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Castiel Oneshot (SPN)


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Hello there. So I just randomly found this short little piece of a fic I apparently wrote a couple years back. I honestly hardly remember writing it, as it never went anywhere and is really not very good. But since I found it I figured why not post it? I think I wrote this right after the season 8 finale when the angels fell. Cas is human, and living with S&D at the bunker learning how to be a hunter. They are in the middle of a case when Cas gets his first cold.


Dean came down the stairs of the bunker to find the former angel sitting with his head down on the table.

“Cas? Hey buddy you awake?” He shook the sleeping man until he opened his eyes and shot up, as if surprised.

“I fell asleep?”

“I know the Men of Letters were no J.K. Rowling, but you’d think you’d be able to get through at least a few pages before nodding off “ Dean said with a chuckle, gesturing to the dusty book lying unopened on the table beside Cas.

Cas looked embarrassed. “ My apologies, I don’t know why I have been feeling so tired today.”

Dean looked at his friend, concerned. He didn’t look himself. He was paler than usual, and had dark circles beneath his eyes .“You feeling okay Cas?”

“Actually my nose feels a bit odd…wetter than usual.” He sniffed. “And it’s becoming difficult to breathe though.” He gave another forceful, congested sniff and then quickly brought his hand to his forehead between his eyes. “Ugh and my head aches.”

Dean chuckled. “Welcome to humanity, Cas, you have your first cold.”

“Cold? You mean the common cold?”

“Yeah, you’ve heard of it?” Dean asked with a laugh.

“Of course I’ve heard of it. I’m ang...” Cas paused, “I was an angel. I know more about microbiology than even the most educated of humans. Did you know there are actually over 300 different varieties of rhinovirus, coronavirus, adeno…”

“I got it. You know what it is.”

“I know what it is, theoretically, however it is one area I have absolutely no applicable knowledge of whatsoever. I’ve never had a cold, I have no idea what it will feel like. Is it very painful?”

“Nah, you’ve had a lot worse. I’m sure it’ll be nothing compared to zapping Sam 'n' me back to the 70’s on drained mojo or taking a bullet made of melted down angel blade. You’ll feel a little crappy for a few days, but you’ll live.”

Cas considered this. “That’s good news, I sup… sup..aachushk!!!!” he let his sneeze explode openly into the air in front of him sending a visible mist throughout the room.

Dean winced. “Dude, you’re supposed to cover your mouth. Or didn’t you know, Mr. Microbiologist, that colds are contagious?”

. “I apologize,” Cas said giving a congested sniffle. “I didd’t realize what was happedidg udtil it was too late. Sdeezing is such ad odd sedsatiod, really takes ode by surprise.”

Dean handed Cas the bandana from his pocket to wipe his dripping nose, and he took it with a look of gratitude. “Thadk you. Add I will be sure to be bore codsiderate about keepidg by illdess codtaidd id the future.”

Dean smiled. “Alright, well seeing as you don’t seem to be able to keep your eyes open long enough to do research, and, God knows, you’re in no shape for hunting right now, I think maybe you oughta go hang out on the sofa and watch some movies or something. Sam and I got this one.”

Cas felt a bit disappointed at first, but the sneeze that followed reminded him Dean was in fact right. He took his human friend’s advice and retired to the TV room Dean had set up for those rare occasions they had free time to kick back and relax. He turned on the TV and let the last DVD that had been playing resume while he rested his eyes and slowly drifted into sleep.

Dean took Cas’ place at the table reading the Men of Letters journals. Just under an hour passed when Sam got home. He came in to Dean reading intently. “Find anything?”

Dean finished the paragraph he was reading before responding with “Na, not really. You?”

“Squat”, Sam said with a sigh as he came down the stairs and took a seat next to Dean at the table.

“What about Cas?”

“Yeah, uh about him, I don’t think he’s gonna be much help. Our mighty warrior of God is down for the count with the sniffles.”

This took Sam by surprise. “Seriously? Castiel has a cold?" He shook his head and sighed. "I guess he’s just like any other human then huh? To think he could fall so far so fast. …”

“Interesting choice of words”


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Any time I see the word "Castiel" in just about any context, I am ALL. OVER. IT. WAAAAAH~!

I love how you portrayed the characters here-- totally accurate to how they would act, I think >w<. Dean's good-natured amusement and Cas's very "I-know-what-I-am-talking-about-little-human" attitude toward his knowledge of disease are both really spot on! I like the references to previous episodes/seasons, and Cas's little sneeze was so cute!! <3 Congested voice, mmmm ^_^. Loved this a bunch, and I hope to read some more of your stuff in the future!

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This is great! They're all so in character and you've really got Dean's speech pattern down, which is a pleasure to read. So glad you decided to share it! :)

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