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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Austin&Ally fic for Dinogirl and snufflasneeze


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Uh a recent request was posted so I decided to take a shot at it.

i was just going to pm it but the requester is being vetted so here it goes :bag:

So I don't care much for Austin and Ally's relationship but I decided to take a shot at a small drabble thing for you.

Ps: my grammar might be bad,sorry.I tried.


Austin Moon looked out at the audience of smiling teens as he stood on stage. It was the last concert before he had a break for a few months,thankfully. It was a rather chilly on this Saturday afternoon in an outdoor stage at the Helen show. Every second verse he sang was puncuated by a sniffle. He sheepishly wiped his nose on his blazer from time to time. His hair was dishevieled and his brown eyes looked glassy with fatigued illeness. He sang his last word,in his now hoarse voice, then said "good-dight everyode" trying not to let his congestion show.

He went backstage and curled up on the couch in his dressing room in a cacoon of blankets. He then saw a familiar gorgeous face peak in his room and he smiled from ear to ear. His beautiful talented girlfriend walked in,her ombre hair in a messy bun and she was wearing a lazy outfit. She was wearing one of Austin's jumpers,which made him grin at how big it was on her petite body, and jogging pants. She still looked stunning to Austin. Ally went over to her blonde lover and kissed his hot forehead. The brunette frowned and jokingly said "well someone better call the firestation because you're burning up." and laughed at her own joke. Her feverish boyfriend smirked at her lame puns that he loved but his smirk quickly faded as his fa ce set into a pre-sneeze expression. His eyebrows knit, his nostrils flared and his mouth was open gasping for air. He hid his face in his sleeve and his eyes shut involuntarily as he sneezed girlishly,to his embaressement, "hichyuuu hichyuuu heh'xchew". He sniffled and Ally cooed "bless you,blow your nose blondie" as she put a tissue on his pink tinged nose. Austin didn't want to gross her out but obeyed and blew. The pionist said "wow,you can sing and play the trumpet" then threw the tissue in the bin.


Notes: sorry if it's not long enough mate,didn't know where to go with it. Hope you enjoy :)

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:D :D AAAAHHHHHH!!!! YES! THIS IS SOOOO CUTE!!!! THANK YOU!! Edited by Snufaleeze
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(Sorry I didn't post a reply sooner, but this was my first request answered and when I saw it, I kinda freaked out, avoided it for a day or two, then just got tangled up in other things that prevented me from coming back here for a while. I do have a life outside of here!)

Anyway, that was still really cute! Thanks for doing this -- not just for me, but for anyone else who was too much of a coward to ask. thumbup1.gif

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