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Why Is It Called A 'Rhinovirus' Anyway? SPN Dean, Cas


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Things to rememberwhen your angel is high, drunk, ill, sleeping or fevered:

Everything you taught him about personal space and social conventions go right out the window.

Having given in to Castiel's eyes, fevered and forlorn, like large, wet forget-me-nots, Sam conceded and they had pushed the double and single together so the three of them could be close.

"This is buch dicer." Castiel smiled happily, clambering in and gesturing for the brothers to get in.

Dean slid in on the left, reminding Cas, "This is just because you're sick right dow, alright? Whed you're better..."

"Whed I'b better I wod't deed to sleep." Cas pointed out, "Sab?"

Reluctantly, the younger Winchester clambered in, making sure his long legs weren't in the way.


"Bless you, Dead."

"Thagks, Cas, lights out?"

Sam would clear up the broken glass in the morning.


"Ble - "


"Bless y - "

"Eeeehh-heh, HEH!"

"No, Cas, I swear to G - "

The angel relaxed, Dean's fingers precariously holding under his nose to stop the sneeze from being released. "Thagk you, Dead." he wiggled his nose, "Did you dot say the bedicide would bake be sleep?"

"It should, it's startig to work od be." Dean smothered a yawn in his free hand, "Baybe you should take sobe bore."

"I have codsubed two bottles. Although, I would dot be averse to adother. They were rather delicious."

Sam raised an eyebrow, "Whatever, feather, knock yourself out," he handed Castiel a blueberry-flavoured bottle, "literally."

"Dean..." Sam whispered a short while later, "I can't move."

"Will you shut up, deither cad I." his brother snapped back,

"It's awkward."

"I dow, I dow, but we just deed to bake the best of it."

There really was no other choice. After the third bottle, Castiel's urge for sleep had overwhelmed him and he had passed out between them. Never having seen a sleeping angel, neither of them knew just how much of a cuddler Cas turned into when he hit the hay and both hunters had apparently become the angel's teddy-bears as he slept, an arm wrapped tightly round each of them.

Dean was slowly succumbing to the effects of the NyQuil and was drifting off.

Sam was considering downing some, himself.

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"Ble - "


"Bless y - "

"Eeeehh-heh, HEH!"

"No, Cas, I swear to G - "

The angel relaxed, Dean's fingers precariously holding under his nose to stop the sneeze from being released. "Thagk you, Dead." he wiggled his nose,

Was that all Cas? This bit about Dean stoping the last sneeze really made me LOL.

Dean was slowly succumbing to the effects of the NyQuil and was drifting off.

Sam was considering downing some, himself.

Me think Sam downing some NyQuil is really a bad idea... for Sam. Can't go dodging those stray sneezes if he's sleeping. Plus, I suspect he might feel worse when waking up if he's been sneezed on a few times already :D Yay!

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"Bless you, Dead."

"Thagks, Cas, lights out?"

Sam would clear up the broken glass in the morning.



"Ble - "


"Bless y - "

"Eeeehh-heh, HEH!"

"No, Cas, I swear to G - "

The angel relaxed, Dean's fingers precariously holding under his nose to stop the sneeze from being released. "Thagk you, Dead."


:heart: :heart: :heart:

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KickingUpTheDust, on 03 May 2015 - 06:49 AM, said:

Dean was slowly succumbing to the effects of the NyQuil and was drifting off.

Sam was considering downing some, himself.

Me think Sam downing some NyQuil is really a bad idea... for Sam. Can't go dodging those stray sneezes if he's sleeping. Plus, I suspect he might feel worse when waking up if he's been sneezed on a few times already Yay!

That sounds like a very likely possibility.

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hey everyone, sorry it's been a few days - I'm super sick right now and I'm just not motivated and I can't think straight :-(

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hey everyone, sorry it's been a few days - I'm super sick right now and I'm just not motivated and I can't think straight :-(

Aw, do feel better soon! And don't worry, take as much time as you need. :hug:
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Sam waited until Dean had finished honking into a tissue with a disgusted look on his face.

"Ok," Dean wiped his nose, "what did you wadda talk about?"

The younger hunter glanced over at their angel, who was currently trying to look at his own nose, sniffling, "We need to figure out this thing with Cas."

"What 'thig' are you talkig about? Why he turds idto a cuddle-bodster at dight? I duddo, Heaved's a dysfugtiodal fabily but they were all pretty close odce. Maybe that's how baby adgels sleep - "

"He shouldn't be sleeping at all, Dean! Let alone - Cas, here." he paused to chuck the box of tissues over at Castiel, "Doing that."

"You bead gettig sick?"

Sam rolled his eyes, "Yes, getting sick. He's an angel, isn't their holy stuff or whatever meant to protect them from that?"

Dean shrugged, "He's in a human body."

"By that logic his human body should be able to die or get injured too, but he's fine being shot, stabbed, beaten, whatever. I'm being serious here, Dean, what if this is serious?"

"A case of the sdiffles?" Dean, scoffed, "This isd't the biddle ages, Sab, people dod't die frob the cobbod code - least of all adgels."

"Will you quit joking around for a minute?" Sam retorted, "What if this isn't just a common cold? There's nothing common about it! What if this is a demon thing? A curse? What if he's being drained of his holy juice?"

Dean paused for a second, listening to the "EEEEHH-isshhhh! HEHTCH-SSSHHHHH!" coming from Castiel, "Blow your dose, Cas." he instructed before lowering his voice again, "He doesd't seeb too freaked out by it. He said he's ok. The feathery dork eved fides sobe of it fud."

"He's picked up most of his knowledge about humanity from us, Dean, what makes you think he's telling the truth? Neither of us are exactly open and honest about our feelings, are we? Oh, admit it." he added, seeing the uncomfortable look on his older brother's face.

"Well what cad we...ah...we..."



"Oh, man, you could have turned your head!"

"What? I covered by bouth!"

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The younger hunter glanced over at their angel, who was currently trying to look at his own nose, sniffling, "We need to figure out this thing with Cas."

Yeah Sammy, you really have to figure this thing soon before you turn into a puddle of snot yourself!

"What 'thig' are you talkig about? Why he turds idto a cuddle-bodster at dight? I duddo, Heaved's a dysfugtiodal fabily but they were all pretty close odce. Maybe that's how baby adgels sleep - "

"He shouldn't be sleeping at all, Dean! Let alone - Cas, here." he paused to chuck the box of tissues over at Castiel, "Doing that."

"You bead gettig sick?"

Dean paused for a second, listening to the "EEEEHH-isshhhh! HEHTCH-SSSHHHHH!" coming from Castiel, "Blow your dose, Cas." he instructed before lowering his voice again, "He doesd't seeb too freaked out by it. He said he's ok. The feathery dork eved fides sobe of it fud."

Them talking about Cas and still pausing to tend to his baby angel needs smile.png And the humor... the humor!

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"Well what cad we...ah...we..."



"Oh, man, you could have turned your head!"

"What? I covered by bouth!"

Yesssssssssss!!!!! Sammy getting a little too close! Mwahahahahahaha!~
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"Well what cad we...ah...we..."



"Oh, man, you could have turned your head!"

"What? I covered by bouth!"

Yesssssssssss!!!!! Sammy getting a little too close! Mwahahahahahaha!~

Mwahahahahahahahahahaha! I decided to cackle along with you - I hope that's alright.

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Hello everyone, sorry it's been a while - I've been so ill lately. Urgh. Plus I got reallly stuck with the plot. Actually I'm still stuck, really I'm just tootling along.


"Dabbit, Cas!"

"By apologies, Dead."

"You two are gross," Sam chuckled, shaking his head. 'The children', as he'd begun referring to them in his head, were seated in the back, in a den on tissues and blankets, while Sam drove on.

"Where the hell we headed, adyway?" Dean questioned, thickly.

"There's a job out about a day away," Sam replied, "nothing urgent. Can probably wait til you're back up to scratch but we can get out here early, figure it out, do our research and get it over with."

"What's the ca...case look li - APTCHHHew!"


"A case of the common cold, to me." the younger Winchester sniggered,


"Alright, alright! Some sort of weird activity. People vanishing for only a few hours, then getting everything humiliating and embarrassing about them spilled over everywhere."

Dean gave a liquid sniff and rubbed his nose, "That doesd't soud like debod activity. Sure it's dot just sobe poor scorded huban lookig for revedge or gossip?"

"That's what I thought - Cas?" He stopped to look over at the angel, who's head was bent back, a pained expression on his face.

"Cas?" Dean prompted, seeing the angel, "Cas, what is it? What's wrog?"

The angel gasped, "I'b...it...."

"Cas, are you hurt? What's goig od?"

"Eeehh...heh...I'b...od the edge..." he breathed, "...but...it wod't..."

Sam sighed, relieved, "You mean you need to sneeze but it's stuck?"

Castiel nodded, "Haahh...deed to..."

Dean reached over and gently traced out the edges of Castiel's nostrils with his finger, reddened and sensitised by the cold, causing the angel's head to buck away at the sudden contact. Dean held him still, rubbing his nose underneath the bone.

"Use a tissue, Cas." Sam reminded him as he turned back to the road.

Obliging, Castiel took a fresh tissue and pitched forward with a wild and shuddering, "HUHttttcccchhSSSSSHHHIIIII!!"

"Bless you."

Castiel sniffed, shivering, "It occurs to be that I'b expellig a lot of liquids. Is that dorbal? By vessel isd't goig to rud dry, is he?"

Dean let out a breath of laughter, "Do, Cas, as log as you drigk pledty, you're dot godda rud dry."

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  "Bless you."

I give a holy bless you for that ;)

"It occurs to be that I'b expellig a lot of liquids. Is that dorbal? By vessel isd't goig to rud dry, is he?"

  Dean let out a breath of laughter, "Do, Cas, as log as you drigk pledty, you're dot godda rud dry."

Cas you little worrywort, stop being so innocent. Dean, stop being adorable. :D

Love love loving this!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Alright after my bout with a hell of a lot of wine, vodka, and whatever else I consumed during my two-day bender in which I composed that fluffy trash fic of Max The Fucking Adorable Trash Pepsi Max Delivery Driver (played by Richard Cutie Patootie Piece Of Shit Speight Jr) I'm a bit more sober and I'm gonna try to force my way through this writer's block for Puddin's sake and you guys who have joined in.

"Rebide be to fubigate the car whed I'b well again." Dean mumbled groggily, watching Castiel throw his face forward into a tissue.

Sam let out a snort of laughter from the driver's seat but Cas frowned at himself. He found the sneezing part fun. Sneezing was enjoyable and he doubted he'd get tired of it soon. But the rest. The ache of his body, the eternal tiredness, the continuous scratch in his throat and the...leaking. Being ill was exhausting and honestly, he would like to get it over with.

That is of course, if he could.

He had probably been thrown off-guard by what fun the sneezing was to give too much concern over what had caused it. His grace seemed to be in tact. He wasn't de-powered. Weakened by illness, but not fading. But where had this illness come from?

Sam had said he had likely caught it from Dean but how? How?

"Well, we'll be in the town in a few hours," Sam told them, "you guys can rest up at the motel. I'm gonna head into town. Try and find some stuff out and - "

"Will you be goig to the library?" Cas interrupted,

"The...library?" Sam repeated, stumped, "Sure, probably at some point. There'll be archives there. History of victims maybe, or any old legends or something. Why?"

"Libraries are, frob by uderstadig, a place of dowledge." Cas explained, "I wish to leard bore about the cobbod code."

This made both Winchesters turn to look at the angel in bewilderment, "Wha - ?" Dean squinted at Cas, "Why'd'you wadda do that? Dot buch to dow. You sdeeze, cough, whide about it. You blow your dose, take bedicide and get better id a week."

"I wish to dow how it is tradsbitted," Castiel replied, "ad possibly gaid ad uderstading of how I, ad adgel, badaged to contract it frob a hubad."

The brothers looked at each other, "I guess that's a sensible idea, I'm glad you're taking this seriously, Cas." Sam started, "But you really should rest up, I can find out some stuff for you, if you like."

"There bay be sobe thigs you biss or are beyod your uderstading." Cas told him, "I will go byself."

"Cas, you're sick. You should at least have sobeode with you."

Cas paused. They were better-versed in illness than him. And he did not want a repeat of last time he had been left to his own devices.

"Ok, so we get to the motel, you guys stay there for a bit and when I'm done with the witnesses and interviews, I'll let Cas know and I'll take him to the library. Deal?"

Dean grunted in agreement and Cas nodded. "I will wait here. Eh...HEHISSSSHHHH!"

"You bight wadda pick sobe extra tissues up while you're out, Sabby."

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"Ok, so we get to the motel, you guys stay there for a bit and when I'm done with the witnesses and interviews, I'll let Cas know and I'll take him to the library. Deal?"

Dean grunted in agreement and Cas nodded. "I will wait here. Eh...HEHISSSSHHHH!"

Me think this could be a very bad idea ;) A sick angel in a library... endless sniffling and sneezing in a silent place? Dust into sensitized nostrils? That's gonna end badly I can feel it :P

And anyone else can here "I'll just wait here then" into that last sentence? It's like he was about to say that that was interupted by his own sneeze :P Anyway, if you need ideas to unstuck yourself in the future, you can send me a message... I'm good with Cas related prompts :)

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Oh dear lord! The congested speach is the greatest thing EVERRRRR!!! :rofl: You write them incredibly well, i'm jealous! :D

(and for an idea, I can totally see Sam blindly covering Cas' mouth to stop him from sneezing on a book :lol: just a thought)

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(and for an idea, I can totally see Sam blindly covering Cas' mouth to stop him from sneezing on a book just a thought)

That would be so funny! Plus, contagion...

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(and for an idea, I can totally see Sam blindly covering Cas' mouth to stop him from sneezing on a book just a thought)

That would be so funny! Plus, contagion...

Or to try to stop him from sneezing at all... it's a library after all :) I can see a fun time happening soon :)

And with Cas who loves sneezing so much, I can see him sneeze until it makes him dizzy tongue.gif

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"Uh...uh-huh...huhHUHTSCHAOO! Urgh, huh-uhTCHOOOO!" Dean groaned and blew his nose again, now so raw and rubbed he found, despite the temporary relief blowing brought, he really didn't want to.


"What?" Finally the angel spoke. They had been sitting in relative silence for about an hour now, save for the TV and occasionally sneeze or honking nose blow.

"The girl id this sog," Cas commented, squinting in that way only he could, "does dot appear to be swigig frob a chadalier."


"Look," Castiel gestured at the television, which was displaying the music video for Sia's 'Chandelier', "the sog proclaibs that the wobad will swig frob the chadalier but there is do woban, do swiging ad do chadalier. Odly a sball child dadcig."

"It's a busic video, Cas, it's dot bet to be taked literally." Dean rolled his eyes and sneezed again, "God dabbit!"

"Bless you, Dead - EEEESSSSHHHHiiih!"

Dean cracked a smile, "What a pair we bake, eh?"


The hunter noticed his friend looking...was that impatience he saw in the angel? Couldn't be. Cas would sit on the side of the road doing nothing all night if he needed to. Why was the angel so...anxious?

"Sab'll be back sood," he said, "He's just pickig sobe supplies up ad thed he'll take you to the library, ok?"

"Ok." Cas replied, but that didn't stop him from looking towards the door until he abruptly stopped and turned to look back at Dean.


"You are ill, too." Castiel stated, sniffling.

"Er...yeah?" Dean prompted,

"Sab did't wadt to leave be alode because I ab ill."

Dean cocked an eyebrow, "Your poidt?"

"Yet he is able to leave you alone when you are ill."

"Well," Dean's nose was tickling again, and it stung in protest when he tried to rub it away, "I have bore experiedce of beig sick thad you do. This is your first tibe."

"That is the truth." Castiel's voice became quiet and he looked at his hands, "I codfess I ab udsure as to how you coped. Feelig like this at regular poidts id your life."

Dean picked up on the tone in his angel's voice and looked at Castiel. His expression was less one of curiosity and confusion, but more...lost, unsure, dazed. A wave of sympathy washed over the hunter.

"Well, you'll - HUTCHOOOO - get better sood. Cobbod codes dever last that log."

"But it is dot cobbod, Dead." Cas corrected him, "What if I - oh, I'b godda - hihSCHIIIIH!"

Deand passed him the tissues, "You're godda be ok, Cas. Sooder or later."

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Awwwwww!!!! Cute cute cute Holy Cute!

Cas is the most precious angel ever! I wanna squeeze him! :D

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I was just listening to that song before I read this! The only explanation for this coincidence is that I am now psychically linked to your fic.

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"Ok, so you see those two cards are the sabe," Dean explained patiently, "so whed you see that you sback your had dowd od the pile and go 'sdap!' ad then," he pushed the cards towards Cas, "you claib the pile of cards ad we start agaid."

Castiel squinted at the pile of cards in front of him, "But Dead, dow we have ad udeved aboudt of cards..." he observed, "you will rud out of cards ad I will have bore."

"That's the poi -nh - hhhttchOOOOO! Oh," Dean sneezed wetly into his elbow and wiped his nose on his sleeve, "Whoever has all the cards at the ed...wids...ah! Huhtschhhooo!"

The sound of a quick knock on the door and keys in the lock brought a sigh of relief from Dean. He loved Cas, he really did. But times like these, he wondered if they had somehow ended up with the dumbest angel in the garrison. Teaching Castiel to play snap had taken him well over half an hour and they hadn't even got to play the actual game yet.

"Still alive, you two?" Sam called,

"Just about," replied Dean, "Fide adythig?"

Sam rummaged in the bag, "Just some Nyquil, some pills, tissues and salve. Tried asking round about the case but no one in this place is particularly talkative. Not to me, anyway. Seems like one of those xenophobic towns where they hate outsiders, you know?"

Dean sniffed thickly, rubbing is nose, "Yeah well, we've beed id a few towds like that ad those are the towds that have dirty secrets - uuhhhESCHOOOO!"

Sam winced, "Yeah well, right now all you have is a dirty tissue. Get some rest ok, I'll take Cas to the library, if you're still feeling up to it, Cas?"

Cas was focused on his pile of playing cards, snivelling and wiping his nose with his sleeve, "Yes?"

"You ready to go to the library?"


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The poor dear is so out of it teehee.gif

I love it so much. Cas is just too much of a doll :D

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The car ride was rather silent, other than the trum of the engine and Castiel's cold, and Sam found himself feeling somewhat uneasy. When it was just him and Dean in the car it was different. Even in silence it was comfortable. But Castiel? Without Dean? Just the two of them? It was like a faulty broadband connection. Something might strike up briefly and then it was lost again. Unless there was a specific case to talk about, silence almost buzzed between them.

Cas was right. He and Dean did share a more profound bond. But then, Dean always was the more sociable, popular one of the two.

He cleared his throat and made another attempt at conversation. Anything to fill this awkward silence. "Cas?"


Sam paused, "You know, you could have just...I don't know used my laptop if you wanted to do research on the common cold. It would have been faster, you wouldn't have to go out and I'm sure it wouldn't take you too long to figure out..."

"Sab, do you have ady...?"

Realising what the angel needed, Sam opened the glove compartment and fished out a pack of tissues, "Here."


"Speaking of which," Sam said, "I know you're sick and you can't help it, but while we're in the library, you might wanna lower the volume."

Castiel squinted from over the tissue covering the lower half of his face, "Lower the volube? Of by sdeezes?"

"Yeah. Just try to stay as quiet as possible."


Sam sighed. Having Cas tag along in public places was like taking a toddler out. Having to explain social rules and keep eyes in the back of your head at all times, "Libraries tend to have a 'no talking or being loud' rule. So we have to whisper. People like to read in silence."

"I will try, Sab, but ih - it will be har..haaah HAHssshhIIIHH!"

Sam felt a twinge of guilt as he looked at the angel. A thick drip hung on the edge of his reddened nose and his watering eyes were squeezing open and shut again as the prickle in his nose threatened and loomed.

Truth be told, Castiel looked far from angelic.

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A thick drip hung on the edge of his reddened nose and his watering eyes were squeezing open and shut again as the prickle in his nose threatened and loomed.

  Truth be told, Castiel looked far from angelic.

this just killed me! Picturing cad in suck a helpless state just makes my heart flutter *swoon~*
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"Speaking of which," Sam said, "I know you're sick and you can't help it, but while we're in the library, you might wanna lower the volume."

Castiel squinted from over the tissue covering the lower half of his face, "Lower the volube? Of by sdeezes?"

"Yeah. Just try to stay as quiet as possible."


Sam sighed. Having Cas tag along in public places was like taking a toddler out. Having to explain social rules and keep eyes in the back of your head at all times, "Libraries tend to have a 'no talking or being loud' rule. So we have to whisper. People like to read in silence."

"I will try, Sab, but ih - it will be har..haaah HAHssshhIIIHH!"

Awwwww this is absolutely what I hoped for :D Yay!!! Can't wait for the following chapter!

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