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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Syd: "Just Another Fan.." An Antiviral Oneshot

The Master

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Hello! So, as the description says, this is a fanfiction dedicated to the (sadly) unpopular movie Antiviral. After watching the movie I wanted to look into it's fan-made works, but soon found out that there weren't many fans to begin with): So, being one of the people who watched and actually liked Antiviral, I wanted to add something for any other disappointed fans out there.

And if any readers out there haven't seen the movie and are interested in strange but original sci-fi, I definitely recommend it!

Btw, this fanfic has a sneeze-scene and a bit of sickness; since that's mainly the basis of the whole movie. With that said, I hope you enjoy this fic!


Saturday morning began with a tidal wave of nausea that left Syd struggling for breath. He was dreaming of a dark room with no way of escape. As the walls seemed to close in, leaving him only to curl up into a ball, the panic began to settle in.

He was trapped.

With the little strength that he had, Syd pounded his fists at the walls, coughing and gasping for breath that wasn't there. Quick sandpaper-like moans drew out from his chapped lips; each one more prolonged and desperate than the last. It wasn't long until Syd had doubled-over from exhaustion, with his forehead pressed on the ground to hold him steady. He felt saliva dribbling out from the corners of his mouth and forming a small puddle under him. He didn't care enough to wipe it away. Gurgled breaths echoed softly off the walls and came back mocking him.

The remaining air around the pitiful form was humid and murky; as fi he were floating in thick black ink. From the depths of the darkness came a hand that caressed his cheek. A thumb and forefinger gently ran over the curve of his jaw and lifted Syd's head by his chin. One by one, his organs began to function again. From his lungs to his throat, it felt as if the tension was released. Deep down, he knew that none of this was real, but at this moment it felt as if he were being lifted up and carried to a distant shore.. by her.

Then, all of the sudden, Syd's face felt like fire. Fire that flickered its hot flames over his nose, leaving a strange tingling sensation that ended the moment of peace and closed up his throat once more.

He couldn't breathe!

With his eyes squinted shut and his mouth opened to a stifled and forced gasp, a few unshed tears stung his eyes as the gasp enflamed into an abrupt shout. "Aaaahg--"


Bleary eyed, Syd reached over to the nightstand beside the bed and grabbed the cleanest tissue out of the pile used the day before. After a few half-hearted attempts to blow his nose, the congested ginger sat up with one hand rubbing his forehead and the other keeping him from collapsing back onto his pillow. Syd felt the immense pressure of a headache beginning to form.

Ignoring the pain, he scooted over to the mini-fridge beside him and opened it to reveal two unfinished bottles of water. Reaching past them, he instead began to loosen the screws to the cooling vent in the back of the fridge. With the tips of his fingers, Syd was able to carefully unhinge the vent. Inside it was hiding five different vials and syringes. He grabbed one and reread the already memorized description. One word stood out from the rest. It always did.


After flicking any oxygen residue from the tube, he watched the clear fluid disappear as he injected the needle into his freckly forearm. Staring at the now empty tube, thoughts raced in his mind. Remembering what that old woman said, a small scowl began to form on his face. He tossed the vial back into the fridges cavity and slammed the vent back on as a small release of frustration. Syd slumped over and cradled his forearm, rubbing his thumb over the small indent in his skin.

He was convinced that he felt the pathogens mix into his bloodstream and spread throughout his body. The very pathogens that were still coursing through Hannah's own veins.

A mixture of emotions such as self-frustration and comfort battled inside him. Syd hated that he was a slave to such a thing as someone else's illnesses and how terrible it made him feel; but, the fact that it was Hannah Geist's illness took over him and Syd was too drawn to her to stop. Too fascinated to care about his health, because with every illness, they were connected in a way. And that gave him unexplainable satisfaction. There was something about her. She was perfect somehow..

Syd shook his head and sighed. Giving up on his morning, he laid back down and just stared emptily at the ceiling. "Just another fan," Syd quoted disdainfully.

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This movie. Those fever scenes were played to perfection. Glad to see another Syd fic on here!

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Ugh I gotta finish this movie soon! I watched most of it but never finished it haha..anywhoo great fic! :heart:

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I read your fics for this movie and I loved them! I'm happy to have found two other fans, and thanks for liking my fic (it was the first story I've ever written publically)! :)

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