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Why Is It Called A 'Rhinovirus' Anyway? SPN Dean, Cas


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"Look," Dean sighed, rubbing his temples at the blank-expressioned angel, "you do some searching around while Sam and I hunt down this spirit and then we can meet up after and talk it through."

Castiel nodded, blue eyes looking as innocent as ever, yet not so - angels were weird.

"When would be appropriate for me to see you two again?"

"Give it a couple days, the hunt is a bit of a drive away and it seems like a tough cookie we got on our hands."

"In which case should I not stay and help?" the angel frowned,

"Nah, nothin' we can't handle." Dean smiled, the corners of his mouth dropping when Castiel stepped forward close, way too close, he could feel the angel's breath tingle the end of his nose, which he wiggled and rubbed.

"Cas...personal space? Remember?"

Castiel stepped back, "My apologies, I observed two male humans saying goodbye earlier by being close together and I deemed it appropriate."

Dean rolled his eyes, "It really all depends on the relationship between humans. You probably witnessed family or something, maybe one of them was going away for a long time."

Castiel paused and got what Dean called his 'thinking face' on, "They did reference feeling each other's absence."

Dean nodded encouragingly, "Well, you're learning. But in future, just check when you're gonna burst someone's personal bubble, ok?"

The angel cocked his head to the side, like a puppy confused at a new toy, "I have not damaged any form of inflated - "

"Figure of speech, Cas," Dean interrupted, "figure of speech."

"I see. I shall return in a few days then."

And with a flutter, Castiel was gone.

They had been driving for two hours and Dean was on...well, Sam had lost count of how many coffees the older Winchester had downed.



It wasn't the usual, deep, masculine 'yeah?' normally uttered by his brother. This particular 'yeah?' sounded like a sandbelt. Rough, high and painful.

But Dean wouldn't mention that.

Sam squinted at his brother, "You ok?"

"I'm fine."

And that was that. Silence.

Until the "Uuuhhh-tchiiiieeew!"

Another sound not usually uttered by Dean.

Sam frowned and Dean sniffed, ignoring the sneeze and expecting Sam to do the same. Grunting in acknowledgment of his younger brother's offering of ''Gesundheit.", Dean swallowed the pain that further ripped through his throat and took another swig of coffee, the heated liquid momentarily quelling the miserable purgatory in the inflamed totally fine part of his body.




"You, er, you might need a..." Sam pushed the box of tissues he had not at all purposefully placed there towards Dean.

Dean rubbed underneath his nose and flushed slightly at the cheeks to find that it was embarrassingly wet.

"Listen, if you need to rest..."

"I dod't," the elder Winchester growled, "I'b fide. Let's just fide out a bit bore about what we're dealig with. I dod't wadda have to call Cas out here to heal adyode because we got sobethig wrog ad wered't well-prepared for i..ih...iiihhTSCHew!"

Sam sighed, marked the page of his book and closed it, "And with a cold like that, I don't think you'll be well-prepared even if we do know how strong this thing is."

Dean scowled, "I dod't have a - huhschooo! - a code. It's jus' allergies."

The younger Winchester quirked an eyebrow, "I haven't noticed any cats around here."

"The lady dowdstairs. She looks like a cat lady."

"That's an assumption and you know it."

"Is dot, I really did feel - EHtchooo! sdeezy just after we spoke to her."

Sam shoved the tissue box at him more forcefully, recoiling slightly at the still-visible spray Dean caught in his fist, "I guess the sore throat you've had since this morning is a separate thing then."

"I haved't had a sore throat, I just deeded caffiede. Ad if we're godda get adythig dode todight we'll deed bore. So you cad either keep bitchig or bake yourself useful ad go od a coffee rud."

Exasperated, Sam grabbed his wallet, "I'll be back in ten."

The younger Winchester wandered along the aisles of the grubby corner store, lingering round the somewhat limited selection of instant coffee.

If Cas was here, he'd heal Dean, no problem. But Dean had sent Cas off to Chuck-knows-where and didn't want to call him back. Dean was a stubborn piece of...well, Sam would have to see that Dean got at least some sleep if nothing else.

"Back. You found anything?"

"Dope. Dothig useful adyway."

"I'll put the coffee on and I'll get back to it."


If Dean currently possessed the senses of smell and taste, he'd have known straight away.

But, as Sam fought to hide his sneaky grin behind his own mug, Dean apparently did not. And did not notice anything being amiss until he was over halfway through his mug.

"Sab," he slurred, realisation dawning,

"Yeah?" Sam replied, innocently,

"You got decaf, did't you?"

Sam couldn't hold back his shit-eating grin anymore, "Yep. And your new best friend." he dug into the plastic bag and pulled out a small plastic bottle.

Dean glowered as menacingly as he could before slumping over his research.

"Dyquil..." he hissed, eyes closing.

Meanwhile, miles away, an angel gingerly rubbed his suddenly tender throat.

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I do plan on continuing because a.) this is a trade w/ the very lovely PuddinPop and b.) I'm having fun with this :-)

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I do plan on continuing because a.) this is a trade w/ the very lovely PuddinPop and b.) I'm having fun with this :-)

I can always trust the beautiful Puddin to get some sneezy Cas going around on the forum >w<~! And thank you for delivering on it! :D

I'm really loving this so far, KickingUpTheDust!! Super kudos for mentioning Dean's allergies, and I love the like, adorable hands-off brotherly affection between them as they both sort of come to terms with Dean's illness. And of course I'm absolutely ECSTATIC for a sick, sneezy Castiel <33. I cannot wait to see more of this >w<

Edited by BlackScatter
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Oh! Perfect! So perfect!

This is beautiful! Can't wait to see what you write next! :D

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OMC I love this! I love the Dean and Cas interaction as well as the moments with Sam and how he's concerned and Dean tries to deny it. I like how you alluded to Dean's cat allergy ;-)

You do a great job with their voices. And the ending! Is there another? Please tell me there is a sick Cas one to follow!

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Had someone hit him over the head?

Someone had definitely hit him over the head.

Gingerly, Dean lifted himself off the table and sniffed. Or tried to. Urgh.

Surprisingly enough, he found himself still in the motel room and not tied up somewhere being kidnapped by someone or something. There was a -


"Bless you. Still going?"

"Sab?" Dean mumbled thickly, "What are you doig?" Seeing the light pour in through the thing curtains, barely covering the window, "what tibe is it? How log have I beed out? I should have beed..."

Sam made shushing gestures at his half-asleep brother, "Dean, relax, I took care of it."

"Wha - ?"

"The job, I went out there this morning and ganked it."

"You wedt od the hudt without be? Sab, that was - UUHH'tshoooo!"

Sam rolled his eyes, "I got a couple bruises, that's it. How was your sleep?"

The elder Winchester narrowed his eyes as he slowly remembered, "You drugged be with DyQuil."

His brother smirked, "How else was I gonna get you to relax?"

"I dod't deed to relax I'b fi - ah-hahAHTcheew!"

Another eyeroll, "Ok Sneezey, are we gonna summon our feathered friend?"

"I told hib we'd call id a few days, figured we'd take logger, UHtchoo! I'll call whed we're id the car."

Sam raised his eyebrows, "Just don't use your phone while driving."

It was Dean's turn for the eyebrows to raise, "Are you kiddig be? I'b still doped up od that poisod you spiked be with, I'b dot riskig baby id this state."

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The elder Winchester narrowed his eyes as he slowly remembered, "You drugged be with DyQuil."

His brother smirked, "How else was I gonna get you to relax?"

You can just feel the glare. Beautiful!

Sam raised his eyebrows, "Just don't use your phone while driving."

It was Dean's turn for the eyebrows to raise, "Are you kiddig be? I'b still doped up od that poisod you spiked be with, I'b dot riskig baby id this state."

My god stretcher.gif so perfect!
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I can always trust the beautiful Puddin to get some sneezy Cas going around on the forum >w<~

Who, me? :awesum:

This is great! I really like the interaction between Sam and Dean. And I love how Dean is even more grumpy when he's sick, that's totally how I'd imagine him to be too xD

And the premise that there will be a sick, sneezy Castiel is just going to keep me checking this thread!

Thank you, KUTD, and I hope you like the fic I got you! when I finish writing it

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Sam loved his brother, he did. But right now he was really gross.


A thick sniff and, "What?"

"You think maybe you could do that...Like...into a tissue or something?"

Another sniff and a roll of green eyes, "What, you afraid I'm gonna soak you, or something?"

Flinching as Dean lurched forward with another sneeze into his wrist,"yeah, a bit."

"What, I'b coverig by bouth!"

"Youve still managed to get germs on the dashboard, I thought you loved this car."

"She's a gorgeous girl, Sabby, but she cad't get sick."

Nevertheless, he scrubbed at the dashboard with his jacket sleeve.

"So, you gonna call Cas or what?" Sam asked,

"Hold od a secod." Dean replied, tearing a tissue from the box Sam had deliberately left in the glove compartment, "HuhTcheeew!" He sneezed into it, giving his small nose a blow and a wipe, "happy?"

"Very, thanks."

The phone rang a few short times, the dull tone sounding as bored and moody as Dean felt, before a click, a cough and a rough voice answered, "Hello? Dead?"

"Hey, Cas, Er 'we' got the spirit, fidished earlier thad expected. You ready to cob beet us?"

A pause and what sounded like a very heavy breaths from Castiel's end.


"Yes. Where are you?"

"Er...just turdig off highway ted at..."

Both Winchesters started at the flutter of wings and the appearance of their angel friend, who sat between them, leaning closely in, apparently having forgotten Dean's chat about personal space.

Sometihing seemed off. Castiel was squinting, like he did when confused. But it wasn't a confused squint, well it was, but there was something else.

The angel's nose twitched like a bunny sensing danger and his breath was laboured and short.



The brothers ducked out of the way and Sam recoiled at the wet patch on the dashboard.

"Bless you?"

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Ahhhhh so so so good. Sneezy Cas and Dean is almost to much for me to be able to handle! Please keep going!

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The angel sniffed and touched his nose gingerly.



Sam turned back to the road and pulled over, "Castiel, did you just sneeze?"

Cas nodded slowly, "I...I believe so, Sab. And I ab glad I did."

"Glad?" Dean prompted,

"By dose...it had beed feelig stradge. Like a sort of tigle. But dothig would cobe of it." he sniffed again, thickly, "But I still feel sobethig. I dod't feel...right."

Dean sighed, "You're sick?"

"Sick?" Castiel pondered this new feeling, "I am an angel. I caddot be - HUHtsheeew!"

Sam threw up his arms in front of his face, "I swear it'll be a miracle if I don't wake up with this tomorrow. Cas, if you feel like you're gonna sneeze, cover your damn mouth."

"By apologies, Sab."

The younger Winchester passed him the tissues, "Wipe your nose. Looks like you picked up Dean's cold, then."

"Dead's cold what?"

"I'b dot sick, I dod't have a cold."

If Sam had been an impatient man, he'd have crushed the wheel on the car in his bare hands out of frustration. But, luckily for all of them, Sam was used to out-of-the-loop angels and stupid older brothers.

"Dean, if you try to deny it anymore, I'll force-feed you NyQuil again, and I won't even bother disguising it with coffee. Cas, Dean has an illness called a cold. He most likely passed it on to you last time you were with us. It's nothing serious, just makes you sneeze and your throat sore for a bit."

As if to prove his point, Dean sneezed into his wrist again twice, "Hag od a secod, that was two days ago. I wasd't sick too days ago. Kide of like I'b dot - UUHHscheeww! Sick dow. Cas, pass be the tissues?"

"The rhinovirus can live in the body for up to ten days before symptoms start showing, genius." Sam snarked, watching his brother blow his nose with a gurgling honk and wonder how he could possibly deny this, "You were probably infected then and passed it on to Cas."

"How the hell does ad adgel get sick adyway?"

Castiel shrugged, a human gesture he had picked up, "I have been on Earth a long time, I have been amongst humans during that time. It is possible for me to pick up...human traits. I assume being able to fall ill and sneeze is one of them."

"Doesn't this bother you?" Sam asked, "You've never been sick until now, I don't think I've ever seen you sneeze before...couldn't this be a sign of something more serious? Dangerous even?"

"I have observed hubans sdeezig before," Cas replied, "it has dever seebed dadgerous. I see you ad Dean do it sobetibes without idcident."

Dean shrugged, "He has a poidt."

"Besides," Cas continued, "I bust adbit, I have beed curious about what sdeezig felt like. It seebed like...a bobedtary loss of codtrol. A rush. A sball part of be had wadted to experiedce it. Ad dow I have. The relief ode gets frob the tickle," he touches his nose again, "it's fascidating. However," he takes a tissue from the box, "I find the other sybtobs distressig."

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Loving this! Cas is just all casual about it and doesn't even care wubsmiley.gif

And you're so quick with updates :D This makes me so happy


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Sam threw up his arms in front of his face, "I swear it'll be a miracle if I don't wake up with this tomorrow.

Yes, it would be a sad sad miracle...

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Sam threw up his arms in front of his face, "I swear it'll be a miracle if I don't wake up with this tomorrow.

Yes, it would be a sad sad miracle...

LOL Indeed :P

This is highly entertaining :) Can't wait to see what'll happen next with 'not-sick' Dean and Curious Cas ;-)

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Hey guys, updates may be slow over the next few days - I'm in Florida for Worlds! Awww yeah.

"All right, guys, we're stopping at the next motel and the pair of you are gonna get some rest." Sam ordered firmly, feeling a lot like a parent with two small kids.

"We cad keep goig logger, s'all good." Dean mumbled sleepily, slumped in his chair, head lolling.

"I do dot require rest, Sab, adgel's dod't - HEHtchEWW!"

To give him credit, Cas did cover his mouth this time.

"Well, last I checked, angels don't get sick either, so let's take that with a pinch of salt, shall we?"

"Dod't deed to rest..." Dean half-heartedly protested, now very much asleep and, given the way his cheeks were flushed noticeably even in the dim light, probably feverish.

"Yeah, yeah, ok."

It wasn't the worst place they had ever stayed in. It was a little grotty, somewhat old-fashioned, but at least it was warm. The woman, grey-haired and tiny in stature, looked sympathetically as Sam ordered a room for three while the elder Winchester and the angel sneezed and sniffled behind him.

"'S freezig id here, sobeode cragk the heat up?" moaned Dean, tugging his jacket round him tighter,

"What? Dean, this place is a sauna."

"I actually agree with Dead," Castiel interjected, suppressing a shiver, "it is rare, but I ab feelig...cold..." His flushed face perked up in realisation, "is this why it's called a cold?"

Before anyone could answer, Dean lurched forward into a series of sneezes, throwing an elbow in front of his nose. Once finished, he dug the heels of his palms into his eyes and moaned, "Sabby..."

Knowing what was coming, Sam rolled his eyes, "Yes, Dean?"

"I thigk I have a cold."

"No shit. Right, Dean, get a hot shower. Warm you up, sweat the fever out and loosen up your nose. Cas, you too. Then I'm gonna dose you up on NyQuil and you're gonna sleep so deep, cos Chuck knows you both need it."

For once, no one argued.

"No, Cas, don't follow Dean to the bathroom. Personal space."

Castiel nodded, "Persodal space - EEEHHshoooo!"

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Once finished, he dug the heels of his palms into his eyes and moaned, "Sabby..."

Knowing what was coming, Sam rolled his eyes, "Yes, Dean?"

"I thigk I have a cold."

"No shit. Right, Dean, get a hot shower. Warm you up, sweat the fever out and loosen up your nose. Cas, you too. Then I'm gonna dose you up on NyQuil and you're gonna sleep so deep, cos Chuck knows you both need it."

For once, no one argued.

"No, Cas, don't follow Dean to the bathroom. Personal space."

Castiel nodded, "Persodal space - EEEHHshoooo!"


Bless their sweet little hearts. This is coming out beautifully. But do please take your time, no need to rush. :)

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Then I'm gonna dose you up on NyQuil and you're gonna sleep so deep, cos Chuck knows you both need it."

I love the Chuck knows you both need it! It's like in AVPM when Ginny says "oh my Rowling!"

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