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Sneeze Fetish Forum

An Aidan Turner/ Kili fanfic.


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Ok, so here is my first fanfiction. I originally intended it to be a Kili/female tale, but upon seeing and reading so many wonderful Kili stories in here ( I like Kili - a bit obvious), I decided to make it a real life Aidan/ Aidan as Kili - story... First chapter done so far. I really want to continue, but not sure whether or not I will have the time. 

Disclaimer: I own nothing except my imagination. I do not work in the movie industry, nor am I likely to, ever! The character "real-life Aidan Turner" is based on my personal perception of Aidan Turner. I do not know him and I have never met him. The "woman" whose name will be revealed in the next chapter is pure fiction. 

Please forgive any spelling mistakes. English is not my mother tongue. 

I hope it is clear when I change point of views in the story. If not, please let me know and I will make it more clear in the next chapter. 

Please enjoy and comment if you like. 

Chapter 1 - the cafe.

"Ugh". He let out a small groan as he sensed the itchy feeling starting to build up in his nose again, making his shoulders tremble slightly. His over sensitive nostrils started to quiver and his breathing became shallow. He tilted his head back, eyes searching for more light in attempt to lure the sneeze out. He barely had enough time to raise his hand holding a ready tissue before his nose finally gave in and his head snapped forward into the tissue, muffling the sound of his wet sneezes.



He blow his nose gently, trying not to touch his red and itchy nostrils too much. He crumbled the used tissue and reached for another one in the pile he had taken with him when he bought his tea. 

He could not remember a time he had felt poorer from a simple head cold. He wanted nothing more than to just curl up in bed with a tissue box and sleep. His face felt flushed and warm against his own fingers, yet the rest of him shivered with chills every now and again. It could not have been a more inconvenient time for him to succumb to illness. He had arrived in New Zealand this morning, a few days before starting his new acting job as Kili the dwarf in the new Peter Jackson production, "the Hobbit". 

Months in advance he had secured a small flat in central Wellington, not far away from the stone street studio where he would work most of the time, only to be told yesterday that a bad plumbing accident had flooded the apartment, causing water damage on several floors. He had tried to book a hotel room until he could find a new living arrangement, but most of the hotels in the area where overbooked due to cast and crew flying to Wellington to work on the film. 

He had called and voiced his problem to his contact person at the studio. An hour later he phoned back with a possible solution. Apparently. One of the assistants to the second unit director had a 2 bedroom apartment in walking distance from the studio and was willing to let him stay for a while. He was supposed to meet her this very afternoon. 

He closed his eyes with a sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose between his thumb and forefinger as another sneeze threatened to emerge. 


He managed to catch both sneezes in the tissue, before blowing his nose in it and adding it to the pile of used ones. He eyed the pile with a distressing moan. He was a mess. What were the chances that his new landlady would even let him in the apartment in the state he was in, spreading germs everywhere. In his mind he cursed his friend Jamie for making him wander the streets in central Dublin for hours on a very cold night, a beer in hand, searching for the perfect pub to celebrate his going away to New Zealand for 3 months. Next, he cursed the airline for providing chilly air condition on the long flight from dubling to New Zealand which only made his newly acquired sniffles erupt into a full blown head cold. He had felt chilled to the bone on that stupid flight, and no amount of blankets provided by the staff had managed to warm him up. It had been many miserable hours of non-stop sneezing, robbing him of sleep. And now, as a result, he felt sick, chilled, tired and utterly worn-out. 

Currently he was sitting in a small cafe in Wellington, sipping hot tea, feeling extremely miserable and trying to pass the time before the meeting with his landlady. The cafe was empty when he arrived this morning, but over the course of the last couple of hours, it had start to fill up. 

The joyful laughter of a toddler suddenly caught his ear and he turned to look at her, glad for the distraction to his depressing mood. A little girl was having the time of life playing hide and seek under the cafe table with her mother. The woman had her own face in her hands and removed them with a "booh" causing the toddler to squeal with joy. 

Aidan couldn't help a smile spreading across his face at the sound of the happy toddler. He adored children. 

He caught the mothers eyes as she looked up into his smiling face. Eyes bright from amusement and with a broad smile on her face. Aidan's heart skipped a beat. She was really quite beautiful. Warm, brown, almost golden eyes set in a slightly pale face and surrounded by a tangle of bouncy brown curls. A trail of freckles dotted her cheekbones and the bridge of her nose giving her a girlish charm and a slightly mischievous look. 

Aiden let out a sudden sigh as an urgent, vicious tickle had taken hold of his nose. His breath became hitchy as his hand reached for a new tissue, ready to catch the sneeze as it erupted. 

Huh.... Uh.... Hah....ahh.... His hitchy breathing continued as his nose fought to release the sneeze that had gotten stuck somewhere in his nasal passage causing his eyes to water as the tickle got worse. Ugh, the torture. His eyes flickered to the cafe's window, searching for light. And that did the trick. 


He barely had enough time to swap the now moist tissue with a new one and take a quivering breath before a new set of sneezes threatened to erupt. He squinted his eyes shut and buried his red and itchy nose in the tissue as he was overtaken once again.


The force of the last sneeze left him dizzy and completely stuffed up. He kept his eyes shut, trying to maintain his balance and fight the desire to fall from his chair and rest his flushed and burning face on the cold stone floor of the cafe. Using the menu card as a tombstone he could put himself to rest. This cold would kill him, he was sure of it... Well... Sure felt like, anyway.

He sighed heavily, disregarding all thoughts of menu-card-tombstones and a cold stone-floor grave and blew his nose in a fresh tissue. When he finally felt recovered from the fit, eyes watery, nose redder and more itchy than ever and feeling exhausted, he noticed that the toddler's mother was still still looking at him. Her eyes full of pity. She gave him a small and reassuring smile before her lips parted and formed a silent "bless you". He gave her a small and exhausted smile in return and nodded as a "thank you". She seemed so genuine in her smile towards him. Despite the frequent shivers in his torso, her smile sparked a warm feeling in his chest. 

"Auntie"' the little girl tried to reclaim the attention of her... aunt, apparently. "Is that man very sick?". She pointed in Aidan's direction as she spoke. "Not very sick, sweetie", the woman replied with a kind smile to Aidan. " But I believe he has a really bad cold. Just like you had last week." The child nodded understandingly. "Auntie, can't you kiss his nose and make it go away like you did with me?". The woman laughed, sending Aidan an apologetic smile before she addressed her niece: "No, sweetie, I'm afraid it only works on children".

"Kiss MY nose then", the girl said with a mighty grin.

"But you're not sneezing anymore", the woman said, smiling at the girl's obvious joy. 

"Yes I am auntie, ahh ahh achooo". The little girl produced a fake sneeze and squeeled in surprise as her aunt pulled her into a tight embrace, rapidly kissing every single inch of the girl's face with a delighted "mwwwua mwwwua mwwwua". The girl laughed and did her best to wriggle out of her aunts arms, but failed. 

Aidan couldn't help grinning at the strange but joyful spectacle before him. But his joy was short-lived as a more pressing matter abruptly came to his attention. 

The girl, having finally escaped from her aunt's embrace looked curiously at Aidan as he once again lifted a tissue to his nose, ready to catch yet another wet sneeze. Before the force of the sneeze closed his eyes, they met the woman's dark golden gaze. She looked rather sad, almost as if she wanted to save him from his torture, but couldn't. He wanted to assure her that he would make it through this cold, but could do nothing except succumb to the sneeze. 


She could not help regarding him with pity as she noticed his upheld tissue. He really did look very sick. Despite the warm weather, he was dressed in a thick wolly sweater, a scarf and a knitted hat. She noticed his thick, black hear sticking out under the hat by his neck. Despite the clothes she could she his shoulders tremble as he was preparing to sneeze. His face had this quizzical look, almost as if he did not know what what happening to him, before his eyes shut tight and his lips parted in a pre-sneeze expression.

"Haaa... Uh....a.... HEEEADCHHHOU"

The sneeze was forceful, causing his upper body to tremble and snap forward as he held the tissue to his nose. She winced slightly at the sound as she watched him blow his nose into the tissue. Their eyes met again and she could see the exhaustion plain on his face. Did this poor man have nowhere to go? No one to nurse him? She smiled warmly at him and mouthed a silent "bless you". His answering smile was warm and grateful. They both sat there for a second, holding each other's gaze. 


Suddenly the woman looked at her watch and with a surprised gasp, rose from her seat, taking her niece by the hand. "C'mon, sweetie, time to go". The woman made her way to the counter, taking a bunch of fresh tissues from the table and made her way towards Aidan's table. He looked at her in surprise as she walked up to him, placing the bunch of fresh tissues ontop of the single fresh tissue that was left on his table next to his growing pile of used ones. He met her eyes, meaning to thank her, but his throat was so damaged from all the sneezing that no sound came out. The woman smiled warmly at him. " I hope you feel better soon", she said, giving his shoulder a squeeze as she passed him, heading for the door with her niece in the other hand. 

Aidan turned in his seat to watch them leave. He wanted to talk to her, to thank her for just being a kind person. He found himself hoping that his new landlady would be just as kind and warm as he came to spread his disgusting germs into every corner of her house. Ugh, doubtful. 

The light breeze coming from the cafe door as it closed behind the woman and her niece was enough to tickle his over sensitive nostrils and sending him into a new wave of sneezes. 

And hour (and what felt like a million sneezes and the cafe's annual consumption of tissues) later, he left the cafe and jumped on the bus, heading for what he hoped would be his new shared apartment.

As he rang the doorbell, he felt the sudden urge to sneeze. Shoot! He fumbled in his pockets for a tissue, but remembered he had used the last one on the bus. The door opened slowly, a person emerging. Aidan quickly excused himself, holding up a hand and turned away form the door. 

"Please excuse me, I have to... Huh.... Ah..... Ahhhhhh... AAHADCHHHU"

He sneezed violently into his elbow, silently praying that his landlady wouldn't be too discusted with his appearance. As he finished he felt the touch of a hand on his shoulder and glancing around noticed a fresh tissue in the hand. 

"Thank you", he muttered as he took the tissue with gratitude, already sensing his landlady had a kind heart. He blew his nose as gently as he could and winced, closing his eyes in despair as the sound resembled that of a flushing toilet. 

When he believed himself to be as presentable as he could possibly be under the circumstances he turned around to greet his landlady. His eyes widened in surprise and ( he had to admit) joy as he was greeted by a pair of dark golden eyes and a smiling face surrounded by soft brown curls. 

"Bless you. We meet again". 


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Yaaaay, an Aidan Turner fic! And even better, Aidan Turner playing Kili! This is so cute and well-written, I love it so far!!! I can't wait to see where this goes, if you do end up continuing it smile.png

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Yaaaay, an Aidan Turner fic! And even better, Aidan Turner playing Kili! This is so cute and well-written, I love it so far!!! I can't wait to see where this goes, if you do end up continuing it smile.png

Thanks. Chapter 2 will be up in a couple of days I think. No Kili outfit planned before chapter 3 though... Sorry glad you liked it.

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Chapter II

She took in his surprised features as he assessed her standing there in the doorway. She had been equally surprised to find him ringing her doorbell, but had plenty of time to compose a kind smile while he sneezed. 

"You must be Aidan Turner? Hi, I'm Lily Castle", she said as she offered him her hand in a welcoming gesture. Huh, this was a bad idea. Too late now. But to her relief, he held his hands up defensively. "I don't think that would be the best idea". He sniffed once, looking apologetic. Right.

"Of course. Do come in". 

She gestured him into the apartment and offered to take his jacket and suitcase. He kept his wolly sweater on. He's probably still feeling cold. She remembered him shivering in the cafe earlier. 

"Is this all you brought with you?" She lifted his suitcase. There couldn't be more than some spare clothes and toilet necessities in there. 

"No, the rest of my stuff should arrive tomorrow. It's just that... I wasn't sure about... You letting me stay here". 

To be honest, she wasn't sure either. It would definitely take some concealment on her part. Just have to keep up appearances. But there was no way she could tell him that. Especially since most of her colleagues knew of her spare room ever since her ex-boyfriend had moved out 6 months ago. She had no excuse for saying 'no'. Well, not one they would accept anyway. Besides, he looks so helpless in his current state. What if I'm his only option apart from a lonely hotel room a long way away from work.

"Have I given you any reason to doubt?". Odd, as this was the first time they spoke. The initial offer had come from his contact person at the studio. 

"Oh, no, it's just... It's really kind of you, letting me stay here. Despite the current state... I'm... Uhh... I....ahh..... In... AHAEDCHHHU... ADCHHU. 

She handed him a tissue from her pocket. She always kept a couple there for... Occasions. 

"Bless you. Would you like a tour?" She held out her hand, gesturing towards the rest of the apartment. 

"Sure, let me just get rid of this sweater. It's nice and warm in here," he pulled of his sweater,  but still wearing a plain black t-shirt, revealing a muscular upper body, broad shoulder and strong arms.

Oh my. Oh no Lily, don't even think about it, he's your colleague now, remember?! Besides, there's a good chance he wouldn't want you if he knew how high maintenance you are. So, no! 

"Here, let me take that". He handed her the sweater. As she took it and hung it on one of the hooks by the door. she got a sniff of the detergent that lingered in the fabric. She felt the itch building in her nose immediately. Oh God, here we go. Detergent was but one of the many things that would initiate her allergies. In truth, she was allergic to pretty much everything. Her constant allergic reactions and asthma attacks had costed her 2 jobs and 3 boyfriends. She was a menace, Disrupting everything and everyone with her constant sneezing, coughing and wheezing as her asthma kicked in from sneezing too much. Her former bosses had stopped giving her work and her ex boyfriends had simply grown too annoyed. They could't take her anywhere without her sneezing ruining the movie or the dinner. She was simply too much work.

She had sworn to never again let her allergies or asthma interfere with her work or relationships. She would keep them hidden, secret, only acting on them if the need became to much to handle. 

She turned away from Aiden, pinching the bridge of her nose, controlled her breathing and pressed her tongue against the back of her front teeth. Combined, they provided a stop-button to the sneezes that were slowly building in her nose. She would pay for it later, she knew. But she would do that later, in private, when no one would be bothered by her. It had taken her years to learn to control the sneezing fits that erupted from her several times a day. She had learned to hold them off long enough to find somewhere private where she could stifle them out without anyone knowing it. It was hard, and it always left her feeling week and exhausted, but it was necessary. 

Her breathing and threatening sneezes under control, she turned towards Aidan and guided him around the apartment.


His nose had been bothering him the whole time Lily was showing him his room. It was big. It had a king sized bed, a small couch, tv, and a dresser. Furthermore, It came complete with an adjoining bathroom and closet. He hadn't expected it to be furnished already, thinking he would need to buy some furniture himself. Maybe she had previously rented it out? No matter, he was grateful.

He had sniffles for the entire duration of the tour, letting out as few sneezes as possible so as to not interrupt her too much. 

At the end though, he could no longer control the urge to sneeze as his ticklish and stuffed nose attacked him again. 

"Excuse me, I have to sne.... Ahh... Snee-aaaa... AHIDCCCCHOOO... AAAHCHO... Uhh... Ha... AHHHADCCHO. 

God, he was tired of sneezing. The sneezes had been powerful, nearly bending him in half as they erupted from him. They had left him feeling utterly miserable and so, so tired. 

"Bless you". 

He looked at her kind face and beautiful eyes. "A cup of tea and then off to bed?" She offered. "You look like you could really use some sleep". He couldn't really argue with that. He needed to get some rest before this damned cold could do any more damage. He was sure his next sneeze would be the death of him. Felt like it, anyway. 

The next couple of days went past in a haze for Aidan. He mostly slept. Waking only to sneeze - way too often, to eat or to use the bathroom. His hope had been fulfilled: his landlady really was the kindest person he knew. Everytime he woke there would be a steaming cup of hot tea with honey on his nightstand, along with a couple of aspirin and a fresh box of tissues. He considered himself a very lucky roommate. 


Lily couldn't help feeling a bit concerned for Aidan. She had let him sleep from the afternoon he had arrived to the following morning. She had heard him sneeze from time to time, but whenever she brought him tea, aspirin or a fresh stack of tissues he would lie dead-still, sleeping. 

One time, her curiosity got the better of her and she gently sneaked a thermometer through his parted lips to rest its tip under his tongue. He had a fever, but not high enough to raise any kind of alarm. Nevertheless, she went into his bathroom to retrieve a piece of cloth and ran it under cold water. She went back into his bedroom and gently started dabbing his warm face and throat with the cool cloth. She heard him murmur softly deep in his throat and took it as a sign of gratitude. 

Later that day she discovered he had awoken as she walked past his door and heard him sneeze. They were not as powerful as the ones she had heard yesterday. Maybe he was getting better? She truly hoped that would be the case. She did not mind sick people, but she still considered Aidan a stranger, having only spoken with him for a few hours the day before. She was unsure of how he would perceive her nursing and kept a safe distance most of the time.

She knocked gently on his door, and was asked to enter. 

She looked him over. He looked better, although still exhausted and slightly feverish. 

"Hi, how are you feeling?"

"I'm find, thanks".

She couldn't help it. A small giggle escaped her and she raised her eyebrow at him. "If you're fin-D", mimicking his congested pronounciation, "you're not fin-E".

He looked at her quizzically, apparently not getting the joke. She shook her head at him. 

"You hungry? Today's special is a slice of the finest quality-baked dough, slightly darkened by the Maillard reaction, layered with a delicious spread of churned milk and topped with a coagulated slice of the protein casein". 

He just sat there, starring at her. The most quizzical expression on his face. 

Wow, tough crowd. Either he's still running low on battery or he's just... Boring. 

She tried again: "Would you like a piece of toast with butter and cheese?".

He smiled in apology. "Oh my God, is that what you said?" His grin grew wider. "Brilliant!". Huh... Maybe not boring after all. "I would love some, thank you, it's very kind of you". She heard him sneezing on her way to the kitchen, blowing his nose, and sneezing some more. 

When she returned with his toast and a glas of juice she immediately felt a change in the air. Deodorant? What the... But why?!  The spray still hung in the air, quickly finding its way up her nasal passage and settled there to initiate a itch. She held her breath, tongue pressed against the back of her teeth.

He must have noticed her brief look of confusion as she re-entered his room. "Yeah, sorry. After blowing my nose I was able to smell myself. Not very pleasant. I hope you don't mind. It's scent less". 

Scent less or not, the spray still kick-started her allergies. The growing itch in her nose, slowly making its way towards her nostrils. Both hands full she was unable to pinch the bridge of her nose. Uh-huh... Dontsneeze dontsneeze dontsneeze.

She walked swiftly to his bedside, holding her breath, teeth clenched, tongue in place. "Here you go." She mastered a smile at him, still not breathing. She handed him the plate and the glass and turned on her heel, making her way back towards the door,  pinching her nose when she was sure he could not see her face. 

"Won't you sit with me for a minute while I eat?"

Her manners demanded her to stop and turn towards him. She had to answer him, but to do that, she needed more air. She drew in the smallest of breaths, trying really hard to let it in through her mouth, but it didn't matter. The itch in her nose grew to a point of near torture, causing her breathing to become shallow as she struggled to keep the itch in check.

"Sorry. I have to... Make...a... Call". Or whatever, just please let me leave. It tickles so bad and you do not want to witness what comes next. Leave, Lily, just leave. Apologise later, just go... NOW. And with that she left his room, closing his door behind her. She only just made it the 10 steps to her own bedroom, closing her door before letting out a heavy sigh, loosing the battle against her allergy. She grabbed a tissue from her dresser and cupped her mouth just in time to catch the first round of sneezes.

"Huh'TNH'cho, THNN'ch, N'cho, uh'TCH... huh...uh... Heh... A'TNXCH, TNX'cho, uh'TNH, TNH'cho". She stifled the sneezes as best she could, making them as silent as possible. Her head snapped forward with 7 more rapid sneezes before she was allowed to catch her breath. Her breathing had become shallow, wheezing. She quickly located her asthma inhaler, pinching her nose shut to take it before erupting into a second fit of sneezes. 

"A'THCN, Huh'TNH'cho, THNN'ch, N'cho, uh'TCH, THNN'ch, a'TNH'cho". She sank to the floor, a post-sneeze-fit-mess, her still wheezy chest heaving, struggling to get in enough oxygen. Feeling exhausted, she leaned her head against her door. Stifling always made her dizzy, but she needed to keep her sneezes quiet. She was so embarrassed. When she was younger, kids at school used to point fingers and laugh whenever she would have a sneeze fit, and they happened quite a lot. Later, at work, her colleagues would turn to look at her in amazement, the entire office going dead-still till she had finished. She hated being the centre of attention, especially with her allergies. They always left her in such a messy state, only adding to her embarrassment. 

I'm such a dumbass. Why did I allow him to stay here? He will ultimately find out. He will be disgusted and shy away from me. Oh God, this is so embarrassing. Word will spread to the studio, BAM, fired due to constant interruptions of the movie-making-game. BAM, Alone again.

Tears flooded her eyes. She hated her allergies. She hated her lungs and she hated the uncontrollable urge to sneeze SO DAMN MUCH! She was so ashamed of herself. How could anyone possibly want to be around her when she was so much trouble. 

I'm such a dumbass. I'm such an asthmatic and allergic dumbass. 


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Huh, only just realised that the thinking is not in italic is it was when I wrote it on my iPad. Sorry... Hope it makes sense.

Enjoy chapter II... There will definitely be a chapter 3 and 4... I will promise no more than that... For now.

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Oh... Ok, so instead of italic letters it adds  ???

So sorry, no idea why it does that. I will stop writing in italic. Hope it makes sense.

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Trust me, we don't care about the crazy formatting stuff, it happens to us all. So exciting knowing that more is on the way.

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Sorry, it's a bit short. Chapter 4 will be longer, I promise.


Chapter III

Filming was going well. Lily found herself immensely enjoying the company of the actors playing the 13 dwarfs on the set of the 'the Hobbit'. Jokes were often flying across the room between takes and during breaks and both crew and cast alike seemed in high spirit. She loved her job, and would fight her allergies hard to keep it. 

Aidan had recovered well from his cold a month ago and the two flatmates had developed a friendly relationship cooking and dining together as often as their schedules would allow it. A few weeks after his recovery, Aidan had invited Lily out tp dinner with some of the cast members, but she had kindly refused. She couldn't be sure, but she suspected that he was flirting with her every now and again, but she could not determine whether it was specifically aimed at her or if it was simply a part of his charming personality. Regardless, she had decided not to encourage him in any case. She liked Aidan, and knew that if she was not careful, she could very easily fall in love with his dazzling smiles, mischievous eyes and sense of humour. Still, she could not help flushing pink and turning giggly whenever he was being playfully flirtatious. She had to admit he had been perfectly cast as the mischievous heartthrob of the dwarf company. 

Despite the jokes and positive ambiance on set today, Lily was having a really crappy time.

Pollen season has just started, making her nose a constant itch and even more sensitive to her other allergens. The strain of constantly having to fight back the sneezes and discourage the ticklish feeling in her nose and eyes had given her a headache and she was becoming more and more irritable. 

Today they were shooting scenes from Beorn's house. The set was full of hay and horses. Shoot, I can not catch a break today. She had already excused herself several times in the last hour, quickly making her way to an empty storage room before erupting into a sneezing fit, hand cupping her mouth and nose, stifling the sneezes to keep the noise down. Every fit had left her panting and gasping for air, her asthma making her head dizzy. 

Ilovemyjob ilovemyjob ilovemyjob... Breathe damn it... Calm down... You're ok... Or not...

"Hi'tnnx, a'tnh'cho, uhh, hi'tchn, tn'ch". Damn it, nose, stop it!! Breathe Lily, just breathe. 

She composed herself, blew her nose, dried her slightly reddening eyes and prepared for another battle against the allergens. She opened the door of the storage room, breath under controlled and tongue pressed firmly against the back of her teeth as she made her way back to the set. 

During the lunch break, a broadly grinning Kili followed by his on-set brother Fili, made their way towards Lily, holding up a sheet of paper. 

"Lily, have you seen this?" He showed her the script re-write he had just received. "You know that long sentence in Khuzdul you spent hours trying to help me memorise the other day...? They removed it! Yay!" He jumped childishly up and down, grinning infectiously before stopping suddenly to wrap his arms around her shoulders for a brief hug bringing her nose dangerously close to the fabric that had just spent the last couple of hours rolling around in hay.  She stopped breathing, a look of horror and despair shut across her face as her nose greeted her worst enemy welcome. Fightit fightit fightit fightit. 

"Thank you though for really trying to make me... Ohh, hey, Lily, are you okay?"

Dontsneeze dontsneeze dontsneeze dontsneeze. 


He couldn't help drawing his eyebrows together in concern when he noticed her facial expression. Eyes watery and red rimmed, threatening to spill liquid gold down her cheeks. Teeth clenched, mouth closed in a firm line and... What was that sound? Was she wheezing? 

She pressed the back of her hand against the bridge of nose. 

"Uhh-huh", she finally said, though it sounded like a tremendous effort for her. That's great Kili... Uhh Aidan. Sorry, I have to uhh... Uhm... ". And without further explanation she turned on her heel and practically ran out of the cantina. 

Aidan turned her face towards his dwarf brother, concern still in his face. "What did I say?". Fili shrugged looking perplexed. "Dunno, bro". And upon seeing the concern in Kili's face added "You really like her don't you?" His brother looked guilty as charged. "Are you sure though? She doesn't even look a tiny bit elf-like. Isn't that more your taste? Being the romantic sapling of the dwarf crew I mean? Maybe it's your appalling lack of a beard... Ugh". 

His cheeky comments had earned him a playful fist in the gut from Kili.


"Fine, look bro, forget all this playful flirting, she'll see right through you. Go traditional instead, get her some flowers or whatever. Lilies! Of course! She's bound to love lilies eh?"

Aidan thought about that. Maybe traditional was the way to go if he wanted to court his lovely landlady, who without him allowing it, had stolen a tiny piece of his heart.


Breathelily breathelily breathelily... Yourefine yourefine yourefine yourefine. 

"H'tmnx'cho, a'tch, a'tnh, hi'tnx... Heh... Ehe'tnhx, a'chi... Uh... Hi'hn'cho"

The rapid fire of sneezes had hit her with full force the second she had entered her secret hideout. Now she was on her knees on the floor, grabbing the door handle for support as her upper body trembled and bend forward in a constant release of stifled sneezes. 

The fit finally let up and she released the door handle, sinking to the floor, panting and wheezing. God, she was such as mess. Eyes streaming like crazy, trailing thick tracks down her cheeks and towards her temple. Her nose was pink and running and still quivering slightly from the force of the sneezes. Her chest expanded and hitched, and she let out an exhausted wheeze as she exhaled. She put her asthma inhaler to her lips and drew a large intake of breath along with the medical mist of the inhaler. 

God, if Aidan could see me know, he would be disgusted. 


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I still have absolutely no idea why the  ... I'm uploading from my iPad, if that makes a difference. I checked the text before I pressed 'post' and I swear it wasn't there. Apparently it appears post post.

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Chapter IV

Lily was the first if the two to get home from work. She decided to get started on making the dinner, grateful for the lack of allergens in the comfort of her own home. God, today had been the worst. All that hay, all that fur and ALL that sneezing!! She still had a headache, and her eyes now felt dry and slightly itchy. She was just going to have a quick meal with Aidan and then go to bed. 

And that hug from Aidan?! That was new. She didn't really know how to process that. He seemed so at ease with himself, so effortlessly switching moods, going from mischievous to flirtatious to serious and then back to mischievous at the blink of an eye. Lily couldn't imagine Aidan ever being cross, upset or angry. Somehow, his body could only contain happy moods. God, it was so easy to like him. 

She was setting the table, carrying the finished lassagne in both hands as he emerged from the doorway. 

"Ohh, hey, you're here. Wow, what is that? It smells amazing! You are such a brilliant cook, did anyone ever tell you that. I've probably gained a few pounds since moving in here, but I can't help it. Everything you make is just so delicious". 

Wow, easy with the flirting Romeo! Ovaries at stake here!! But she couldn't help smiling. 

He moved towards her and she was grateful that her nose could confirm he had showered after being stripped of his costume, hair and make-up. No more sneezing fits tonight, hopefully.

"Wow, a smile. Haven't seen one of those on your face all day. Didn't know you still could. You should really endeavour to smile everyday. Your eyes light up when you do, it brightens you whole face and makes everyone around you happier".

She couldn't help grinning broadly, cheeks slightly blushing at his flirtatious mood. What was up with him. She shook her head at him, rolling her eyes, as she placed the lasagna on the table. He grew suddenly serious

What's with the sudden mood change?

"Why did you leave so sudden after I hugged you?" 

His question took her by surprise and she had absolutely no idea how to answer him. 

"I'm sorry Aidan. I didn't mean to... It was just.... I had to..." ...Run away to my secret hideout where I could be an allergic mess without you looking at me in amused disgust.

She shook her head to clear her mind.

"I was just having a really shitty day. Nothing to do with you. I'm sorry". 

She glanced up at him. He had a rather sad look on his face, so she gave him a small smile and opened her arms.

"Rain check?" 

He looked at her as if he didn't quite believe what she was offering, then he slowly stepped towards her, closing the distance between them and leaned softly into her embrace. 

She had meant it to be a brief hug, like the one he gave her earlier, but he lingered for a few more seconds. Hmm... Maybe he means more than just flirting... Ugh, he would shy away if he knew. She was immensely glad that he had showered, or this scenario would not have been possible under any circumstances. She could still however feel the soft tickle in her nose from his detergent. It wasn't enough to make her sneeze though, just a tickle. 

He pulled out of her embrace, smiling. 

"Did that cheer you up a bit? Or would you like to be cheered up some more?". She looked at him, puzzled by question. 

"I brought you a little something". He walked back to the doorway, speaking to her as he did. 

"I realised I had never thanked you properly for being such and amazing landlady, in sickness and in health, at the dinner table and through endless rehearsals. I am forever grateful, my sweet, caring and nursing lady. These..." Her re-emerged from the doorway holding a large bouquet of at least 30 beautiful, white lillies. "... Are for you". 

Shitshitshitshitshitshitshitshit. Staycalm, staycalm, staycalm. He means well. He doesn't know! 

Her parents had been idiots. Having her share a name with a flower she was desperately allergic to. What had they been thinking?! Of course, they hadn't known at the time, but still!! She cursed her name, she cursed the flowers (even though it was such a nice gesture) and she cursed her allergies for not even permitting her the use of an antihistamine. 

She put on her invisible amour made of refusal and denial and braced herself for war. 


"Aww, thank you Aidan. How lovely. You REALLY shouldn't have". 

He moved towards her, stretching out his arms holding the bouquet. Lily held up her hands defensively, but smiled. He noted she still looked tired. Her eyes where still rimmed in red and now seemed to be teary. Aww, she must be overwhelmed. 

"Why don't you put these... lovely flowers in some water...", she said pointing towards a cabinet in the living room. "...While I... pour us a glass of wine? She escaped to the kitchen. He heard her turn in the water at full force.

He went to retrieve a vase from the cabinet and went to his bathroom to fill it with water. He could hear the kitchen water running and a rather loud scramble of pots and pans. Was she deliberately trying to make a lot of noise? He returned to the living room and arranged the flowers in the water. He glanced around the living room. Should he leave them here, where they would be more fitting? No, she had seemed so overwhelmed. She deserved to admire them (and him to admire her admiring them) while they ate. He set the flowers down at the opposite end of the dinner table. He knew lillies were quite scented and did not want to ruin the smell and taste of her dinner. 

Aidan enjoyed dinner as usual. He loved browsing various topics with Lily. She completely matched his sense of humour. Whenever he would change the subject or suddenly fire a quote from a specific movie, she would follow him. Normally, they had a ball at dinner. Tonight however, Lily seemed flustered somehow. Not herself. She kept excusing herself every 10 minutes or so to go to the bathroom or the kitchen for a refill of wine. She would turn on the water and let it run until she had finished whatever it was she was doing. He found her behaviour slightly odd and kept wondering if the hug had changed their relationship for the worse? Was she too embarrassed to be around him now?


Oh my God, this is so embarrassing.

Lily fought with all her might to keep the sneezes and the constant tickle in her nose at bay. She had already excused herself to go to the kitchen twice and the bathroom once. She would turn on the water and stifle her sneezes, silently praying that he would not see through her cunning scheme. 

She had been back at the table for less than 10 minutes, the tickle in her nose already growing painfully unbearable, to the point where her breath became irregular and she had a hard time keeping herself under control. 

She would not give in, she would fight it. But what could she do? He must already believe her to be a drunk-in-the-making with a tiny bladder. To her, it still sounded less embarrassing than letting fin out about her messy allergies.

She reached for her glass of wine, an idea popping into her head. 

"Ugh, shit. What is wrong with me today. I just spilled wine down my shirt. Sorry, I'll just go and change real quick. Back in a sec". And before Aidan had time to say anything, she got up and hurried to her room, feeling his worried eyes follow her.

She couldn't turn the water on in her room to drown out the sound of her stifles, so instead she buried her face in her pillow and let her armour fall. 

"Hu'thnx'ch, a'chxi, huh'cho... Heh... A'hnx, hu'dchu, ugh."

She dried her streaming eyes and blew her nose as silently as she could. 

"Ah'hnx, hi'tch, ad'tnx... Huh... Please stop it, nose... Hi'dhcu, ah'chi".

She lay panting on the bed and pulled her inhaler form her pocket for the 4th time this evening. She allergies were literally killing her. Her asthma had gotten worse during dinner. It didn't matter that the lillies were not in her room, she could still feel the impact they had made on her nose and lungs. She took a moment to focus on her breathing, Inhale, wheeze, exhale, wheeze, before raising from the bed and changed her shirt, letting out a few more stifled 'hi'chu's'. 


Something was up, but Aiden couldn't for the life of him figure out what. He concluded that she regretted having offered him the second hug and that he had possibly lingered too long ( he had enjoyed having her in his embrace. It had felt so natural). That must be it. She did not hold the same regard for him as he did for her. He would stop pressing her. Clearly, he was making her uncomfortable. 

When she re-emerged from her room, he decided to offer her an escape. 

"Hey Lily, you do look really tired. Let's call it a night. I'll clear the table, don't worry about it, just get some sleep, okay?"

For a second, she looked like she was going to argue, but then her entire body suddenly relaxed. She looked at him with tired golden eyes.  She truly looked like someone who hadn't slept for days. She gave him a small nod.

"Thanks Aidan, 'night!".

"Sleep well, my lady".

"And you, master dwarf".

Their eyes met briefly, both smiling at their little private joke before Lily escaped back into her room. 

Shit, I should never have hugged her. I've gone and spoiled everything! 

Aidan quickly cleared the table and made his way toward the bedrooms. As he walked past Lily's room he heard a strange noise. Was it small coughs? Or a really bad case of the hiccoughs? 

He gently knocked on her door. 

"Lily? Are you okay in there?"


"Hi'hci, a'tnx... Breathelily breathelily... Hu'hn'chu, hi'cho, a'tnx... Pleasebreathe pleasebreathe pleasebreathe "

Shit, Aidan... Nononononono... Go away please. Please go. Please. Please don't come in, please please please.


As he listened, the noise changed suddenly, and now he was sure it was the sound of Lily gasping for air.

Oh my God, she's choking. 

He forced the door open and hurried inside. 

Lily was on her back on the bed. Chest heaving up and down, wheezing as she struggled to breathe. Her eyes were red and streaming with tears. 

He quickly ran to her bed, assessing her condition up close. 

"Oh my God Lily, what happened? Are you okay? No of course your not okay, you're fucking choking. Shit, what can I do? Please, tell me what I..."

"Aidan...". Her voice was barely a whisper.

"Is it your heart? Are you having a heart attack? Shit, oh, my God, how does it go? 15 pushes, pause, 15 pushes... Or is it 20...".

"Aidan". She tried again, a little louder this time. Still no response. 

"Oh God, I have to call an ambulance. She's fucking dying on me here. Shit, is it 999 here? Or isn't it 111? Shit, I don't even fucking know. Think Aidan, THINK!".

"AIDAN!" She shouted this time causing her lungs to ache miserably. She put her arm across her face and began coughing, her entire body quivering. 

"Just..." Cough, wheeze. "Gimme a... " cough, wheeze. "Minute", wheeze. "Please".

He stopped his panic rant. She really wasn't dying? He noticed several inhalers spread out across her matress. Oh, an asthma attack? He moved closer to her bed, sitting down next to her. 

She had both her hands in fists over her eyes. Breathing steadily, but still wheezing. 

He gently removed one of her hands, loosened her fist and and cupped her hand in both of his. She lifted her freed eye to his.

"Please Lily". He was pleading. His eyes stung with unshed tears, still half in shock at seeing her in such a state. "Please tell me what I can do". 

She looked at him with both eyes now, sadness crossing her face. 

"I do have one... ". Wheeze. "Favour to ask". Wheeze.

"Anything Lily, please tell me".

"You're so, so sweet and I was really happy, please don't doubt that". Wheeze. "It was such a nice gesture and they are so beautiful... but please, please... ". Wheeze. "Don't buy me flowers... Ever".

He was horror struck. 

"What? Are the lillies causing this? Are you allergic to them?"

She nodded. He saw tears pool in her eyes and her chin started trembling. 

"Ohh no no no, Lily, please don't cry. Shit, look at you, you must be desperately allergic. I'll get rid of them this minute."

He leaned down and planted a feather soft kiss on her forehead, before releasing her hand and ran back in to the dining room. He grabbed the flowers, put them in a bag and tied a knot. There sealed. He decided it wasn't enough and quickly made his was out of the building, down to the containers. He flung the bag if flowers in, cursing. He was so stupid. So angry with himself for not seeing the signs. Of course she was allergic! It explained her strange behaviour perfectly. He felt like such as asshole for being the cause of her allergy attack. 

"They're gone". He announced as he walked back into her room. He swung a flat hand through the air in front of him, to emphasise the matter. "I opened the windows in the living room to clear out the... Lily? You okay?"

She was on her side now. Her back to him. Her face buried in her pillow as she let out sneeze after sneeze. 

"Hi'tnx, a'tchi, h'hcu... Heh... A'tnx'chu"

He grabbed the box of tissues from her dresser and came to sit beside her. He gently rubbed her back with his hand as she continued sneezing. 

"Shh... It's okay. Are the flowers still bothering you? My God, Lily, I am so, so sorry. I wished you'd told me though. I hate seeing you like this knowing I was the cause of it. 

Her sneezing finally stopped and she rolled on her back, trying to catch her breath again. 

"S'okay... I'm find". 

He could't help smiling at her. 

"A wise lady once told me: 'If you're fin-D, you're not fin-E'... Tissue? You sound really stuffed up."

He held out the box of tissues for her. She took one as she practiced her pronounciation.

"I'm finnnd... I'm finnnnned... You know, it's just a really hard word". She wiped her nose with the tissue. He could tell she was really stuffed up, but apparently she didn't want to blow her nose in front of him. 

He smiled at her, glad to hear her joking again. He listened to her breathing. She was still wheezing a bit, but nothing compared to 10 minutes ago. He reached a hand out to her forehead, stroking back her tangled mess of brown curls. 

"Why didn't you tell me you were allergic?"

He waited for her to respond, she seemed at war with herself. Finally she let go of whatever was troubling her. She looked like she was about to cry again.

"It's just so embarrassing Aidan. I'm allergic to fucking everything! I'm such a mess and I hate it. I absolutely hate it." Tears started to gently flow from her eyes down to her temples. 

It was too much for him to handle. He climbed into her bed next to her, put his arm around her and pulled her into a tight embrace. Her head resting on his arm. 

"Shh... Don't cry Lily, please. It's okay. You're fine. I really don't think it's that ba-...". 

She pushed him away suddenly, her head snapping forward as she sneezed twice in the space between them. 

"Ah'TISH'cho, hi'TCH,ch".

Her sneezes were only half-stifled and he could feel her soft spray on his arm. Lily wiped her nose again with the tissue, closing her eyes in despair.

"Oh God. That was just the most embarrassing thing, ever! I am so sorry, Just kill me now, please."

He chuckled softly, reaching out for her again. 

"Bless you. I don't mind, really. Don't be embarrassed. Are the flowers still bothering you?"

She kept him at arms length. Pinching the bridge if her nose as she shook her head. 

"No... Hi'tnh... It's your de...ha... Detergent... Ha'chi." She let out another stifled sneeze as he sat up, starring at her.

"What? Are you serious? But I've been using the same detergent ever since I moved in."

"I am fully aware of that... Hi'thn'hci".

"Bless you".

He quickly removed his shirt and thew it out the door. He looked at her again. She really had to be honest with him now.

"What else are you allergic to? You said you were allergic to everything. More to do with me?"

She looked at him. He saw embarrassment cross her face again.

"Lily please, just be honest with me. I can't bear to see you suffer. Not if I can do something to prevent it. "

She didn't speak. He sighed. Clearly she was too embarrassed to discuss this now. She shouldn't be embarrassed though. Not around him. Never around him. Something in her past must have provoked her embarrassment, causing her to keep her allergies hidden. He felt so sorry for her. Clearly she was suffering because of it. He made a silent vow to assist her in any way he could. He had to. She looked so vulnerable. He wanted her to be his. He would make her see that. He decided to change his approach. 

"Tell you what. Why don't you take me shopping on Saturday and show me which products I can use that you are not allergic to. "

"You shouldn't have to change for me Aidan. It's fine. I've always been high maintenance. I'm used to it." She gave him a tired smile, her eyes red and teary. 

He looked at her, feeling happiness spread throughout his body as he did so. He found her embarrassment endearing. She looked so adorable. Her beautiful golden eyes still red rimmed, her face flushed, nose slightly pink and her gorgeous mess of tangled curls spread out across her pillow. Nothing in the world held a higher regard for him than this desperately allergic and seriously asthmatic lady.

"I don't mind. Honestly. I have no emotional ties to any of my washing or personal grooming products. Trust me, it's Fin-D". 

They both smiled at their little private joke. Her eyes closed for a second and opened sleepily again. Oh, God. She must be exhausted and still very stuffed up. 

"Okay, since you're obviously not going to blow your nose as long as I sit here, how about I go get you a glass of what? Water? Wine? Or something stronger?"

"Water sounds great, thank you."meh gave her hand a gentle squeeze before he got up and went to the kitchen.

When he returned with her water, he found her already half-asleep. Her breathing seemed better and she no longer sounded congested. He noticed she quivered slightly and took her hand in his again. She felt cold. No wonder, her body must be worn out. No energy left to keep her warm. 

He placed the glass of water on her bedside table and climbed into bed beside her, wrapping her quilt around his bare shoulders. He pulled her into his arms, wrapping them protectively around her for warmth. She sighed deeply and snuggled closer to him, resting her head on his shoulder, eyes still closed. 

"You don't have to stay, really, I'm okay".

"Do you seriously believe that I am about to let you sleep alone after what I just witnessed? What if you suddenly get allergic to... Oxygen?" 

She smiled, still half-asleep. 


He chuckled softy, placing a feather light kiss on her forehead.

"Sleep well my lady". 


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Of course he wouldnt leave her. Im glad she told him... or rather he heard her as well.

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Oh the suspense is killing me good job liked the description thumbup1.gif

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Part 5 available now. Sorry, I may have dragged out the emotions and talking, but I just felt like I had to explain a few things. More sneezes in the next one, I promise. 

Hope you enjoy. Feel free to comment. 

Part V

Lille sleepily opened her eyes towards the ceiling the following morning. Last night's events were a bit blurry in her mind. She remembered almost passing out from the sneezing and Aiden coming to rescue her from 'certain death'. Her lips turned up in a smile as she remembered his panic rant. What a nutter. And she had sneezed on him, oh God the embarrassment! And he had climbed into bed with her. Oh, shit. Is he still here?

A quick glance to her left revealed a sleeping Aidan, her quilt covering most of his back as he lay on his stomach, taking up most of the matress. 

A more pressing matter drew her attention, her morning sneezes. Not a lot, just a couple to clear her nose to prepare of for another day. She sad up as quietly as she could and prepared herself to stifle, her breathing shallow. 

"H...h... Hi'thn", she felt the bed tremble slightly as her body shook it's way through her sneeze. She glanced at Aidan. He was still fast asleep. Success.

"A'chi... Hn'chu... Heh... He'tcn". Done. She rested her head on her knees, steadying her breath. When she raised her head she noticed Aidam was awake. He had not moved an inch, but his eyes were open and alert, regarding her curiously. 

"Bless you. Why do you stifle? It looks painful".

She felt a faint blush of embarrassment colour her cheeks. Why did he have to see that?!

"It draws the minimum attention".

"Hmm... The Embarrassment Thing?"


"Why are you embarrassed? Allergies are not uncommon. Sneezing is a very natural thing. We all do it".

Why, Oh why did he have to speak so calmly about it. She was embarrassed enough as it was. She shrugged, looking down, the blush in her cheeks darkening. 

"It's just messy and disgusting and it happens waaaaay to often. And I always end up looking flushed and tousled and gasping for air. It's just embarrassing. I hate it."

She felt him take a soft hold on her arm, tugging gently. She let out a small sigh and lay back down on her matress, facing him. His brown eyes regarded her with warm affection, but his face looked dead serious. 

"Please don't be embarrassed around me. Ever. I don't find it disgusting, messy sure, but it's a cute form of messy. The kind of messy that makes me want to kiss your nose and your tearstained eyes. 

She couldn't believe he just said that. It couldn't possibly be true. She shook her head at him. 

"You can't possibly mean that. You'd be the first". 

"What do you mean?"

She looked at him, trying with all her might to see beyond his eyes. Could he really be different from the rest of them? Or was this just some terrible joke he played on her where she would open up to him and he would mock her and laugh at her, just like her class mates had done?

She felt a building tickle in her nose. Apparently her morning sneezes were not over yet. She decided to ignore it, holding it off till she was alone again. She pressed her tongue against her teeth and narrowed her eyes slightly in concentration. 

She couldn't decide whether or not to tell him of her previous relationships that all had ended because her boyfriends could not handle her in the end. She was too messy and too high maintenance. How could she possibly tell him of all the mock and ridicule she'd had to put up with in her childhood? No one should have to go through that. 

"Are you about to sneeze?"

His question took her by surprise and completely broke her train of thought. The tickle was still there, slowly building, but under control. How could he possibly know?

"Why do you ask?"

"Well, I can't be sure, but it looks to me as if you're trying really hard to control your breathing and you get the sweetest little pucker between your eyes when you're concentrating really hard." He gently touched her soft spot right between her eyebrows with his index finger. 

"It's the same expression you have when you're at work and you... Ohh." Realisation seemed to dawn on him. "Is that why you excuse yourself so often on set? Because of your allergies?" 

She could not meet his eyes. Her entire scheme had come back to bite her behind. She nodded slowly. He let out a small whistle. 

"That's a lot. Shit, are they anything like last night?"

She shrugged, still not meeting his eyes.


"The one yesterday after I hugged you?"

"Yes... The hay."

"Huh, you were right. You really are high maintenance."

And that was it. He knew. She mentally added Aidan to the pile of friends, lovers, classmates and colleagues she had lost over the years because of her allergies. Her eyes started to burn, tears welling up. Just when they had become friends. For a split second, she'd believed he was different. 

"And you're alone in this?"

What? Where was he going with this?

She finally lifted her eyes to his. The look he gave her was so warm; so full of admiration, trust and compassion. She didn't know what he saw in her eyes but whatever it was it caused him to squirm closer to her, closing the gap on the bed between them and pull her into his arms. 

She could no longer hold back her tears, he was so comforting and warm, and what she wanted more than anything in the world was someone to pick her up every now and again. 

"Lily, Lily, Lily, my sweet, sweet Lily. Please let me be a part of this. I can't bear to think of you alone as I saw you last night. It breaks my heart."

She didn't answer him , but snuggled closer to him. Burying her face in the quilt. 

After a while, he turned his face to look at her.

"Do you still need to sneeze? The cute little pucker is still there."

She felt the mild tickle of the remaining sneeze, but it was not strong enough to erupt yet. In a second of bravery and confidence (and maybe as a way of letting him in to her little closed world of allergies) she pulled the quilt away form his chest and sniffed in the scent of his body wash. She immidiately felt the tickle move to the front of her nose, teasing her, making her nostrils quiver. 

"Ugh, now I do, but it's stuck... Heh... It's right there".

He looked down at her nose, a mischievous look in his eyes. 

"Right there?"


He leaned down towards her nose, pursing his lips. His eyes searching hers for permission. She saw where he was going with this. 

Uhh-uhh. "Don't you dare".

He planted a soft kiss on her quivering nostril.

She barely had enough time to turn her head away from him to sneeze over the edge of the bed. She pinched her nose to stifle her sneezes. 

"A'hn'ch... You absolute... Hi'cho.. Bastard... Hn'ch."

She rolled back on the bed, grinning at Aidan.

"Bless you. Am I forgiven?" There was that wicked smile. 

She held up a single finger and turned away from him again.

"No... Heh... Way... A'THNX". 

The force of her stifle send a sharp pain through her head and she flopped back onto the matress, pressing her palm between her eyebrows. 


"Bless you. So strong. Are you okay?".

"Yeah, my head is just throbbing a bit. 

"Don't stifle then, if it hurts you". He stroked her chin with his finger. "Don't ever be embarrassed around me, my lady. "

"Hey master dwarf?"


"Aren't you late for your daily facial mask?"

She couldn't help but giggle as shock crossed his face and he jumped out of bed and practically ran out of her room. 

She sad up, still giggling. She could hear him in his own room, scrambling around for his clothes and his shoes. She suddenly felt her nose tickle again. Ugh, stupid body wash! 

"H... Ha'i'choo..." She made no attempt to stifle. Her head was still throbbing unpleasantly, and she had to admit, she was curious as to how Aidan would react. She was not disappointed. He emerged in her doorway, looking slightly bemused, shirt half buttoned, his trousers hanging too far down his legs, fly open. One shoe on his foot, the other in his hand. His hair all tousled from sleep. It was kinda sexy. 

"You sneezed!"

"I did."

"I heard!"

"I know."

"Bless you."

"Thank you."

She noticed he blushed slightly, now what? He smiled at her. 

"It sounded cute as hell. How did it make you feel?"

She shrugged, returning his smile. 

"Fin-D." Her smile grew bigger at their private joke. 

He crossed her room, sat on her bed next to her and put his lips to her forehead. 

"I'm proud of you."

She knew she still had to work on the Embarrassment Thing, but now, at least, she wasn't alone.


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This is really sweet story.

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I am so in love with this. I'm such a sap sometimes.

Glad you like it. Aren't we all deep down though? I feel like a complete sap writing it, but I love every minute of it.

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Part VI

Aidan arrived late on set and hurried to the hair and make-trailer. Sophie, his personal magician who transformed him into Kili every morning, was waiting for him, smiling as he entered the trailer.  

"Morning Romeo... What's her name?"

Huh? What? He shot her a puzzled look. She let out a small apologetic chuckle. 

"Sorry Aidan. You just look very post-morningsex-flustered."

He couldn't help but laugh. She could not be further from the truth. 

"Sorry Soph, no, I just overslept this morning."

"Whatever you say, Romeo. Here," She handed him a box of tissues. "Let's begin."

He always sneezed at least once when Sophie used a tiny soft brush to apply a layer of make-up glue to his nose before attaching the prosthetic piece. He'd never thought twice about sneezing in public. It didn't bother him the slightest that other people noticed and blessed him. His thoughts drifted to Lily. What could possibly have driven her into this path of utter embarrassment. He would respect her wishes, of course, but he really wanted to understand why she felt the way she felt. 

The tiny brush stroked his right nasal septum. The need to sneeze came almost instantly. He pulled out a tissue from the box Sophie had placed in his lap and held it in front of his nose and mouth.

"Heh... AHHEADCHUU...sniff... HIIICHOO... Uh... Excuse me."

"Bless you." 

She stroked his left nasal septum with the brush, applying a thin layer of glue. 

"Excuse me Soph, I need to... A..AAH... AAAAHADCHI.... heh... HUUCHOOO."

"Wow bless you. Your nose is really sensitive this morning. Are you all right?"

He thought about it for a minute, but he felt absolutely fine. 

"Thanks Soph, it's just the brush, I'm fine."

He starred at the mirror as his reflection changed from Aidan to Kili. 

Fili and a couple of the other dwarves were sitting in the cantina, drinking coffee and discussing lines when he entered. The shooting had been slightly delayed due to technical difficulties with the fog machines. They had to shoot scenes form the Mirkwood forest and a couple of smoke machines had been brought on set to give the perfect ambiance. 

Kili scanned the room, looking for Lily as he sat down. She wasn't there. But with the daily script re-writes and the default fog machines, she probably had her hands full. 

"Sooooo," Fili engaged him in hushed conversation. "Sophie told me you looked very 'morning-after-hot" when you arrived LATE today... I take it yesterday went well?" He raised his eyebrows, a wicked grin on his face. 

"Haha, no, it's not like that. We just talked." What else could he possibly tell him? 

"She just got out of a long-term relationship and needed some time to herself." He shrugged, hoping Fili would buy his little white lie. "So, I figured I had better keep my distance, or else I'd be chucked out." They both smiled at his exaggerated punchline. 

"Dwarf company, prepare for onset rehearsal in 5." A man from the studio called into the cantina. 


Lily had been working her butt off the whole morning. 

As soon as she got in she was handed a pile of script-rewrites for handout and a list of probs to clear with the set manager. 

Then she had to call the technical support line for instructions on how to fix the broken fog machines. Finally she had to make sure the directors monitor, screen and microphones were properly connected before serving him his 11 o'clock latte and bagel. 

She spotted Aidan on set as the dwarf company gathered in Mirkwood for a rehearsal before the cameras started rolling. He was in his own world, swinging his sword around him in a series of controlled movements before hauling it forward, killing an imaginary enemy. He looked so handsome (as dwarves go) in his Kili outfit. The perfect warrior, strong, athletic and fierce, with a man-boyish charm and a mischievous smile. He caught her eye. He looked to be slightly short of breath, probably from all the killing of invisible attackers. 

She raised her head slightly in a greeting gesture, which he returned with a warm smile. Her heart skipped a beat. He suddenly turned serious, touching his finger to the soft spot between his eyebrows looking at her questioningly. She put her own finger to the spot. What did he mean? Did she have something on her face? Then she remembered him telling her about the little pucker between her eyebrows, the only telltale of an otherwise perfectly disguised pre-sneeze expression. She smiled at him and shook her head. No, she did not need to sneeze right now. His answering smile was breathtaking. She had to remind herself to breathe. 

She still had a hard time believing what had happened last night, how she had opened up to him and he had been so earnest and comforting. She liked him, a lot, but she was still afraid to take their relationship further. One day he would realise just how much trouble she was with all her allergies and asthma attacks. She was sure if it. 3 failed relationships with the same cause for error can do that to a girl. But she still liked him. And he liked her. And he didn't mind! For now, that was enough,

"Set ready for rehearsal. Roll the fog." The set manager shouted. 

Lily crossed her fingers and prayed the technicians had fixed the machines after the poor instructions she had received from the tech support line. 


Kili felt the tickle in his nose as soon as the misty fog reached him. Thank God he had no lines in this scene. His breath was hitching beyond his control. He just had to hold it in for a few more seconds. 

"And...Cut. That was a great rehearsal guys. Stand by, ready for take 1 in 10."


Kili took a step away from the other dwarves as he pulled his head back, ready to let the tickle win.

"AAAA'HADCHOOO... heh... HUCHOOO... UGH. sorry, the smoke really got to me." The sneezes was strong enough to bend his body in half. 

He heard at least 5 different voices blessing him before the tickle started building rapidly in his nose again. He was still bend forward, hands resting on his thighs as the sneezes overtook him again.

"AHAAAICHOOO...heh... HEEEECHOO.... a...ahh... AAAADCHOOO". He sniffed a very wet sniffle, wiping his prosthetic nose with his sleeve. 

"Bless ya, laddie. My, that's a powerful sneeze you've got there. Surely makes up for the lack of a masculine beard." Dwalin's dark voice could easily be heard over the 'bless you's' from the other dwarfs. 

The dwarf company roared with laughter. They often enjoyed staying in character between takes. It made their job so much easier when the cameras were rolling. 

Bilbo chuckled. "Yeah, sorry Kili. I would lend you my handkerchief, but I left it at home. If you ask nicely, maybe Bofur will let you blow your nose in his shirt."

Another roar of laughter erupted from the dwarfs. Kili laughed along with them. He did not at all mind them having a good laugh at his expense. 

Hmm. Normally, he didn't have any allergies. Maybe his nose was just really sensitive today? No matter, the fog had almost gone now, spreading out over the entire set. 

Oh shit, Lily! If the fog could make a non-allergist sneeze, what could it possibly do to her? He quickly scanned the room, but he could not see her. Maybe she had already escaped? Maybe she was alone in her hideout, suffering. God he wished he could be there to comfort her. 

Another assistant, Katie walked up to him, handing him a tissue. 

"I'm afraid we're gonna have to use the fog machines for the rest of the day. If you want I could get you an antihistamine? Oh, and the director wants to see you."

"No thanks Katie, I'll be fine, I think. " He looked towards the directors tent but it was angled in a way that he couldn't see inside. He quickly blew his nose in the tissue Katie had handed him and made his way to the director. 


Fightitlily fightitlily fightitlily fightitlily... Mentalbattlecryaaaaaaaaaarrrgh!!! StupidassmothereffingsoddingFOG!!! Holditin holditin holditin... Ilovemyjob ilovemyjob ilovemyjob...

Lily was standing against the farthest wall in the directors tiny tent, pinching her nose shot and fighting with all their might to control her hitchy breaths and her nose that threatened to unleash havoc upon earth. 

The director was in front of her with his back turned, oblivious to her struggles. 

He was on the phone with the set manager. 

"What? Again? Shit! Yeah, I'll get the technician to look at it again... Yeah, let's do a 20 minute break so we can fix this thing." He hung up. "Damn fog machine broke again." He said, more to himself than to her. 

Good, there was no way she had enough power in her to draw a breath so she could answer him. The fog had filled her nose with a tickle so bad, she had to keep her nose pinched to hold the sneezes in. She was loosing the battle, she could feel it. The director started telling her his plans for the afternoon shoots, but she was only half-listening. She ransacked her brain for a possible excuse to escape and came up with nothing. 

Then, to her great joy and comfort, Kili walked into the tent. A possible rescue? She had hope. He took in her facial expression and his eyebrows drew together in concern. She shook her head slightly at him, still pinching her nose shut.

Don't speak to me, I can't answer. Please save me. I can't hold it in much longer. 

"Hey, you wanted to see me", Kili said, looking at the director. They spoke briefly, discussing Kili's moves in the scene. He kept glancing up at her. Lily could almost hear his brain hard at work. She hoped he was figuring out a way to rescue her. 

Suddenly Kili pressed his palm against his forehead and swayed slightly. 

"You know, I don't feel so good. Maybe I should go and take that antihistamine. I wouldn't wanna pass out during the scene."

"That might be a good idea. Are you okay? You seem to be a bit dizzy?"

"Yeah, I'm fine, I think." His eyes locked on Lily's and he swayed a bit more, feet still planted firmly on the ground. 

"Lily," the director addressed her over his shoulder, not looking at her. "Go with Aidan, get him an antihistamine and some water and make sure he doesn't pass out."

Lily closed her eyes in grateful bliss.

Thankyou thankyou thankyou thankyou... ILOVEYOU!

She quickly followed Kili out of the tent, making their way swiftly across the set towards her hideout, the empty storage room. 

She felt faint. The energy she used holding back the fit was beginning to slip away and her head felt light. Kili must have noticed. She felt his arm around her waist, supporting her weight. 

Once inside the storage room she sunk to the floor on her knees, no longer able to stand. She felt him behind her, one arm around her waist keeping her from falling over and his other hand gently placed between her shoulders, running soothing circles. He followed her body as she bent over. She cupped her mouth and nose in her hand and let the fit erupt. 

"Heh... Hi'chu, thn'ch, a'chhi... He... Hh... Hi'hnx, ti'hsu, a'hnx'cho".

She leaned back against Kili, letting his arms and chest support her as she panted and wheezed, trying to steady her breath. Her nose and eyes were streaming. She tried to sniff, but she was too congested. She could feel his lips against her ear. 

"Shh Lily, it's okay. I've got you. Just keep breathing darling, you're fine. You're fine."

Her body started to quiver and her breath hitched again. She tried to fight back the new fit she felt coming, still embarrassed by this whole scenario. She felt Kili's arms tighten around her, giving her as much support as he possibly could. 

"Are you going to sneeze again? Just let it go, Lily. It's fine, you're fine. I'm right here. It's okay. Don't be embarrassed".

She felt his soft lips caressing her neck before her body snapped forward for a new round of sneezes. 

"A'hnx'cho, he'chi, thn'cho... Heh... Hh... Hn'chi, he'chi, hn'ch." 

The fit was making it increasingly hard for her to breath. She felt her lungs tighten with each breath. She had to take her inhaler before her asthma got any worse. In between sneezes she dug around in her pockets, trying to locate her inhaler. 

"A'hnx, hi'tch"... Where the hell... "He'tchi, a'hn'ch"... Is that stupid... "Hn'chu, hi'hnx... Heh... A.. A'hn'chu"... Inhaler? Oh no. "Shit!"

She suddenly realised. She had been so flustered this morning that she had forgot to take one with her. Oh shit! This was bad. This was really bad! She coughed, it sounded dusty and her lungs ached painfully. 

"Lily? What is it? What's wrong? Do you want tissues? I brought some, here."

She took them but shook her head slightly. 

She put all her focus into her breathing. Her inhales were strained and her exhales sounded wheezy. There was no way she could face the rest of the day without her inhaler. Already, the strain of breathing was making her dizzy. She coughed again, harsher this time. 

She felt Kili's hand move to her chest keeping her tight against his own body. He pulled something out of his coat pocket and held one of her inhalers in front of her. 

"Do you need this?" 

What the... Where did he get that?

She shook the inhaler and pinched her nose shut as she inhaled the healing mist. Almost instantly, her lungs felt better. She was still wheezing, but no longer fighting for oxygen.

"A'chhi... Where..." Wheeze, cough. " ...did you... Hu'hnx." Wheeze, cough. She didn't get to finish her question.

"I took it from your bed last night." He leaned his face closer to hers. She felt his warm breath on her neck as he spoke:

"Lily I want to help you any way that I possibly can." She felt him shrug. "It seemed like a good idea to hang on to something of vital importance to you for an occasion such as this. And I'm truly glad I did." 

She closed her eyes, breathing steadily. She was glad too.

"Hi'chu, a'thnx", she tried sniffing again but she was too stuffed up. She wiped her nose with the tissues still clutched in her hand. 

"Ugh, sorry, I know I'm a mess."

"Lily darling, just blow your nose please. I promise I won't look". She hesitated. It was still too embarrassing. She heard Kili sigh. "... Or listen." He removed his arms. 

She turned her head to look at him. His eyes were screwed up shut and he had a finger in each ear. It was endearing, he looked like a small boy trying to block out his mothers ranting. Well, small dwarf. It was still cute as hell. She turned back and blew her nose. 


He sat as still as he possibly could. Eyes shut tight, and his fingers blocking out all sound. He was proud of himself. He had come to her aid when she had needed him. He had assisted her in all ways he could think of and he had respected her Embarrassment Thing... And he had done it all without breaking into a panic. Well done Aidan. 

He felt the soft touch of her hands on his own and he opened his eyes as she pulled his fingers out of his ears. His eyes quickly focused on hers. Her dark golden eyes were bright with tears and rimmed in red. Wet trails were visible on both of her flushed cheeks and on both sides of her pink nose. She seemed to be breathing fine again, although he could still hear a soft wheeze when she exhaled. She was a mess, he had to admit, but the most adorable and lovable mess. 

He placed his hands gently on either side of her face, caressing her cheeks with his thumbs. Her liquid golden eyes still boring into his own.

"Are you okay, Lily?."


He leaned closer to her, his forehead almost touching hers. 

"Bless you a million times my lovely..." He gently kissed her cheek. A wicked grin spread on his face. "...Messy..." He kissed the tip of her nose. Her nostrils quivered slightly. 

"Hi'chew... Hey! Not fair"

"... And most adorable lady." He kissed her other cheek. He moved his lips further down, his eyes searching hers for permission. His lips was inches from Lily's. None of them were breathing. Kili closed his eyes and leaned in to close the remaining distance. He felt Lily pull away the second his lips brushed hers. 

"I'm sorry Aidan."

Ugh, the hurt. The refusal. His heart gave a short cry of pain. He dropped his hands as he sat back, creating a space between them. Keep it cool man, just keep it cool. 

"No, I'm sorry Lily. I got carried away. I do apologise."

She shook her head. He could tell she was sad. But why?

"Please Aidan. It's not you. You're amazing and wonderful and thank you so much for everything you've done for me... I'm just... It's just..."

"The Embarrassment Thing?"

"Well yeah. And..."

"Bad boyfriend experiences?"

She looked down and nodded. 

Defeat! How could he possibly bounce back from this?

"Aaaaaaaand?" He probed. Could there be more? 

She looked up again. A mischievous glint in her eyes. 

"And you look like a teenage rockstar who suddenly found himself substituting at the medieval fair...." 

He couldn't hold back a chuckle. Relief flooded him. She wasn't angry. He hadn't lost her. Her face grew suddenly serious. 

"... I prefer the real Aidan. My Aidan."

He could have sworn his heart had stopped beating and he had altogether forgotten how to breathe. She considered him hers? He could not tare his eyes from hers. She let out a small sigh, looking down. 

"Just give me time please. I can do this, I just need time to adjust. Please?"

He took her hands, giving them a gentle squeeze. 

"Of course Lily. Just don't shut me out. Please. That's all I ask."

She nodded. 

He sensed the conversation was over. He stood, reaching down to help her up, testing her balance before releasing her. 

Okay Aidan, lighten the mood. Can't have her all sorry and emotional for the rest of the day. Make her smile. 

"Oh, hey Lily?"

She had reached the door, but turned to look at him. 


He held out his hand. 

"I want my inhaler back."

He had achieved his goal: She smiled. 



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