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Merlin's Soggy Month-old Y-fronts - Harry Potter (Twins)


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This just sort of happened.


Fred didn’t like to be fussed over and that was perhaps where they differed the most. George had always been more tolerant of their mother’s incessant fussing when they were down with a cold, invariably together - after all, there were few things they didn’t do together. However, Fred’s dislike for it had one exception and it came in the form of his twin brother.

Ever since they were little, they’d looked out for each other. Fred, being the older of the two though he tended not to brag, felt a responsibility for his brother which came out most strongly when George was under the weather. Often, when one would feel the beginnings of a cold, they’d crawl into the other’s bed for a little comfort and would more often than not be found by Lee Jordan who, though he teased them mercilessly, actually found the whole thing quite sweet. He had to admit, it had been weird at first but he’d initially supposed it had to be some twin thing he didn’t understand. He’d been surprised to find that the concept wasn’t too foreign to him when reduced to its origins – brotherhood.

Picture the scene – the sixth year boys’ dormitory, Gryffindor Tower. The Triwizard Tournament had been underway for quite some time and it was indeed none other than Harry bloody Potter who was responsible for this most recent illness. Of course, it would be unfair to blame the kid – he had, after all, taken the Pepper-Up Madam Pomfrey had forced upon him after the second task but the twins supposed he must have been coming down with it anyway because barely hours passed before he was curled up in an armchair by the fire, feeling like hell.

Two days later, Fred went to bed early. Fred never went to bed early.

George was expecting it but it still came as a surprise when Fred woke him in the middle of the night trying to crawl beneath his covers – a difficult task considering George had rolled himself up like a caterpillar. Once the blankets were free, Fred curled up as close as he could to George, soaking up his body heat while George listened to his brother’s laboured breathing with resignation. After all, if Fred was ill, it would only be a matter of time before George was in a similar state.

Sometimes, being a twin really sucked.

“Okay, Freddie?” George tucked one arm beneath his pillow and let the other fall naturally over Fred’s waist. Fred mumbled something incoherent. George thought he understood. “Get some sleep. I’ll feel the same by morning.”

He was right. George woke up the following morning feeling pretty bloody awful, to tell you the truth. Fred looked all the worse for wear as well. His cheeks were almost as red as his hair and his eyes were ringed with purple. George turned away to stifle a sneeze into his fist (heh-Kshh!) and allowed himself a soft groan. This was going to be a long couple of days.

“How are the invalids?” Lee chirped from across the room, sounding, in George’s opinions, far too chipper for such an offensively early time in the morning. He gives another groan in response, eliciting a grin from Lee. “You missed breakfast. Thought you could probably do with the sleep.”

George sighed and let his head fall back onto the pillow next to Fred’s. Over time, they’d mastered the art of fitting two heads comfortably on one pillow.

Lee smirked. “Should I tell the greasy git you’re dying? I’m sure he could do with a laugh.”

“Sod off,” George croaked, waving his hand in a vague impersonation of a rude gesture. Lee drew the hangings shut around the bed and said, “There’s water on the table,” before he left without another word.

It took Fred another hour to wake. Moaning quietly, he shifted so his head was pressed to George’s chest so he could feel their hearts beating in time with each other. Something about that had always comforted Fred and George was struck with the sudden realisation that he really didn’t know what he’d do without his twin. Nightmares, when he had them, consisted solely of an unfavourable outcome to what would surely be war. Losing Fred-

He shook himself out of those thoughts by putting a hand on Fred’s head, feeling his hair slip into the spaces between his fingers. It wouldn’t happen. They would go together. There was no other way.

“Feel like Merlin’s month-old Y-fronts,” Fred mumbled, curling into himself with a horrid cough.

“Merlin’s soggy month-old Y-fronts,” George amended.

“Merlin’s soggy month-old Y-fronts,” Fred agreed stuffily.

Fred’s breathing sounded funny, George couldn’t help but notice. He pulled the blankets up around his brother's shoulders. Feeling like Merlin’s soggy month-old Y-fronts was the worst.

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Ahhhhhh!!! The twins!!! I love this! They care for eachother, and get sick together. Their like the hikaru and karou of the oruan host club..just in Hogwarts. XD

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This was absolutely adorable. <3

Also, I think "Merlin’s Soggy Month-old Y-fronts" might just be the best fic title I've ever seen. :lol:

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I love these two goofballs, and I love that you wrote something for them even more! :wub: Excellent characterization and writing as always, my dear~ :clapping:

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Ahhhhhh!!! The twins!!! I love this! They care for eachother, and get sick together. Their like the hikaru and karou of the oruan host club..just in Hogwarts. XD

Awk, they're little cutie pies ^-^

This was absolutely adorable. <3

Also, I think "Merlin’s Soggy Month-old Y-fronts" might just be the best fic title I've ever seen. heh.gif

Thank you! Well, it's certainly an eye-catcher :D

I love these two goofballs, and I love that you wrote something for them even more! wub.png Excellent characterization and writing as always, my dear~ clap.gif

Awh, thank you! I'm glad you liked it :wub:

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Something about that had always comforted Fred and George was struck with the sudden realisation that he really didn’t know what he’d do without his twin. Nightmares, when he had them, consisted solely of an unfavourable outcome to what would surely be war. Losing Fred-

Okay, first of all, I LOVE FRED AND GEORGE! Although almost more importantly, how could you include the above quote. #can anyone tell me what foreshadowing is?

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YAY TWINS! w00t.gif This was so sweet. I love the way you portrayed their relationship. I always wanted more Fred and George in the books, so this was a fun read!

Nightmares, when he had them, consisted solely of an unfavourable outcome to what would surely be war. Losing Fred-

He shook himself out of those thoughts by putting a hand on Fred’s head, feeling his hair slip into the spaces between his fingers. It wouldn’t happen. They would go together. There was no other way.

^^OH MAN. That's just... POW! Right in the kisser. cry.gif

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Lee smirked. “Should I tell the greasy git you’re dying? I’m sure he could do with a laugh.”


I love this! So cute!

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  • 1 year later...

That was so friggin cute :wub2: 

On April 21, 2015 at 7:21 PM, Adrian said:

“Feel like Merlin’s month-old Y-fronts,” Fred mumbled, curling into himself with a horrid cough.


“Merlin’s soggy month-old Y-fronts,” George amended.


“Merlin’s soggy month-old Y-fronts,” Fred agreed stuffily.


Fred’s breathing sounded funny, George couldn’t help but notice. He pulled the blankets up around his brother's shoulders. Feeling like Merlin’s soggy month-old Y-fronts was the worst.

^^^^ And this is so Fred and George  :lol:

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