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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Vigorous Spring (Thranduil/Bard)~


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Okay so I'm new to the forum, and this is my first fanfiction. Like, ever. So go easy on me please. *Hides in corner.*

Part 1:

"I know you're there, Dragonslayer.." Thranduil's voice was a low and lazy drawl of amusement, and he arched a dark eyebrow as he watched Bard step into the light. The man had been staying in the palace for almost a week now with his youngest child, who had wished to be among the elves for a while. At least, that was his excuse. Bard shivered as he felt the elf's pale blue gaze on him, and raised his head to meet his eyes. "I wished to be in your presence. I awoke and you were not there.." Mirroring Thranduil's expression, Bard stepped closer.

"I had duties to...attend to.." Bowing his head slightly, the king briefly swiped his knuckles beneath his nose, eyes distant for a moment before he relaxed. This was an unusual gesture that Bard did not miss, and the man yet again moved closer to his lover. "Thranduil?" Voice conveying his uncertainty, Bard glanced around the throne room and upon seeing no guards, dared to touch the elf's shoulder. "You seem distant. What troubles you?" This close, he could just about hear the elf's slow breathing, which was odd - elves were usually silent, graceful creatures. Upon closer inspection, he could see that the elf's cheeks and the rims of his nostrils were tinged red, and the elf's mouth had fallen open slightly. With an uncertain expression, Thranduil turned away from Bard, eyes half closed as he raises a hand to rub at his nose once more. Not quite taking the subtle hint that he should move away, the man moved to stand beside Thranduil, tilting his face towards him gently. "Thranduil." He repeated upon receiving no response. The elf weakly tried to pull away, though something more pressing was occupying his thoughts. "Hhh--" Inhaling sharply, the elf wrinkled his nose, eyes now completely closed as a ticklish tear made it's way down his pale cheek.

"H-CHHTX!" Moving his face away from his lover as much as he could, Thranduil stifled a sneeze into his shoulder. "B-bard, let go.." He managed to get out between hitching breaths as the man pulled him closer. Having no other choice, Thranduil sneezed against Bards shoulder, seemingly unable to compose himself.

"H--! H'Chh! Chhmph! Chh!"

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  • 2 months later...

Cute! More please!

Unsure just how to continue as of yet, but I shall. Open to any ideas~

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