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Worried (SPN, Sam)


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Title: Worried

Characters/pairing: Sam, Dean (gen)

Summary: Sam’s worried about Dean. Dean’s worried about Sam.

Spoilers: This is basically set in early S10, so if you’ve seen the first 5 episodes I think you’ll be fine.

::: ::: :::

He’s shivering under the covers, half asleep, when the comforter he’d kicked off sometime in the night is draped over him.

“Go back to sleep, Sammy,” Dean whispers, but it’s not Dean’s voice. Something’s off.

Sam opens his eyes, tries to squint up at the figure looming over him, but then there’s a hand over his mouth. Before he can move, he’s overcome with incredible pain. There’s a familiar smell of smoke, of fire, and though his vision is blurred he can see them, inches in front of his face.

A pair of eyes. Black.

And then everything is black.

::: ::: :::


Sam’s covered in sweat. He’s shivering again, but the blanket is wrapped tightly around him. As he struggles to shake the dream, he reaches for the gun under his pillow and slowly sits up.


Sam winces at the uncertainty in his voice. Dean raises an eyebrow. Sam curls his finger around the trigger of his pistol and clears his throat.

“Uh. Yeah. Sorry.” Sam wrenches to the side with an enormous sneeze, holding it back long enough to pull his hand out from under the pillow before he can accidentally pull the trigger. “Hih-HH-HH-hihhHTCHSHhuh!”

“Was it about flowers?” Dean looks like he’s holding back a laugh.

“Ha ha.” Sam rolls his eyes and scrubs at his nose. He’s pretty convinced he’s awake now; the persistent tickle in his nose is far too real to be a dream.

“Seriously, though, dude. You okay?”

Sam coughs into a fist and narrows his eyes.

“Shouldn’t I be asking you that?”

“I’m golden, man. Or, I will be once we get some breakfast. You gettin’ up or what?”

When Sam sighs, a faint whistling sound comes from his nose.

“Yeah. I’ll be ready in ten.”

::: ::: :::

A/N: It’s possible this will be continued, I’m just not sure I have it in me right now. Sorry this part is short and weird and not great, but. Yeah.

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I don't know what it is, but somehting about those black eyes just reels me in. ;)

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Shh! It's not weird, I really like it! It's a really vivid picture of Sam's position, with the nightmare and demon Dean being kinda comforting, telling him to go back to sleep, but just not right and then Sam's not sure what to make of the real Dean. It's a really nice slice out of the complexities of their relationship at that point. I love it. I hope you do continue it.

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"Was it about flowers?" omg, Dean. haha! (And I gotta say...just the thought of Sam dreaming about flowers and waking up sneezing? Mmm....appealing. :) )

I love the season 10 setting. I hope you continue!

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Nightmare, was it about flowers? I started laughing out loud (which was problematic because I was supposed to be asleep). I too hope you continue.

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Nyargh. More new 27jj fic. I feel faint, but in a good way.

The uncertain, dreamlike quality of the beginning of this is fantastic. The image of "the comforter he’d kicked off sometime in the night" having been "draped over him" again warmed me right up, and then the rhythm of "A pair of eyes. Black. And then everything is black" gave me the chills.

I'd love to see where you take this. :)

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This was so cute omg... of course they'd be worried about each other. Such a Winchester thing to do! Love it! :P

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I love Supernatural, and I'm grateful for the amount of fics that are available.

This is great, it's better than great honestly. Thank you for contributing, and please do continue!

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Hey thanks guys! You're all so great. Seriously. It means a ton to me that you're reading this and taking time to reply. thankyou.gif Also don't hate me for not having more of this to post. I'm not feeling it right now, but I PROMISE I'm writing more sneezy Sam? Yay?

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