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B.R.O.S. - Avengers (Bruce, Tony) for SpamKey


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Title: B.R.O.S

Fandom: Avengers

Characters: Bruce, Tony (Cameos from the other Avengers)

Disclaimer: I don't own or make $ from the characters, plots, quotes, etc.

Apologies, for the delay of this; I hope you like it I haven’t written any ScienceBros in a while. I’ve decided to break this down into 4 drabbles. I hope you like this format. I’ll upload each of them eventually, for now, I hope you enjoy the first one!


Tony walked into the lab, seeing Bruce drooling all over a pile of blueprints.

“How’s that Large Hadron Collider theory working for you, big guy?” he said, jarring Bruce awake.

“Uhhh… I was just--”

“No worries, I’m not going to run to mommy. Who do you take me for?”

Bruce rubbed his neck sheepishly.

“I-I’ll just get back to work then.”

“Take a break, Bruce. You’ve been working yourself to the ground lately,” Tony said, taking notice of the dark circles

under the scientist’s eyes.

“Really, I’m fine, I just dozed off there for a...Hah’TSSH! Hetshhh!” Bruce quickly shielded his face from the slightly mysophobic billionaire.

Tony frowned, stepping back a smidge.

“You don’t sound ‘fine’” Tony quipped.

“Look, Tody--”

“First of all, my name doesn’t have d in it. Second of all, I’m putting my foot down, you need bedrest. I am no

Pepper by any means, but I do have a vacant guest room and a plethora of over-the-counter medications.” Tony cut in.

Bruce reluctantly began to follow Tony out the lab, not before succumbing to a small fit of sneezes.

Heh’ISSSHHT! Hurreshhht! Heh’KSSSH!”

“And mountains of tissues,” Tony mumbled.

Edited by stitch
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This is so truly adorable! I was very happy to see a new Science Bros fic. Good work! Can't wait to see the others.

Edited by Sophie83540
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“And mountains of tissues,” Tony mumbled.

LOL. Love it! Can't wait for more!

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I can't wait for more! This is such a great start! Concerned!Tony... :P And poor Bruce, the guy can't catch a break. Excellent job writing :)

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Thanks for all the feedback guys! Here's part 2!


Bruce opened his eyes, blearily. He turned to look at the bedside clock, feeling the immediate pressure on his sinuses return. It was already half past eleven, he could not remember when the last time he was awake. Groaning, he began to sit up only to be wracked by a fit of harsh coughing.

Tony walked in, but seeing his friend doubled over, he rushed to his side.

“Hey, hey don’t overexert yourself,” he chided.

Bruce grimaced. “This is nothing, you should see me- Heh..Het’SHHH At’SHOO!”

Tony’s brow furrowed in concern. “J, call Pepper and let her know that Bruce is here and to bring supplies.”

“Yes sir, also might I remind you that you’ve been in close proximity to Dr. Banner and--”

“Mute.” Tony said abruptly, cutting off the AI.

“How are you feeling big guy?” Tony asked, sitting on the edge of the bed.

“Ship shape. I think I could run a marathon,” Bruce joked hoarsely.

His breath hitched on the last syllable and he buried his face into a wad of tissues.

“Eihh’ISST! Hep’TCHUH! Heh’INCHHHT!” He flushed slightly, embarrassed.

Clearly his throat, he turned to Tony. “How long have I been out?”

“Today’s Tuesday...so since Sunday evening? You were in pretty bad shape. Delirious. Your fever was dangerously high and I thought I was going to have to call 911. Although I’m not sure how they would handle caring for both you and the other guy…”

“Well, uh thanks for taking care of me Dr. Stark.” Bruce said smiling wryly.

“Technically I am a doctor,” Tony quipped.

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  • 5 weeks later...

I promise I didn't forget about this! Just came back from watching Age of Ultron so I had a little inspiration. Sorry it's been so long, hope you guys enjoy!

O.range juice

A soft knock followed by a “Hey Dr. Banner, how are you doing?” jolted Bruce awake from his nap...er…sleep? Either way he felt like he’d been out for quite some time, slipping in and out of consciousness. Turning towards the doorway he saw the gang swarmed around the opening. Pepper was on him first, propping up his pillows and setting a glass of water and a blister pack of pills by the bed.

“Heard Stark was taking care of you,” Clint said, leaning on the door frame.

Natasha scoffed, “Who knew Stark had a heart?”

Bruce smirked before breaking off into a fit of hacking.

“I hope you’re not upsetting my patient,” a voice said from the doorway.

Tony was gripping a glass of orange juice and a box of tissues. Perfect timing in fact, as Bruce’s nose twitched.


“Head’s up Pep,” Tony called, lobbing the box to Pepper who pulled out a few tissues, placing them into Bruce’s trembling hands.


A wave of ‘bless you’s’ swept the room as Bruce felt all eyes on him.

“The doctor seems to be working you hard Stark. Maybe you should take a break. We could tend to him,” Steve suggested, noticing Tony’s

slightly unkempt appearance.

Tony waved his hand in dismissal, “I’m fine, just stayed up a little later than usual. Besides, Fury needs you guys for a mission. I can handle this.”

Clint and Natasha exchanged a glance, while Steve looked at Pepper for support.


“Look guys--NggxXXT! H’nccHHT! Heh’iSHHHT!” Bruce tried to cut in, before being cut off by his own itchy nose. Pepper rubbed his back,


“I suppose Stark should be alright, Pepper is here now anyways. Let us know if you need anything Bruce,” Clint said, motioning for Natasha and

Steve to follow.

“Yeah, just drink a lot of orange juice,” Steve said before following Clint out.

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This was just absolutely adorable! I'm very excited to read the next part. :)

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  • 5 weeks later...

Here's me trying to wrap this up, tie it with a bow, or whatever ;) I kind of hinted at the direction I had been planning on taking it but I wasn't sure if it was your cup of tea. If you like, I could add an epilogue. If not, I hope this will suffice. Sorry it took so long to complete!

S.ure thing

As the credits began to roll, Bruce jumped when he heard a light snore. He turned to see Tony’s mouth slightly ajar. He snickered upon taking in the scene, which was not a good choice because it triggered a coughing fit that woke Tony up.

“H-H-Hey Bruce,” he yawned, rubbing Bruce’s back concernedly.

“I’m glad you enjoyed the movie,” Bruce said dryly.

“I’ve watched that movie a billion and a half times! Plus I only fell asleep during the last 15 minutes,” Tony protested before seeing Bruce’s expression become vacant.

Looking around for the box of tissues, Tony stretched across the bed pulling a mountain of tissues out and holding it up to Bruce’s face. Bruce tried to squirm away, shaking his head.

“T-Tody...heh’ESHHoo! HahKSHHOO!

“Ew, gross” Tony whined playfully, while Bruce snatched the tissues away from him.

After blowing his nose, Bruce cleared his throat, “Er, Tony? Thanks for you know...taking care of me these past few days...I know it’s not really your thing and all.”

Tony waved his hand dismissively,”It’s nothing big guy.”

Bruce blushed slightly, rubbing the back of his neck.

“Although, I hope I get this pampered when I get sick.”

Bruce chuckled, “Sure thing Tony.”



I just noticed that most of them start off with someone sleeping :lol:

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All of these parts were absolutely adorable. I'm very glad that you wrote this, it was definitely worth reading. :)

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heehee Most of my fics end with someone falling asleep, so starting with someone waking up is a pleasant change ;-)

Bruce is so adorable here, especially when he tries to be okay and just And Tony being uncomfortable around germs is totally my headcanon, so I love that aspect, especially when he stays and takes care of Bruce anyway! I love his "my name doesn't have a D in it" moment when Bruce is already so stuffed-up. LOL This was all kinds of wonderful!

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