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The Avengers ( Bruce/Hulk) allergies


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Hey guys this is my first time writing a story, sorry if the writing is bad but I thought I'd give it a shot.... Hope you like it ☺️

It was 6:00 in the morning, Bruce was working on an his experiment with a powdery substance. He very carefully poured it into a vile and all of a sudden his nose started to itch. He didn't really think much of it but some of the powdery substance got on his hand and while rubbing his nose and ended up going up his nostrils. Bruce knew what he did and wish he'd been more careful. His eyes started to water his nose began to throb and itch. His breathing began to hitch ehhhh... Ahhhh.... He tried as hard as he could to not sneeze. He didn't want to wake anyone who was still sleeping. Ahhhh ..... AHHHH..... AHHHHHHHH..... He managed to stifle his sneeze ...ah Htcht. Man I need to be more careful with this stuff especially with the loud sneezes and allergies I have. It was going on 8:00 am, everyone was upstairs making breakfast. Tony saw Bruce coming upstairs out from the lab. Working hard big guy Tony said with a grin. Bruce smiled back at him with a thumbs up. After eating breakfast Bruce decided to go back down into the lab to finish up his experiment. As he carefully poured more of that substance into another vile ...Tony sneaked downstairs very quietly and went behind Bruce which was still concentrating on his experiment not knowing Tony was behind him. Tony shouted WHAT ARE YOU WORKING ON! And made Bruce jump which lead the powdery substance shoot up out of the vile and into poor Bruce Banner's nose. Oh no not again! Bruce shouted Do what again?Tony questioned Then all of a sudden Bruce hitch was more louder and stronger than the first time. Ehhh... Ahhhh... AHHHHH.... AHHHHH.... AHhhchoooo! Ugh. Bruce sighed. Oh man I'm so sorry Bruce, I didn't realize... I didn't know you were.. damn it Tony! Ugh Bruce with nose still twitching feeling like another sneeze might come on pitching his nose. I can help you if you need me to? Tony asked ehh.. No ehhh.. It's ok I.. I got it Htcht! Holding back the sneeze. Gesundheit Tony said with a worry. You sure you'll be fine? Yeah it's ok said Bruce just... I'll be up there in a few. Ok just let me know if you need any help and he walked back upstairs. Ugh back to the old drawling board then Bruce blew his nose.

A few minutes later Nick Fury beeped in Attention everyone... Loki is at it again we need your help! Steve Rogers shouted everyone suit up! Tony said Steve can you get Dr. Banner to suit up? Tony said sure.. Ugh I hope the big guy isn't still pist with me. Bruce! Tony shouted Yeah? achooo.. Fury needs us suit up the Big Guy said Tony hoping that his friend was still ok. Be uh.. Htcht Up there in a minute. Great just what I needed right now while dealing with this stupid allergy Ehhhh... Ahhhh... Banner put his finger under his nose to suppress his sneeze. The big guy isn't gonna be to happy with me. Everyone was already in the city, where's Hulk at asked Black Widow, I thought you told Dr. Banner to suit up said Captain America to Iron Man. I did he should be on his way, all of a sudden they heard a big thump then Hulk roared. See there he is said Iron man. Loki's men started charging at them getting ready to fight Hulk had a tickle up his nose, fiercely he rubbed his nose getting more angry that the itch wouldn't go away all of a sudden Hulk began to sneeze AHHHH... AHHHHHHH... AHHHHHHHHHH... Holy shit he's gonna blow everyone back up! Yelled Iron Man. AHHHHHHH....CHOOOOOOOOO the sneeze was so loud it sounded like thunder. Loki's men were knocked to the ground and knocked out from his powerful sneeze. Way to go big guy but next time try to warn us you almost gave me a hard attack. UGH grumbled Hulk. As they all went looking for Loki they found him on top of Stark Tower. Loki had his spear trying to open up the portal in the sky again. Oh no you don't said Iron Man flying up on his tower. Captain America used his shield to toss Black Widow and Clint up at the tower and Thor used his Hammer. Hulk grunted and jumped up to the tower. So you all think you can stop me?! Said Loki. We did it once and we can do it again said Captain America, Brother stop this madness said Thor. Oh you really underestimated me this time said Loki you have no idea what I've been up to. His spear was more powerful than the last time was a lot more brighter too. Hulk was effected by the bright light, what Loki didn't know was Dr. Banner was a photic sneezer and the fact that he already had all that powdery substance still up his nose and the bright light bothered him... Hulk warned Iron Man. Metal Man Hulk.. EH Hulk gonna AH AH AH! Everyone hold on to something big guy is at it again! Shouted Iron Man. Everyone grabbed onto the Stark letters on the building. Hulk hitched a long one this time Loki looked confused. AHHHHH AHHHHH AHHHHH AHHHHH..... I feel like we're on a ride a Cedar Point and we're getting ready to get to the climax laughed Stark. AHHHHHCHOOOOOOOOOO! Knocking Loki off the Stark Tower Clint had a rope tied to an arrow and aimed it at Loki to catch him. Gesundheit big guy said Stark. Bless you everyone else chimed in. Hulk rubbed his big green nose and grunted and shook his head thank you. Thor grabbed his brother and said now you shouldn't underestimate us little brother and gave him to Nick Fury. Good work everyone said Fury. Everyone headed back to headquarters, Banner was back to himself again but still stuck with his allergies. Bruce was in the lab finishing up with his experiment and all of a sudden his nose twitched and itched again and he felt another sneeze oh no not again eh ehhhh AHHHHH then he stopped and realized Tony put his finger underneath his nose and said that's enough sneezing for the day btw the big guy has some powerful sneezes thought he was gonna blow me away and laughed and so did Bruce while his friend kept his finger under his nose. Let's get you some Benadryl for those sneezes shall we. Thanx Tony said Bruce with a smile.

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YAY, ANOTHER OHIOIAN biggrin.png I've only seen like, two others on here. I loved the Cedar Point reference.

Good story btw.

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