...let's watch Gordon Ramsay yell at people,” the blonde girl smiled bravely.

“Your wish is my command, Princess Quinn,” Rachel beamed at her, leaning in and stealing a soft, lingering kiss from her girlfriend's warm lips.

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Certainly worth the wait (as always ;) ) Loving this, I hope there is more coming!

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  • 2 weeks later...

hola faberrians! here's an update, plz enjoy. thanks as always for your lovely feedback! happy weekend :)



Easter Sniffles

Part 4


Predictably, Quinn fell asleep within twenty minutes of taking her new prescription cough syrup; and when she woke, with a groggy whimper, it felt like a long time had passed. The rich quality of the sunlight streaming in the windows suggested midday. For a moment, the blonde girl thought she was alone, and she whined softly in disappointment, feeling sad and left out all over again that Easter was passing by without her. She rubbed her eyes absently, wanting to wake up and find out where everyone was.

“Uhh'txchOOoo!! *S-snfl*...” Quinn sneezed sleepily into the air, eyes scrunched up tight. Since she thought she was alone in the room, she didn't bother cupping a hand to her face to cover up her sick sneeze.

“Bless you, sleepyhead,” a warm, familiar voice murmured in her ear, as a gentle hand wiped a tissue across her runny nose. Then her girlfriend's warm lips pressed against her cheek.

“Rach...you stayed,” the blonde girl grinned widely, a relaxed, easy grin that demonstrated how much the powerful medicine had helped her already. She wasn't wheezing, and she didn't seem to be feeling any more pain in her healing ribs and lungs.

“Of course I stayed, dummy,” Rachel grinned, cuddling up against her sleepy girlfriend's side and dropping a quick, soft kiss on her lips. “Where else am I gonna go, hmm?”

“You have colors...all around you,” Quinn croaked softly, still smiling drowsily as she gestured to the empty air behind her girlfriend's head. Rachel snickered a little, shaking her head.

“Are you a little high on that Codeine, hmm baby?” The dark-haired starlet grinned, running her fingers through silky blonde hair.

“I'm fucking high as shit,” Quinn giggled; and Rachel knew it was true because the blonde girl hardly ever swore, and when she did, it was usually not combined with the giggles. “It's kind of awesome, Rach. I can't even move. And my chest doesn't hurt anymore.”

“Good. Enjoy it,” the dark-haired girl smirked, dropping a few more kisses all over her girlfriend's feverish face. Quinn sniffled wetly, reaching up and swiping her itchy nose on the back of her knuckles. Rachel reached for the box of tissues on the bedside table, and dropped it lightly on Quinn's stomach.

“Aah...” Quinn's eyes began to close as she reached for a tissue, holding it close to her pink nose. “Aah'ehtchoo!!!” She gave a hitching, congested sneeze, nose cupped firmly in the damp tissue.

“Bless you, my baby,” Rachel cooed softly, while Quinn sniffled again and wiped her nose. It still tickled.

“Thag you,” the blonde girl snuffled, pinching her pink nose in the damp tissue and blowing wetly. “I guess I'mb still sick, huh?”

“Unfortunately,” Rachel agreed with a lopsided smile, just happy to see her girlfriend breathing normally, even while she sniffled and sneezed. It was such a relief not to hear the frightening sounds of her sweet angel fighting to breathe; and the blonde girl was always so cute when she had a cold, the little starlet just wanted to kiss her and cuddle her and feed her chicken soup until she was all better. “You just have to rest and relax for a few days, angelfish...just don't worry about anything, okay? I'm not going anywhere.”

“'Kay,” Quinn agreed, smiling shyly. Then she sighed, reaching for a fresh tissue as her eyes crinkled up, and a wet, clear trickle of snot pooled in one pink nostril. “Hhuhh, hheiiiishu!! *Snfl*...” She sneezed desperately into the tissue and wiped her nose, the sick tickle still lingering teasingly in the back of her head.

“Bless you, Quinnie,” Rachel cooed, leaning in and kissing the delicate pink underside of her girlfriend's cold-slicked little nose.

“Thahh...thadks,” Quinn sniffled, smiling shyly. She liked when Rachel kissed her nose after she sneezed; it felt good on the tender pink skin, and there was just something so wonderfully intimate about it. She felt so safe, so loved. And even though she really didn't want to give her girlfriend her sniffly germs, it was kind of a turn-on how little Rachel seemed to care about that herself.

“So, now that you're awake and feeling a little bit better...do you think you might be up for a special visitor?” Rachel asked gently, her fingers playing absently through her girlfriend's blonde hair. Quinn's sleepy hazel eyes widened slightly.

“You...you dond't meand Beth, do you?” She sniffled and wiped her runny nose again, then blew softly into the tissue.

“No, the Easter bunny,” Rachel drawled, a playful smirk curling the corner of her lips.

“Don't tease mbe, I'mb sick,” Quinn whined; but she couldn't help returning her girlfriend's playful smirk.

“But you like it when I tease you,” the little starlet cooed delightedly, her fingers curling playfully around a lock of blonde hair.

“Suhhh...sombetibes. *Snfl.*” For a moment, Quinn's eyes narrowed and her pink nose quivered wide, and they both paused in anticipation; but then the tickle receded teasingly into the back of her nose, and she just sighed, sniffling wetly into a fresh tissue. “Rach, is Bethy really here?”

“Yeah. Bethy's really here. She's right out there in the living room with our parents. Shall I call them in, hmm baby?” Rachel nuzzled her girlfriend's warm cheek playfully.

“But...but what if I get her sick?” Quinn asked anxiously, eyes sliding shut as the itchy, congested tickle that had faded away a moment ago returned suddenly. “Hhh'iiiishxhu!!! *S-snfl*...” She pressed the tissue to her pink nose and sneezed, nostrils quivering.

“God bless you, Quinnie-boo,” Rachel cooed, stroking her girlfriend's blonde hair while Quinn wiped her nose again, and gave a soft blow. Then the little starlet leaned in and gave her girlfriend another soft kiss across the bottom of her damp pink nose, smiling sweetly. “Poor little thing, you're so sick....please don't worry, okay? Nobody cares about catching your cold, honey. It's just a cold, it's not dangerous...unless you happen to have scarred lungs, brand new asthma, broken ribs and a ruptured spleen.” Rachel smiled sadly, not quite achieving the playful teasing tone she was going for.

“Rob and Jack said it's...*s-snfl*...it's okay?” Quinn asked croakily, referring to baby Beth's adoptive dads, the ones that she herself had chosen from the adoption agency's giant folder to be her baby's parents.

“Yes, Quinnie. They're right out in the living room, visiting with our parents and waiting for you to wake up. Bethy's already drawn about a dozen get-well cards for you.”

“Ohh...*snf!*...okay,” Quinn agreed, grinning shyly. Rather than getting up to summon the rest of their family, Rachel just picked up her cell phone and dialed her dad's number; and they could faintly hear it ringing in the living room.

“Hi Dad...yes, Quinnie's up. Mm-hmm. Yes, you can all come back now.” She hung up beaming, and leaned in to drop a soft kiss on the blonde girl's warm lips. Quinn sighed.

“This wasn't how I wanted Bethy to see me...it's bad enough I'm in the stupid wheelchair, now I must look like death warmed over,” the blonde girl grumbled, wiping the light sheen of feverish sweat from her forehead on the back of her arm.

“You're adorable,” Rachel shook her head, leaning in and kissing the delicate pink underside of Quinn's stuffy nose again. “You're always adorable. And Bethy doesn't care if you're wearing a pretty church dress or a pair of monkey pajamas.” She wiggled her eyebrows, and Quinn giggled. That was when the bedroom door creaked open.

“Hi girls...can we come in?” Rachel's dad Jacob was leaning in the doorway, smiling at them both with a misty look in his eyes. Clearly, spending time with two-year-old Beth was already having a powerful effect on everyone.

“Yes, come in,” Quinn croaked softly, smiling back at her family despite feeling sick and woozy and exhausted. It had been six months since the last time she'd seen her baby (though they'd had a few skype sessions in between), and she felt her stomach flutter with anticipation, hoping fiercely that the little girl hadn't forgotten her.

“Mama! I make you dis,” the two-year-old squealed happily as she raced into the room ahead of the adults, her blonde curls pulled into two adorable pigtails and tied with pale blue ribbons. She wore a a matching blue dress with a picture of a bunny on the front, eating an enormous carrot with the green, leafy top embroidered onto the fabric in shiny thread. She proudly held up a crayon drawing that was basically just big splotches of color; but to Quinn, it was the most brilliant piece of artwork in the world.

“Oh, Bethy, that's beautiful,” Quinn sighed, reaching one arm automatically towards her baby even though she couldn't lean down to pick her up.

“Up! Up, Rae-rae!” the toddler squealed, holding her arms out to Rachel impatiently.

“Remember what we talked about in the living room, sweetie?” Jack Morgan-Green said gently to his daughter, one eyebrow raised in a fatherly expression of concern as he glanced at Quinn in the raised hospital bed, taking in her injuries for the first time since the accident.

“Bethy gentle,” the tiny blonde nodded, pointing to her chest. “Mama have a boo-boo. Mama get all better soon.”

“That's right, monkey,” Jack smiled; and Rachel, smiling even wider, picked up the squirming toddler and plopped her on the bed in Quinn's lap.

“Mamaaaaa,” Beth squealed happily; and true to her word, she was very gentle as she wrapped her chubby little arms around Quinn's neck and hugged her.

“Hey, monkey baby,” Quinn laughed softly, her eyes instantly streaming with tears she didn't have the strength to hold back. Normally, Quinn hated crying in front of other people (except, after two years, for Rachel, and their combined parents); but she was so drugged and sick and sleepy right now, she didn't have the strength to even feel self-conscious, so she just smiled and hugged her baby tight, letting the tears fall without even trying to brush them away. “Look at you, you got so big...”

“I two!” Beth announced proudly, holding up two fingers to make sure they understood. “I two now, Rae-rae!” She flung herself on Rachel next, and the dark-haired girl scooped her up and kissed her chubby cheeks until she squealed with laughter. Quinn smiled through her tears, then drew a fresh tissue to her face as her hazel eyes narrowed, and the sick, congested tickle welled up in the back of her head again.

“Hhuhh...uhh'chxihew!!” Quinn sneezed sleepily, pushing her runny nose into the tissue as a chilly shiver ran down her spine.

“Bwessu Mama,” Little Beth said importantly, pulling another tissue from the box and handing it to a sniffling Quinn.

“Thadk you, sweetie,” Quinn sighed woozily, taking the fresh tissue and blowing her runny nose softly.

“Mama have a sniffle, Rae-rae,” the toddler explained patiently. “Mama no see Easter bunny. Hafta stay bed.” Rachel chuckled at the serious look in the child's hazel eyes, so much like Quinn's it was heartbreaking.

“I know, baby,” the dark-haired girl nodded, smiling sweetly. “Mama caught a bad cold, didn't she? But you know what, I think she'd rather see you than the Easter bunny, anyway.” Rachel beamed, and Beth giggled, standing up on the bed to kiss Quinn noisily on the cheek.

“I kiss it better, Mama,” the little girl explained, grinning. “Now Rae-rae,” she insisted, pointing from Rachel to Quinn. “Rae-rae kiss it better.” The two girls grinned at each other over the toddler's head, and Rachel leaned over the little girl and kissed her angel lightly on the lips, cupping her warm cheek lovingly in one hand. A camera flashed in front of them, and when they pulled apart, Quinn raised an eyebrow accusingly at her mom, who just smiled sheepishly.

“I'mb...*snfl*...ndot exactly feeling very photogenic at the moment,” the injured girl grumbled, taking a fresh tissue from the box and cupping it preemptively to her wet nose as her eyes began to well up, still anxious to shield the two-year-old from catching her cold. “Hhh...hhuhh...hhuh'chxiuhh!! *S-snfl*...” She muffled her stuffy sneeze in the crumpled tissue, rubbing her pink nose lightly as the tickle continued to tease her. “Aahh'tchOOoo!!! *Snfl*...”

“Bwessu Mama,” Beth said again, looking very pleased with herself. Rachel suspected the little girl had only recently learned this particular bit of good manners, maybe even on the car ride to Lima when her dads were preparing her for this visit. Then Beth looked expectantly at Rachel; and the dark-haired girl smiled gently, knowing exactly what the little girl was waiting for.

“Bless you babe,” Rachel said gently to her sniffling girlfriend, tucking a lock of blonde hair back behind Quinn's ear, and kissing her delicate pink nose again. Beth nodded approvingly.

“Mama feel better now?” the little girl asked hopefully.

“Yeah. Lots better,” Quinn nodded at the beaming toddler, a slow, sleepy smile spreading all the way across her face.

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That. Was. Adorable. This story is so so so cute. I'd love to see more! :)

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This is so cute!! I love your fanfictions they're amazing! :) I'd love to read more!

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