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White Collar, allergic Neal


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Written for occasionalfury's fic request, "I would really love to see a story in which Neal has to go undercover and while he's undercover the suspect has a cat, which Neal is allergic to, but he has a very specific, possibly time-sensitive objective so he can't just excuse himself. Possibly the suspect has the fetish, and Neal picks up on that."

So, I haven't written anything in what feels like forever and although my preference is slash sick fics, especially Neal/Peter, my brain latched on to this request and would not let it go. So, here is the result. Also, sorry for the formatting issues. Me and copy and paste, and formats period, are not friends.

“I’m so glad you called, I was feeling kind of lonely tonight.” Her breath lingered on the word lonely in a sultry tone, as she let Neal into the apartment.

He had carefully seduced her at a gala a few nights ago, but she had seemed hesitant to invite him to her place… probably because she had the security code Peter needed tucked away in her jewelry box. Speaking of security code, he happened to need it within the next forty-three minutes. Best get to work Neal.

“Glad I can be of service.” His voice was smooth, but then it faltered. “Oh.” It was under his breath and barely noticeable, but she turned with a questioning gaze.

The panicked sound didn’t escape Peter’s ears either and he immediately started in, buzzing through the ear bud, “What? Neal! Are you okay? Do we need to come in? Use the panic word.”

“Is everything okay?”

Neal realized he hadn’t moved from the doorway.

“Yeah,” he meant to come up with a better cover than that, but his nose twitched and he had no choice but to let a small sneeze escape against the back of his hand.

“Bless you.” She smiled, and Neal realized the sneeze had actually been the perfect cover for his hesitancy.

“Thank you.” He straightened and tried his best to maintain composure, but in the back of his mind all he could think about was what he saw moments ago. A white tail flicking before slipping through a doorway.

Think Neal, think. His original plan had been to accidently spill wine on her, when she made her way to the bathroom, slip into the bedroom and snag the code; but given his nose’ immediate reaction to the surroundings there was little chance he’d make it there without a sneeze giving away his location. Ugh, just the thought of sneezing and white fur flittering around the apartment…

“Ex… excuse… h’ntsh tsh’ heh Ex’tchu… ugh, snf, excuse be.” Neal pulled out his handkerchief and wiped at his nose.

“Bless you.”

“Thank you.”

His eyes were getting damp with allergic tears and it was easy for her to see the problem.

“It’s the cat isn’t it? I’m so sorry. I had no idea. Would you like to go to your place?”

“Neal keep it together, you have to get in there.”

“Or I do have some Benadryl, and the cat isn’t allowed in the bedroom… much.”

“That would be great actually.” Really, she was inviting him to the bedroom in this state, well, it was definitely a step in the right direction.

As discreetly as possible, she moved some clutter into the closet, giving Neal a perfect view of the walk in, mirror and jewelry box neatly shelved.

Of course his nose was occupied with other problems.

“Tchu,huh,” he tented the handkerchief over his nose, eyebrows creasing in preparation, “he’tshu mpsh heh ehTSHU!”

“Let me get you that benadryl.”

As she stepped into the bathroom, Neal briefly questioned if he’d be able to get to the jewelry box. Massaging his nostrils through the cloth he stood, only to hear the medicine cabinet clink shut. Not a chance, so he sat, muffling a few more sneezes into the now damp cloth.

“Goodness, bless you, you really are allergic. Do you need water?”

Neal motioned no, quickly opening his hand for the pink tablets, but thought twice after he dry swallowed them. Partially faking a cough he cleared his throat.

“Sorry, maybe I will take that water after all.”

Perfect, she was leaving to go retrieve a glass… except she left the door wide open giving her a perfect view of his position. Glancing back, her eyes were kind and with a gleam of something else. He briefly pondered if the pills could have been poison, but he was well versed in antihistamines and those were definitely the Benadryl knockoff brand.

“Come on Neal, thirty five and counting.”

Neal rolled his eyes just before she reentered with the water glass. Downing it quickly he thanked her. His voice was husky and congested and he worried that she would insist he leave. Instead she ducked her head to the side, blush tingeing her cheeks.

“You like this.” The comment was as much a statement as questioning, but her eyes teared and Neal realized he probably shouldn’t have said the thought out loud.

“I’m sorry,” she tried to smile politely, “you should probably just go.”

“Hi’TSHH,” the sneeze was quick and slightly less restrained against his shoulder. He certainly hadn’t meant to, but it did seem to come at a convenient time and only reaffirmed his suspicion as her cheeks burned a little brighter.

Think fast Neal.

“It’s okay… I like it too.” He turned his head away in mock embarrassment.

“Really?” She perked a little, but still seemed apprehensive, as if maybe they were talking about completely different subjects.

“I mean, normally I prefer to be a little less uncomfortable, but I never dreamed I’d find someone who would appreciate me, like this.”

He motioned briefly to his face, eyes puffy and a bit red, nostrils a decidedly pink color, a blush peaking along his cheekbones as he slipped into the role of embarrassed shy fetishist.

“And…heh,” he let his breath hitch a little more this time, less worried about hiding or disguising it, “…I..h’NTSH, ex’TCHuh, et’CHIEU! Sorry.” Neal sniffed into his handkerchief.

“Bless you.” Her eyes indicated she was still a bit shy, but her smile didn’t hide the spark of excitement she felt.

“Thanks.” Neal looked down, still feigning a little embarrassment, at his all but useless handkerchief. “Umm, do you happen to have any tissues?”

“Of course.” She felt a little silly for not thinking of that sooner and headed into the bathroom, door conveniently sliding nearly shut behind her.

Neal rubbed at his nose, trying to think of something that would keep her in there longer.

“And do you mind getting me a damp washcloth?”

“Of course.” She called back.

He heard the slide of a drawer and the faucet turned on. By the time the faucet was turned off he was seated, sneezing into his hands, security numbers firmly ingrained in his head. Unfortunately, the sneezing had impeded his ability to pass the numbers to Peter. And emerging from the bathroom was a woman who seemed to have taken the time to embrace her fetish.

“Bless you.” Her tone had returned to that of when he first entered the apartment, and she straddled him while placing the tissue box beside them.

“You poor thing.” Gently she pushed him back and wiped the cool cloth underneath his eyes.

He sighed contentedly as the cloth soothed his burning eyes. However, the peace did not last long. While the soft touch soothed his eyes it did little to comfort his nose. Sniffing, only caused his breath to hitch, but just before the release a soft tissue clad hand massaged at his nostrils.

“Mmmm, thag you.”

“Blow.” The command was direct but gentle and he couldn’t deny that it felt good to release some of the congestion, although he didn’t do so with full force.

As she finished wiping his nose he decided to turn the tables a bit and flipped her seamlessly to her back. She gasped a bit in surprise but was clearly intrigued by the turn of events. Slowly, he lowered himself and kissed and nibbled just beneath her ear. His breath hitched and he turned his head slightly, misting her collar bone with a quartet of sneezes. She barely managed a breathless blessing and he smiled his thanks as he rose to unbutton his shirt. However, just one button in, he had to turn away, quickly letting out a couple of harsh coughs. Groaning a bit he looked at the empty water glass on the bedside table.

“Just give me one minute.”

She was definitely disappointed but seemed understanding. Taking the glass to the bathroom, Neal turned on the tap and whispered the memorized digits into his button mic. As soon as he heard Peter confirm the numbers, he wiped the rim of the glass and rinsed it before turning off the tap and returning the glass to beside the sink.

“Now, where were we?” He sauntered in, prepared to continue with the foreplay, but as he approached the bed a phone buzzed loudly on the nightstand.

“Just a minute.” She huffed in frustration and went to mute it before seeing the number.

“I’m so sorry. I really have to take this.” It was Neal’s turn to nod in understanding, as she closed herself in the closet.

“What?” Frustrated anger seeped through the door. “Are you sure?... No of course not.” Neal could hear a drawer and he was thankful he had the sense to leave the piece of paper. “I’m positive. Ugh, it’s probably the stupid janitor again… Fine… I’ll go check, but you so owe me for this.”

Neal sat on the bed and buried his nose into a tissue, pretending to silently stifle sneezes as she emerged. Of course, as soon, as he lifted his head and took in another breath it turned into a real fit. A tear dripped down his cheek and as the sneezing subsided she gently ran her thumb along his cheek swiping a few more tears away with it.

“Bless you.”

“Thanks.” Neal’s smile was sweet and had she followed her desires, she would definitely have stayed.

“I’m so sorry, but I really need to leave.”

“It was too much, wasn’t it.” At first she was confused, but as she examined his face she could see the shame, as if he was too much of a mess.

“Of course not.”

Neal continued to look away, as if he genuinely did think he was the problem.

Leaning forward she turned his face towards her and drew him into a sensual kiss, slowly pulling away at the end.

“You were perfect.” Her eyes locked with his conveying true desire, but her smile turned to a disappointed frown, “It’s just my boss. I really do have to leave.”

Neal nodded and buttoned the top of his shirt. “Can I at least walk you out?”


Feeling the cool air against his face was both a blessing and a curse.


“Bless you.” She took a laced handkerchief out of her purse and held it out.

“Thank you.” As much as he wished he had thought to load his pockets with tissues, he hadn’t. And remembering his handkerchief was far past use, he accepted the cloth, blowing his nose gently into its small folds.

Giving him a quick kiss on the lips she allowed him to open her car door.

She smiled as she slid into the seat, “Call me tomorrow?”

“Promise.” Neal smiled and waved when she drove off.

As soon as she was out of site the surveillance van pulled up, and Neal climbed in the back. Peter briefly looked him over before chuckling at the site of the girly handkerchief.

“Shut up.”

Peter pulled a plain white cloth from his back pocket and Neal gratefully replaced the small one, allowing himself for the first time to truly blow.

“You know you are NOT going back there tomorrow.”

Neal looked up, ’no duh’ written all over his face.

“Just tell me you have some real Benadryl in here.”

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That was great! I loved it!

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Thank you so much! I am eternally grateful, and you filled the prompt so well! I'm not great at expressing my gratitude, so just know I thought it was amazing.

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Fantastic. I love Neal.

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Juiayfsuhabisfuasguh it's White Collarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr *breathes* Kudos to Occasional for prompting it :lol: I love how you wrote it. I like how you wrote the pressure on him to hurry up and how he used his allergies to get her to leave the room :P

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