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No Rest for the Secret Service (Kingsman, Harry) (For stitch!)


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This is for stitch for our proposed trade! Okay, so I know I said in our topic I'd give you some Avengers, Steve/Tony friendship for the soul, buuuuuut I just saw Kingsman (finally) and since it's taken me so horrifically long to get around to this, and I'm going to use my inspiration while it's here! Don't worry, I'm also going to give you some Avengers in a bit, hopefully right after this. But in the meantime, here's that sick Harry you were craving!

(Also, apologies if this is unintentionally inconsistent as far as continuity goes; I've placed it during Eggsy's training, but after that whole *SPOILERS* coma incident, so while Harry's still technically recovering.)


"For this week's lesson, you shall be taken out on a low-priority mission by your sponsors. It shall give us a chance to test your performance in the field, see how well you work with fellow agents, and test your reception to taking orders, all with few consequences should you prove yourselves inadequate." Merlin smirked almost imperceptibly at this. Eggsy rolled his eyes equally so. "That being said, a low-priority mission is still just that; a mission. It shall reflect very poorly on you should you fail."

"So don't fuck up, is what you're saying?" Eggsy put in. Roxy sent him a look, but he ignored it. Merlin slowly raised an eyebrow.

"Indeed. Thank you for the unnecessary explanation, Eggsy." Merlin replied. Roxy sighed resignedly as Charlie snickered. Eggsy scowled.

"Report to your sponsors immediately for briefing. Good luck." The now-small group of recruits slowly dispersed, leaving Eggsy standing there awkwardly for a second. As far as he knew, Harry--Galahad, whatever--was still in recovery. Was he still going on a mission? Would someone else take him?

"Eggsy. Galahad is waiting for you in his room." Merlin's slightly dry reminded cut through Eggsy's internal debate.

"He's still in recovery though, isn't he?" Eggsy demanded. "He ain't out yet, right?"

"As far as I know, he is recovered enough to lead a small, short mission such as this." The only tone Eggsy could describe Merlin's response with was eye-roll. "Please report to your sponsor sometime today, recruit."

"Oh, 'recruit' now, is it?" Eggsy muttered, making his way out of the dorm room, JB jumping off his bed to follow. "That's right cold, isn't it, boy?"

JB let out a small yap, whether in agreement or just plain dog-ness it was hard to tell and not very important, anyway, as he was drawing up to Harry's door, which he opened without knocking.

"Most people knock, you know." Harry, facing away from him, admonished. Eggsy shrugged, sitting down in one of the armchairs in Harry's (definitely better than the dorm) room.

"Yeah, not my style." He quipped. "Anyway, we're doing some sort of mission today?"

"Sobething like that." Eggsy frowned as Harry turned around, crisp, fresh handkerchief pressed to his nose. "Dow, as for the details of our bissiod--"

"Now, hold on just one sec," Eggsy protested. "You're going on a mission--"

"A low-priority bissiod."

"--when you're still recovering from that-that brain-explosion-induced-coma." Eggsy continued, making vague but vigorous hand gestures meant to imply a brain exploding. "And you've somehow managed to catch a cold, apparently? Are you fucking with me here?"

"A Kingsbad bust leard to work under any circ-cuh..." He trailed off, hand tensing on the handkerchief, "Heh-kkkchshh! Hikktshchh!" Two controlled, though admittedly rather wet and equally tired-sounding, sneezes burst forth, followed by a similarly describable blow. "Circumstances. Apologies."

"You're joking. No, you're mental." Eggsy muttered, shaking his head. "Look, is there anything I can say to get you to at least put this off for a bit until you've recovered? We got all fucking week to do this."

"Do, I'b afraid there isdn't, Eggsy." Harry answered, finally removing the handkerchief to reveal a scarlet red nose. He went to continue speaking, but cut off in a fit of coughing. Eggsy looked on, concerned, until Harry recovered, turning back to Eggsy with a weary smile. "I will be fide, Eggsy. Dod't worry."

"Isn't it, like, against regulation to work while compromised?" Eggsy protested, standing up. Harry frowned, causing Eggsy to grin. "Oh, I got you there, there is something, right? I'm right, aren't I?"

"I shall adbi-ih... ikschhh! Heh-ehkschh!" Two more sneezes left Harry snuffling in a distinctly un-gentleman-like manner. "Adbit to dothing. Excuse be." He blew his nose again. Eggsy sighed, thinking.

"Okay, er, how about this: I go complete this mission, while you stay here and monitor my progress, telling me what to do and such." He suggested. Harry remained silent, but sat down in an armchair. "Sounds good, yeah? That'll work?"

"I'b dot sure how pleased Arthur would be about it." Harry mused, wiping his nose absentmindedly. "Or Berlid, for thad batter. Heh-KTSchhh!" A slightly stronger sneeze led to a series of coughs, harsh and painful-sounding enough to make Eggsy cringe in sympathy.

"Look, man. I don't know how good you'd be in the field, anyway, in your state." Eggsy implored. "I can do it, whatever it is, long as you're telling me what to do. It'll work! Trust me!"

"Ahh-AKTChhh! HekTCHshhh!" Another pair of sneezes, another noseblow, and a tired sigh later, Harry finally conceded defeat. "You're right, of course. Ha-ktchhh! I suppose I should ged used to thad. Your father had thad udcaddy ability as well." Harry looked Eggsy over appraisingly, before nodding. "Alrighd, have it your way. Bud if you die, it's dot od by hads."

"Alright, deal." Eggsy almost held his hand out to shake, before remembering himself, and settling for a particularly decisive nod. Eggsy looked over his mentor's tired eyes, battered, bright red, dripping nose, slightly slumped figure. "Er, will I have to fly there? You can sleep while I'm flying."

Harry smirked, then turned aside to cough. "Id a bit, Eggsy. I'll rest a bit after I-heh-ah-aKKtchhh! HekTCHhhh! After I brief you. Apologies. Ad ady rate, we've had our eyes od a particular politiciad frob Dorth Carolida, id Aberica..."


I'm sorry it's so short! I swear you're getting some sick Tony to make up for it in a bit!

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OKAY SO THIS IS THE BEST THING EVER. I was just thinking about going to rewatch it. :zippy: I love sick Harry so much. I can't even put my feelings into words. gah. Thank you so much w00t.gif

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