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Why Is It Called A 'Rhinovirus' Anyway? SPN Dean, Cas


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"I actually agree with Dead," Castiel interjected, suppressing a shiver, "it is rare, but I ab feelig...cold..." His flushed face perked up in realisation, "is this why it's called a cold?"

Oh this was precious :)

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Castiel sat and pondered several things at once.

One, Sam had insisted they get rest. But there were only two beds. A large one and a small one - who would go where? And why? Surely one would be left out and Cas, knowing how it felt to be left out, did not like that idea one bit for anyone.

Two, how HAD he managed to get sick?

Three, he had seen showers before, but never actually been in one. How did they work? Did you just stand underneath for a period of time? How long? Or did you do things while in the shower?

All these questions were making Castiel's head swim even more and he cocked his head at the taller hunter, who was reading on a small, overstuffed armchair on the opposite side of the room.



The angel paused, which question to ask first?

"EEEEHHtcheeww!" A sneeze interrupted his thoughts and he turned in the direction of it. Dean had exited the bathroom, clad in a white t-shirt and loose pants.

"Bless you, Dead."

"Thagks, Cas. Bathroob's free." Dean rubbed a towel over his head and jerked a thumb in the direction of the door.

Listening to Dean's loud sneezing through the door and Sam's complaining, Castiel studied the shower. He thought for a moment to ask for help, but, upon hearing the brothers descend into conversation, he thought it best not to interrupt them.

Castiel lurched forward with a sneeze of his own and dragged the cuff of his jacket along the underside of his dribbling nose and tried to think logically. Humans took showers when they needed to wash. You wash things when they get dirty.

Now that he thought about it, he had been substituting his jacket for a tissue on more than one occasion. It could do with a wash. Now, how to turn the contraption on...

He turned a knob. Nope, not that. Maybe this one?

Ah, yes, that was...


The shock of the cold water had startled a tickle out of Castiel's nose. Holding his hand up to cover his mouth (he remembered what Sam said) he shot forward with another wild sneeze.

Cas straightened up and sniffed. Sneezing was enjoyable. Showers were decidedly not.

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Nice update, thank you! I love Cas not knowing how to use the shower; it's interesting to think about just how much he would know about everyday human stuff like that having seen it all from a distance for years, but never having actually experienced using any of it. He's so adorably clueless! And how he feels insecure about asking and doesn't quite know how to break into the conversation. And of course the end when we learn that Cas enjoys sneezing. Loved it! :-)

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I'm back posting even more SPN. So much more. And more. And MOAR.

Also back from Florida now. Like damn I am NOT missing that heat.


No longer being able to stand it, Castiel stumbled out of the shower and faced a new problem. Drying.

He knew you had to dry yourself after a shower, usually with a towel. But try as he might, he just couldn't get his clothes dry with just the towel.

That's it, he thought, I am asking for help.

"Dead?" he called, popping his head out from the bathroom door.


"I, ub...I deed help..."

The brothers looked at each other dubiously, "What...what do you need help with, Cas?"

Castiel looked embarassed, "I, er, I cad't seeb to get dry."

Dean's eyebrows shot up, "Gettig dry? You just towel yo...your...HEHsheEEW! Urgh,"

"God bless you, Dead."

"Thagks, er, just towel yourself off...?"

Castiel looked down at his sodden form, which was starting to shiver from the cold, "I have tried, it has dot proved efficiedt."

Sniffling thickly and covering his eyes, Dean entered apprehensively, wondering what shenanigans the angel had gotten himself into this time. In hindsight, they probably should have taught him to showering basics.

"You decedt?"

"I ab ad adgel, Dean, I ab always decedt."

"I bean are you covered?"

"Of course I ab covered, what else would I be?"

Dean opened his eyes, confused and groaned inwardly when he saw Castiel. Fully-clothed, dripping from head-to-toe and shivering from the cold water. He and Sam should DEFINITELY have gone over the basics of showering.

"Are you kiddig be? You showered with your clothes od?!" Dean sighed, exasperated,

Castiel looked lost, "I thought the purpose of showerig was to clead," he replied miserably, "I did dot dow I was doig adythig wrog by dot reboving by clo...cloth...HEEEH-IISSSHHH!"

"Awh, bad, as if you wered't sick edough already." Dean scratched the back of his head in thought, "Look, just get outta those wet thigs, you cad borrow sobe of by stuff udtil they dry."

"Thagk you, Dead."

"Ad blow your dose."

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This is so cute! :D

Sorry my responses have been... delayed :lol:

This is really good so far, and I have started your fic, I'm hoping to get something completed gor you soon!

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CAS!!! You innocent, feathery bundle! This was too precious, I just can't stop giggling.

Perfection! :heart:

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I cant explain how much I LOVE this. All of it. I cant wait for more updates :)

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Castiel getting himself soaking wet and being all shivery just-... >//////////< UGH THAT IS SO CUTE AND MAKES ME WANT TO SWOOP HIM UP INTO MY ARMS FOREVER. This is a lovely fic thus far, KickingUp <3. Loving where this is going, and can't wait to see how it ends!


This is really good so far, and I have started your fic, I'm hoping to get something completed gor you soon!

PUDDIN FICTION? *flails* So excited for this as well! :D

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N'aww! Although I don't follow the series myself, I have such a love for supernatural beings and their adorably hilarious misconceptions when it comes to totally regular 'human stuff'. :P AND AGH HE'S ALL WET IN CLOTHES! So sweet. I enjoyed! ^_^

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"There we are," Dean said, muffling a cough into his shoulder, "all dry."

Once he was finished buffing the last of Castiel's now-dry hair, Dean laid the towel down on the bed and looked down at the angel, plaintively sat on the edge of the bed, sniffling, clad in a white t-shirt and loose blue pants.

Castiel turned and looked up at the elder Winchester, "Thagk you, Dead. I believe I uderstad better dow."

Dean nodded, "Well, good. I dod't wadda have to cobe to your rescue with the shower, agaid, right?"

"Of course - heeeeh..."

"-EEAAAIISSSHH!!" they both finished together.

"Whoa," Sam smirked as he walked through the door, "sneezing comes in stereo now? Man, you two are gross."

"I apologise, Sab." Cas replied, burying his nose in a tissue, "I - eeehh, EEHHHSSHH! Oh. Ow."

"You ok?" Dean asked, scrubbing his own nose with a scratchy, hotel-issue tissue.

Cas lowered the white paper from his face, his nostrils now cherry-red, and gave an experimental sniff and swallow, wincing. "That sdeeze..." he began, rubbing his throat, "was less pleasadt thad the rest."

"Sneezing is pleasant?" Sam repeated, incredulously,

Castiel turned his unoffending gaze on the younger Winchester, "It does have a certaid...satisfactiod about it. Albost like a relief. I assume it is this feelig that pushes hubads to sid? The rush, the ecstacy, the release."

Dean snorted, a bad idea, and blew his nose again, "Well, udlike food and sex, I dod't thigk adyone has overidulged or cobbitted cribes of passiod for sdeezig."

"Do," Castiel agreed, "I suppose to hubads it is something so dorbal and budade, you dever thigk about it."

Sam sighed and shook his head, brown locks waving with it, "If we're done with the philosophical musings, I think it's time for you guys to get to bed."

"Yes, bob," Dean snickered, "if we cad get ady sleep with thi - HEHtschEEWW!"

Sam slung a plastic bag onto the bed, "I got more NyQuil. Figured you'd need it, and for Cas, too."

Dean took out the bottle and looked at it doubtfully, "I dod't dow, Sab, will this stuff work od Cas? He's ad adgel..."

"Last time we checked, angels couldn't get sick. Now that's proved wrong, it's more than likely false that they're totally unaffected by medicines if they're sick too." Sam shrugged. "Got Vaporub as well, I can't stand another night of listening to you snoring through that nose of yours."

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"If we're done with the philosophical musings, I think it's time for you guys to get to bed."

Loved this part so much! Loved the actual musings too!

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Love this whole paragraph...

"Whoa," Sam smirked as he walked through the door, "sneezing comes in stereo now? Man, you two are gross."

"I apologise, Sab." Cas replied, burying his nose in a tissue, "I - eeehh, EEHHHSSHH! Oh. Ow."

"You ok?" Dean asked, scrubbing his own nose with a scratchy, hotel-issue tissue.

Cas lowered the white paper from his face, his nostrils now cherry-red, and gave an experimental sniff and swallow, wincing. "That sdeeze..." he began, rubbing his throat, "was less pleasadt thad the rest."

"Sneezing is pleasant?" Sam repeated, incredulously,

Castiel turned his unoffending gaze on the younger Winchester, "It does have a certaid...satisfactiod about it. Albost like a relief. I assume it is this feelig that pushes hubads to sid? The rush, the ecstacy, the release."

Dean snorted, a bad idea, and blew his nose again, "Well, udlike food and sex, I dod't thigk adyone has overidulged or cobbitted cribes of passiod for sdeezig."

"Do," Castiel agreed, "I suppose to hubads it is something so dorbal and budade, you dever thigk about it."

Cas sneezes hurting his throat, the sneezetalk and parallele with sex and sins :) So perfect!

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"You want to what?" Sam repeated, incredulously,

"I just think it would be nicer," Castiel sniffled miserably, "I did not want anyone to be left out and..."

Damnit all to hell, Dean thought, the guy looked miserable. Maybe it was his brotherly instincts, maybe it was just human pity. But the way Cas' baby blues trailed to the floor, embarrassed just made Dean grab Sam by the shoulder and pull him a few feet away.

"Let's just hubour hib."


"Oh, cobe od, Sab," Dean rubbed his temples, eager to get this over with, "he's dever beed sick before, he's udsure. He doesd't dow what to do with hibself. He clearly wadts, do, deeds to be close to us right dow."

Sam sighed, "I get what you're saying but, I mean, no offence, but I really don't wanna catch this."

Dean quirked an eyebrow, "You've spedt the whole day with us. If you're godda catch it, it's probably too late."

"Yeah, you're probably right."

"Besides," they both paused to listen to the angel release another loose sneeze, "I'b feelig the code byself. I could use the extra heat."

"You're an asshole."


"Alright, we need to establish some ground rules," Sam told them both firmly, "any sneezing, coughing or excessive breathing on me, and I get up, ok? Cas, what are you doing?"

"I ab sbellig the VapRub, Sab, you said it would alleviate by codgestiod." the angel sniffed, "It tickles."

"You rub it od your chest, Cas, do - dot through your shirt. Lift your shirt up add put it od." Dean corrected, rubbing his own chest and breathing in the vapours.

"I see." Castiel said, concentrating on what Dean was doing and copying.

Sam slapped a hand to his head. It was going to be a long night.

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"You rub it od your chest, Cas, do - dot through your shirt. Lift your shirt up add put it od." Dean corrected, rubbing his own chest and breathing in the vapours.

"I see." Castiel said, concentrating on what Dean was doing and copying.

Sam slapped a hand to his head. It was going to be a long night.

Haha! AW CAS, YOU SO SILLY! :yay::heart:

Such a cute moment, and big-brotherly Dean being all the angel's-never-had-a-cold before... I like it!

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Sam is trying soooo hard not to lose it. I love it!

Cas is so damn innocent! Dean is just the best of ever brothers! :D

I can't express all the love I have :heart:

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"I ab sbellig the VapRub, Sab, you said it would alleviate by codgestiod." the angel sniffed, "It tickles."

THIS! Vaporub making Cas sneeze... I'm... hum... *melt* Thank you for the image that'll go with me everywhere today :)

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"Alright, we need to establish some ground rules," Sam told them both firmly, "any sneezing, coughing or excessive breathing on me, and I get up, ok? Cas, what are you doing?"

SAM. Bless his heart xDDD I really love that there is no real detail to what happened during that sneeze-- who it was, or where it hit, and such. The lack of detail somehow makes it even more hilarious to me because I can just see someone sneezing directly on Sam and he's like, "OKAY, NEW RULES..." xDDD I am loving this~ WELL DONE! <3

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Sam sighed, "I get what you're saying but, I mean, no offence, but I really don't wanna catch this."

Dean quirked an eyebrow, "You've spedt the whole day with us. If you're godda catch it, it's probably too late."

"Yeah, you're probably right."

Yeah, yeah he is probably right!

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Sam sighed, "I get what you're saying but, I mean, no offence, but I really don't wanna catch this."

Dean quirked an eyebrow, "You've spedt the whole day with us. If you're godda catch it, it's probably too late."

"Yeah, you're probably right."

Yeah, yeah he is probably right!

Yeah, Sam is doomed.

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Sam sighed, "I get what you're saying but, I mean, no offence, but I really don't wanna catch this."

Dean quirked an eyebrow, "You've spedt the whole day with us. If you're godda catch it, it's probably too late."

"Yeah, you're probably right."

Yeah, yeah he is probably right!

Yeah, Sam is doomed.

Hopelessly doomed.
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