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"You're Not My Type" - The Sequel


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Hello fellow demi-gods or mortals or whatever you are! Thank you for clicking this collaboration story written by my friend Carebear and myself. Now read on and stay amazing like Persassy.

Yours truly,

Me. biggrin.png

The candles were blew out, the cake was cut and happy birthday was sung to Will. Nico kissed him, Piper hugged him and Leo popped a few balloons just to add to the commotion. Everyone seemed to be having a good time. Everyone except Percy. He sat in the corner, glaring at the piece of yellow cake in front of him. He would’ve shoved his fist into it but that might have let people know he was upset. “Are you going to watch me open my presents?” Will asked Percy. Percy forced a smile. “Oh yes! Of course!” Percy said, clapping. Will eyed him suspiciously, due to his sarcasm. He sat at the table and watched as he opened everyone’s presents. They got him cool stuff for music and crap but Percy got him the best present of all. Will read the warning on the front of the box that said, “Do not shake- very fragile-” and then he opened it. Out hopped a tiny kitten. The effect was almost immediate: the surprised gasp, the hitching breaths, and the twitching nose. Percy watched in odd satisfaction as Will got ready for the worst allergy attack of his life. “That’s what you get for stealing my Nico.” He muttered to no one in particular. Nico was first to react, grabbing the cat, ready to put it into oblivion but Will grabbed his wrist. “Lea...hh...leave it.” He managed, his eyes welling with allergic tears. “hehhIKSHOO!” The sneeze ripped through his body like it had started at his feet and worked its way up. He felt his curls bouncing around his face as the sneeze jerked him forward. Nico looked at him, incredulously. “What?” He set the cat down. “Leave the kitten.” Will said, turning away from the table. “TSHOO! Hhh’RSH’uh! Hhh....hhhh....ETKSH’ooh! Hehh’YISH’eh! Hhh’KSH’eh! Nng’ISHOO!” He jerked down with each sneeze. Everyone’s eyes turned to Percy. “I didn’t know he was allergic.” Percy lied easily, lowering his head so no one could see the almost satisfied look in his eyes. Nico glared at him, trying to figure out if he was telling the truth or not. Will wiped his eyes. “Dod’t worry. Itd’s cute. Thagk you Perce.” He said and picked up the kitten. Percy was enraged at the fact that Will liked the stupid cat. Will was supposed to be angry and miserable! Why was he smiling and singing to the kitten through his sneezes? Percy shot up from his seat, causing his chair to fly back, flipping over. He was so pissed that the bottle of water next to Leo trembled then exploded, soaking everyone within a foot of it. He glared at the happy, sneezy blond birthday boy. “Happy birthday Solace.” He spat and then walked out of the cabin. Everyone stared at his exit, shocked into silence, the only sounds were of the kitten’s small mew’’s and Will’s body wrenching sneezes that always followed. He didn't know what just happened but now he had a pet and some cake.

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