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" Tris, Wake up. We have to train inatiates." I feel Tobias say by my ear. I groan.

" Fine dibs on first shower."

" Never." Tobias runs into the bathroom; I sighand go start breakfast. I set eggs and bacon on the table when tobias comes out of the shower.

" Good morning," he says. I ignore him and go into the bathroom. I tie my combats and pull my hair into a tight pony tail.I walk out and almost swoon. Four's in a grey muscle shirt.

"Tobias, are you trying to give all the girls a heart attack and all the boys selfesteem issues?" he just shruggs and says, " If you got it, you got it."

" Well, come on. let's go scare some innates." We go out to the netto wait.

" Dibs on first jumper," Tobias yells. then he cups his hands over his mouth," hechoo."

" Bless you, Four." I say laughig.

" Thanks Six,:" he says with a smirk. Just then we hear a screan and an innatiate falls into the net. Four's hand goes up to help her off.

" Welcome to dauntless,what's your name?" HE asks in his instructor vioce.

" Calypso," she says finally.

After all the innatiates jump,me,Four,Chris, and Will begin the introductions.

" I'm Christina. I'm a ambassodorand train the Dauntlessborn." She says with spunk.

"I'm Will. I'm a gaurd and I train the Dauntless born.." While Will was talking, I feel Four tense and relax several times. I almost bless him but bite my tounge. I hope he's not getting sick.

" I'm Six.I am a Dauntless protoge, a leader, and I train you transfers." I spit the word transfere like it's bitter. Four picks up a second late something that would have been bad last year.

" I'm Four and I train transferes."

" Why are your names numbers?" A cute Candor girl asks.The next second, I have my gun at her throat.

" What's your name," I hiss.

" Mel," she says without so much as a quiver in her voice. She is fearless.

" WEll, MEl. If I wanted to deal with Candor smart mouths, I would have joined their faction. Shut up!!"

" Why?" I have had enough of her. I punch her in the face and walk away leaving her there.


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I assume Four finishes with the innatiates, but I go well break a punching bag. Seriously it's gonna need help later. I can't stand that girl and I don't know why. I'm not sure how long I stand there practicing before arms come arround me.

" Do not touch me," I bite out. The arms tighten and start to pull me back. Oh gosh. It's Peter. He's back. He's come to kill me. Four isn't here to save me. I start blindly stiking. Tears stream down my face.

" Woah woah. Tris it's okay. It's just me." I hear Tobias' voice. I turn to face him.

" Oh sorry I thought you were someone else." He gives me a weird look.

" Tris what's going on?" He asks worry laceing j\his voice.

" Nothing. Let's go get dinner," I say walking away. He doesn't seem convinced but follows me anyway.

When we get to the table, Zeke gives me worried look. Since I became Dauntless, he is like my older brother.

" Why do we always get asked about our names?" I say tlo stave off the questions I know are comeing.

" Because they're numbers," Zeke says. I roll my eyes. I feel Tobias move a little but I still jump when he sneezes.

" Heckoo Hechoo Hesk hmph hmkbn ansh." They were Aimed at the floor.

" Bless you," we say. He shruggs and grunts.

" Hey bro you getting sick?" Uriah asks.

" No I'm fine."

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I know Four's sick but for some reason, I don't say anything to him about it. I guess when he feel bad enough to care, he'll tell me himself. Not long after I finish my burger, I get up and leave. This is highly unusal for me. I walk out to the chasm. I climb down to the place where Tobias first kissed me. The day after was one of the most difficult ever. Four pretending it never happened, snapping at me, embarraseing me. I am glad I confronted him. I have no idea where this anger is comeing from. I wish I didn't worry about Four's trustworthyness. It's not Tobias I don't trust, it's Four. I love that part of him but I'm not sure I can trust him. Of course it was Four who pulled me away from the chasm.

" Heshoo hessss heshhs hxxh hxx hxxh." My body tense of it's own accord. I am on my feet in a second. I turn to face Four.

"Bless you," I say sitting back down. He comes and sits beside me, takeing my hand. I don't look at him chooseing to look at the rushing river instead. He takes my face in his hands.

" Hey what's wrong?" He asks gently. I can barely sense the congestion in his voice. I have to push this feeling down. At least that's what Abnegation taught me.

" Nothing is wrong I was just thinking," I say lieing smoothly. When did I get good at that?

" What were you thinking about.Hemp hxx hxx hxxxh." He asks. HE also sneezes several times into his hand.

" Bless you. how long it was going to take me to get you to admit that you're sick." He grimices.

" I'm fine." His voice is conjested again.

" Yeah sure. Well I hope you will be okay to teach

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n we get to the training room,Four goes and loads the guns. Not long after, the iniates come in. We have them line up on the wall then Four walks down the line in his menacing way.

"Today you will learn to shoot a gun. Please remember this is a loaded weapon so don't be ... Hemchhxxthxxt. Hxxt. Hxxt hnnx hnnx hccch hccbs," he starts sneezing into one hand while trying to keep his finger off the trigger so as not to shoot me. I take the gun from hima and he immediately covers his face with both hands." Hxxt hexxtx hexxtx hxxt hxyyx," they were all stifled as well as possible. Once he gets control back, he raises his head and looks dead at his initates.

"That is what can a

Happen if you take this lightly. If I had really been sneezing, Six would have been shot." One of the Candors laugh.

"Sorry, Four but that's not a convincing lie. Bless you by the way." Mel says. He glares at her but tell them to go practice anyway. About halfway thru, Mel calls Four over. When I pass them I hear them say," I'm sorry you're sick, Four. Let me know if you want someone to come take care of you." Four smiles at her and says," Okay, I'll let you know. But I'm not sick so you now look stupid." I'm not sure whether I should be happy he rejected her or upset that he was willing to take her up on the offer of care. Is it possible he's bored with me? Maybe I should let him go. "Dismissed,"I yell. Then I go to stand by the door as they all rush out in groups of three or four. Once they're all gone, I turn to Four.

" You are sick," I say. He grimaces.

" No, I'm fine. Hxx." I stare him down. My hands on my hips.

" That was very covincing. Let me know if need something. I'll see you around," I guess I might have over reacted. Does he not trust me? Maybe he just doesn't want to look weak. I hear footsteps behind me. I turn around and see Four coming up behind me. He see the steaks on my face. I hadn't even realized I was crying. He opens his arms to me. I go to him, loving the way my head fits into his chest. Then I feel him tense up just a little.

"Hxxt hxx hxx hxx," he stifles against my shoulder. I not sure whether to be grossed out or not.

"Ga I'm sorry Tris," he says. I smile against his chest." Why don't we go chill in the room," he says. I smile. We head back.

Let know if y'all want more be blessed

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  • 5 weeks later...

He unlocks the door and holds it open for me. He still does have some of his Abnegation traits. i smile as I walk in. He follows me in and closes the door. I sit on the chair opposite the bed. He frowns but sits on the bed.

"Okay, Tris spill." The congestion still laces his voice. I clear my throat.

"Nothing's wrong, I'm just tired. Your turn. Why are you trying so hard to keep from being sick?" I clear my throat again.

" It's just natural for me," he says then his eyes fill with tears. I dont know what to do, crying is not somthing Four or Tobias does. I stand up and hesantly walk to where he sits. I sit down and hold him close hoping he wasn't feeling overpowered by me. He crys and crys. I honestly don't know what to do. Crying wasn't somthing we did in Abnegation. THat's why I always tried to hide when I was crying. I held him for an hour before he could pull himself together. He sits up. I get up and go get the theremometer. I hand it out to him and retreat to my chair. I sit down as he holds the theremometer in his mouth. I can see his nostirls flaring from where I sit. The device beeps and he takes it out quickly. He sits it beside him on the bed.

"Hechoh hecho hc hxx chc cch xxhc hccx h'coo hic'oo." I look away from him. I get up and grab the thermometer. it reads 100. I sit beside my still sneezing boyfriend.

"Hechoo hcehhoo hcecoo hcecooo hjceoo hecjii hjcei hejixx hejxx hejixx hejixx xhhi." He looks up at me with pitiful eyes. I press a kiss to his lips ignoring my increasingly more annoyed throat. He pushes me off.

" I don't want you to get sick,' he says softy as if his voice is fading. I smile softly at him.

" Since you have never heard of a sick day, i'll probalily get sick anyway," I say with a smile. He laughs but it turns into an ugly cough. I rub his back trying to ease his pain.

"Hechoo HEChoo Hecoo hceoo hceoo hecoo hceoo Hechoo," He sneezes into his arm. I smile softly at him. He smiles back rubbing his nose with the back of hhis hand. I roll my eyes. Sometimes I forget Four's only 18.

" I've gotta go. I'll see you later," Isay getting up.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I hurry out of his room and into the pit. I go to the fear landscape room from there. When I get there, I turn into it and forget so much as I give over to my fear. THat is until I get to my final fear intaman. I stand ther as Four tries to make me strip. I start to scream and my throat burns makking tears chase each other down my face. I stop and just stand there as Four forces me to entertain him in a way that I do not like. I curl up on the floor. It's not long before I feel strong arms arround me and I grab onto them for dear life. I hear a sigh as the person feels my burning skin. Soft steps take me down the stairs and a door is opened, I get laid down on a bed and I force my eyes open. I see Will's face close to mine, his face pale with worry.

" Oh gosh, Tris, you scared the living crap outta me. You have been unconsious for hours. I found you next to dead on thje floor and you became responsive when I touched you." His words were garbled and his face faded into the dark.

The next time I wake up, I see TObias in the midst of a sneezing fit.

"Heschoo heschoo hecshoo hckoo hkchoo hckchooo" I open my mouth to bless him.

"Bless you." He looks at me in disbelife. Then he comes and grabs me up in his arms.

"Tris, Tris ,Tris don't ever scare me like that again. I got a call from Will that said you were passed out and burning with fever. Whyt would you hide feeling so crappy from me?" His eyes Four looks at were filling with tears.

"THe same reason you do it." Now his eyes filled with hurt.

"I didn't almost die because of it. I would have told you before my temp hit 106!" Now he was yelling.

" Well, I didn't know it was that bad. It was just a cld." As soon as I say this, My body backs me up and makes me lurch forward in a dozen silent stifles. Four looks at me with concern. I just smile at him.

" Bless you,Six. YOu know I hxxn xxn hxxn hxxn hxxxn. Well that ruined the moment. I love you. Never forget that."

"I love you too." He kisses me until we are both panting.

_ end_\

thanks for sticking with me i love you guys you are all so supportive.

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  • 2 months later...

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