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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Sophia (The Walking Dead, Daryl)


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Hi, I'm new to the forum! I'm also a huge fan of the walking dead, as you can see. This is my first post here so sorry for any shitty writing.

This little thing is set back at the prison just after season three, when Rick decides to take in the remain people at Woodbury. Then Carl finds a cat! .....and Daryl is very allergic. *hides behind him*


"You can keep it if you want, Carl. But look after it, okay?" Rick said firmly to his son.

"Okay. Thanks, dad."

Carl ran back up to the prison, carrying the fluffy little ginger kitten in his arms. He raced into C block, through the atrium and into his cell. Earlier, Patrick had helped him create a little bed for him out of blankets, and that's where Carl planned to let him sleep.

"Hm." He grinned, watching the little fur ball fall asleep in the soft material, snug and warm. "I think I'll name you Sophia."

And that was that.


Daryl rubbed his nose for what seemed to be the fiftieth time that day. He sniffled, frustrated, as the broken nock on his arrow blurred out of focus once again. He rubbed his eyes, wiping the moisture from from them so he could see again. He felt strange. Different. He knew he couldn't be getting sick, that just didn't happen with people like him..... Or did it? He sighed, blinking his eyes, which seemed to grow itchier by the minute. Why did they feel so damn itchy? And, if he wasn't imagining it - his nose, as well. He cleared his throat, oblivious, and attempted one last time to get back to work.

But his nose thought otherwise.

He raised a hand and scrubbed it hard with the back of his wrist, feeling a sudden tickle spread through his nostrils. He rubbed a bit faster, though it didn't help much. Shit, he thought.

"Heh..." His breath starting hitching, the itching tickle playing on the tip of his nose. He sniffled, the tickle growing stronger. "Hih.....hih'Nnkt!" He sighed, swiping at his eyes.

"You okay there?"

Daryl turned quickly, spotting Carol at the top of the stairs. She smiled gently, slowly approaching him.

"'Course. Why wouldn't I be?" He responded casually.

"Oh.....I don't know. Bless you." He scoffed quietly, feeling the faintest of all grins pull at the corners of his lips.

"Thanks." He said so quietly she almost didn't catch it.

She shifted her weight, watching him rub at his nose again and return to his work, almost automatically.

"So.....I'm off to story time. I'll see you later?"

"Yeah. See ya." He breathed, looking up and watching her walk away.

As soon as she disappeared, Daryl's head snapped forward with three more ticklish sneezes. "H'Ishh! Ish! Ishhu!" He sighed again in frustration, scrubbing harder at his nose. Ain't got not hay fever, he thought, eyes watering as the tickle grew more persistent. "Nngkt!" He stifled into his thumb and forefinger. And no cats. His shoulders heaved up and down as he attempted to quell the itch, only making it worse. "Ishh! Ishh! Kshh! Fuck." he breathed, grabbing for a rag on the desk in front of him. He folded it over his nose. "Hihh.....hihhh...." He sniffled, gearing up for a fit. "Hih'Ish! K'Tsh! Ishh! Ershh!! Heh, eh'Eshu! Esh!"

This was going to be some evening.


So that's all for now! Hope you liked it ?

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I..let me just lay down here for a moment and process the beauty that is a sneezy Daryl Dixon. @0@ Do continue! :heart:

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I'm back. Lemme just say:

I..let me just lay down here for a moment and process the beauty that is a sneezy Daryl Dixon. @0@ Do continue! heart.gif

Haha thanks! I will teehee.gif

Can you maybe also write something with Glenn beingt sick? that would be soo cute biggrin.png

I don't know about that sweatdrop.gif Maybe I'll add it in later

Okay, here's part two.....


"There you are." Carol smiled at him as he walked across the pavement to the patio the people helped them build. "What kept you?" She questioned softly, starting to serve him some fried squirrel.

"Nothin', it's just.....heh....."

Daryl turned his head and stared off into the distance, giving Carol a perfect view of what she had probably missed earlier. His narrow eyes were glassy, and to her greater concern, tinted a slight pink which indicated all the rubbing. His nose was almost the same shade, twitching in irritation at whatever was making it itch. He took another hard rub at his nose, wriggling it, anything to relieve the itch.

"Couldn't stop damn .......heh.......sneezing." He turned away quickly, eyes scrunching up. "Hih'ISHH!"

"Ooh, bless you. Think you could be coming down with something?"

"Nah..... Mighta been all the dust on top of those old boxes we brought in. Was way-hihh-worse back in there. Hih- shit-hihh-Eshh! Eshu! Uh." He blinked his watery eyes, dazed for a moment. "Christ." He sniffled.



He avoided eye contact for a few seconds, focusing plainly on the buzzing itch in his reddening nose. Carol glanced at him, noticing how unusually distracted he looked.

"There you go." She slid the plate over to him, and he smiled a little, taking it.

"I need to head..." He sniffled, raising a finger to his quivering nostrils. Clearing his throat, he continued. "Head back up to fix some pipes. I'll be fine by then."

"Think you could use some meds?"

"No. It's okay." He said quietly, starting to eat.

When he was done, he made his way back up to the jail. It was strange how badly the dust on the equipment must have affected him, because he never had that problem before in older places, which were far more dirty and more likely untouched.

"Hih...." His nose began itching again, almost as bad as his eyes. He began to rub at them, only leaving them more watery and painful. ".....hheh....." He swore quietly, shifting his fingers down toward his nose as the tickle got worse the moment he stepped inside. He froze on the spot, desperate with the need to sneeze. "Ohh..." Suddenly, he felt something touch his leg. "Hih'TSCHhh! Esh! Nngkt! Kxgt! Ktsh!"


"Heh'TSH! Ep'Kshh!"

"Hey. Daryl!" For a moment he was able to see Rick walking towards him, a slight look of concern on his face. He waved blindly with one hand, face going red at the thought of being seen like this.

"Ri-hehh, Rick-Eshh! Esh! Esh! Esh!" He succumbed to a volley of rapid sneezes, turning and stepping out the door in which he'd just came through. "Eh'Tsh! Tsh! Tshn!" Rick followed him out onto the pavement, waiting for him to collect himself.

"Daryl, you good?"

"Eshh! Fuhh-Hih'kdshh!! Ugh, goddamn it." He scrubbed furiously at his nose, stopping and sniffling.


"What?" He looked at him and blinked back tears, swiping once more at his runny nose.

"Daryl..... Do you have any allergies?"

Daryl stared at him with glassy eyes, nose twitching. "Nah....h'dtshh!"


"Just.....cats, is all.....Hih'ESHU!!" He groaned softly, rubbing at his nose.

"Oh, no."

"Oh, no, what? Oh don't tell me-Huh'Ishh! You got a cat.....hehh......Eh'Resshhu!"

"It's... It's Carl's. I'm sorry, I didn't know that you'd be allergic."

"Shit- heh, uhHIH'Ishhu!! Ugh."

"If it isn't too serious, we could have Hershel give you some meds, have it stay. Or there are farther open parts in the prison."

"I ain't....hih.....moving.....G'


"Is it serious? Will medication work?"

No. He shrugged a little. "You know where Hershel is this time of dehh-- day?" He muttered, still pawing at his nose.

"Said he would be staying in today. There were a few kids that got into a fight earlier, needed care."

"Oh yeah? H'Tshh! Mm-Tschh!!"

"Yeah, a couple were wounded pretty badly, so I know he'll be there. I'll go up, ask him for Claritin. Okay to wait?"


After what seemed like forever, Rick came back through the door holding a canister of pills. He came down the steps and handed them to Daryl, who seemingly looked a little more composed than earlier.

"He only had Benadryl. Said take two, and same in the next five hours."

Daryl nodded, scanning the label and begining to step away. "Thanks. I'll, uh-- I'll stay out today." Rick nodded back, hands on his hips.

"Right. Once again, I apologize."

"Mm. See...hehh....see you around."

Daryl made his way back around the side of C block and up to the courtyard, leaving Rick by the stairs. He really did feel bad for not checking with anyone else, and in fact, he felt pretty dumb for doing it. Another of Daryl's forceful sneezes could be heard by him, muffled by the wall, and Rick hung his head. Then slowly raising it back up, he climbed up the stairs and walked back into the atrium.


To be continued rolleyes1.gif sorry for the shortness.

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Ooooooh! I love when stories have more to the plot than just sneezing! I thought this was going to be short since we found out what was making Daryl sneeze.. :P Good story. Can't wait for more.


I LOVE The Walking Dead!!!

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  • 3 months later...

Daryl. Kitty. Allergy. ~Whomp~

My sweet baby is a sneezing kitty mess!!! :rofl:

I love the way you spelt his sneezes! And the characterization is beauty! :drool:

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  • 3 months later...
  • 4 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I'm hooked on TWD right now and guess? Daryl Dixon's my favourite character.
I guess it's pointless to say but I really enjoyed your fanfic and would love to read more :D

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