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Sneeze Fetish Forum

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Hey guys! I started the Legend of Korra fanfic thread, and I noticed the high demand for Korrasami stories. So this thread is just for Korrasami stuff. Colds, allergies, anything with Korrasami is welcome!

I wrote this story to start us of, plese excuse any typos, as I was in a rush to bang this out as soon as the idea came in my head.

Korrasami story written in like twenty minutes. I hope there aren't any typos....:3

Hope you guys like :3

This is written from Asami's point of veiw- I always like fics written in the first person!Please let me know what you think, if you prefer first person or third person, and please let me know what you think of my writing in general!

I was walking with my girlfriend, Avatar Korra, in the park named after her. She was delighted that I finally had time off from work to go for a walk with her. She was wearing her usual tanktop , her toned arms bare for me to enjoy. I had layered a coat on top of my usual clothing, the slight chill in the air was too much for me to handle.

There was one more thing that was a bit too much for me to handle: all the ragweed ! The ragweed was crazy today, and I had forgotten to take my allergy pills. I had brought a few handkerchief in my pockets, but didn't want to make Korra think we should go inside.

" So I was talking to Lord Zuko the other day, and he said that Avatar Aang had as much trouble earthbending as I did in airbending, and that he never learned to metal bend! Isn't that crazy!"

* Sniff* "Eugh...yeah. That's pretty cute." I answered, cringing at the slightly nasal sound of my voice.

" Are you okay? You've been sniffling a lot lately, hope you aren't catching a cold." Her thin eyebrows snapped together with concern. Korra was always telling me to get enough sleep, and take care of myself.

*sniff* " No, it's fine. Just ...heh... allergies. Stuffy nose..." I mumbled, searching for one of my handkercheifs to rub at my nose with " I'll let you know if it gets really bad." I pulled one of them out of my pocket and rubbed at my nose, sniffling again. " Go on with what you were saying, "

Korra looked un coinvinced , but went on anyway. " He also said since I left the spirit portals open- he can go see his uncle! You should have seen how happy he was,Asami."

The wind started blowing, carrying more puffs of ragweed along with it. Some of it was getting trapped in my hair, even though it was mostly pulled back from my face in a clip. My nose tingled, right at the back, almost between my eyes. Just a light tingle. Nothing to worry about. Ugh, if only I had taken my Zyrtec!

Korra was silen now, her right hand folded into my left, and we walked below a canopy of orange-leaved trees...with modly leaves covering the ground. Not that I was terribly allergic to mold, but it only made my now sensitive nose tickle more. Ugh, the tingle was moving from the bridge of my nose to the tip. I put my hanky to my face and blew my nose, hoping Korra wouldn't mind.

" That was so cute, " She laughed lightly, " You blew your nose like a little polar puppy squeaky howl."

I couldn't help but giggle. She thought everything I did was cute. We continued to walk, and my nose continued to tickle! It now felt like someone was rubbing a feather duster inside my nose, stroking in a gentle , teasing way. My eyes were watering, my lips were parted, I lifted the hanky to my face and let out a few sneezes " HHhhaaa-iissSSHHEEWW! HHHHHaaa-isshhhoo!!Huucch-uuhhh! HHhaaa-ISSHHHuuhh! " I gave my itchy, tickly nose a well deserved blow.

" Bless you , Asami" Korra responded, putting her hand on my shoulder.

"Thangs" My nose was so stuffy! Ugh. At least the tickle was gone...for now.

We walked near the pond that now held turtle ducks, and Korra pulled some bread out of her pocket. We tore the bread buns into peices and threw them into the pond. I threw some peices of bread into the pond, and watched the mama turtle ducks lead the ducklings to the bread and watched them gobble it up.

" It's so cute how they do that! I love how the ducklings only eat the rbead if their mom eats it first."

" *sniff* Yeah...haha" Ugh , the tickle was back ! *sniff* My nose flared, pulling in more of the tickley, itchy pollen. I couldn't stop inhaling more of that itchy, tickly pollen that was only going to make me want to sneeze more! Oh, the itch had traveled from the bridge of my nose to the tip, and flushed into the whole center of my face, my sinuses were burning, I needed to sneeze. I pulled a fresh hanky out of my pocket and...

"HHhhuuu-UUUSSSHHOOO! HHHaaa--IIISHHHUUHH! HAA--AASSHHiiieeww! sshiiew!shhieew!" My eyes were streamiing now, and my nose was runnign like crazy.

" Spirtis Asami , are you okay?" Korra pressed her strong hand to my shoulders and pushed me to face her. More wind was coming, only blowing more of that tickley, itchy , sniffle-inducing ragweed into my face.

" *sniff* I'b just...my dose is so ...heh... tickley! I...*sniff* I deed...to...heh... sneeze"


I gasped for a few seconds, inhaling through my mouth. My eyes were streaming, but the release from sneezing felt so good. Korra didn't seem to mind, even as I released sneeze affter body bending sneeze into the blue hanky she was holding for me.


" Bless you , sweetie." Came my darling Korra's reply, " We're almost home. Almost there now."

I was grabbing the hanky myself now , and was walking on my own, as most of the fit had subsided. My nose felt raw. As we went through the front door I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror as Korra took off my coat and hung it for me. My eyes were red and watery, my nose pink.

" Ugh , I look horrible."

" No, you look cute, even when you're all sniffly-snuffly sneezey" She pulled my wasit and pushed me to face her, pressing her lips on mine and kissing me quickly before pulling away.

My nose starting tickling again, not as badly as before , but still so...heh...heh...tickley. Like...an ..ah-ah- and crawling in my nose...

" Korra, I deed to-"

But she was a step ahead of me. She grabbed a handful of tissues and stuffed them into my hands, just as agushed out a last few , tired sneezes

Hu-shooo!Huh-ishho!Huh-heh-hhaa-haaiisshhoo!aaasshhoo! Haaissheew!Huhh-huhh-hucchuuh!Ishhoooo! EESSCCHHHEEWW!

With that last , huge sneeze, I gave my nose another well deserved blow and threw the tissues out.

" I can't beleive you weren't disgusted by that."

Korra chuckled, " Are you kidding? I've always had a bit of a thing for sneezes but your's as so...hot. So powerful and feminine, higher pitched than your usual voice but so..cute. And plus you're cute when your all sniffley and sneezey."

She pulled me in for a kiss, but I had one last sneeze in my system


Korra giggled and shuddered slightly with pleasure.

" You wanna snuggle for a bit, then take a hot shower to releive your poor little nose?" She asked, tapping the tip of my now red nose as she spoke.

" I'd love to."

Hey! Hope you enjoyed, leave a reveiw about my writing, especially what you think of first person! Personally, first person really does it for me, because the sneezer can describe what their nose feels like. Feel free to add your own Korrasami stuff.

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Thanks! It's actually a pairing of Legend of Korra characters ( the sequels to the avatar- the last airbender series) and it's two girls- one's is the tomboyish avatar korra and the other is the super feminine asami sato).

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  • 2 months later...

Let me know if you guys want more Korrasami stories !!! I know most of the lok fandom on this site wants Korrasami

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I definitely want more Korrasami stories. Not sure if you prefer one sneezing over the other, but I definitely will read Korra sneezing fics.

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