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Cigarette Smoke (Supernatural-short fic)(Sam)


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I've been delighted with the quantity and quality of the Supernatural themed fiction here, and I've decided to throw my writing into the pile. This fic was originally intended to be a Drabble, until I was informed of what a Drabble was :lol:

So I'm quite worried about how you guys might recieve this fic, but please do not hesitate on giving constructive criticism-grammer, characterization, vocab, etc. I'm still learning. Anyhow, please enjoy! :D


Cigarette Smoke

Jensen sat in the car, which shielded him from the bitter, icy winds of Canada and waited for Jared to finish up his shoot so that they could go home. He pulled a cigarette out and stuck it between pursed lips, and lit it with a metallic lighter. Rolling down the window, he took a long drag, and blew the smoke out of the car.

The passenger door popped open.

"Hey man." Jared acknowledged him, ducking his head as he climbed in the car.

"What took you so long, dude? I've been waiting for at least an hour." Jensen said.

"Shut up man, the most ithh-HEKSHuu!" He snaps foward in his gloved hands.

"Bless you."

"The most it could have been was ten minutes. It onlytookonetake- hAPTCHUU!-ah". Jared sniffs, a thin watery sound. He notices Jensen's cigarette. He smelled more of the ashy smoke, the polluted air irritating his nasal passages. "uh-hh-hUTCHOO!-ah Aw, c'mon dude, you smoke?"

Jensen shrugged. "It's a stressful industry."

"Put out that cigarette, man. I'm allergic." Jared said.

Clif finally came back, shaking the snow off of his boots as he climbed in.

"Sorry guys, left the keys at the set and had to go back and get it." He reasoned, turning the key to the ignition. He knew the boys weren't in the best mood after a fourteen hour work day.

Jensen put out the fag, but the smoke smell in the car upholstery and his clothes were still irritating Jared. He knuckled his nose roughly, and sniffed. He could feel another sneeze coming, and his nose twitched spastically as his eyes shut. He ducked his head into his sleeve. "hh-HH-HH-HUT-EHSHUH hoh ESHSHUH! Whew!"

"Bless. My bad, Jared." Jensen intoned. Clif started driving, and rolled up the windows.

"It's-hhaEKSHEW! ESHSHUH! HH! hupt-SHEW!-uh" Jared grabbed a couple of napkins from his pocket and wiped his eyes and squeezed his nose. "You owe me for this one." He said and pitched forward into the napkins, and again.

Next week, Jensen finds a pamphlet on the health risks of smoking on the counter and watery cigarettes in his sink; his packs empty.


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  • 3 weeks later...


Jensen smoking........Jared allergic.....


That is the best way of putting it. Super awesome.

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  • 1 month later...


I don't watch Supernatural--disgraceful, I know, I've been meaning to for a long time--but this fic is so freaking cute!!!!!! :D

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