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Assassin's Sneeze (AC, M)


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You can't leave me with that cliffy!! I'll die!! No no!! Please for the love of achilles and connor continue! :bounce:

Edited by Artygirl22
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Glad you liked it- here's part 2!


Achilles sprang up, whipping around and grabbing Connor's arm. The teen was far ahead of him, sprinting forward and shoving past the hunters before they could regain their senses.

"Into the trees again." Achilles said. Connor immediately responded, leaping up an oak and helping him into it as well. "We're going back to the Homestead- we can fortify it and there's the things I need to remedy you."

Connor nodded, although he seemed angry.


Connor stumbled through the door, onto the floor. A pale, weak pallor stole the tan from his face, and the snow melted into water, from his hair and his clothes. Achilles slammed the door shut and locked it, rushing to his side.

"Connor, we need to get deeper, into one of the rooms.There'll be less of a chance for them to see we're here- if we were even followed."

Connor nodded slowly, getting to his feet. His eyes squeezed shut suddenly and he twisted aside, sneezing sharply into the air before he could realize it.


Achilles sighed and led him through the manor, to one of the couches closer to the center, away from the windows. Connor flipped into it, and for once Achilles let the fact that he was now soaked slide. He brought a blanket out and gave it to Connor.

"I'm getting something warm for you to drink. Stay here."

As if I'm going anywhere, Connor thought.

Achilles came back out with a cup of warm water, shrugging. "This is all I could find. Drink all of it."

Connor nodded, bringing it to his mouth. As if the steam rising to his nose was a reminder, and itch sprung into it and he drew back, sneezing violently into his wrist, "Heh... he'ishoo!"

Achilles peered out the window. "I don't think they followed us. Are you feeling better?"

"It's just my foot." Connor lied. "I feel fine, otherwise." He held his breath as he drank, taking quick sips- each time the steam reached his nose, it made him sneeze. Which irritated him.

"That's a lie, boy." Achilles said, smiling broadly. Connor looked away and gave the cup back to him. Then he pulled the blanket as far as it would go to his chin while covering his feet and turned over, promptly falling asleep.


A shout.

A bang.

Connor awoke with a start, falling from the couch in a tangle of his arms and legs and the blanket. Another shot echoed through his world, and he stood up, hastily shurgging off the blanket. He made his slow, aching way for the door, pausing by a corner as an itch flared in his nose. For a moment he felt his eyes flutter shut and his mouth hang open, his breaths coming in quick, short spurts.

"Huh.... huh...."

Someone grabbed his shoulder, just as he sneezed. "Huh'ish! Huh'rsh!"

"Connor?" Achilles asked, letting go of his shoulder and looking through the window. "Is something wrong?"

"No... I... I thought I heard gunshots." He said nervously.

"I did, too. I think it's just a regular hunter. It's mid noon. Last night was the time for being suspicious of all." He paused. "It still is, but I think they're gone by now."

Connor nodded.

"Are you well?"

He shifted his feet and shrugged. "I don't know. I just had to sneeze, but aside from that, I- hah'rugsh!- I think I'm better."

Achilles grinned. "Still denying it?"

Connie gave him an irritated look.


Would you like another Connor one? This was fun to write :)

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Connor being cared for...

Connor sick and being cute!!! And someone loving this honey bunches of oats!!!!

Yes yes yes YES!!! I love you..i really do...

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I never said it was the end.....


"I am not." He protested.

Achilles quirked an eyebrow at him, and shrugged. "Have it your way, boy. But I'll get you to give up in no time."

"Is that so?"

"Well, ye-"

The doors rattled with several rapid, loud booms. Both of them froze, staring at the doors.

"Connor," Achilles whispered quietly. "Find a place to hide."

"But what about-"

"I'll be fine. Right behind you. Alright?"

Connor nodded, sighting a large chest behind the couch he had been on. He pulled the top off, crawling in. Even though he was still small enough to stay hidden in it, his knees were pulled up to his chest and his shoulders were hunched, with his head down. He pressed his knuckles against his Jose and prayed he didn't sneeze, and that Achilles would be safe.

He heard the older Assassin curse as his foot bumped into something then a rustling noise.

The manor grew quiet, save the shouts coming from the Templars outside.

There was the banging of metal to metal, and a cry of triumph as the doors swung open.

"Search for the Assassins!" Someone barked. Connor's heart froze when he heard the footsteps of over eight men.

"Anyone know their names?" Another man asked.

"Achilles. I was never told he had an accomplice."

So they didn't know his name....

He dug his knuckles harder against his nose as an itch flared in it, and held his breath.

Despite his efforts, a gasp escaped his mouth. "Hah...."

"What was that?"

Connor frantically began tapping his free hand's fingers on his knee. It was a trick he'd figured out, to get his mind off the itch in his nose.

It didn't work.

With a sudden intake of breath, Connie was forced into a sneeze he couldn't stop.

"Hah... hah'ish!" He pressed both hands over his mouth and nose, eyes widening in surprise at what he's just done.

"Haha, found ya little bastard-" The latch on the chest clicked, and it was pulled up. Connor tilted his head back, to see the Templar's face.

It was one of the ones from before.

"Connor!" Achilles dashed out from a closet, grabbing on the men and throwing him in. Instantly the others turned on him, including the one who'd just discovered his hiding place. "Go! Run, dammit!"

Connor threw himself out of the chest, shoving the surprised Templar out of his way. He forced his weak, aching muscles to carry him to the door, and he fled into the forest with the Templars hot on his heels.


"What are you doing out here?" Someone asked. Connor opened one eye, and leaned forward against the trunk of the tree. His head instantly attested, and he groaned, sitting back. He was at least fifteen feet in the air- there was nothing that person could do to him.

If she had been a Templar.

"Are you alright?"

"Yes." He mumbled, closing his eyes. He'd left Achilles.

He'd left him to face the Templars, unarmed.

Connor closed his eyes, not bothering to fight the itch that attacked his nose again. "Heh' heish!"

"You don't sound very good." The voice said.

"What do you want?" He asked, wincing at how congested his voice sounded.

"To make sure you're alright."

"Well, I'm fine." He replied.

"I'm not leaving until you tell the truth." He sighed, looking down at her.

"I. Am. Not. Sick." He called down. Despite her stubbornness she was rather pretty, and gazed at him with something other than the expectance of Achilles.


He moaned with regret and climbed down from the tree, so he stood in front of her. She seemed about his age, but he was a full head taller than her.

"Are you willing to tell the truth?" She asked, a smile playing on her lips.

"Where did you come from?" He asked, reaching up to pinch his nose.

She frowned, taking his hand and pulling it away from his nose.

"What... what are you..."

"Don't do that." She scolded. "Just let it come."

"Heh... heh'ishoo!" He twisted around and put a hand on the tree to steady himself.

"Much better." She said. "What's your name?"

"I'm Connor."


He glanced around, at the serene, cool woods. The snow was mostly melted, and the sun was high up and to his left.

"It's afternoon." She studied him. "You normally don't sleep very long, do you?"

Connie chuckled, the movement sending fire down his throat. "It's not that I'm sick.... I couldn't sleep."

She gestured up to the tree. "It's no wonder. How could you ever get comfortable?"

"True...." He pressed his fist against his mouth and nose, squeezing his eyes shut as the itch reappeared. Kara gently guided his fist away. "Again.... Kara....?" He asked, his breaths speeding up. She held both his hands so he couldn't try an hold it back.

"Again. It's much easier if you just sneeze and get it over with."

"But it's.... it's loud and.... and.... hah'ashoo!" He turned his head away, sneezing sharply into the air. "And irritating."

Kara released his hands. "It'll make you feet better, though, and I know you don't feel a hundred percent; just by hearing your voice."

He cleared his scratchy throat and looked around. "Really, where'd you come from?"

"I was out here trying to find one if my dogs. Damn thing got away. He's been trouble ever since my father bought him from a butcher down the street."

"Being a butcher, you should have let him keep it." Connor said. "Especially if he's that much trouble."

She smiled. "Yes. What about you?"

"I just had to get away.... from a pack of wolves." He said uncertainly.

Kara's brow creased. "Wolves? Where?"

"Back through the woods. They're gone now... I slept in the tree to make sure."


Connor felt his nose begin to itch again, and raised his hand to try and stop it. Then he thought better of it, simply twisting away.

"Huh.... huh'esh!"

Kara grinned, "I told you."

"Yes.... Kara, I've got to go." He said, fear rising in his chest as he heard a gunshot.

"That's probably a hunter." She replied.

He peered around the tree, "I don't think so. Please." He looked into her eyes, trying to decipher if it was safe to tell her. "Do you know of a certain Order?"

"Does this Order behind with an... A?" She asked. "Assassins?"

"Yes!" He straightened up, a grin spreading across his face. "And Templars!"

"You weren't chased by wolves, were you?" Kara whispered.

"I wasn't. Do you belong to any Order?"

"The Assassins. My father was one of them."

"Wait... Was?" He questioned.

"Templar scouts." She answered ruefully. "All he did was kill a buck with his hidden blades and they...."

He shook his head. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be. I'm training to be one. And I know who did it."

He wished he could say the same for his mother. "I'm training, too. Under Achilles."

"Achilles?" Her eyes brightened. "Where is he?"

Connor held up a hand, turning away. "Hah'ashoo! I'm-I'm not sure where he is."

"I see. Come with me, back to my home. I'll help you find him."

He nodded, suddenly wary. "Alright...."


He stepped past a large patch of snow, his boots leaving an imprint in the wet soil. "Are you... sure this is the way to your home? It seems like we're going deeper into the forest."

"That," she said, "Is because we are."

"What?" His head snapped up and he raised both fists, ready for a fight. Deeper into the woods was only toward the Homestead; where the Templars were.

Kara backed away, a wicked grin showing up on her lips. "Get him!" She shouted.

Connor turned, ready to sprint back through the woods. Templars, at least a dozen, jumped from the trees, from the bushes, from everywhere, forming a tight circle around them.

"You!" Conner pointed a wavering finger at Kara. "I trusted you."

"You trusted the wrong woman, Connor." She said, with a trace of sadness. Someone shot him with a dart, and Connor sank to his knees, a fog spreading over his mind and forcing his eyes to close.


Thinking I'll update tomorrow.

Hope you enjoyed!

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Oh SNAPPLES!!!!!!!!!! You!!! And did he-

and she-!!!!!


MORE!!!!!!!! Please!!!!!!!!!

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Glad you enjoyed- I decided Templars really wouldn't just give up and walk away. Not when it comes to a legendary Assassin.

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Exactly!! Then you added that female tho.. im super curious about her. And connor needs to admit he has a cold...a bad one...but thats no fun.... :);)

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Her character will be a little more in-depth. :) As promised....


Something dripped onto his face.

Connor brushed it away and moved his head, opening his mouth as he realized breathing though his nose was impossible.

Another droplet struck his face, rolling down his chin.

With an irritated growl, he opened his eyes, and sat up with a start.

He was in a small cavern-like cell, with metal bars lining the front facing a narrow, brick lined hallway. Aside from the glow of a torch nearby, there was nothing to illuminate the underground prison. He stood up and stretched, noting how his muscles felt slightly more moveable then before.

Water leaking from the ceiling had woken him up.

"What's his name?" Someone asked, far down the cooridor. Connor moved to the wall and sat with his back to it, tiliting back his head and closing his eyes like he was asleep.


"A surname, Kara. A surname."

"He... didn't tell me."

"I see."

Their voices grew closer, until he could tell they were standing directly in front of his cell. "And what did the hunters do with Achilles?"

"He's not too far from here." She replied.

Connor held his breath, clamping his teeth down on his tongue as an itch sprang into his nose. He couldn't blow his cover to these people, not yet.

Not to Kara.

"How long do those sleep darts last?"

The itch intensified.

"Six hours, I believe. He should be awake by now."

He ground his teeth, arching his tongue up to tickle the roof of his mouth. Anything to get the sensation to go away.

"So the boy should be awake."

".... Not entirely.... they dosed him with more than the amount needed."


"He's an Assassin. Why else?"

Connor allowed his nose to wrinkle slightly and kept his eyes shut, releasing his breath and sucking it back in.

"Inform me when he's awake." Someone walked away, footsteps echoing through the cavern.

"Connor..." Kara's voice asked.

He kept his eyes shut.

"Connor, I know you're awake." She said.

He opened his eyes and gave up, turning his head to the left and sneezing a good four times.

"What do you want?" He mumbled, averting his eyes.

"I'm sorry... but I had to get you from the woods."

"Is that so?" He stood up, rubbing his knuckles under his nose. "Why?"

"Achilles. They're keeping him here. They intend to hang him."

"No." He stumbled forward the the bars, clutching them until his knuckles turned white. "No, they're not."

She shook her head. "They want to do it in two days' time, down here."

"But no one will ever know...." He turned away, kicking the ground angrily. "Let me out, Kara. Please."

"I will. I intend to help you free him."

He held up a hand and turned his back, holding an arm up to his face. "Huh'nsgt!"

"Still sick, I see."

"I'm still.... not..." He shook his head. "Not done.... Hah'haish!"

"Still sick." She said smugly.

"I am not." He stated simply, tapping the look for her to open it. "I just sneeze a lot."

"Which is why your voice sounds rough."

"No. It always does."

"You win." She smirked, pulling the bars aside. He stepped out into the corridor, glancing around. "For now."

"Where is this place?"

"Under Boston."

"All..... of...." He swore under his breath and covered his mouth with both hands, feeling his back bend with the force of the sneeze. "Hah'ishoo!!"

"Whoa." She nodded to him. "If you 'happen to sneeze a lot', keep them quiet."

"I'm trying." He replied. "Where's Achilles?"

"Down the tunnel a ways." She said. "And if you're wondering, Connor... I'm an Assassin spy. The things I told you about my life weren't lies."

He sighed. "I'm glad it turned out you were a spy. Were you really looking for a dog?"

"No." She frowned. "My father is dead. I didn't know I would tell you that when I said I was looking for my father's dog."

"And I didn't notice."

"You didn't seem to."

"I must be going deaf, than." She smiled, and he smiled back, secretly pleased he'd made her happy.

"Let's look for Achilles. He's that way, but it's heavily defended by guards and they keep his sedated with those damned darts." Kara murmered. "Be prepared to carry him if you have to."

"Aye." He said.

They crouched and worked their way slowly down the corridor, taking out the one of two guards that seemed to greet them along every bend in the tunnel.

At last they made it to a large cavernous room, at least fifteen Templars roaming the place. There were chairs and a few tables scattered about, and several rocks randomly place around the room. Into the wall on the far side, Achilles stood up, cursing at the guards under his breath. He looked alright, although his words were slurred and his hands seemed to shake.

"When do they dart him?"

"Every six hours."

"How long has it been?"


He nodded, slipping through the shadows to hide behind a large rock, one with a Templar casually sitting on it. Kara gave him a questioning look, but slinked behind a chair, giving him a thumbs-up.

Connor was about to strangle the guard and pull him back when he cross, pinching his nose with both hands.

Kara rolled her eyes and shook her head vigorously.

He shrugged helplessly, feeling the itch surge through his nose with more ferocity.

Connor gave in at last, shoulders hunching as his head bobbed twice.

The Templar sitting on the rock looked around, his eyes wide. "What was that?"

"An Assassin." One replied. The hairs on the back of Connor's neck rose and he turned to look at Kara. She gazed at him with fear, but shook her head against making any sound.

"He's not being serious, Jonathan. Let it go." Another replied. "Wretched people can't get in here. They don't know we have a prison beneath their feet."

"What was that other one they caught, with Kara?"

"Connor." Someone scoffed, "Kid's gonna have trust issues."

"If he lives. After they hang that measly little rat I think they'll deal with him."

"It's none of our business. We're just hunters."

Connor seethed with fury, aching to take the men out one by one to reach Achilles.

His mentor. His friend.

Kara gave him a hand signal. Ten minutes.


Achilles knew they were back there. He would recognize Connor no matter how many shadows the boy tried to hide in, no matter how many rocks he could slink behind. And he knew the girl, Kara was with him, too.

So when the man on the rock had asked what that sound was, he didn't even try to answer. Even though Connor had successfully stifled his sneezes, that didn't mean he hadn't sneezed. Anyone could learn to detect that noise.

But the Templars and their hunters were a special kind of stupid.

Connor and his friend would get past them, Achilles knew.


He reached up, grabbing the hunter's mouth and pulling him back into the shadows. He didn't struggled after about a minute. Kara did the same with her target, and they slinked back behind the room, towards the other three. Conmor picked up the fallen hunter's sword, and was just about to take out the first when an itch caught him off guard and he stumbled to the side, sneezing into the air.


"Connor!" Achilles shouted, rattling the bars. "Behind you!"

Connor whriled around, raising his sword in time to clumsily block an attack by another hunter. Kara was being swarmed by three, and the whole group seemed to focus on him.

This couldn't end well.


I'm aware my tablet makes corrections even when I turn spell check off. Once it called Connor 'Connie' -_-. That's not my intention if that happens.

Hope you enjoyed this one, pretty sure I'll have the other one up tomorrow.

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Oh thank god she's a spy. I like her. And as your fan, i cant wait. I could totally see this as a mission in the game.

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I wish it was a mission :) But it'll have to take the mission's place as a story for now.... This took a bit in the making, but this is part five, four,'or six, I lost track ;)


Achilles watched helplessly, reaching out through the bars and pulling a hunter back before he reached Connor and Kara. Eventually there were about four left, and one had chosen to take up a sword and guard the cell. Achilles saw the keys dangling at the man's hip and reached put, swiping them away. The guard didn't even notice, focusing on Connor and Kara, who had finished off the other three and were moving around him, so he had nowhere to go.

"They all dissapoint me." The hunter said, jerking his chin at the others. A few were dead, but others were unconscious. Achilles was glad they weren't. The Templars would hopefully think twice before attacking- if they got out alive.

Connor glance uncertainly at Kara, and the hunter dove for him. They both fell back against the floor just as Achilles unlocked his cell, and the door swung open. Instantly he and Kara set on the grappling pair, both pulling him off and throwing him aside. The man's head struck the stone, and he slumped to the ground, dead or unconscious.

Connor stood up, and Achilles noted the paleness of his skin. He looked at Achilles and opened his mouth as if to speak, then his eyes rolled into his head and his knees folded. Kara rushed forward, catching him, and cursed under her breath.

"He's burning up."

"It's that damned fever again. Do you know the way out?" Acnilles asked. She nodded.

"I've been here countless times.... He said something about looking for someone, named Achilles. You're him, aren't you?"

"That's beside the point... but yes." He nodded, "Get us out of here."


Achilles watched Connor like a hawk, from his position in the tree. Kara stood across from the small clearing, watching for any more hunters. He hoped they wouldn't find him.

Connor moved, and Achilles' gaze flashed back to him. Kara looked back, then moved closer, still keeping watch. Connor's face contorted and for a moment Achilles felt a smile play on his lips. This seemed to happen to the young Assassin a lot.

Connor's eyelids flickered and his mouth opened, his chest rising in slight, quick breaths. Then his nose wrinkled, his teeth flashing in a sudden sneeze.

"Hah.... ha'ishoo!"

Kara whipped around, a smile on her face. Connor sat up, blinking rapidly, and Achilles laughed, jumped down from the tree. "Cover your mouth next time, boy."

"I... what?" Connor asked, seeming surprised. Kara nodded.

"That was the strangest thing I've ever seen someone do."

"What are you talking about?" The Assassin narrowed his eyes in her direction, then back at Achilles. "I didn't do anything."

"You'd.... have to see yourself to understand, really."

Connor shrugged. "Fine, then." He stood up, and looked around. "Are the Templars still here?"

"We'll have to wait at least a week. Those hunters are...." Kara trailed off, as a peculiar expression crossed Connor's face.

"Huh'huish! Huh'ishoo!" The young Assassin brought a hand up to his face, twisting away from Achilles and Kara.

"... Sly ones." She finished.

"They seem to be. But they haven't got any hunters left." Connor pointed out. Achilles shook his head.

"You don't know the Templars yet. At least, not very well. One thing about them is that there are countless more no matter how many you kill. They either hire more, or there are a lot left we don't know about."

"Yes." Connor considered it, staring at the ground, which was covered in a thin layer of snow and frost. "But a week?"

"They found us in a day last time. We'll make it three." Achilles said. He looked at Kara. "What about you? Where are your parents? Where do you live?"

"My father is dead." Kara said. "Consider me a friend of the Order, a member. You may here my name around you a lot." She turned, and room one step when Connor's voice stopped her.

"You're leaving?"

"I'm a spy. Every Templar we came across, we killed. No one knows my real faction there. They won't question it if I'm back soon."

Connor gave her an uneasy look. "But-"

"I'll see you soon."


That was short and there wasn't much sneezing, I just had to get the story worked out better. I'll have more time to post tomorrow, I hope, although there's state testing going on this week.

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Ahhh!!!! This was brilliant. But take your time and good luck with those exams.

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I know im late but I like where this is going is there more Connor and Achilles I'm hooked.

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Don't worry about being late. State testing finally over- THANK GOD- and I can't sleep. So......


Connor watched her go, a grim look on his face. "Achilles, they know. I swear they know... She's not a pure Templar..."

"Connor, don't kill yourself over it." Achilles chided, putting a hand on Connor's shoulder. He felt his breath hitch and knew what was coming before it happened.

"Hah... hah'ish!" Connor caught it in his arm and stumbled forward. He immediately straightened up,'starting after Kara.

"Connor, where the hell do you think you're going?"

"After her. I just need to make sure she's safe."

"In that condition?"

"You're right." Connor glanced back at him. "I'll need some help."

"Boy, get back here. Connor. Connor!"

The young Assassin kept going, and Achilles was surprised he didn't turn back and apologize.

He signed heavily.

It was for a friend.

For some reason, in his eyes, she appeared to be more than just Connor's friend.

So he resolved to follow the teenager, and keep an eye on him.


"Heh..." Connor cursed himself and pressed both hands to his face, putting his back to one of the trees nearby. Kara had told him nor to stifle it unless it was absolutely neccassary. Maybe the Templars were close. Maybe they'd released dogs. Maybe they had released hunters.

He shuddered at the thought and suppressed the itch in his nose, holding his breath. Sneezing had a way of getting him caught.

Had Achilles followed him? Still holding his breath, Connor looked around. In the trees, the snow, which began coming down again, the boulders.

No. He hadn't. Connor felt all confidence leave him. A new, half trained- if that- Assassin, taking on an army of Templars. Make that a sick new half trained Assassin.

With no help.

He snifled and kept one hand to his nose. If those Templars found him again....

He turned to look one last time for Achilles, and as suddenly face-to-chest with a man so tall he toward almost two feet over Connor.

He wasn't dressed as an Assassin.

Connor ducked as his fist came up over his head, and scrambled back, throwing both hands out.

When he looked back at the Templar, he was no longer alive.

Achilles stood over him, his hidden blades out.

"Connor, you aren't very silent. You need to work on that when we get back to the Homestead."

He nodded, his eyes fluttering and his mouth going slack.

"Oh, come now. Just sneeze and get it over with. One of these days you'll admit you're sick. I know it already."

Connor turned aside, sneezing sharply toward the trees. "Heh... he'ishoo! Hah'ish!"

"There, now look at me." Achilles said. "Don't think for a minute you're getting away with this. The only reason I came is to keep you safe while you do another Assassin a service."

Connor knew that wasn't the reason.

"Now let's get moving. That sun isn't going to be up much longer."

Connor complied, scurrying up a tree and moving past the bare branches and scanning for guards.

He would never let his guard down again.


Another short one. Sorry about that, more stuff needs explaining.

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Thats right connor!!! Get ur girl!!!!

Agreed go get her connor dont stop for no-one :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Alright. Nine days was the last post? I've got another Connor one after this, if anyone would like it. Just a possible idea.


Achilles gripped his shoulder tightly.


"I see her." He replied, the rough bark of the tree dug into his hands and feet as he shifted his position, looking down at the two Templars confronting Kara.

"Listen to what they're saying before you charge in and attack." Achilles hissed. "Careful, boy, careful."

Connor nodded, watching Kara as she folded her arms and glared stubbornly at the Templars.

"..... she's got to be a spy, James. I'm telling you, I don't trust her,'not after the escape of that.... that teenager and his father."

Beside home, perched in the tree, Connor felt Achilles stiffen and grip his shoulder tighter.

"You,ve got to be kidding me." Kara snapped at him. "What have I got to hide?"

The Templars glanced uneasily at each other.

"Maybe we can trust her. Have you any proof of where you were?"

Connor tried to keep still as the argument over allowing Kara back into the Templar tunnels, but with each passing second the itch in his nose grew more intense.

He cursed inwardly and looked toward Achilles.

"Try and hold on." The older man whispered, not lifting his gaze from the Templars. "Just try."

He nodded, pushing up his hood to see better and to allow room for one of his hands across his mouth and nose.

".... You were right, Ben." The Templar muttered, drawing his sword. "I don't think she's telling the truth."

Kara's eyes widened and she stepped back, both hands in the air. "Excuse me?"

"What's gotta be done has gotta be done." The one called Ben said, clicking his tongue.

Connor hastily pulled his bow from his back, spilling and arrow into place.

"Connor...." Achilles whispered hesitantly.

"I trust my own aim. They're going to kill her."

Achilles said nothing in reply.

He steadied the bow and drew in a breath, leveling it with the nearest Templar's head. Breath, aim, check, and-

"Hah' harushoo!"

The arrow slipped from his fingers, firing into the soil.

Right in front of Kara's feet.

She jumped back and looked up, and the Templars mirrored her, staring in surprise at Connor and Achilles.

"Well, what are you waiting for, an invitation?" Achilles demanded, unsheathijg his hidden blades and jumping down from the tree. "Go! Connor, get her out of here!"

Kara raced forward and scurriex up the tree, grasping Connor's hand so he could pull her up.

"Get them!" James shouted.

Connor began to switch tree branches, allowing Kara to go ahead of him.

"Connor!" Achilles shouted behind them.

He turned, just as a bullet struck the tree branch above him. It shattered the wood, raining slivers of wood to the forest below.

Achilles tackled the Templar, just as the other one tried to stab him with the sword.

"Kara.... go ahead. Leave Boston... get to a place called the Homestead."

"How will I-"

"You'll know it when you see it. Go!"

She nodded, hugging him tightly.

Connor hugged her back, surprised by it, then backed away, leaping nimbly from the tree.

One had a pistol to Achilles' head while the other one held him tightly.

"What are you doing? Get out of here!" He snapped, struggling in his grasp.

"It's the escaped boy!" Ben said, the pistol dropping from his hands.

Connor swiped it from the air, aiming it with one hand at his head.

"Release him." He growled. "Or I'll... I'll.... hah'ashoo!..." He ducked his head into his elbow, then returned his gaze to Ben. "Or I'll shoot you."

"Shoot me?" Ben laughed, but James shook his head.

"Listen to me, Ben. He'll do it"

"And how do you know?"

"The boy's done it before." Achilles snapped. He narrowed his eyes at the gun. "He'll do it again."

Ben jumped forward, grabbing James' shoulder and tugging him away at an all-out sprint through the forest.

"I think...." Achilles stood up and brushed the leaves and dirt from his legs. "... that you've successfully scared them."

"They probably..." Connor trailed off as the itch reappeared in his nose and forced him to turn away, sneezing several times into his arm. "They probably ran off to go tell the others."

Achilles considered it. "Maybe... where did Kara go?"

"The Homestead."

The older man nearly choked. "What?"

"I sent her to the Homestead."

"Connor, you don't know if..." Achilles' gaze seemed to soften and he shrugged. "You don't know if she's an Assassin."

"Then let's find out."

"Why are you so stubborn?" Achilles demanded suddenly. Then he looked back at Connor. "Don't take that seriously, I mean it in a good way. We'll go back to the Homestead and make sure she's safe.... alright?"

"Yes." Connor's eyes brightened and he nodded.

"We're chasing her for what, a third time?"

"Only the second." Connor began to jog ahead, nor pausing for Achilles.

At least he was feeling better.


"I'm sorry I got you into all this." Kara said, as Connor sat down on the couch beside her.

"Don't be. You sort of saved me."

Achilles tossed his coat onto a nearby chair and walked out, grumbling quietly to himself.

"Is he always-"

"Only when he's tired." Connor smirked and lay back, staring at the ceiling. "How is it? Living without your father?'

"Difficult at times." Kara studied him. "What about you?"

He set his jaw, shaking his head sharply, and she got the idea that it was a sensitive subject.

"You get used to it after a while, though." He said, sitting forward. "It's nearly midnight... are you tired?"

Kara nodded. "What about you?"

He shrugged, his mouth opening in a small yawn. Then a strange look crossed his face and he sneezed, muffling it against his wrist.

"It seems like you sneeze at everything."

"Only when I'm sick."

"You just admitted to being sick, then."

"I did not." Hr grinned at her.

They'd have to wait a few more weeks before they were really safe from the threat of the Templar hunters, but for now Connor had Kara, and she was with him.



Like I said, figure I've got another Connor one coming, probably a two part or something like that. Hope you enjoyed!

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Well worth the nine day wait oh please another Connor one im bouncing.

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I'm glad you enjoyed :)

And since I usually answer in the form of a post-

Transmission was lost. Story begins.


The rain pelted the people and buildings of Boston, battering windows and an unlucky Assassin who didn't get inside in time.

Connor was that unlucky Assassin.

He gritted his teeth and forced his legs to keep moving, despite the bitter cold that tore through him. His clothes were utterly soaked by now- he'd have to hope his bow didn't absorb too much of the rainwater, and that his axe didn't collect any rust.

"Hey! Get your bloody arse back here!"

This was what he got, for bumping the man's shoulder.

Humans, Connor reasoned, were very much like a pack of wolves. Injure the wrong one, and they'll come at you from all directions. Or was that the case if you injured the right one, as well?

He decided it didn't really matter and kept running, until the group of people began to slow down, ducking into taverns and homes alone to escape the driving rain.

Connor stumbled into an alley, unable to stop his legs before he slammed against the brick wall of a shop, his sides heaving.

He slumped against the wall, pulling his hood down lower over his face to shield his eyes from the rain. Shivering and soaking wet from the rain, he fell asleep against the wall, launching into dreams of fires and tyranny and hunting in the forest.


Something skittered across his foot.

Connor started, striking his head against the brick wall. He groaned, sitting back and watching the rat scurry down the alley and out into the street, where Boston was slowly beginning to come alive again.

He snifled and cringed at the cool dampness of his clothes, not even bothering to think about the mud that coated his feet and knees. The brick wall was warm and comforting compared to the incessant rain of the night before. With a grunt he stood up, tpan unfamiliar tightness in his muscles. His throat felt as rough as stone, his head no better as he slowly made his way to where the alley opened into the street.

Connor stopped, feeling off. Something wasn't right. What was it? He tilted his head. Where the birds not singing? Oh, the birds were singing, definitely.

So what-

His chest rose and fell at a quicker pace, a sharp, unfamiliar feeling attacking his face. He quickly buried his nose and mouth in his elbow, barely stopping the harsh sneeze that escaped his mouth.


He blinked and shook his head. The prospect of a sneeze worried him. If he was getting sick, a normal cold could lead to whatever it was called.... pneumonia? Pneumonia was right. The way Achilles had talked about it, when he griped at Connor being sick, it wasn't a good thing to have.

Connor slowly became aware that someone was staring at him. He lifted his gaze, to see the man who had chased him last night.

"You..." He began threateningly.

Connor sighed and began to back up, holding his hands out. "I am in no mood for this. Leave me alone." He croaked. Even his voice was hoarse. That was not good.

The man eyed him for a moment, then started forward. "Listen, I'm sure you're a good fellow and all, but you done pissed the wrong man off."

Connor's back touched the wall at the end of the alley. He looked up, seeing the wall stretch only a few inches over his head. His muscles felt twisted and pulled, but if he wanted to avoid fighting, it was his only way out.

"Come any closer...." He warned, bending his knees and turning slightly.

The man drew a small sword from the sheath at his side, a wicked grin on his face. He wasn't doing this out of anger. He wanted to make Connor angry. He wanted to fight.

Connor tensed, preparing to jump and hoist himself over the edge of the wall as the man drew near.

Five feet.

Four feet.

He suddenly twisted and jumped, pulling himself up and sliding his legs over the wall in one swift movement.

"Hey!" The man shouted his fingers snagging Connor's foot.

It was a small action, but it threw him off, and Connor crashed over the side, landing on his back facing the sky.

The man began to clamber over the wall, and he rolled to his feet, pushing his hood down and starting for the street.

"Get back here!"

He kept going. Down a spstreet. Another alley. Another wall. Apologize to the startled rider as his horse reared in surprise.

Connor stumbled into another alley, only once he was sure the man had tired once again.

He collapsed against the wall, breathing heavily. He was done running. If the man showed up again he would hang him from the rooftops.

Through the tired, sick haze over his eyes he heard someone rush up to him, and judging by the gentle touch if her hand against his forehead, he guessed it was a woman.

"Are you alright? I saw you get chased by that man...."

"H' aishoo!" He sneezed into the air beside him, turning his head away from the woman.

She ran her palm across his forehead, lifting his head to press a finger against his chin."You're running a high fever... do you feel sick?"

He didn't have time to nod before a comforting darkness welcomed him into sleep.


Not much sneezing- YET.

Note my use of that word, :) Update should come tomorrow, so expect it.

Part one of three, I think.

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The suspense hope Connors okay never the less beautiful writing.

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MY BABY!!!!!!!!!! I love this!!! I love you!!!! My favorite Assassin!!!!!! :wub:

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He's my favorite, too ;) I may have some artwork for this story, although I'm not good about drawing people's sneezing expressions.

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There was something about the young man that had stumbled into the alley that night.

She had peered out the window for a moment, just enough to see if that irritating drunkard was still out in front, and there the man was, looking back once before throwing himself against the wall.

Being a nurse, she had no intention of leaving him out there to freeze in the rain.

So she had come out, made her way to the alley where he was.

That moment when he had looked up at her was difficult to forget.

The haunted tawny eyes scoured her blue ones, as though turning her soul inside out for inspection- which had somehow worked. The strange expression on his tanned face before he had sneezed would have been mildly humorous, had she not realized he was in no condition to laugh.

Rather than bringing him home, she decided to stay with him, instead of having the young man wake up and wonder where he was.

She had stayed up long into the night, gazing steadily at the entrance of the alley, only breaking the stare when he murmered something in his sleep.

Eventually she couldn't keep her eyes open.



Connor didn't want to open his eyes.

The ache in his muscles was worse than before, the soreness of his throat and head no better. But worse, of everything that had happened, and the fact that his clothes were still damp and cold, was the intermitable itch that kept at his nose. Not enough to make him sneeze, but enough to irritate him.

But then he remembered the woman.

She was asleep next to him, and it struck Connor that he hadn't responded or thanked her for at least checking on him.

A few minutes passed and he began to wonder if she would sleep until noon. He glanced warily at the alley entrance. If that man came back-

"You never told me your name."

His head snapped back and he stared at her, momentarily unable to say anything. "I'm- I'm Raton...." He trailed off in the middle of his name; she would find it unpronouncible. "Connor."

"My name is Jay." She eyed him nervously, slowly pushing his hood up to see his face, and check his forehead.


Connor? He had been about to say something else, which seemed to begin with 'Radoon'.

It didn't matter. She pushed his hood up, and he said nothing, the tawny gaze watching her hand as she revealed his face. His hair was long and black, tied behind his head. Definitely Native. He wasn't bad looking, unlike most of the white men that roamed Boston.

"Jay." He said once. Then his features twisted, one side of his mouth tilting no like he was about to say something. Then he nudged her hand away, ramming one of his fists against his mouth and nose.

"Are you-"


Connor rocked forward, then blinked, shaking his head. "Not.... done..."

"I see." She sat back as he turned his head away, "Bless you, then."

He gave a small nod, bracing himself against the wall and pressing the crook of his elbow against his nose. He waited for a moment, then sneezed quietly.

"You're still running that fever. Do you intend to go home?"

"Soon." He stated simply, his feverish eyes tracing the bricks of the opposite wall. "What about you?"

"When I make sure you're all right."

A grin crossed his face momentarily, then he shrugged. "Fair."

"Who was chasing you?"

"Someone I don't,t know and I have no intention of knowing."

"You pissed the wrong guy off."

At the use of the word, he looked up, eyes widening slightly. Then he released against the wall.

"You could say that."

"Connor, can I ask why your axe is in that shape?"

His tensed, the tawny eyes darting to the axe at his belt. "Um... it's lighter...." Then he brought both fists to his mouth and nose, squeezing his eyes shut.

"Bless you."

The fleeting smile hadn't left his face before he sneezed, once, twice, three times.

"More aerodynamic."

He stared at her.

"What's wrong?"


"Aerodynamic." She frowned and gestured at the arrows on his back. "Those arrows are formed so they cut through the sir easier. You can throw your axe with better aim because it allows the air to pass through it in the right way."

He pulled an arrow from the quiver and studied it. "I see it. With the feathers and the point."

"English is not your first language?" She asked.

"It's not." He nodded. "I had to have some help to understand your language."

"It isn't easy. New words around every corner, with everything that's being invented. One day we'll be able to fly like birds; I swear it."

"Fly like birds?" He asked, craning his neck to the sky. "I would not enjoy that. The right to fly belongs to birds, not us."

She had never considered that. Jay nodded. "You're... that's right.... maybe we shouldn't fly."

"It wouldn't be fair." Connor shrugged and turned back to her, but not before twisiting away and sneezing harshly into the back of his wrist.

"Do you need somewhere to stay, until you're feeling better?"

The bright gold gaze looked back at her, and she could see he longed to say yes. "I really shouldn't... but... yes.."

"Come with me." She helped him up, and he kept one hand clamped tightly around her shoulder, the grimace on his face enough to know that he had injured something.

"It's going to ache for a long time unless you stay off of it. Don't start walking around until you're legs can take it."

"You've had this happen to you before?" He asked as they made their way up the early morning street.

"Connor, I've pulled and torn so many muscles in my arms and legs I didn't know it was possible."

She heard him laugh, and from the way it sounded, alien and unfamiliar, he did not find many things humorous anymore.


Two of three, I think?

Hope you enjoyed! :)

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Aww glad she's helping Connor is the best assassin I know.

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Yes!!!!!!!! This is amazing!!!!

*Pulls Connor away from ubisoft...*

They dont deserve him!!!

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