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I Run To You {Panic! At The Disco, Brendon Urie}


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Hey guys! Thought I'd do a quick Brendon Urie idea I've had, since there's very few things with him on here. And I mean...come on, he's freaking gorgeous.


It had been a long few weeks. The band was finishing up their tour, Brendon had been doing multiple interviews, and had appeared on a few talk shows.

The last night in the tour bus, and Kenneth and Dan were already in their bunks, tired and ready to get back to their families. Dallon and Brendon were both still up, sitting on the couch, talking about memories from the tour. Dallon could sense something was off about his friend from the moment the show had ended, just an hour ago. Brendon, who was always keen on talking to fans after, had made a bee line for the bus. By the time Dallon got on, his best friend had changed and was seen on the couch, looking exhausted.

Now, Dallon watched as Brendon broke off mid-sentence, his thin nostrils flaring ever so slightly.

'Heh....he'TCHH'ughh!" The tall dark headed man had pressed his nose and mouth against his shoulder in hopes of not all but disgusting Dallon.

"Bless Bren, you okay?" Dallon asked, watching as Brendon nodded, but soon the lead singers eyes fluttered shut once more.

"I'm fihhh...hih"ITSHH! huh'TCHH'uhh!" Brendon wiped at his nose with the sleeve of his henley.

"I'm fine," he finally muttered, still rubbing at his now runny nose, his eyes crinkling in disdain.

"Okay, if you're sure," Dallon said, though he knew the other man was lying. Brendon's face had taken on a slightly paler shade, his cheeks tinted with a barely-there pink hue. His nostrils had the same hue, only a bit more prominent. Dallon watched Brendon give a small sniffle and clear his throat.

"I think I'm going to head to bed. This show wore me out, and I'm ready to be back home with Sarah," Brendon said, his voice hoarse from all the singing. He thought about his wife, thought about how nice it would be to cuddle with her, have her rub his back like she so perfectly did. Getting up and stretching his arms, he gave one final sniffle and rubbed his tired eyes, going to his small bunk.

Laying in the space, Brendon finally let himself succumb to the itch that had been plaguing his poor nostrils all night. He'd managed to hold most of the sneezes back through the set and though a few escaped while talking to Dallon, Brendon knew that a measly three small sneezes was nothing. Bringing the neck of his black tee shirt up to his face, he pressed the soft fabric against his runny, pink and sensitive nostrils, letting his breath hitch in anticipation.

"huh.....ehhh...." Brendon rubbed at his nose slightly, felling it run much more. He sniffled a bit, the tickle torturing him.

"ih'TCHH! Huh'ISHHH!! Fu-fuhhh nhh'GXT! Fuck....guh'ITSCHH! huh'ISHH'uhh!"

The tickle was still there, but he didn't feel so desperate to sneeze it out as he had a moment ago. He sniffled thickly, the two thick trails that had run to his upper lip still there. Annoyed, Brendon looked around for a tissue, but didn't see any. Just perfect. He'd have to get up.

Quickly, he swung his legs out of his bunk and got up, finding a tissue box on the counter in the small portable kitchen. He could feel another sneeze buzzing around in his already-itchy nose and he pressed the tissue to his pink, slick-rimmed nostrils that were flaring openly.

"heh'GXTCH!! Fugck bme....eh'TCHHH!" The band member pressed another tissue to his nose messy nose and upper lip, leaning against the counter. Dallon quietly approached his miserable friend.

"You gonna make it? Or do we need to stop and get you in a hotel with a real bed?"

Brendon let out a groan at the idea and sniffled, hoping to clear his nose a bit. "No way man, I need to get to Sarah as soon as I can," he shook his head.

"Fucking stubborn," Dallon shook his head right back and walked back to his bunk.

For the next eight hours, Brendon was awake, a sniffling, sneezing, miserable mess that was huddled up in a blanket on the couch, two boxes of tissues easily used and in a waste basket. When the tour bus stopped outside their studio, Brendon had never felt more relieved in his life. He knew it was six am, and he knew he had to drive twenty minutes home, but it was worth it. Sarah was there. Sarah could make everything better.

He barely thought of leaving his stuff on the bus, knowing someone would get it for him and get it in the studio, but thought better of it. Fifteen minutes and seven sneezes later, everything was off the bus. Dallon told Brendon to let him know he got home safely, and soon all four men were departing.


Walking through the door to his and Sarah's apartment, Brendon let out a small sigh. He was back home. Back to his wife, without any other men around. He was back to his dogs and to his bed. It was nearing seven and Brendon knew Sarah would still be asleep. Before he took five steps into the place, his face was pressing against his shoulder, nose running once again.

"Heh'TCH! Huh...eh'GNXT'uhhh! " Carefully stifling so he wouldn't wake up the gorgeous girl in the next room over, he slid off his shoes and rubbed his now red nose, coughing due to not being able to breathe through it. He made his way to their bedroom and couldn't be more thankful he was already wearing sweats and his favorite henley, meaning he didn't have to waste time changing to get into bed.

Sinking into the warm covers of their queen sized bed, Brendon wrapped his arms around the still sleeping Sarah. The gorgeous brunette flipped over, half asleep.

"Mmm, Brens, is that really you?" she asked through bleary eyes. Brendon nodded, pressing a kiss to her forehead.

"It's bme," he whispered, giving her a smile. He knew he was stuffed up, knew his nose was running and his throat was raw, his body aching. But he was happy to be home.

Sarah woke up quickly, frowning, her eyebrows knitting together. "You sound awful, my poor baby," she cooed, pressing a hand to Brendon's cheek and forehead. "And you're warm. Did you feel like this during the show last night?"

Brendon shrugged, leaning into the cool touch. "Kinda....not as stuffed though," he added, nostrils flaring as his jaw slackened. Sarah couldn't help but bring him closer, running a hand through his hair. "I've got you, my poor sick boy."

The man pressed his irritated nose against his wifes shirt, intaking a small breath.

"huh'ITCHHH! ih'SHH'uhh! I'mb sorry...this is so gro-gruhhh uh'NXGT....gross," Brendon sniffled as Sarah just shook her head.

"You're sick Bren. I don't care if you sneeze on me."

At the confession, Brendon let himself stay held against Sarah's shoulder, rubbing his delicate nose against her shirt, hoping to calm the stuffy tickle that was still buzzing around his nostrils maddeningly. Sarah grabbed a few tissues off their bedside table and maneuvered her hand so that she was holding the tissues against her husband's runny nose, pressing firmly against the snot-slicked nostrils. Brendon leaned into the touch and soon let himself go, the feeling unbearable to hold back.

"E'ITCHH! Huh'GSTCHH!! S-Sarahhhh.." The grown man sniffled but let out a small groan as Sarah just rubbed at her husband's cold ridden nose.

"My poor man's got such a cold. Where the hell did you manage to get this?"

Brendon barely shrugged, and she could tell he was getting sleepy. She finished wiping at his nose and threw the tissues in the waste basket before moving so she could rub his back. Within moments he was asleep and though she hated the fact he was sick, she was happy he was there and she could take care of him.

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THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR WRITING THIS!!! I honestly dont think i can thank you enough for writing such an amazing fic. Brendon Urie is a precious angel and seeing (well more like reading) him so sick and sneezy honestly just made my day...no made my week!! Once again THANK YOU!!!

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Omg!! I greatly second a giant thank

You!!!! Brendon Urie is bae!!! Do you hope to continue because I want you to! I can just imagine Brendon sleeping off and on until the late morning and waking up so miserable and sneer but grateful that Sarah was there to take care of him

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Awww nothing like care taking and the love of a husband and wife.

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This is possibly my favorite thing I've ever read on this site. Thank you so, so much for sharing with us!

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