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Untitled - danisnotonfire and AmazingPhil


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Quick bit of background to the fic: Basically it's based on a tweet/liveshow where Dan talked about being sick just after this years Playlist Live and during the #nicerinternet show he hosted. Incredibly loosely based on real events.

Warnings(because I always forget to do this): Language, Phan, and many, many pheels.

Thanks to Antivist_Demon for volunteering to beta for me and Ellie for letting me throw random ideas at her! You guys are awesome!

I've been obsessing about whether to post this or not for days, so...here. *runs* heh.gif

Untitled (I'm never going to think of a title for this thing)

"Playlist is so exhausting..." Dan moaned as he flopped down in the seat next to Phil, who hummed in drowsy agreement. Both were pale with tiredness despite the Florida sun.

"It was amazing, but I can’t wait to be back in London..." Large scale conventions like this were always rather limiting; they had to be especially careful not to act as though they were anything other than friends, and several days of that got slightly frustrating. They even had to book a room with single bedrooms to cut down on the potential for speculation and rumours.

"Me too." Agreed Dan with a wide yawn, raising a hand to rub at his temples, one after another in methodical circles.


He smiled at Phil’s observation. "A bit, yeah. It’s probably just tiredness."

They settled down, Phil gazing vaguely out of the plane window. The sun was starting to set, and he tried to remember what time it was back in England, but it escaped him. Somewhere between the plane journeys, the signings, the photos with fans and the roller coasters he had lost track.

Soon the plane was taking off. Dan never was keen on this bit, the swooping, rushing sensation in his stomach and the pressure that threw him back against the seat. He laced his fingers together with Phil’s and closed his eyes. When he squeezed his hand, Dan smiled.

Within a few minutes they were level in the air, and Phil leant a little closer to Dan.

"You okay?"

Dan nodded, eyes still closed. His head was beginning to loll a little.

"Mmhm. Sleepy."

With a smile Phil placed a gentle hand on Dan’s cheek and carefully guided his head down onto his shoulder.


"It’s okay, Dan. No one can see us from here. Closed seats, remember?"

"Yeah...yeah, you’re right..." His voice trailed gradually off into sleep.

Phil smiled again and put on his headphones; whilst Dan was in the habit of falling asleep almost straight away, Phil never could sleep on things like planes. That, and the time difference tended to affect him more.

So, as the rest of the plane fell asleep, Phil remained totally and undeniably awake. It wasn’t so bad, though. He had a warm, sleepy boyfriend on his shoulder and a whole host of films to amuse himself with until they touched down in the UK.


Their cases were left abandoned on the floor, along with a trail of clothing that lead from the door to Dan’s room to his bed. Dan in boxers, Phil in just pyjama bottoms; their bare chests pressed together comfortably.

"Do you think you can get to sleep?"

"I don’t think so. Not yet, at least. Can you?"

Dan shook his head in reply, "Me neither."

They were both sleepy again, eyes blinking slowly, kisses long and drowsy. Despite this, sleep was evasive. Add into the equation that Dan was beginning to feel rather ill, and he didn’t especially want to be awake.

He had felt as though he had been coming down with something since the third day of Playlist, and had forced extra sleep and vitamin C on himself accordingly. There simply was not the time for a cold; Thursday was #nicerinternet, the baby of a project he had been working on since November. But however much in denial he was, Dan was definitively and most decidedly getting sick.

hhh..." He rolled away from Phil, pulling the corner of his duvet over his nose and mouth for lack of anything better. "haah-PSHUU! Sorry."

Phil frowned as he curled back up against him, having felt Dan’s muscles tense and strain with the force.

"Bless you."

The odd, single sneeze wasn’t a rare occurrence. It was more the wrenching quality of it that concerned him. Nevertheless, he set it aside for now, for which Dan was grateful. Both of them were too tired for much discussion.

The digital clock on Dan’s bedside table read ’1:29’ am by the time they had fallen asleep.


Dan always knew he desperately needed to calm down when Phil’s hand stroking his hair was the only thing keeping him remotely sane.

"You’re going to do amazingly, Dan, I promise. You’ve worked so hard on this."

His voice was low and a little raspy with sleep. Dan had to be on the radio one breakfast show for six am; it was five and a car was due to come for him in twenty minutes. Phil could perfectly well be in bed still, but instead he was on the sofa with his arms wrapped around Dan.

"But what if I sound hoarse or really congested? Fuck, why does this have to happen now?" His voice wavered, on the verge of tears.

"Hey, you sound fine. No one will even notice. I can hardly tell you’re sick, and I know you pretty well,"

That was an understatement, Dan thought to himself. Phil knew him better than anyone ever had or most likely ever would.

"And once this is all done there’ll be a whole weekend for us to snuggle on the sofa, and me to make you tea and Lemsip and we can watch whatever you want on tv..."

A small giggle escaped his lips at the expression of absolute ecstasy on Dan’s face at his words.

"That sounds awesome, Phil, I love you..."

"I love you too, Bear. It’s all going to be fine, I promise." Dan nodded, exhaling slowly and trying to relax his tense shoulders. When Phil said it like that, coaxing and soothing and almost of lullaby quality, he could very nearly believe it.

"The show is going to go great this evening, too, with or without that cold. I know it."

"You really think so?"

"Of course I do. Now why don’t you get your coat and shoes on? Your taxi will be here soon."

Even if Dan’s legs were a little shaky when he stood up, heart beat a little fluttery, he just had to keep telling himself it would all go to plan.


Against all the odds, the show had gone even better than he had been hoping. The only problem now was- "hahh’XCHUU!" -that.

It was as if Dan had been running on pure adrenaline, and now he was crashing, hard. Every symptom that he had been ignoring or holding back was suddenly converging on him in a wave.

"Dan? Are you alright?"

Opening his tired eyes for a second revealed Phil stood in the doorway.

"Doh. I feel like hhh-hell-" Dan ducked his head beneath the blankets wearily. "huhh-huh’ITCHUU! HAHTCHUU! Fucki’g hell, Phil, kill be..."

"Bless you. Sounds like that cold’s not doing too good..." Phil padded softly over to the bed. "Do you need anything?"

His fingers found their way to Dan’s hair, petting and stroking.

"Tissues? Add baybe sombe tea?"

"Alright. You just sit tight for a minute."

Dan closed his eyes; he must have fallen asleep again, because it felt as though barely a moment had passed before Phil was back.


His fist closed around the handful of tissues blearily, only couldn’t quite seem to coordinate his hands to reach up and blow his nose.

Phil shook his head and took the tissues back from Dan, folding them neatly and placing them carefully over his nose.


"What? Phil, doh-"


With a deep sigh Dan took a breath and blew.


"Apart fromb havidg just degraded bmyself, yes."

He didn’t have to look at Phil to know that he was rolling his eyes. It was a patient, good natured huff that left his lips, though. "You’ll probably need to sit up to drink the tea."

Dan lifted himself up whilst Phil rearranged his pillows so that they would prop him up and sank back against them with a sigh. He held out the mug to Dan and frowned when he waved it away.

"I was thinking you were being remarkably co-operative…”

"D-Dot thaah-that-" Dan stammered, cupping both hands to his face as he jerked forward. "hhh!-haahSHYUU! hh-ITSHUU! Jesus Christ..."

"Bless you, Daniel.”


A moan was Phil’s only answer, so he handed the mug to Dan, who took a swig and grimaced as it stung his throat. Phil leant in, and Dan closed his eyes at how good his cool fingers felt stroking his fringe away from his hot forehead.

"Dan, I think you’re running a temperature..." Another grimace accompanied his next sip of the drink.

"Dot surprised...I’b shivery add I feel like shit..."

Decisively Phil lifted up the corner of Dan’s duvet and climbed into bed next to him, pressing close and tangling his socked feet with Dan’s bare ones. As though he had been waiting for exactly that, Dan immediately set down his mug and rolled onto his side. He smiled as strong arms wrapped around him.

"Mmn, that feels dice..." "

Thought you preferred to be the big spoon?" Phil teased gently, earning a pout.

"That’s whed I’b dot siiihh-sick-" The covers rustled as Dan shifted, trying to work out a way to avoid sneezing on Phil, when he gently guided his head into the front of his hoodie.


"Just sneeze, Bear, it’s fine."

If Dan had wanted to protest any more it was hindered by his faltering breathing, his quivering eyelashes, his... "haaahh-hahAHTCHU! hhh-SHYUU! ii’hhtCHSH! Hh-uhh..."

"Bless you, bless you, bless you." Phil craned his neck in order to press a kiss to his hot forehead. "You’re burning up, Dan. I should get a thermometer..."

"Doh," Dan exclaimed rather desperately and huskily, blushing slightly. "I bmead, umb, please stay with be?" There was such a pleading quality to his voice, one which would certainly never have been there had he been well, that Phil was incapable of saying no.


Dan closed his eyes with a snuffle and pressed his face into the elder man’s chest. "Thadk you...You dod’t have to stay lo’g...I’ll get up to filb sood..."

"What?!" His voice held a genuine element of shock that took Dan by surprise.


"Daniel Howell, you are absolutely not filming anything today. I forbid it."

Despite Dan’s best puppy eyes, Phil didn’t budge.

"No, Dan. You’ve worked so hard these last few weeks; you deserve a break. Even if I have to force it on you."

"Really? You thidk?"

"Yes," Phil’s voice was quickly taking on the tone of the authoritative elder. "You’ll get better faster if you take some time out, you’ve done so well to keep up with everything. Besides, can you imagine how much of a disaster #nicerinternet would have been if I had been had been the host?"

"I thidk you’re too hard od yourself, Phil." Dan let out a giggle that became a series of rattling coughs. A hand made its way to his back, rubbing in soothing, reassuring circles.

"A cough, too? You sound awful..."

"Doh poidt feeli’g sorry for be, I feel bad edough for the both of us," Dan croaked miserably. "Add I’b fuckidg bathidg idn antibacterial hand gel at the dext codvedtiodn we go to."

Phil laughed softly, shaking his head as he reached over to the bottom of Dan’s bed to grab the younger’s laptop.

"What do you want to watch?"

"I get to choose?" Dan looked so overjoyed, Phil couldn’t help but laugh, covering his mouth with his free hand.

"Yes, my little llama.”

"Dod’t call be that," Came the grumbled protest, followed by a tired smile: "I suppose beidg yours is acceptable, though.”

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"Yes,my little llama" I dont know why that made me smile like an idiot but it did. THIS WHOLE FIC THOUGH, I CANT GAHHHH THE PHEEEELS. MAIMAI YOUVE DONE IT AGAIN :D fangirling forever

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry to bump this but I totally forgot I'd posted it! :bag:

"Yes,my little llama" I dont know why that made me smile like an idiot but it did. THIS WHOLE FIC THOUGH, I CANT GAHHHH THE PHEEEELS. MAIMAI YOUVE DONE IT AGAIN biggrin.png fangirling forever

Aww thank you so much! I'm glad you liked the llama line - that was actually a last minute change I made. :P

Oh God, how incredibly sweet! This made me smile. Great job!

Thank you thank you! ^_^ I'm happy I could make you smile!

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  • 2 weeks later...

This was written so in character that I can hear their cute voices saying the dialogue in my head! So cute and so well done!

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  • 9 months later...

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