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Glee; Santana F


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Hey guys. It's me again. I'm back with another Glee fic. I write this story to honor the Glee series finale. Now excuse me while I go watch the series finale and cry my eyes out.

Santana Lopez woke up. She looked at the clock. It was 7:15

"I'm late" She thought. She bolted out of her bed, put on her makeup and put on her cheer leading uniform. She ran downstairs. It was 7:45.

"Bye Mami, Bye Papi" She yelled walking out the door. She turned on her car. She drove off. Santana arrived at school at 7:55.

"Record time" She though to herself. She walked to her class. She began to feel a little bit cold.

"Hey Santana" Quinn waved

"Hey Q" She cleared her throat. She felt a sharp pain.

"So, want to head for 1st period"

" Sure"

The day past in a breeze. She hadn't been feeling well all day. She bearly even touched her lunch and her nose was stuffy. Her throat had gotten worse. It hurt when she talked. Cheer practice was hell. Coach had made them run 30 laps. She headed to Glee with Quinn and Brittany. She sat in her usual seat in the back with Brittany and Quinn. She felt a small tickle in the back of her nose. She rubbed her nose. It didn't go away. Her sneezes had always embarrassed her. She always sneezed more than once. Her sneezes were girly and high pitched.

"Hxngt! Hxt! Hngt!"

"Bless you" Quinn said nonchalantly. Santana put her head on Quinn's shoulder. She closed her eyes.

"Santana! Wake up! Santana!" Quinn was shaking her.

"What!" She said

"It's time to go" She got up and walked to her car. The night was chilly. Santana drove to her house in silence. She walked in.

"Hi Mija, how was your day"

"Fine. I wasn't feeling very good."

"Aye Mija." Maribel Lopez walked up to her daughter and felt her forehead. She was burning up. Maribel got the thermometer.

"Open up" Santana obeyed. She waited for the thermometer to beep. She took it out of her mouth.

"Let me see." Maribel said. She looked at the device. She had a fever. 103.5 to be exact.

"Get some sleep mija." Santana walked upstairs and laid on her bed. She drifted off to sleep. Carlos Lopez walked through the door.

"Maribel, Santana, I'm home" He yelled while walking through the door.

"Shhhh! Santana's sleeping. Esta enferma." Maribel whispered.

"Do you want me to go check on her. I mean I am a doctor after all."

"Sure" Carlos walked upstairs and checked on her daughter.

"Santana! Wake up!" He whispered

"Papi?" She questioned.

"Mija, let me give you some meds before you go to sleep"

"In the morning" She mumbled

"OK. Goodnight mija"

"I love you Papi" and with that she drifted off to sleep

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That finale. It wasn't what I expected. I'm kinda disappointed. It expected it to be way better. There was no Brittany or Santana. No Quinn or Puck. I did cry though. Especially when the credits were rolling. I know it's weird but when the credits were rolling it hit me that it was all over. That was the last time I would see those credits. The last time I would see those names. The last time I would even hear the name Glee. It was all over. I must say that the song This time was very beautiful. It hasn't been a very good end of the week. Not only because of glee but because this lady messed up my eyebrows. Eyebrows not on fleek anymore. Ugh!! Anyways, please leave feedback. Love you guys

Santana woke up to feel like she had been hit by a train. Her nose was stuffy. Her throat hurt. She could bearly breath out of her nose. She got up and got ready for school. She walked down stairs.

" Good bordigg Mami add Papi. " Santana winced at how bad she sounded.

"Oh no Santana! Your loca if you think I'm going to let you go to school. Back to bed young lady!" Maribel said

"But Mami"

"Pero nada! Call Quinn and tell her not to pick you up" Santana walked up to her room. She called Quinn

"Hello" Quinn answered

" Q, It's Santana. I'b dot goigg to school today. I'b sick.

"Oh really. That's a bummer. Feel better. Bye"

"Bye" She hung up. She lauded back down on her bed and watched T.V

Maribel was in the kitchen when she saw Quinn's car pull up. She opened the door for Quinn. She was carrying many bags.

"Quinn, what are you doing here? Santana's sick."

"I know. I decided to ditch school and take care of Santana."

"I don't approve of you ditching school Quinn."

"Please Ms.Lopez" Quinn pleaded

"Fine. But if you get caught I didn't know anything."

"You're the best Ms. Lopez!!" Quinn wrapped her arms around her.

"I know" Maribel laughed

Quinn ran upstairs. The bags making sounds as she ran up. She opened the door to Santana's room.

"OK so, I brought popcorn, cough drops, chicken soup, 3 boxes of tissue and some other stuff."

"What the hell, Quidd! I could of beed chaggigg "

"Oh please, it's not I haven't seen you naked. We've changed in front of each other since we were in 2nd grade"

"Aren't you supposed to be at school"

"I ditched" Quinn sat down on the bed. "Hxngt! Hxt! Hngt!"

"Bless you" Quinn moved closer to Santana.

" What are you doigg!! I'b codtagious! You're goigg to get sick!"

"Oh, cool it Santana. I don't get sick"

"Ish! Hxngt! Hxxt!Hngt!!"

"Bless you"

"Thank you"

"Hey, remember that time you fell into the pool at Brittany's house and you didn't know how to swim so you began to cry for help and then Brittany's mom came running thinking you were drowning when actually you were in the shallow aide of the pool."

"Oh yea" Santana said laughing. Her laughing soon turned into a coughing fit. Santana began to turn red. Quinn ran downstairs to get her a water bottle. Santana took small sips while Quinn rubbed her back. They heard the door slam downstairs. Footsteps were coming up.

"Hi mija, Hello Quinn" It was Santana's dad, Carlos.

"Quinn aren't you supposed to be at school."

"Yea but I ditched."

"I don't approve of that Quinn" Carlos said with a frown.

"Mr. Lopez it's just one day."

"Don't let me catch ditching school again." Carlos said sternly. Even if Quinn wasn't his daughter he only wanted the best for her.

"Yes, Mr. Lopez"

"Hxngt! Hxxt!"

"Salud. How are you feeling?"

"No muy bien."

"Get some rest."

"I'll be on my way then. Feel better Santana." Quinn got up and walked out of Santana's room.

"Bye Q" Santana drifted off to a restless sleep.

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Sorry I updated so late. I got distracted. I was planning to update at 2. But I was having such a good day I guess I forgot. In good new my eyebrows have been fixed. I've been binge watching so many glee performances on YouTube. I started crying when I heard Santana sing bad romance. Weird. Anyways, hope you enjoy. Please leave feedback. Sorry that's it so short. I'll try to write longer updates. Bye guys

Santana woke up. She was feeling even worse than she was feeling yesterday. She ached. Her nose was runny but stuffed up at the same time. Her head felt like it was going to explode. She could bearly even hear because her ears were stuffed up as well. She was definitely not going to school today. She put on the movie Mean Girls and watched it.

Maribel Lopez was in the kitchen cleaning when she saw Quinn pull up. She had forgotten to tell her not to come. Quinn walked through the door.

"I'm sorry Quinn, I forgot to tell you that Santana isn't going to school today."

" That's fine Ms. Lopez." Quinn turned to walk out the door.

"Quinn, wait! You seem a bit pale. Come here." Quinn walked over to Ms. Lopez.

"Really, I never noticed I looked pale"

Ms. Lopez put her hand on Quinn forehead. She was hot.

"Open up, Quinn"

"Ms. Lopez, I'm fine" Truth was she wasn't. Her nose was stuffed up and there was a tickle in her nose that wouldn't leave her alone.

"Quinn, do you want to do this the hard way or the easy way?"

"Fine." Quinn sighed. Ms. Lopez put the thermometer in Quinn's mouth. She waited until it beeped. She had a fever of 102.3.

"You're not going to school Quinn. You have a fever."

"I'll be fine." Quinn turned around.

"You walk out of this door Quinn and you'll be disrespecting me greatly." She didn't want to disrespect Ms. Lopez. She was like another mother to her. She closed the door.

"Only cause I love you like my mom I won't walk out"

"Here, change into this. Then go to up to Santana's room. I'll call the school .She quickly changed into the PJ's. She walked into Santana room. It was a mess. Tissues were crumpled all over the floor. She had blanket everywhere. She was breathing from her mouth

"Thank you very much sandbags. You got me sick"

"Hxngt! That's what you get for getting too close."

"I hate you" Quinn glared at Santana

"Whatever" Santana rolled her eyes

"Ishiew! Ishiew!"

"Bless you"

"Who knew Santana Lopez was so polite."

" Shut up" Santana laughed

"Share some blanket, you hog"

"Hxngt! Hxxt! Hngt!" Quin took this opportunity to take the blanket.

"Aren't you going to bless me"

"Why? you have no soul and I'm pretty sure you're Satan."

"Shut up" Santana playfully punched Quinn's shoulder.

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I'm so sorry guys. I haven't updated because I've had a lot of science homework and for English we're reading Romeo and Juliet and that's just a mess. I'm really struggling with math right now. I'll update tomorrow. I promise.

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Sorry it's so short. I've been really busy with school. I have to write an essay for science and I have a project for English. I'm really tired. I'll continue it after I've finished my school work. I don't know when that will be but it will probably be Tuesday. I just have to complete all these things and then on Thursday I'm off for Spring Break. I think I can update next Friday. I'll try to update next Saturday on my birthday since I probably won't be busy. But by next week Sunday I'll probably be updating way more often since it's going to be spring break. I have it all figured out kinda. Hopefully nothing will mess this up. So update dates have been set. Next Tuesday 3/31. Next Friday 4/3. Next Saturday 4/4. Sorry again for it being so short.

Santana looked at the clock. It was 7:45. They had spent the while day watching movies and sleeping.

"Girls!! Dinner is ready!" Quinn and Santana walked down stairs. Her father was already downstairs.

"Hola mija! Hello Quinn."

"Hola Papi" Santana said

"Hello Mr. Lopez" Quinn's voice cracked. She cleared her throat which of course lead into a coughing fit.

"Santana gave it to you. That girl just doesn't know when to stop sharing."

"Hey! Puedo oírte!" Santana said laughing.

"I suggest both of you stay in bed and drink lots of fluids."

"I guess I'll be seeing you at school tomorrow. Bye Santana. Bye Mr and Mrs. Lopez"

"Bye Quinn. Drive safely" Quinn walked out of Santana's house and drove home. She lied in her bed and went to sleep.

Santana woke up the next morning and got ready for school. She wasn't feeling any better but she wasn't feeling any worse. She ran downstairs and out the door before her parents could say anything.

"Go! Drive Quinn! Drive!" They speed off. They walked in the school. Time to put on their HBIC facade up. Time passed quickly and before they knew it it was time for Glee club after school. Quinn and Santana walked in together. They were late.

"Where have you guys been! You've been gone for 2 days! We need to practice if we want to win!" Rachel said frustrated.

"We were..." Quinn was cut off by an unexpected coughing fit. Santana tried to explain to them.

"We were out... Hxngt! Hxt! Hngt! Ish!"

"Oh, hell no! We don't need your sickly germs here! " Mercedes said

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So I took a break from writing my essay to update. Who needs to pass classes when I have you guys. I think I'm getting sick. My throat is sore and my nose is stuffed up. I can't even count how many times I've sneezed in the past hour. Enjoy the update.

"Mercedes, calm down! They can watch." Mr. Schue said

"Mr. Schue! What if they pass it on to all the other members?"

"Everyone just take extra precautions and you'll be fine." They began to practice. It was getting very hard to keep up with the dancing and sing at the same time. The two girls were beginning to get tired.

"OK. Let's do it again."

"I can't anymore, Rachel. I feel dead" Quinn said

"Listen, Man hands! I will snap your neck if we do it one more time!" Santana snapped.

"Fine, you and Quinn can sit out" Rachel sighed.

Quinn and Santana sat down. They were sweating like pigs.

"Ishiew! Ishiew!" Quinn sneezed into her hands.

"Ble..." Santana was cut off

"Quinn, What are you doing!! "Rachel screeched. "You're not supposed to sneeze into your hands. You'll get everyone else sick! Here let me get some hand sanitizer." Rachel grabbed the hand sanitizer on Mr. Schue's desk. She began to squirt it on Quinn's hands.

"Kurt, hand me the disinfectant spray. Everyone stand back!" Rachel yelled

Santana and Quinn were assaulted with the spray which smelled like spring. They both began coughing instantly. The smell was irritating their lungs.

"Rachel, stop! You're going to choke them." She stopped. Santana and Quinn continued coughing. Finally it died down.

"No more disinfectant spray" Mr. Schue said. "Now, let's do it again" They got into their position. The music began to play.

"Hxngt! Ish! Hxngt! Ishoo!"

"Bless you" Quinn said.

"I want to be with San and Q!" Brittany said. " I haven't seen them in two days. I want to hug them and laugh with them"

"I'm sorry, Brittany, but Santana and Quinn are sick. We don't need one more person out sick."

"Please!!" Brittany pleaded. Her lower lip trembling.


"Pretty please! I'll be careful!"

"No Brittany"

" I want to be with San and Q!" Tears began to roll down her face. " I miss them a lot Mr. Schue. Please!"

"Fine" Mr. Schue sighed

"Yay!" Brittany stopped crying and clapped her hands. She sat in between Santana and Quinn. She grabbed both of their hands.

"Britt, you're going to get sick if you grab our hands." Santana said pulling her hand away. Quinn pulled her hand away too.

"I don't care." She grabbed hold of them again. " I love you guys and I'm willing to catch a cold for you two."

"We love you too Britt." Quinn said hugging her blonde friend.

"Group hug!" Santana yelled. The three cheerleaders hugged each other. "I love you guys!" Quinn said

"I love you guys too!" They hugged each other harder.

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Hey guys. Just like I said I'm here to update. So much stuff has popped up right now and I'm really swamped but I'll always make time for you. Hope you enjoy.

Brittany had a sore throat, her head was aching and her nose was stuffy. She stopped paying attention to her Spanish teacher. She was rambling about something. She put her head down on her desk.

"Brittany! How do you say apple in Spanish?"

"Um el burro?"

"Pay attention." The bell rang. She walked to Glee club. She wished to go home.

"Hey Q. Hey San. How are you feeling?" She asked. Her usual cheeriness was gone. They noticed. "We're doing fine. How do you feel?"

"Great. Why do you ask?"

"The truth Britt. We've known you since we were small. There is definitely something wrong."

"I feel horrible. My head aches and everything hurts"

" Aww. I'm sorry Britt. Come sit next to us" Quinn said. Brittany sat in the middle of Quinn and Santana.

"Eshiew! Eshiew!"

"Bless you" Quinn and Santana said in unison.

"Thank you." The rest of the Glee club was filling in.

"Let's continue practicing. Let's do choreography first."

"Mr. Schue." Santana raised her hand. "Britt is sick. She can't participate."

"There's no way were going to win with three people out." Rachel huffed

"Okay, everyone try to stay healthy. Drink lots of fluids and don't over work yourselves. If we follow these rules then we will stay healthy and no one else will get sick." The three girls watched everyone else practice. The music was occasionally interrupted by coughing or sneezing from the girls.

"Itchiew! Eshiew! Ishiew!" The three girls sneezed in unison. They immediately began to laugh after.

"Look at the pair us. We even sneeze at the same time." Quinn said giggling

"I'm going to get some water." Santana stood up.

" And tighten up your pony before you get to class!" Quinn yelled laughing. Santana walked away laughing over how stupid they acted over Quinn replacing her and her boob job. It seemed like a distant memory when Quinn and her were enemies.

"Eshiew!" Brittany sneezed

"Bless you, Britt"

"Thanks. Q, can you braid my hair?"

"Sure." Brittany shifted her chair. Quinn grabbed Brittany's golden hair and began to braid.

"Hey Q! We should have a sleep over. You, Santana and I."


"How ... Eshiew! How about today. "

"Yea. We'll have to ask Santana though."

"You'll have to ask me what?"

"If you want to come to our sleep over today." Brittany said smiling


"Whose house do you want to do it at?" Quinn questioned.

"Mine! Lord Tubbington will love the company."

"OK guys. Stay healthy and keep practicing. I'll see you Monday. " Everyone walked out. Quinn, Santana, and Brittany got into Quinn's car.

"I have to call my mom" Santana said. She quickly dialed her mom's phone number.


"Mami, it's Santana. I'm going to sleep over at Britt's house."

"OK, ten cuidado."

"I will Mami. Te quiero mucho."

"Te quiero mucho. Bye." Santana hanged up.

"Let's do this. We're going to ha... Hxngt! We're going to have so much fun"

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I'm sorry I didn't update yesterday. I'm sorry I updated really late. This has been the worst birthday ever. The food I ate made my stomach go crazy. I've been throwing up for like a few hours. My bathroom is now my permanent habitat. Hope you enjoy the update.

The girls got out of the car and walked into Brittany's house.

"My parents aren't going to be home. Don't worry Lord Tubbington will protect us."

The girls climbed up the stairs and entered Brittany's bedroom.

"Hey Q, don't you have vlog to keep update so all the losers at McKinley know what you're doing."

"Oh yea! I forgot about it"

"Let's do challenges!" Brittany said enthusiastically.


"Let me tweet it too all my followers on twitter."

1 hour later Quinn's phone was still buzzing non stop.

"Let's write down all the challenges on craps of paper put all of them into a hat and pull out a paper to see which one we should do." Brittany said

"Great idea" The girls wrote down all the challenges and put them into the hat.

"Let's start." Santana turned on the camera. "Hello peasants! I know how surprised you are not to see Quinn she'll be here in a few minutes. It's Queen Santana's time. I'm here with Princess Brittany and here comes Queen Q." Quinn sat down and got the hat.

"So we will be doing a challenge today. We will pull a paper out of the hat and whatever challenge it has written on it is the one we will do." Quinn put her hand in the hat and pulled out the paper. Santana got the paper from Quinn's hand and read it out loud.

"Sneeze Challenge."

"What do we need for this?" Quinn asked

"Let me search it up." Santana types on her computer and browsed until she found a useful site.

"Tissues, pepper, flowers, feathers, etc" "I'll get them." Brittany ran downstairs. Brittany ran around looking for the stuff. She ran out to her mom's garden and pulled out a few flowers. She ran back inside and looked in her pantry for the pepper. She ran into her ms bedroom for the tissue box and got a few feathers. She walked back upstairs.

"Got them!" She said.

"Let's make this interesting. The winner is the one who sneezes the most under 10 minutes wins. The two people who lose have to jump into the pool in there underwear. Deal?" Quinn asked.

"Deal." Brittany and Santana said.

"OK." Quinn grabbed a tissue. "I guess you just shove it in there."


"Shut up. I figured it out. You're supposed to roll the tip and put in your nose and move it around." Quinn careful put into her nose. Santana and Brittany followed suit. They began to move it around.

"It tickles!" Giggled Brittany

"Ishiew! 1 down for me" Quinn said triumphantly. Santana tried to go a little bit faster.

"Eshiew! Yay! I got one point too" Brittany clapped her hands. 5 minutes had passed and not one sneeze had come from Santana.

"This so unfair!" She huffed

"Eshiew! Eshiew! 3 for me." Brittany was in the lead with 3, Quinn followed with 1 and Santana was last with 0.

"Ishiew! 2 for me" Quinn was catching up to Brittany.

"Ugh! This is stupid." Santana was becoming frustrated.

"Eshiew!" That was a 4th sneeze from Brittany

"Hxngt! Finally!" Santana said exasperated.

"Beep!Beep!" The time was over.

"Who won?" Brittany asked

"You did Britt!"

"Yay!" She clapped her hands

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Oh yeah thanks update was brilliant hope u get better soon

Aw thanks. You're the best. I'm currently working on the next chapter. Is there anything special you want me to include?

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Sorry for the mistakes. My phone is acting really weird. Hope you like it. It has a bit of Quinntana friendship.

"Let's do it on the count of 3" Quinn and Santana stood at the edge of the pool. They had lost the bet and now they had to pay the price. They were now in their under wear about to jump in a freezing cold pool at 11:00 pm.

"1...2...3..." They scream. The cold water hits them like a ton of bricks. It feels like a bucket of ice was poured on top of them.

"It's so cold!" She yelled

"Why is it so cold?" Quinn questioned

" I'm going numb. The water is making me numb!" Santana yelled

"I'm pretty sure I'm developing hypothermia." Quinn said

The girl quickly got out of the pool and ran to the house, slipping many times on the way. They changed their undergarments and put on their PJ's.

"Let's go to sleep. I've suffered through enough today." Santana said

"I agree." Quinn said

The girls got setteled on Brittany's bed and drifted off to sleep."

Santana woke up to feel surprisingly better. She looked over at Quinn. She noticed that Quinn was breathing via her mouth. Brittany looked better than she did yesterday. She nudged Quinn.

"Get up! I'm hungry!"

"Tired. Breakfast later." Quinn mumbled.

"Breakfast now!" Santana pushed Quinn off the bed.

"OK!OK! I'm up!" Quinn said standing up

"Brittany! Breakfast now!" Santana said shaking the blonde.

"5 more minutes." Santana hit Brittany with a pillow.

"I'm hungry Britt and I wants to get my eats on!" She said irritated

"Fine!" The girls walked downstairs.

"Let's make pancakes!" Brittany suggested

"I'll make the batter." Quinn said

"I'll make the orange juice." Brittany said gathering oranges .

"I guess I'm going to cook them."

I'll help you when I finish with the batter."

The girls quickly got to work. Once Quinn finished with the batter helped Santana flip the pancakes.

"Ishieww! Ishiew!"

" Eww! Q! We don't need you getting your cooties all over our pancakes."

"Sorry" Quin said blushing slightly

"It's fine, Q. I was just teasing." She said hugging the blonde. Quinn turned away from Santana. She began to cough harshly. Santana frowned

"Maybe you should sit down." She help Quinn sit down

"No! I want to help." Quinn said standing up abruptly.

"Q, we're finished with the pancakes anyways. Britt just needs a few more oranges. Just sit tight."

" Can I at least cut the oranges?" Quinn asked

"Sure." She cut the oranges while Brittany and Santana made the juice.

She felt a small tickle in the back of her nose. She quickly turned away from the two girls, shielding them from her germs.

"Ishiew! Ish! Ish!" She sneezed into her elbow

"Bless you, Q" Santana touched her forehead.

"Thanks." She said sniffling

"You're warm." Santana stated

"I'm fine."

"You should go l..." Santana was interrupted

" I said I was fine." She said angrily

"Chill,Q! I was only looking out for you"

"Let's just eat."

"I'm starving" Santana said suddenly remembering how hungry she was.

They ate in silence. After they cleaned up Quinn went upstairs. Santana stayed downstairs with Britt.

"Hey Britt, does something seem off with Q?"

"Yea. She's been acting weird."

Santana got up and went to check on Quinn. She opened the door to Brittany's bedroom to find Quinn sleeping soundly on the bed. Quinn began to shiver. Santana wrapped Quinn in a blanket.

"Sleep tight, Q." She whispered kissing the girl on the cheek

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Hola amigos. The rest of the story is just going to focus on Quinn. I don't know if I want Quinntana to happen or not. I also thought of clever nickname for Quinn. I laughed at it for a really long time ( I know laughing at my own jokes :/) if you think it's funny I will love you forever. Enjoy

Quinn woke up from her nap dizzy and disorientated. She felt like she was a sack of mucus. Quinn walked downstairs and joined Santana and Brittany.

"About time sleeping beauty. We need to have a girls day in and we can't if you spend the whole day sleeping."

"We'll sorry my illness is so inconvenient for you."

"Whatever. Let's just get the girls day in started now." Santana smiled.

"Let's paint each others toenails. I'll paint San's. After I'm done San can paint Q's and after Q is done she can paint mine." Brittany said cheerfully.

" Great idea Britt." Quinn said sniffling.

Santana had chosen an emerald green. She waited patiently as Brittany finished her nails.

"Now you can paint Q's toenails, San."

"What color do you want, Q?"

"Ummm, Starry night blue." She said

Santana smiled and began to paint Quinn's toenails.

"Ishiew!" Quinn sneezed suddenly. It had taken her completely off guard. Santana felt the spray hit her arm and her hand. She looked up at Quinn.

"Faspray, please keep your spray under control. I don't have an umbrella at a close proximity that can Dave me from the sprinkler that you call your mouth." Santana said jokingly. She wiped off the spray on her arm.

"Oh, so now i'm Faspray." She said giggling

"Yup. Faspray is your new official nickname."

After they finished painting each other nails. They decided to watch a movie.

"Let's watch Frozen." Brittany suggested

"No! Anything but that!" Santana yelled

"I want to watch Frozen too." Quinn said smiling.

"I'd rather be run over by bus and dragged 1000 miles than watch Frozen. I'd rather die than watch Frozen."

"C'mon, San it's just a movie. It's not that bad."

"You're right. It's worse."

"Well Brittany and I want to watch Frozen. That's two against one. We win." She said smiling triumphantly.

"Quinn, I will murder you if you put that movie on." The two girls began to argue. Brittany took this opportunity to put Frozen into the DVD player. She quickly fast forwarded it to her favorite part. Brittany began to sing along

"Let it go! Let it go!"

"My ears!" Santana howled.

Quinn quickly joined Brittany and sang along.

" Can't hold it back anymore. Let it go, let it go! Turn away and slam the door!" She sang loudly.

Santana quickly turned off the T.V.

"Finally, peace and quiet." She sighed

"Lets just watch Mean Girls."

"Fine." The girls sat down. Quinn put her head on Santana's lap. Santana played with Quinn's hair. She was focused on the movie until she heard small gasps coming from Quinn. She looked down at Quinn. She looked distant.

Brittany looked over to see a pre-sneeze facial expression on Quinn. She laughed.

"Ish! Ish! ISHIEW!" The last sneeze bent her in half.

"Don't need you getting hurt Faspray. Ambulances cost a lot of money. I don't think your medical insurance covers it." Santana said

"Bless you, Q." Brittany said

"Thank you." Quinn sniffled.

"Faspray strikes again." Quinn laughed bit it quickly led to a coughing fit. Tears sprang into her eyes. Santana handed her a water bottle. She drank thirstily. Her coughing died down and soon the only thing you could hear was Quinn's sniffles.

"Ishiew! Ish!" She wiped her nose on her sleeve.

"Here, Mucus Bag." Santana handed Quinn a box of tissues. She grabbed a few and blew her nose.

"I'll go get you some medicine." Santana went to the kitchen.

"I feel horrible." She complained to Brittany

"Aww I'm sorry,Q. If it'll make you feel better we can sleep on the floor and you can get the bed all to yourself." Brittany said hugging her.

"Hey! I am not sleeping on the floor." Santana yelled.

"Ishiew! Ishiew! Ish! Ugh!" Her nose felt like it was on fire. Her chest hurt and she could bearly breath from her nose.

"Ish! Ishiew! Ishiew! Ish! Eshoo!"

"I can't find any medicine anywhere. Sorry, Q"

"It's fine. Let's just watch another movie." She sat in between Santana and Brittany. They decided to watch The Hunger Games. The last thing she remembered was watching Katniss kill Marvel.

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