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Glee; F Santana


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So after many weeks of not writing a glee fic I finally wrote one. This took me a long time because I had to search up a lot of cheer leading stunts. I tried my best though. Sorry there is not a lot of sneezing. Hope you like it. Oh and if you haven't heard NAYA'S PREGNANT!! I'm still fangirling after like a week.

Let's see if you can find my frozen reference. Also, I am a native Spanish speaker, but I don't write it very well so sorry for any mistake I made.

Spring seemed to be full of beautiful things. Flowers are blooming, bees are buzzing and the cold has gone away. It was perfect to everyone except for Santana Lopez. She hated spring. The flowers were full of pollen, the grass let go tiny particles of pollen which she can't even see. The bees stung her. The cold never bothered her anyway.

The worst part of spring was that the cheerios practiced on the field everyday. She hated the watery eyes and the runny nose. She hated having allergy attacks. She hated the sneeze attacks.

" Santana, hello Santana?" Brittany brought her back to Earth.

"What!" She snapped rubbing her eyes. Quinn and Brittany were the only ones who knew she had allergies.

" C'mon we have to practice our flips and stuff." Santana being a cheerleader since she was small could do almost anything. She could be the flyer, the main base, the front spot, the back spot, etc. She could do back flips, front flips, cartwheels, back handspring. (is that even a thing anymore) She could do Tumbling. She could do a basket toss. Name a flip and she could do it.

Today, she was a flyer. Quinn, being the captain, usually put Santana were she wasn't really needed in the spring to avoid an injury to her or to someone else due to her constant sneezing. Flyer didn't seem to dangerous at the time. Boy did Quinn regret her decision.

They pushed her up in the air. She did a thigh stand. Simple and easy. Then she did a cupie next. She felt her breath hitch as she was getting ready to do a more difficult stunts. The basket toss. Quinn and Brittany were the ones who were going to toss her.

" Qu huh Quinn." Quinn had a horrified look on her face. She knew Santana was going to sneeze but before she could do anything about it Santana was up in the air. She was supposed to be concentrating on the wall so she won't lose her balance but, of course the sneezing threw her off.

" Huh Hxngt! Hxt! Heh ngxst! " Besides sneezing in multiples Santana was a rapid sneezer. They caught her, but she stumbled out of their grip and fell on the grass. They all surrounded here. They were lucky coach wasn't observing or she would of been yelling her head off. Quinn was in charge of the squad when she was gone. "Everyone go home. That's it for today" Everyone left.

" Not you, Brittany" Brittany came back. Santana lied on the grass, moaning. Finn and Puck ran over seeing as Santana fell.

" Tana, are you okay?" Quinn asked

" Fine" She responded. They helped her up.

" Santana, are you okay?"

" I said yes, man boobs!" Santana snapped at Finn. She tried to walk and was met with a searing pain in her ankle. She yelped.

" Okay, maybe not." Finn picked her up. " Hitchieww!" She sneezed on Finn chest

"Eww!!! Santana" Finn whined

" Deal with it" Santana said

" I don't want to get sick."

I'm not sick, birdbrain. Its allergies."

He put her down on the bench. Quinn and Brittany sat down next to her.

" Sorry I messed up the routine Q."

" Its fine. How's your ankle."

" Fine. It's probably just a strain."

" Let's go home." Santana got up.

"I'll take you home." Finn offered.

"Really? That's so sweet of you."

"Yea. Let's go" Finn got his stuff.

" Bye Q, Brittany" They hugged.

" Bye" They responded

" See you, Puck"

" Bye San"

She limped to Finn's car. She suddenly felt herself being lifted.

"How bad does it hurt."

" Not much"

" I'm serious Santana"

" Like hell."

He opened the door and put her in the passenger seat. He went over to the driver side and got in. Santana smelled a scent. It made her nose itch.

"Finn, Whuh What's that huh smell"

" Its the air freshener. Why?"

" It huh It makes my nose tickle."

"Sorry." He grabbed it and threw it in the back. He looked back to see Santana waving her hands by her face. "Hxngt! Hxt! Ish! Ishieww! Esh! Choo!" "Bless you" They reached her house.

"Thanks for the ride" She was about to open the door when he saw Finn go around and open it for her. He picked her up.

" What are you doing?"

" Taking you into your house"


"Cause you can barely walk without wincing in pain." He opened the door and put her on the couch.

" Aye mija, Que te paso?" Her mom questioned.

"Nothing. I just her my ankle when I was practicing."

" Let your dad check it out when he comes home." The perks of having a dad as a doctor.

"Thanks for dropping her off Finn. As thank you, why don't you stay for dinner."

"Mom, he has stuff to do."

"Thanks for the offer Mrs. Lopez but my mom is probably worried. See you tomorrow Santana."

"Bye Finn" She heard him get in his car and drive away.

"Such a nice boy." She heard her mom say on the way to the kitchen.

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The next chapter is not posting. It's so frustrating. I'll try to post as soon as possible

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Santana walked down the hall with her ankle in a boot and crutches under her arms. Turns out she had fractured her ankle when she fell. She was glad that they weren't having Cheerios practice today. She had to get to get to glee club as she was late and the crutches were just slowing her down. She finally got to the glee room.

"What the hell happened to you?!" Quinn yelled.

" I fractured my ankle when I fell yesterday, Q."

" I thought you said it was only sprain!" Quinn was outraged

" Well, as you can see it's obviously not" Santana snapped.

She walked to her seat.

" OK guys, since it's after school and there us no practice going on I thought we could enjoy this beautiful day and go outside"

Santana's heart stopped. They had to go outside where all the pollen is. She groaned.

" Santana, C'mon." Quinn stuck around to make sure that Santana got to the field safely. She noticed that Santana was beginning to rub her nose.

" You okay?"

" 'M fine" Santana responded, sniffling.

Santana sat down next to Quinn after 30 minutes of trying to sit down without hurting herself.

" Okay, now that everyone is settled..."

She zoned out. Santana put her head on Quinn's shoulder. She felt Quinn put her arm around her shoulders. Santana felt a small tickle in her nose. Her breath started hitching. Quinn noticed that Santana was gasping.

"San, you okay?"Quinn felt Santana press her face into her shoulder. She suddenly felt Santana jerk continuously.

"Hxngt! Hxgt! Ngxst! Hxxgt! Hngt!"

"Bless you"

"Thanks" she mumbled

Quinn had always known that Santana was self conscious of her sneeze. She remembered the first time Santana had sneezed in front of her. It was just last year. She and Santana were having a sleepover. Brittany couldn't make it, unfortunately, so it was just her and Santana. Santana had been sitting on a chair. When Quinn came and asked her a question.

"Hey San, what do you think about this perfume." She had squirted it right on Santana's face. The effect was immediate. Santana's eyes began to water. Her breath began to hitch. Quinn observed as Santana put her back to Quinn.

" Hxngt! Hxngt! Ish! Ishieww! Choo!"

Santana's face had been blotchy after the incident and Quinn insisted that Santana should call her mom to pick her up, but of course Santana stayed.

Quinn had made sure Santana was comfortable and had apologized profusely for the incident.

" I'm so sorry Santana."

"It's fine Quinn. Quit babying me."

Those were the good days.

She felt Santana jerk again.

" Ishoo! Ish! Esh! Eshoo!Itchiew!"

"Bless you. Santana, You got to get off the field your legs and arms are getting blotchy."

"I'm fine Quinn, God stop babying me."

It felt good to know that somebody cared. Santana knew that Quinn was just worried but she wished that Quinn would just stop babying her. Always asking questions about her well being. She was being smothered by Quinn.

She heard Rachel singing. It distracted her from the tickle in her nose for away.

" That's it for today.We'll meet here tomorrow guys" Mr Schue got up and walked to his car. Everyone got up and left.

" Help me up Quinn" Santana said

Quinn pulled her up. They walked to Quinn's car.

" Hxngt! Ishieww!"

" Bless you"

"You can stop saying that, Quinn."


They drove him in silence with the occasional sneeze from Santana.

" Hitchiew!"

They turned right.

" Ish! Esh!"

They stopped at a stop sign

"Eshoo! Itchiew! Hxngt!"

Quinn stopped in front of Santana's house. She walked over to the passenger side and opened the door. Quin held the door for Santana.

" Hey Quinn."

"Hello Mrs. Lopez"

" Thank you for dropping off Santana."

" It's no problem."

Do you want to stay for dinner."

"Mom, no one wants to stay for dinner" Santana interjected.

"Actually, I'd love too." Quinn smiled.

Santana glared at Quinn.

" Make yourself at home" Santana's mom walked back into the kitchen setting the table. Quinn sat next to Santana.

" You don't have to stay Quinn."

" It's no problem, really"

They heard the door open.

" Hello Quinn" It was Santana's dad

"Hello Mr. Lopez"

"Hola, mi Princesa." He kissed Santana on the cheek

" Pappi, you're embarrassing me."

" What? I can't kiss my little girl" He walked into the kitchen to greet his wife.

"Hxngt! Hngt! Hxxt! Hgt!!"

"Bless you Mija" Her parents said in unison. Santana blushed.

" So effing embarrassing" She muttered.

" I think it's cute" Quinn said.

" Dinner's ready." Santana's mom called. They walked into the kitchen. On the plates were Chicken, Beans and Rice with a side of tortillas. They sat down.

" So how was school today Santana?"

"Fine" Santana responded.

" How about yours, Quinn."

"Great" Quinn loved to come over to Santana's house. That always treated her like family. They had finished dinner.

" I must get going. Thank you for the dinner Mr and Mrs. Lopez."

" Why are you leaving so soon. Sleep over. We love your company."

" Mom, she has to go."

" I loved to sleep over. I'll call my mom."

After playing multiple board games and listening to many funny stories. After many funny stories and many baby pics of Santana they finally headed to bed.

" Hey Quinn?"

" Yea"

" Thanks for being my friend."

" No probs"

And with that they drifted to sleep

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She woke up the next morning to Quinn humming softly. She was wearing one of Santana's outfit.

"Why are you wearing my clothes?" Santana croaked

"Your mom let me borrow it."

"Did they leave yet"

"Yea, like an hour ago." Santana thanked god it was a Saturday.

" Do you want me to do your hair?" Quinn asked

" Yea, that would be great." Quinn ran her fingers through Santana's hair.

Santana felt a sneeze.

" Huh! Uh" It was stuck

" Stuck sneeze?" Quinn asked

" Yea"

" I hate when that happens."

Santana saw a slither of light coming from the window.

"Quinn can you tie up the curtains."

"Sure" Quinn walked to the window and tied up the curtain. She walked back to Santana. Santana saw as a swarm of sunlight filled the room. She looked at the light. The effect was immediate.


"I didn't know you were photic."

"I'm what?" Santana said bewildered

" You sneeze when you see the light or something bright after being in a dark place."

"Oh, yea. I have since I was small"

" Interesting"

" Hey Quinn, can you help me chose an outfit."

They began searching for an outfit.

"How about this one."

"No. It's ugly."

" How about this one."

" No. Too. Hxngt! Ishoo. Too yellow"

"How about this."

"Perfect. Quinn you're a genius."

"Finally, somebody noticed."

"Which perfume smells better." Santana squirted some in the air.

" Hxngt! Ish!"

"Not that one as it obviously makes you sneeze."

"OK this one." She squirted the other one.

" Itcheiww! Chieww! Hetchoo!" This time it wasn't Santana who sneezed.

"Bless you"


" I didn't know you had allergies."

" Yea. Just some perfume and stuff."

They heard a knock on the door.

" I'll get it." said Quinn. She ran down stairs. It was Brittany. She had a big purse with her. It was making weird noises but Quinn ignored it.

" Quinn! What are you doing here?"

" I slept over. What are you doing here"

" Lord Tubbington said I should go out for a while. The 2 girls walked up stairs.

" Hey San"

" Britt"

"Guess who I brought." Brittany pulled out Lord Tubbington from her bag

Santana and Quinn walked backward towards a corner.

" Brittany, Huh, get that, Huh, cat out of here I'm allergic." Santana said

" I,Huh, I am too." Quinn said.

Brittany tried to put Lord Tubbington into her bag but he slipped out of her hands. Lord Tubbington walked towards Quinn and Santana.

" Britt, get the cat" Santana yelled.

"I'm trying."

" Hxngt! Ish! Ishoo!" Santana began to sneeze. No later Quinn did also

"Itchieww! Chieww! Etchieww! Huhchiew!" Soon their sneezes began to synchronize.

"Hxngt! Eshieww! Ish! Huhchieww! Ish! Hitchieww! Hxxt!"

Brittany! Get that! Eshieww! Cat out of the room." yelled Quinn.

" Why?"

Please Britt! Esh! Get it out! Ish! Take it to the living room." pleaded Santana

" C'mon Lord Tubbington. Let me take you to the living room."

Britt got the cat and put in the living room. She came back up and closed the door.

" Sorry guys, I didn't know you'd react that way"

"It's fine Britt, you didn't know"

Santana and Quinn were a mess after just being in the same room with a cat for 5 minutes. Their mascara was running. Their noses were red. Their eyes were watering.

" Meow" Lord Tubbington pawed the door.

" Go away Lord Tubbington you've caused enough trouble."

Santana put her face into a pillow and so did Quinn. Huge mistake. There was cat hair on them.

" Hxngt! Ash! Ishiew! Hitchieww! Hxxt!" They heard the door open. Lord Tubbington hissed.

"Aye!" It was Santana dad. He had come home after a day at the hospital. He opened the door to Santana's room.

" Aye dios mio!. What happened to you too."

" Brittany's cat happened." Quinn responded

Santana gave a chesty cough.

" I didn't know you were allergic to cats, Quinn." Quinn wheezed.

" Let's get you both checked out." He got his stethoscope.

He put on Quinn's back.

" Breath in" Quinn breathed in

" Breath out" Quinn let go and they repeated it again.

After he had checked Santana he told them their state of health

" Well it seems that the cat hairs have irritated your lungs. That's why it's so hard to breath. I advise you guys stay away from Lord Tubbington from now on. Now drink this." He gave them a little cup to drink some medicine.

" Dad I'm not drinking this."

" With all respect Mr. Lopez I don't want to drink it either."

" Drink it." He gave them a stern look.

"No!" Santana argued

" Santana,don't give me attitude."

" I'm not drinking it."

" Santana, do you want to do this the hard way or the easy way."

" I'm not drinking this disgusting concoction."

" Santana if you don't drink it I'm taking your phone away"

" Take it"

" Santana, just drink it!" He yelled.

They both drank it. Her dad walked out if the room when she drank it. The medicine was making them drowsy. " I'm going to sleep."

" Me too." They both slipped into the darkness

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Aww thanks mettallicstars. So in case you haven't seen the picture. NAYA RIVERA'S BABY BUMP IS NOW VISIBLE!!! Fangirl overload. Anyways hope you like this chapter. I'm sorry that this chapter is short. I've been really tired lately. I don't know why. I think I should go check it out. Don't forget to watch glee tonight. Only 2 episodes left after this one.

When Santana woke up she felt like she was in haze. She looked at the clock. It was 8:09 PM. She turned to see that Quinn had left. Probably a few hours ago. She went down stairs. Which was hard considering that she still had an ankle boot.

"Mami!Papi! Where are you?"

" In the kitchen, Mija" She walked into the kitchen staggering

"Carlos, did you give her the drowsy kind again." Maribel asked her husband.

" I love you, mommy." Santana cried

" I told you not to give that one to her it makes her act like she's drunk." Maribel scowled her husband

" That doesn't explain the crying." Little did they know that she was the type of drunk who cried.

"Look at my foot" Santana laughed.

"No more drowsy kind." Maribel yelled

"Where's Quinn"

" On the couch" Santana walked to the couch

" Quinn!Quinn! I like juice." Santana whispered.

Maribel and Carlos decided that this would be a great video to show ther grand kids when that were older so they recorded it.

" I like juice too." Quinn whispered.

Santana got the remote and pressed a button.

" It changed, the picture changed." Santana and Quinn both laughed.

" Hxngt" Santana sneezed.

" Bless you" Quinn slurred

" Oh my god Quinn look at all those people" Santana laughed

" Turn it off, turn it off, I'm going to pee"

Quinn said. Santana rolled on the floor laughing

" Too late!" Santana yelled.

" Too late!" Quinn also said.

After both girls taking a shower and sobering up. Quinn went downstairs while Santana was changing.

"Hola Quinn"

"Hello Mrs.Lopez."

" Not drowsy anymore are you?"


"Good, Mija"

" Mrs. Lopez, thanks for being like a mom to me for the last few days."

"Your were always like a daughter to me Quinn." Quinn hugged Maribel.

" Mom, can I take this dumb cast off"

Santana yelled.

" No, one more week"

"UGH!!!" Santana groaned

" Ishieww! Eshieww!" Quinn sneezed.

"Bless you."

"Thank you"

Santana walked/limped downstairs.

"Mami, por favor no me lo puedo sacar."

"No Santana, ya no mas preguntas de eso."

The door opened. It was Santana's abuela

" Santana, Como esta mi nieta favorita."

"I'm good."

"Hello, Quinn. How are you?"

"Fine, Señora Lopez. How's your day."

"Call me Alma"

" Ish! Esh! Ash! Choo!"

" Aye mija, tienes un resfriado."

" No abuela, it's ju..."

"Hitchiew! Eshiew! Ishiew! Huhchiew!"

" Not you too Quinn."

" It's just allergies, just like Santana was going to say before I interrupted her."

" Abuela, I have to do a project at Quinn's house. I'll see you later." She kissed her abuela on the cheek.

Quinn and Santana walked to Quinn's car.

"Hxngt! Hxxt! UGH!" Santana groaned

" Where do you want to go?"

"Lets buy some ice cream."

They drove off.

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OK so this part of the story runs into the party at Rachel's house. I has vomit but It doesn't go into detail but still. V-WARNING. I don't promote teenage drinking. We all do it at one point in our lives. (I haven't) I am totally against teenage drinking. I am also against drinking and driving. That's why I had a taxi take them home. Don't drink and drive.

Once they got their ice cream Santana got a call from.


" Hey its Puck."


There's a party at Berry's let's go."

"Wine coolers or no Wine coolers."


We'll be there." Santana hanged up.

They went to the house and changed. They called a taxi to drive them to Rachel's house. The music was blasting. They walked in.

" Hey Santana, Q" Puck was already drunk.

"Let's get this party started!!" Screamed Rachel

The next few hours past in flash.

Quinn remembered drinking 2 wine coolers. Santana crying in a corner. Kissing Puck. Kissing Finn. Kissing Brittany?! Santana taking her shirt off. Santana almost falling. Rachel laughing. Tina sitting on Mike's lap. Quinn throwing up and Santana holding her hair. Santana throwing up and Quinn holding her hair. After that it all went black. She woke up at 2:00 am to find almost everyone gone. Tina and Mike's car gone. Puck's was also gone. Mercedes's car gone. Everyone left except for Quinn, Santana, Artie and Brittany. Quinn was by the piano. Brittany by the stairs. Artie by the couch. Rachel on the couch. Santana was by the wind coolers. The wine coolers were littered all around her.

Quinn's head was pounding.

"Santana!" She whispered.

" Santana!"

"What" Santana mumbled

" It's 2 AM."


They ran out with their heels clacking.

Santana got 2 wine coolers.

"Hxngt." Santana sneezed.

Santana drank from the drink

"What are you doing?" Quinn asked

" I'm thirsty."

"Don't drink that." Quinn yelled

"Too late." Santana had gulped the two wine coolers before Quinn had a chance to take them away.

" Taxi's here. Let's go" Santana said.


They got in and told the driver their address. They got to Santana's house.

" Be quiet." Quinn said. Santana was too drunk to even know what was going on. They tiptoed across the living room. Suddenly the light switched on. Santana's mom and dad were standing by the light switch.

" Where have you 2 girls been." Maribel yelled

"Nowhere." Santana giggled.

" Oh my god. She's drunk Carlos "

" We were at a party and things got a little out of control." Quinn said

" I love you Quinn. You're my bestie." Santana threw her arms around Quinn.

Santana stumbled to her parents.

" I love you too mom and dad."

She hugged them.

" She's definitely drunk." Carlos said

" Go upstairs we'll talk about this tomorrow. You're in big trouble. Both of you." They climbed upstairs.

The next morning Santana was awoken by huge wave of nausea. She ran to the bathroom. She threw up the contents in her stomach which was pretty much just wine coolers. She felt someone rub her back and hold her hair. It was Quinn. After puking for like forever. They went downstairs. Santana carried her blanket and a trash can.

" Why aren't you sick." Santana asked

" Because unlike you I know how to drink responsibly. I only had 2."

" Good morning girls." Maribel said.

Santana lied on the couch putting her feet on Quinn and covering herself with the blanket. Maribel opened the curtains. Letting the sunlight rush in.

"Hxngt! Ish!Esh!Hxxt! Choo!"

"Bless you" Quinn said

" The light, it burns." Santana yelled covering her head with the blanket.

Carlos walked in.

" Now to talk about the consequences"

We both sat up.

" Santana, No phone, No T.V, No parties for a week."Santana leaned over to gag into the trash can.


"Yes papi."

"Quinn, since your not my child, I'm not the one to punish you. I have contacted your parents."

Santana felt like hell. Her stomach was just all over the place. Her head pounded.

"Hxngt! Ish! Eshoo!"

"Salud" Maribel and Carlos said in unison

"Thank you"

Her parents waked out of the room.


"Bless you" Quinn said quietly

Quinn and Santana received a text.

Emergency glee meeting. Meet on field

~XOXO Rachel

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I honestly didn't know that this story was going to end here. I just go with the flow. I write one chapter each day. I don't plan ahead most of the time. I thought this was going to as Finntana or Pucktana and ended it up being Quinntana. Hope you enjoy the last installment.

Quinn and Santana got into Quinn's car.

"Don't you dare throw up in here."

"No promises." Santana mumbled. They drove quietly. They arrived in 15 minutes. Quinn and Santana walked to the field. Santana could see the pollen glistening in the sun. She sat in next to Quinn.

" Why are we hear Rachel?"

" To discuss that destruction of my house. Wine coolers were all over the floor. Brittany and Artie were still there when I woke up. I saw on Santana and Quinn leave at 2 am in the morning. Santana was just in her bra because she left her shirt behind. Santana wrote her name on my wall. I found her shirt by the wall. There was a small clump of hair in the corner which is either Quinn's or Brittany's because it's blonde. Care to explain yourselves."

" That signature will come in handy when I'm famous." Santana shouted.

" No wonder I have a bald spot" Brittany exclaimed.

"Can I have my shirt back?

" Here" Rachel threw it at her

" Watch it Berry, that's a limited edition Chanel shirt. This shirt is worth more than your house and life combined."

It really was worth more than Rachel house. Quinn was with Santana when she bought it.

"Whatever. I'm never inventing you guys to my house again." Rachel huffed.

"Is that all?" Puck exclaimed

" Yea"

" Hey Finn, Sam let's play some football."

" Sure."


Everyone else sat on the bleachers.

Finn,Puck and Sam were just throwing the ball around. Suddenly Quinn, Brittany and Santana came running at them and jump on their back. Brittany on Sam, Quinn on Finn and Santana on Puck.

"Piggy back race. Whoever gets to the end the fastest wins."

The race had begun. Santana loved the feeling of the air hitting her face. She inhaled deeply. Big mistake. The pollen danced around in her nostrils. They were winning. When they got to the end line. She immediately jumped off.

She ran the farthest away from Puck. Finn and Sam were way behind so she didn't have to worry about them hearing her

"Hxngt! Hxxt! Ish! Ishoo!" She felt someone put her hand on her shoulder

It was Puck.

" Santana, What's wrong"

"Hxngt! Ishoo! Eshoo! Hxxt! Ish!" All she could do was sneeze.

" Bless you" She had never heard Puck be so polite.

"I've never, huh, heard you be so. Hxngt! Polite."

"Yea, well I've never heard you sneeze" "Touché." Finn and Sam had finally gotten to the end.

" Hxngt! Eshoo!"

" Allergies again." Quinn asked

"Yea. Ishieww! Ish!"

Suddenly they heard music blast out of a speaker. The song was We got the beat.

See the people walking down the street

Fall in line just watching all their feet

They don't know where they wanna go

But they're walking in time

They got the beat

They got the beat

They got the beat


They got the beat

Everybody was dancing. Santana hadn't had this much fun in years. She did all her funky moves. Santana had never been a good dancer.

All the kids just getting out of school

They can't wait to hang out and be cool

Hang around 'til quarter after twelve

That's when they fall in line

They got the beat

They got the beat

Kids got the beat


Kids got the beat

The sprinklers came on. Everybody ran around enjoy the water on their skin. They were having the time of their life. The girls were squealing as the guys splashed them with water.

Go-go music really makes us dance

Do the pony puts us in a trance

Do the watusi just give us a chance

That's when we fall in line

We got the beat

We got the beat

We got the beat


We got it

Fireflies fluttered around the field. Illuminating the surrounding. The ran around, wet from the water, trying to catch them. Finn grabbed Rachel from the waist and carried her while running around. She screamed. They were kicking up water. Everyone was laughing and smiling.

We got the beat [x3]

Everybody get on your feet

(We got the beat)

We know you can dance to the beat

(We got the beat)

Jumpin'-get down

(We got the beat)

Round and round and round

We got the beat [x13]

Santana picked up mud and threw it. It hit Finn and Rachel. They both got mud and aimed for Santana. Finn got Brittany and Rachel got Quinn. Everyone got mud and started throwing it. Santana got mud and smeared it on Pucks shirt. He smeared mud on her back. Brittany hit Santana on the back of her head. Santana squealed. Santana and Quinn both bent down to get mud. They bumped head. They stared into each other's eyes. Santana pulled a leaf out of Quinn's hair. They leaned in. They cupped each other's face. Santana and Quinn kissed. Fireworks exploded. Everyone kissed each other. Brittany kissed Arty. Finn kissed Rachel. Puck kissed Lauren. Tina kissed Mike. Mercedes kissed Sam. Everyone smiled because For the first time in forever, Everyone had gotten their happily ever after.

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