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Bellatrix Black (Harry Potter)


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So I was cleaning up my desktop earlier and I stumbled across a short story I'd started to write literally about 4 years ago and never finished (hence why it doesn't have a name^^).

Anyway I kinda liked it so I thought I'd share :)

A sudden “mew” startled the cousins from their duelling positions, and Bellatrix looked down to see the lamp-like eyes of Mrs Norris scrutinizing her before she turned around and crept around the corner– undoubtedly to fetch her wheezy master. The swish of the cat’s tail was the only signal that the cousins needed to vacate the area immediately. Bellatrix was no idiot, and whilst she couldn’t stand being around her disgusting cousin, she knew that if anyone could find a safe place to hide in Hogwarts at a time like this it would be Sirius. Her instincts proved correct as he seemed to follow a well-rehearsed route whilst she hurried behind, determined not to let him abandon her to certain detention. When they had taken the shortcut behind the portrait an old wizard, Sirius made a beeline straight for the statue of the rearing Hippogriff and Bellatrix made sure that she was right behind him when he tapped the beak 3 times with his wand and leapt inside the newly emerged hole in the wall. She pushed her way in behind him landing with a soft thump on the other side, and the Hippogriff slid closed again as soon as they had both entered.

Thankfully her dress cushioned her fall, and it was a good thing it did too as Filch chose that exact moment to slouch around the corner muttering about students and the like.

Bellatrix sat in the semi darkness listening intently for any sound to tell her that the coast was clear, however she was having trouble concentrating due to a slight tickle in her nose – did all of the rooms in Hogwarts really need to be this dusty?

As the sound of Filch’s muttering and Mrs Norris’ meows came closer the tickle in her nose intensified, and it wasn’t long before Bella found herself desperately trying to stop herself from sneezing and certain detention – she did NOT want to be the one responsible for ridding the castle of its vast quantities of dust, even if it did irritate her to no end.

As her breath suddenly and audibly hitched, Sirius’ eyes darted over to her face and widened in alarm at what he saw. By now her mouth hung open in anticipation and her eyes were only half open as she blankly stared forwards. At the last second however, Sirius recovered from his shock and lurched forward to clamp his hand over her mouth as she released a now barely audible he-mmph!

Opening her eyes, Bellatrix has just enough time to shoot her cousin a quick glare before her eyes fluttered shut and she succumbed to a second sneeze.

Sirius removed his hand from her face and looked at it in revulsion before turning to shoot her an equally dark glare.

“Maybe that’ll teach you to keep your filthy paws from my face in future” she spat

“Believe me Bellatrix I wouldn’t touch you at all if my evenings weren't on the line - we nearly got caught! You picked a great time to sneeze...”

“Well maybe they should dust this damn castle once in a while then!” Said Bellatrix as she narrowed her eyes, but suddenly another sharp tickle attacked her and “tchoo! ATSHOOO!!”

Bellatrix clamped a hand over her mouth and her eyes widened as she realised what she had done, whereas Sirius had simply frozen in place with the sound of her outburst still ringing in his ears.

“You idiot!” he mouthed as waves of horror washed over both of them. Filch wouldn’t be able to contain himself at the prospect of a double detention, and with one of the marauders and Bellatrix Black no less! However after about 20 seconds of strained listening for the sound of their inevitable doom, nothing came. Cautiously Sirius poked his head out…


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The Sneezing While Hiding scenario never fails to arouse my interest, especially when there are two people hiding, one to express their horror at their companion sneezing :D Great little story, glad you found it again :)

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  • 1 year later...

I clicked on this thread so fast. Bellatrix just doesn't get enough love on the forum. You did her justice though. More please.

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