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Star Trek (McCoy, M)


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Written for sapphiremint. I do sort of want to continue this, but only if you're happy with the premise. It's written during the beginning of his academy training, and I was thinking of bringing in Kirk, although I'm not entirely sure if I can write any of them in character :/

McCoy staggered into the on campus medical centre, rain soaking just about everything he could think of.

'Stupid issue jackets aren't worth crap' He muttered to himself.

'Excuse me, Sir. The Blood donating doesn't start for another hour' A young women, a good foot shorter than McCoy appeared from behind a desk.

McCoy shook his head 'I'm a Doctor', he explained as he pawed at the buttons on his jacket, unable to fathom how anybody had considered buttons on a raincoat to be a good idea.


McCoy gave up on the coat, reaching into his pocket for his ID card. He did his best to wipe the water off of it, before handing over. 'Hngxtch!' The sneeze surprised McCoy enough for him to stifle it, against his better judgement.

'Bless you, Dr McCoy' The women handed the card back. 'I think we have some spare uniform in the store cupboards, if you wanted to change.'

'Thanks' McCoy coughed into his first as he walked through the door she had indicated to, finding himself in a room not dissimilar to the store rooms back in his old clinic.

Dry uniform obtained, McCoy did his best to dry out the contents of his pockets. 'Hngxtshooo! Hngxtshooo!'

McCoy sniffed, pawing at his nose experimentally.

He bundled his soaked possessions into a bag, signed for the uniform, and headed back out to the entrance room, rubbing at his eyes in response to the increasing headache.

The woman from before gave him a quick tour round the centre. It was a little bigger than he was used to, but he reckoned he would have it figured out before too long. She showed him to where he would be working for that day.

'Doctor Puri should be here any moment, and the cadets any moment after that.'

'Thanks, um?'


'Thanks, Janem'

'No problem, I'll be out front if you need anything.' With that she walked off, leaving McCoy to prepare.

'Hextshoo! Hegxtcshooo! Hexcthooo!' He sneezed into arm.

'Bless you, Doctor McCoy? I believe' An officer appeared behind him.

'Yes, Sir, uh, thank you' He said, unhappy with the tonal quality of his voice.

'I am Doctor Puri' The officer said, somewhat redundantly.

Rather than the offer of a handshake, as customary on this planet, Puri stepped up to the junior doctor, and reached with both hands round the back of his McCoy's ears, down each side of his neck and under his jawline, pressing down gently. McCoy tried his best not to wince as pressure was applied to his already inflamed Lymph nodes.

'Go home, Doctor' He pulled out his PADD and type out a prescription that began to print out across the room. Puri collected the paper and handed it to McCoy, 'Next door. I don't want to see you in here till you can swallow,' he thought about this, 'Unless you come in civvies.'

McCoy wasn't entirely sure how to respond to this, and also wasn't sure whether his voice would allow him to, so he nodded, grabbed his stuff and walked in the direct the Doctor had indicated.

Great first impression, Leonard.

Sniffling, McCoy inserted his prescription into the computers port. In return, it spat out a small bottle of tablets. 'Hxtcshoo!' 'For crying out loud!' McCoy swore quietly, frustrated at the poor timing of this illness.

Downing two of the pills, he shoved the remaining into his pocket and headed for the door.

Outside, the rain and wind were doing a pretty good job of ripping apart the campus. McCoy couldn't think of anything he would rather do less than step out into the storm, but he didn't have much choice if he wanted to get back room. Which he did.

Promising himself a hot shower and a warm bed, McCoy left the shelter of the clinic, icy winds immediately chilling him to the bone.

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Oh, this is nice! I like the idea of him being delayed in training/helping other people until he can take care of himself a little. And the note about the issue jackets at the start added to the sympathy I felt towards him going back out into the yeuky weather at the end, so that was a nice touch.

I liked Dr Puri's matter-of-fact approach, too.

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Yay! You should totally continue this and bring in Kirk! This is so perfect, thanks for writing this :hug:

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I second the idea of bringing in Kirk and I think this story is off to a great start.

Edited by Fuzzy&Warm
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