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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Scared, Criminal Minds Fanfiction


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Hi, this is one of my first Fanfics. I hope some of you like it.

It was a very rainy morning and SSA Jennifer Jereau was running late for work. She knew they had a new case and her team was waiting for her to join them in the conference room. When she finally arrived at the Bureau she was completly soaked. Her hair was dripping when she opened the door to their coference room and took place while excusing herself for being late. Everyone was staring at her. Emily was the first one to ask: “JJ, you okay? Maybe you should dry your hair.” “Oh no I´m fine. What have we got?” Garcia began talking about the new case but JJ zoned out. Truthfully she was not fine. She had been feeling like she was getting sick yesterday and spent the whole night worrying about it. No one of her Co-workers new about her fear of being sick, because she always was ashamed of it. She knew it was childish but she was scared by the thought of being vulnerable and out of control. She had always feared things happening to herself she couldn´t control. She hid it well, because she didn´t want people to think she was weak, because of that fear. Suddenly she noticed erveryone stepping up and Hotch told them to be ready in thirty minutes.

When she entered the plane JJ noticed she had a headache and a scratchy throat. She tried not to think about it, but didn´t succeed. When one hour had passed and most of her collegues were asleep she noticed her nose itching. Now there were three symptoms of being sick or getting a cold and she had to force herself to stay relaxed. But when the itching grew bigger she locked herself in the little restroom, the plane had. She stood in front of the mirror and looked at herself. Her face was pale. Her nose tickled and she tried to wrinkle it, but she had no time. She barely got the chance to cover her nose with one hand before sneezing. “Heethgsch! Ha... Haetshhew!” Her hand was covered in spray and she scrunched up her face in worry. She washed the spray off and opened the door seeing Hotch standing in front of it. “Hotch. What are you doing here?”, she asked feeling heat rising in her cheeks as he gave her a concerned look. “You got here in such a rush I thought you might have gotton sick or something.” JJ´s heart dropped at the thought of herself throwing up. “No. I´m okay.”, she lied. “You sure? You look pale.”, Hotch said. “Yes, I think I might be catching a little cold. But nothing to worry about.” Hotch nodded. Her nose choose this moment to tickle again. She turned away from her boss and caught the sneezes in her cupped hands. “Heehgsch! Tttschhh”. “Bless you.”, Hotch said when she turned back around. “Thanks.” “Let me know when you get worse okay?”, he said. JJ nodded: “I will.”

When the plane landed JJ was shivering with cold. She tried to calm herself down, but was scared by the thought she might have a fever. During the ride to the local police station with Emily and Hotch JJ felt her nose itching again. She turned to the window and sneezed. “He... Heishhoo! Ktschh! Hethss!” Emily who was sitting next to her said “Bless you” and gave her shoulder a slight squeeze. Hotch said nothing but stared at her with a concerned view. “JJ you´re shivering. Are you freezing?”, Emily asked. “Just a little.”, she answered. “Hotch turn up the heat! Oh JJ, but you´re sweating. Are you sick?” Emily gave her a concerned look too now. “No just a slight cold, I think.” JJ tried to smile it off, but Emily laid her hand on the blondes forehead. “You´re warm. I think you have a fever.” JJ began to breathe faster. “No.”, she said more to herself than to Emily. Her friend noticed her suddenly being paniced and took her hand. “It´s okay JJ. Don´t worry about it.” JJ tried to calm herself down again, but couldn´t turn off her mind. She was scared and couldn´t help it. Suddenly Emily noticed JJ was crying and took too short breaths. She didn´t really know what was going on with her or what to do. Hotch had watched JJ with concern and pulled over when he noticed her having something like a panic attack. He quickly opened the car´s door for JJ and helped her to get out. He held her by her waist and looked into her scared and teary eyes. She was breathing too fast he noticed. “JJ you need to take a deep breathe ok?”, he said and showed her what he meant. JJ did as told and slowly came a bit down. When she suddenly felt dizzy she stumbled forward into her boss arms. “JJ! I´ve got you. Emily do we have water?” Emily who was sitting behind JJ rubbing comforting circles on her back got a bottle out of her pocket and handed it to Hotch. He opened it for JJ and set it in her shaky hands. “Small sips, ok?” JJ nodded, took a few sips and handed the bottle back to Emily. Now that she was nearly back to normal she got ashamed. “I´m sorry”, she mumbled. “It´s ok Honey.”, Emily said while she stroke her arms. JJ barely registered she was going to sneeze so she just turned to the side sneezing on her shoulder. “Heetsch! Tschhh! Heacheww!” She sniffed once and felt her cheeks flush. “Bless you.” Hotch and Emily said in a choir. “Thags”, JJ answered trough her stuffed up nose. Emily sighed. “JJ we are going to bring you to the hotel.”, Hotch said. JJ looked at him her eyes begging him not to do so. “I´m sorry. But you´re sick. You need to rest.” One silent tear rolled down JJ´s cheek and she nodded getting back into the car.

Ten minutes later the SUV stopped at the hotel they were staying at. Before they got inside Emily asked Hotch to talk to him and the two of them stood in front of the car while JJ was sitting in there. “Hotch, one of us needs to stay with her. It´s not just she´s sick. There is something, that upsets her badly.”, Emily began talking quietly. “I know, Prentiss. I´m going to stay with her and make sure she´s ok, don´t worry.” Emily nodded giving her boss a thankful smile before they attended JJ to her room. They got her in bed and Emily gave her a hug before she drove to the local police station.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey everybody,

First of all I wanted to say thank you for your comments. I loved them. I´m sorry I didn´t wrote on the past two weeks, but I had a hard time after my sisters friend comitted suicide some days after my last post. However, thanks for your comments and I hope you enjoy the end of this little story.

“Do you need anything?”, Hotch asked when he sat down at the edge of JJ´s bed. JJ was cold, despite she was burried under a blanket. Her head and throat ached and she couldn´t breathe trough her nose. She shook her head and said: “You can go Hotch, I´m okay. The team needs you.” “No, they don´t. They can handle this case on their own.” “But”, JJ sighed, “I don´t want you to see me like... this.” “JJ, you´ve got the flu. Everybody gets it from time to time.” Her eyes got teary when she said: “But I hate it! I don´t want it!” Hotch grabbed JJ´s hands and she looked at him with a confused expression. “JJ, it won´t kill you. I know you, you´ve been trough so much worse things.” “I know, but it´s just...” she stopped when tears began to roll down her cheeks. Hotch felt bad for her. He wanted to help her. “What, JJ? What is it?” She wanted to answer but was interrupted by a sudden sneeze. Hotch still held her hands in his so all she could do was duck her head. “Haeshhooo!He... etchhh! Tschh!” “Bless you.”, he said and handed her a tissue from the box on the table next to her bed. She took it, held it under her nose and waited for the last sneezes to come out. Her nose burned and her nostrils flared but it didn´t come. Hotch sat next to her waiting for her to sneeze angain. He grinned when he saw how bad she needed to sneeze again but couldn´t. JJ noticed him being amused and chukled by herself when she slowly sat the tissue down. Hotch saw the very sneezy look on her face and brought one hand up to her nose touching it with one finger. JJ gasped and bent forward sneezing directly onto Hotch´s arm. “Heh... Hayischheeew!” “Bless you, JJ.” “Sorry”, she said ashamed of getting his arm a bit wet. “It´s okay. What did you want to say?”, he asked. JJ looked down at her hand, as she didn´t want to look Hotch in the eyes. “ I just... you´re going to laugh at me.” “I promise you, I won´t, JJ.” She needed a moment before saying: “I´m scared of being sick. It makes me panic, I don´t know why.” She waited for him to say something. He sighed. “I´m scared of cats, JJ.” She looked up to him and was surprised when she saw he wasn´t joking. They grinned at each other and began laughing.

When they had finally calmed down again Hotch said: “Everyone has fears, JJ. We´re scared of different things, but it´s the same feeling we get. Everybody gets this feeling, it´s normal.”

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I'm so so sorry you've been having a tough time - I know how sad it can be. thanks for continuing the story it is so great. I hope everything gets better soon

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  • 7 months later...

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