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Assassin's Sneeze (AC, M)


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Nice you have a DA account! Love the stor...you must continue my friend. I love the drawing though a close up wild be nice but I get the overall look.

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Okkkk so I dnt know this fandom but I love the idea of an assassin being sick so could you please do another one

I will trade if you want

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  • 4 weeks later...

Haven't been posting for the last MONTH. -_- Working on it. I know this is late, but Artemis, yeah, I could do another one, if you're still reading than pick an Assassin. Artygirl22- I've definitely tried. To the point where it was funny, but my tablet's camera is so messed up it just got pointless. I'm glad you and pikachu78 liked the drawing though :)

If anyone's still really here, this is the third part, I believe.


Connor stood in the doorway with a look of tension, his gaze darting back and forth around the room. It was lit by a warm fireplace, one that was still burning despite Jay's certainty the rain had come in from the chimney. She motioned to the couch and he released his hold on her shoulder, slowly making his way toward it.

Jay closed the door and sighed. "Are you hungry?"

He lowered his head.

"What's wrong?"

When he finally met her gaze he seemed embarrassed, or was it nervousness. He wasn't used to be cared for, she realized. Maybe he didn't find it comforting. Jay herself was one of those people. She hated being treated like a kicked puppy.

"It's in the kitchen, just some meat and bread." She said. "You can get it if you want."

He nodded slowly, then settled back against the couch, his eyes closed. It wasn't long before he was asleep again. This was a bit worrying; he had just woken up.


Connor woke up again sometime around midnight, realizing he had slept for far longer than he intended. Jay had fallen asleep curled up on the couch, beside him. He winced as he stood and pinched the bridge of his nose, feeling like Haytham whenever something didn't go his way. He needed to get back on the hunt for Charles Lee.

Connor tried his best to keep quiet as he made his way to the kitchen area, but it was quite difficult. His throat was sore and his head felt like someone was hammering at his skull with a rock. And, every now and then, he had to pause and press both hands to his mouth and nose, pressuring himself not to sneeze and rouse Jay. He didn't feel it was right to wake her up in the middle of the night, after what she'd done for him.

He spotted a loaf of bread on the counter and tore a piece away, then ate it as slowly as possible, savoring the flavor, as he made his way to the door. Charles, he had heard, was staying at an inn near the harbor, and if he wanted to resume the hunt and stay away from those bastard men, he needed the cover of darkness.

Connor paused by the door and pressed his knuckles to his nose, grinding his teeth together and squeezing his eyes shut.

He wasn't very good at keeping it quiet.

He sneezed more than three times, each one igniting the pain in the back of his throat, and each one bringing with it the familiar irritation whenever he was sick. It was an old trait instilled in him by Achilles after he had been trained and given the coat. 'You have no need or time for sickness,' the old man said, 'stay away from it and its effects'.


Connor sneezed once more, this one enough to push him forward. He heard Jay sit up and softly murmur his name, and swore to himself in his head. She didn't deserve this.

"Are you leaving?"

He gave her a solemn look and nodded. "There's... somewhere I need to be. Where I was heading before those men chased me."

"Ah. Well, be careful. There's some old drunkard out there barking about pretty women and such. He's a picky man, will fight with anyone."

"I've seen worse people." Charles Lee.

She laughed. "I wish I had your view on it."

Connor nodded, then stifled another sneeze into his elbow and righted himself, blinking. That had taken him by suprise.

"There's.. somewhere you can find me, if you ever want to meet. The Davenport Homestead." He told her. "It's in the frontier, but not hard to find."

She nodded. "I take it you know where I live by now. I'd be worried if you didn't." He smiled. A sense of humor. She seemed like the only person in the world who could make him laugh. "Can I ask where you're going? What you were doing before you weed chased?"

Connor rubbed his nose and shrugged. "I don't think you want to know... but maybe-"

He twisted and sneezed four times against his wrist.

"Bless you." Jay said softly.

He nodded. "Maybe you could keep an ear out for a name? Charles Lee, or Thomas Hickey?"

"Charles Lee and Thomas Hickey. Oh, that Hickey bastard. He's too into women. You can probably find him at the Green Dragon. He's there every time I go, claims it's his favorite."

Connor stood and she let go of his hand. He nearly reached for it again, then caught himself and clenched his fist. "I must go there, then."

"Thank you, Connor."

"For... what?"

"Showing me I'm not the only person with a bloody sense of duty in the world. I swear..."

He chuckled. Definitely the only person. "I'll come back. As soon as I'm better...." He trailer off, sneezing a few times into his elbow.

"I should hope to see you better." Jay smiled. "Good luck."

Connor pulled open the door and looked back murmering his thanks in both English and Mohawk.

From then on, every week or so they met, at her home, or his, and sometimes she took him to the martpket. Other times he took her hunting, showed her how to use his tomahawk to climb and hunt.

It was more than a trade or a simple friendship. Connor began to realize that, when the good, warm feeling gradually became a sense of love.

But that was Achilles' opinion.


So, in the game, we haven't been told who Connor's wife was. At least, I'm pretty sure, I only cared for the main storyline, not DLC.

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I'm always happy to see an update. God connor you witless pup you. More connor getting cared, and treated right.

In the dlx there's no mention of his wife. I mean they did release Info but it's not the greatest.....that's all I'm saying

Edited by Artygirl22
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Oh this was still good more Connor I'm obsessed blushsmiley.gif .

I've got one more idea, it should take a day or two, though. ;)

Artygirl22, I think all that was said was that she had blonde hair and eventually left him, but apparently that was provided by the Templars in game.

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I'm in a bubble of denial. He lived happily ever after with a great wife, kids, and thousands of dogs.

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I'm in a bubble of denial. He lived happily ever after with a great wife, kids, and thousands of dogs.

Throw in a few eagles and a horse and that's exactly what happened.


It was late when Connor stumbled onto the Homestead.

He had been out for the last few weeks tracking a possible lead on the whereabouts of Lee, which had eventually led toa dead end. As he was preparing to leave Boston, he became aware of the possibility that he was getting something. Hehad denied it for a while until it began to grow inescapable, a constant itch in the back of his nose and the light scratch in his throat when he swallowed. Still, he had reasoned it was time to get back to the Homestead and give Achilles a believable excuse- That he hadn't worked himself more than he should have, and had heeded the many years of 'Be careful about overworking yourself in this chase for Lee' he constantly heard from the old man.

Maybe he wasn't feeling lightheaded or sore because he had overworked himself.

He slowly opened the door, freezing when it made a loud creaking noise. He really needed to fix that.

Still, neither Surry nor Achilles rushed to his aid. Good. He didn't appreciate being taken care of like a young boy. (Nineteen was an adult, he always replied when someone brought that up).

Well, maybe he did, but now was not the time

Connor looked around and verified one last time that no one was awake before continuing, his target being the small room Achilles had allotted him upstairs. In order to get to it, though, he'd have to walk by the old man's room.

He inched forward, wincing whenever the floor creaked.

He made ithalfway up the stairs before something began to bother him at the back of his nose, one he was all too familiar with.


Achilles wasn't one to miss things. He had heard that door open, had heard Connor's footsteps, and no he listened for the telltale signs of a cough or sneeze.

From the top of the stairs came a quiet sniff and the sound of an irritated sigh.

Connor was really making this a habit.

Achilles stood up from the bed and grasped his cane, making his way silently to the door of his room. Connor walked slowly past him- that was concerning, usually the young man was perfectly aware of his surroundings.


The Assassin gave a yell of surprise and whipped around, narrowing his eyes at Achilles.

"Haven't I warned you about this? Go lay down, you're not leaving the manor for a few days."

Connor pawed at his nose and scowled. "What? Why?"

"You know exactly what I'm talking about."

"I finally got a lead on-"

"Then why are you here? Is Charles Lee dead?"


About that.

Connor furrowed his brow and looked down, the small itch at the back of his nose getting worse. If he wanted to prove to Achilles he was fine, he couldn't allow the old man to see anything indicating that.

Even if it meant waiting for him to leave the house if he had to sneeze or cough.

"Go, Connor." Achilles started down the stairs, probably to find something in the kitchen for Connor's throat.

Which definately didn't ache when he spoke and swallowed.

Connor rubbed his nose against his shoulder in an effort to push back the growing sneeze, earning him around five more minutes of relief.

Still, he stood where he was, ignoring the looming darkness at the edge of his vision.

"I'm fine, Achilles."

The old man halted and gazed at him with a look of doubt. "You wouldn't be weaving if you were fine."

"What...." Connor's mind grew black.


He groaned and rolled over, every muscle in his body aching. His throat felt sore and parched, and when he moved his head, his temples throbbed in unsion with his heart. Despite that, the most intense thing he fought against was the itch, the one that attacked him every time he drew a breath.

Achilles sat at his bedside, a chair pulled up at the foot of it. His head was down and his breathing had taken in the even rhythm of sleep.

Maybe it was alright to sneeze if the old man was sleeping.

Connor rolled over and buried his nose in the crook of his arm, feeling his back arch as he sneezed.

He heard Achilles stir, then tired to force the next one back.

"Please, boy. You proved you had overworked yourself- that's the third time this year- when you passed out in the hallway. Scared the hell out of Surry."

Connor grunted in response and curled into a ball, bracing himself against the next few sneezes. He heard Achilles click his tongue, and the sound of the wooden chair creaking as the old man stood up.

"I'm going to get you tea, you're under bed arrest."

"But Charles Lee-"

"The bastard can wait, you're doing no harm to him by attempting to kill him while you can barely stand."


"Connor, if you can go a full day without sneezing, coughing, passing out, swooning, or weaving, you can go."

He had done all of those in less than an hour the night before.

Connor cringed and hastily pressed his fist against his nose and mouth, willing himself against the next sneeze.

Achilles gave a brief nod and left the room, easing the door shut.

Connor sneezed and tried to finisha bout of coughing before Achilles came back."

He clamped his mouth shut and took a deep breath as the old man opened the door, holding a cup that carried with it the scent of honey and tea.

"Here. Drink all of it. The honey will cool the burning in your throat."

"My throat is not burning."

"I've been in your position, Connor. Not too long ago, with Shay."

"..... Cormac. The Betrayer?"

"Not Betrayer. The Hunter. Everyone in the Assassin Brotherhood has done it, driven themselves into a rut. Adéwalé, when he sailed with Edward Kenway, did it."

"My grandfather...." Connor picked up the warm cup and slowly brought it to his mouth, hating the tease of the steam when it met his nose.

"Your grandfather, yes." Achilles sat back and waved a his hand. "Everyone, boy."

"I am not a boy." Connor said indignantly. He drained the cup and placed it gently on the bedstand. "I'm nineteen."

Achilles gave him a look of amusement, but said nothing, casting his gaze out the window.

"Did the Assassin Hunter do it? Did you ever hear of Altaïr overworking himself?"

"Oh, the tales I could tell you of how many times I found Shay slumped over his own pistol, outside in the woods. Or the countless times Altaïr leapt into the water after a Knight, only to be pulled out by another Assassin, dripping wet and half mad with the urge to sneeze. Funny thing, the Templar always met his end in the water."

"But we're taught to guard against our obsessions." Connor briefly rubbed at his nose with his thumb, trying to be discreet about it. Judging by the triumphant pull at Achilles' lips, he wasn't convinced.

For some, our obsessions are all we have. Charles Lee, for example. What more will you do when he's gone?"

"Hunt..." Connor nearly gave in to the itch, but sniffed and fought against it. He was still bent on proving he wasn't sick. "Hunt Templars..."

"That can't be all you do."

"Shay did it."

"Shay is a misguided man who had good people to help him, and he denied their words." Achilles said abruptly, raising his voice slightly. "And as a result, there are little to no Colonial Assassins left!"

Connor was silent, wondering why Achilles was so infuriated. Was there a connection between them?

He let the matter drop and rolled over onto his belly, pawing at his nose. The itch was refusing to go away this time, and he still wasn't going to let Achilles know he was sick.

"I'm... sorry." Achilles said quietly. "And just let yourself sneeze, your shoulders look so tense."

"I'm not sick." Connor replied.

"And I'm not old."

"I don't have to sneeze."

"Then lay on your back, pull your hand away, and prove it."

Connor did just that, crossing his arms over his chest. The itch was unbearable now,but he closed his eyes ad tried to make his features look as relaxed as possible.

He could hear the smug grin Achilles wore when he spoke.

"Your mouth is twitching, Connor, I can see it."

Connor ground his teeth.

"You are not being discreet. Three. Two."

Connor felt his chest heave, his kings expanding suddenly, and twisted his head aside, sneezing loudly into the air.

Achilles slapped his knee and chuckled. "Oi. I used to do that all the time. As did Liam and Shay and Connor, even Surry."

The other Connor. The one he knew almost nothing about.

"I'm not sick." Connor sniffed and cringed at the particular roughness his voice had taken on.

"Please. I can see another one building."

Connor growled. "Is there anything you don't see?"

"Only my own ruddy back, boy, and someday, you can say the same.


If any any other Assassin or Templar ones are wanted, I don't mind doing more.

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Edited by Artygirl22
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He is cute, ain't he? :) There are weird little (big) blips in the story that I'm guessing are the result of my rushing through names, and this tablet's knack for auto correcting at the wrong times or doing its own thing entirely. It really screwed up Adewalé and Altaïr's name. The first word splurge is Adewalé's names. The next two times are Altaïr's name.

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I just want more Connor.....o.o pwease? Maybe contagion? Like remember the girl he saved in the story where Connor is being trained? Maybe he gets sick....again and while caring for him, gets sick. First time Connor admits that he's sick.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry this took so long, we went to Four Corners.

Anyway, hoo-ah, here it is :)


A knock on the door.

Kara kicked off the covers and stumbled to the window peering out. Snow frosted everything; she couldn't see the knocker.

She pulled the door open a crack. Her mother was out on a trip to New York, so she wasn't here if anything...

"Kara..." Came a weak voice.

"Connor?" Kara threw the door open and stepped back. "Well, get in here! What are you doing out in the cold?"

He kept his hand on the doorframe, his head down. "I-I made a mistake."

Kara pulled him in, slamming the door shut. "What happened? Are you alright?"

He saved a hand, but she could see the shivering. "An incident involving... my father.. it's nothing I can get into."

She pressed a hand to his forehead before he could react. "You're on fire. Sit down on that couch, you aren't going anywhere."

"But they'll find you-"

"And I'll wring their necks."

"But they might-"

"Connor." Kara sighed. "We'll be fine."

He seemed to relax and dipped his head, stumbling toward the couch. "I'm sorry."

"For what?"

Connor's eyes darted to the door. "It's the middle of the night."

"Connor, I have the worst sleep schedule ever."

He rubbed his knuckles under his nose and nodded. "But did I wake you?"

"Not really." Okay, that as a lie. But he was clearly sick and she was not going to bother him with that. "You're still being trained, though.How much damage did you ccause, exactly?"

"Um..." He sniffed and shrugged. "I've told you about my father."


"Well, he doesn't know me. There was an incident involving a crowd of people, and rifleman... he tried to frame me... and..." Connor stiffened and pressed his fist against his nose, his breath hitching.

"What have I told you about that?"

He squeezed his eyes shut.

"Connor... move your fist. Come on."

"But.... heh..... Ka-" He lurched forward and sneezed.

"Once," She said.

He sneezed again.


Connor sneezed one last time and groaned, laying back against the couch.

"Hah. Three streak." Kara said jokingly. Connor's eyes closed and a smile flickered on his lips. "You can sleep here."

Connor sat up and frowned. "No. They're going to come for me and if I'm here...."

"Let me inform you of the rifle hidden right behind you against the wall."

He got to his knees on the couch and peered over. "You-"

"My mother is quite a fanatic when it comes to weapons. An Assassin trait, I suppose."

Conner covered his mouth, sneezing loudly against his knuckles.

"Like I have told you for the past year, don't do that." She raised an eyebrow, then went and sat on the couch by his feet.

"But it's embarrassing." Connor's cheeks reddened.

"To who? There's no one here."

"There's..." He frowned and pawed at his nose. "There's... um... there's you....."

Kara smiled. So he shared the same feelings. "Don't worry about me. I'm going to bring you some blankets, because you're still shivering. There's not a thing you can do about it."

Connor blinked, then shook his head. "I don't want them to find you."

"The Templars? They won't be able to find me if they're missing their heads. That rifle is top of the line. Grooves in the barrel spin the bullet and make it go faster."

"Valid point." Connor said something else in another language. It sounded like 'Yow-ma.'

"Wait..." She knew some Mohawk from hearing a few people around her speak it. "You're welcome....?"

Connor nodded. "You're learned."

"Only that much. Ah- no moving from that couch. I'm bringing some blankets in." She padded to the neck room and came back, carrying the biggest one she could find. It was quilt, and older than she was.

Kars tossed it against him and then crouched by the couch, wrapping her arms around his neck in a hug. "We'll be fine."

"I hope so. If they come near you...."

"We'll blow their heads off with that rifle." She felt his muscles tighten as he sneezed into his arm, then stepped back. "Goodnight, Connor."

"Good... night." He murmured after her as she crawled into bed.


Kara woke up to the sound of loud coughing.

She stumbled into the living room and thumped her hands against Connor's back as coughs wracked his frame. He was warm to the touch and still half asleep, it seemed.

"Are you alright?" She asked after a while. "I'm going to get some water."

He grabbed her wrist as she walked to the kitchen. "Kara."


He lowered his head, and she tipped his chin gently back up to meet her gaze. He murmured something under his breath in Mohawk, then pulled away and sneezed harshly into the back of his wrist.

Kara felt her heart leap, but forced it down and went to the kitchen, bringing back a small cup of water. "You're going to have to drink all of it for maximum effect; I mixed it with honey, so your throat will be more smooth."

He took the cup and sipped it, then tipped his head and downed the rest. He set it on the table by the end of the couch and then lay against the couch, his jaw clenched, one fist against his nose.

"Connor. Let it come." Kara eased his hand away and kept it down. He twisted and sneezed against his shoulder, four times.

"Bless you, by the way."

Connor nodded, even as his eyes began to drift close. He was definitely running a fever, and had no idea what he'd said before.

In Mohawk.

Kara waited until she knew he was safely sleeping, then stood and padded back to her room, closing the door behind her with an excited sigh.

He hadn't said thank you.

She was sure she'd heard right.

I love you, Kara.


Update will come tomorrow ;)

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Hnnngghh! !! Oh and Connor was saying thank you to kara...in Mohawk, the term is Nia:wen

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I always hear Yow-ma, like when he's about to skin an animal. I should probably up the volume, when he does that ;) and here's the next part!


Connor woke for a second time that night, an hour or so before dawn. He shifted on the couch and reached for the water, feeling disappointed when he realized he had finished it. He sat back and stared at the ceiling. They hadn't come yet, the Templars. They either knew he was here and were biding their time, or they had lost him. He hoped it was the latter. Kara was the only other person he truly trusted, other than Achilles. If anything happened to her he... what would he do? That depends on who had done it. Charles Lee and his father would get the worst. Definately.

Connor thought for a while, then tried to sleep again; that was proving difficult, every time he breathed in, his nose would flare with an itch and he'd have to clamp his teeth together.

Connor rolled onto his side and buried his face in his elbow, holding his breath. Count to one, two, three, by five it should be gone...

Well... by five he couldn't take it anymore and ended ups needing sharply.

"Connor?" Kara was in the doorway to her room at once, her brow furrowed in concern. She looked more tired than usual, he noted.

"I'm alright..." He trailed off as another sneeze begged for his attention, then covered his mouth with the palm of his hand and allowed himself only one. Then another sneeze forced its way up, and another.

"You don't sound alright." Kara said. "Do you want more water?"

"Um... yes..." Connor coughed and sat back against the couch, giving a quiet groan. He'd have to head back to the Homestead in the morning; he couldn't keep waking up like this.

"Here." Kara went into the kitchen and came back with another cup. Her voice had taken on a rough edge and Connor hoped he hadn't gotten her sick.

He thanked her in Mohawk and drank all of it with two swallows, then set it down next to him on the table. Kara room both and moved for the kitchen, but he reached out and gently squeezed her elbow. "Are you feeling well?"

"I'm... fine. Why?" Kara frowned and shook her head. "Well, I just have a small headache, but I haven't gotten much sleep yet."

"Get some rest. Don't worry about me." He said slowly. What a way to tell a girl you love her, he chided.

"I will. And you don't worry about me, either. That rifle is right there behind the couch." She said quickly, then put the cups in the kitchen and came back into the room. "I'm in that room if anything happens. The door is open."

"Thank you." He said in English. She had been more kind to him than he could ever hope to repay. Achilles would begin a long rant about how Connor could repay her with a ring and some flowers and maybe even a-

Connor smiled and looked down, hiding the red that bloomed in his cheeks. Even a headache and a sore throat weren't going the make that feeling go away. He watched Kara go back into her room, then curled up on the couch, bringing his knees to his chest and covering a string of sneezes against his wrist.

"Goodnight, Connor."

"Goodnight, Kara."


Kara awoke a little later than usual, about half an hour after sunup. Her head had taken on a dull ache and her throat was a little rough, but she pushed the thought of it being Connor's fault away. Whatever he had couldn't transfer within an hour. Well... colds could transfer quickly and it wasn't like she had the best immune system....

Kara sneezed.

Instantly Connor appeared in the doorway of her room. He looked better from the night before, and quite concerned. "Are you alright?"


Connor relaxed a little, then nodded. "I was going to go to the Homestead, but I'm not feeling well enough."


That was definitely a lie. He had a fair bit more energy and the headache had eased off. But if she was sick on his account, then he thought he was a selfish bastard if he intended to leave her.

"Then you should lay down." Kara said. A cough tugged at her throat. "Do you want anything to eat?"

He shook his head. "Um.. just stay there."


"You're sick."

"Now let's not be too hasty-" Kara finally coughed into the air beside her bed and sighed, taking note of his hidden smile. Even then she could see he was attempting to fight a sneeze. "What did I say about stifling."

He twisted and sneezed loudly several times against his wrist, then turned back and held up a finger, looking much like her mother. "No moving from that bed. Do you need anything to drink?"

"And what about you?" She replied. "You're still sick."

His brow furrowed and he knelt by her bed, placing the back of his hand gently against her forehead. "You're warm." He lifted one of her hands and placed it against his own forehead. "I am not. Therefore, I'll take care of you."

"You'd do that. For me." She had never expected someone would do this for her. Much less... Connor.

He smiled, then rubbed at his nose with his knuckles and sniffed. "Who wouldn't?"

"Everyone I've ever known except my parents."

"Well.." He stood and shrugged. "I suppose I am the first."

"I suppose you are.' They both sneezed at the same time, and then looked at each other, chuckling.

"You did it first." Connor said. "No stifling!"

She threw a pillow at him as he headed for the kitchen to get some water. "Not fair! I had maybe a few seconds' warning!"


Another update tomorrow :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I said tomorrow an and never got around to it- Oi. I'm back now, so here's another part :)


Connor knocked, then poked his head in, holding the cup of water he had gotten in the kitchen.


"I don't fall asleep that fast."

He smiled. "I brought something to drink."

"You did?" She sat up and nodded. "Could I have some?"

"You didn't have to ask." He handed the cup to her and sat down on the chair by the bed, running his nose with his knuckles. He was feeling far better than she was, he knew, and it made his feel a little guilty.

"Thank you... how long do you plan on staying in Boston this time?

Connor cringed. "Not long. Achilles will be wondering where I am, and with the Templars out there, actively searching for me, I can't risk injury to you."

She crossed her arms. "I'm not frail."

Another smile. "Neither of us are. It's my father I'm mostly worried about."

"Your father?"

He paused, and at first she thought it was hesitant, until he twisted away and buried his face in his elbow.

"Hey." She brandished the cup at him, feeling her own sneeze work its way up. "No stifling."

"Well.... hu'ishoo!" He lurched forward, then lifted his head, blinking.

"You're still sick." Kara said, concerned again.

"You're in a worse off position." He shifted in the chair. "I'm sorry I got you sick."

Kara sneezed into her elbow and coughed, then shrugged. "Not much of an issue. It'll be gone in a day or two."

"I was only really sick last night." He nodded reassuringly. "Can I ask you something?"

"Sure. And don't worry about offending me. I used to live by the docks."

He chuckled- she got him to laugh again- and looked out the window. The meanest men and women lived near the docks. Neighborhoods weren't the best. "Do you have a.... have...." He raised a hand to his mouth, then lowered it and turned away, his head and shoulders snapping forward in a loud sneeze.

"See? Feels better and you don't lose an eardrum."

Connor smiled, and continued. "Do you have a Mentor?"

Kara nodded. "I learned from a my uncle. He lived somewhere in New York, and I used to go back and forth. My mother doesn't think I can become a Master Assassin until I'm at least twenty six."

Connor shrugged. "Achilles says the same thing... but you said you used to. What happened?"

"Templar raid. Led by the Assassin Hunter."

"We'll catch him and kill him."

Kara looked up from the bed at Connor. He looked serious now, save the quick rub of his nose he used his knuckles for.

"You want to?"

"Hunting the Hunter. Why not?" Connor shook his head, then titled his chin down and sneezed against his wrist a few times. "They've almost vanquished the brotherhood."

"There's still us." Kara paused and coughed. "We won't let it die."

He looked at her and straightened up, his hand on the handle of his tomawhawk. "Could we do this.. together?"

Kara lifted an eyebrow. "Wait till I get better first. We'll ask Achilles for a target, just you and me."

"He'll say we're too young."

"Connor, being too young in when you can't lift that tomawhawk. And you can lift it just fine. Same for me, I can hold a rifle."

Connor thought about that while Kara coughed again. She was the better of the two in marksmanship. More willing to lie in wait with a rifle. But every time Achilles mentioned how well the two worked together, Connor would cover his ears and protest that there was nothing between them.

He sneezed loudly into the air beside him, earning a smile from Kara.

Each time he saw her he was more and more certain of something, although he kept that hidden from the old man.

"Alright, then. As soon as the sun comes up tomorrow and you're feeling better, we'll go."


I may do one for the new Assassin, Jacob Frye. Probably not, though. It'll take some thinking.

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