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Happy Anniversary? (SPN, Dean)

Voodoo huntress

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Finally, a non-AU fiction! Set during Stanford-era, because baby Winchesters are the best Winchesters. Also set before Jessica’s death, because she and Sam are precious. (I guess this is sort of an AU, because Sam and Dean are best buds)


Sam was rushing around his room and skidded to a halt when he passed by the tall mirror on the wall. Leaning in closer, he gave himself a 5th check-over. Teeth: clean. Hair: neat. Clothes: deserve a medal. And…wait, was that a stain on his shirt?? Sam cursed and yanked the button-up before racing to his closet and grabbed a black turtle neck. Returning to the mirror, he checked himself again. Perfect. Sam heard his phone ding and went over to check it. It was a text from Jessica.

I can’t wait to try out this new restaurant! - J

Sam chuckled before tapping out a quick reply.

Same here. Still set for meeting at 8? – S

Yep! Oh and Sam? Try not to panic, I can feel your stress through the phone. We’ve been together for a year now. – J

I am not! – S

Suuuure…see you in a little bit! – J

Sam tucked his phone in his pocket and smiled a bit dreamily. He can’t believe he was about to celebrate an one-year anniversary with Jessica Moore. Sam grabbed his keys from the nightstand and his coat before he heard a bang on his apartment door. Sam contemplated not answering when the knocking became insistent. Sam rolled his eyes and went to open the door. He was not prepared for what was on the other side.

Dean was leaning against the doorway, and quite frankly, looked like toasted shit. He looked exhausted, with a gray face and red-rimmed eyes. His usually spiked hair was limp and Sam noticed a light sheen of sweat on his face. Dean was holding a crumpled tissue to his pink nose and lowered it when he gave his younger brother an once-over.

“Damn Sammy-boy, didn’t know you could dress so fancy-like.” He croaked and sniffled thickly. Sam was snapped out of his stupor when Dean coughed into a gloved fist.

“What the- Dean?! What the hell are you doing here? What’s wrong with you?” Sam yanked his brother in by the arm and led him to the couch, where Dean plopped with a relieved sigh. Dean rested for a few seconds before replying.

“Dad and I had a bit of a falling out, so he went east and I went west. There was a…ah-” he waved a hand in his face as a warning that he was about to explode. He did just that when Sam stepped out of the line of fire.

“Hih’ITTSSCCHuu! H’TSSCCHHT! Ugh…Sorry about that,” Dean blew his nose into his tissue before continuing, sniffling every once in a while. “Where was I…oh, so yeah, Dad went east and I went west. I found a hunt up in Washington about some vengeful spirit that was a little kid at a daycare. Apparently, one of those crazy teachers got mad at some parents and took it out on their son,” Sam’s eyes widened. “I know, right? So the kid came back and got the teacher back, but then started to attack the other kids also. The case was easy itself. However, that damn place was a giant cesspool of flu season. Seriously, why do parents send their snotty petri dishes to a public place like that? I had to toss a pair of jeans because a little girl yakked on them.” The small rant took a lot out of Dean and he coughed harshly into his elbow.

“Jesus Dean…you look terrible.” Sam got up and grabbed his brother a bottle of water. Dean muttered a thanks as he wiped his watering eyes and took a hearty drink.

“Yeah. I was about to just pop in to say hi before I went to find another hunt. On the way, I started blowing snot myself. So…here I am. Hhh…H’TSSCCH! Ht-CSSHHuu!” Dean gave a sharp sniff and leaned back into the couch, closing his eyes. Sam ran a hand through his hair and checked his watch.

“Shit! Fuck! I am so late, goddammit!” he jumped up and took a step to the door, but whirled around to a sick Dean who had a look of utter confusion. He repeated the process a few times when Dean spoke up.

“You still with that girl, uh, Jenny? You guys have a date or something?” Dean asked, wiping his nose. Sam nodded, still panicking from trying to make a decision.

“Jessica. Yes, it’s our anniversary, but you’re sick and I don’t want to leave you alone…but it’s our one year…” Sam ran his hand through his hair again and didn’t notice Dean stand up. His brother stumbled over to Sam and gently removed his hands before straightening Sam’s mused hair out.

“Dude, go spend some time with your girl. Your first anniversary isn’t something to fuck around with. I’ll be fine.” Dean said and plopped back down on the couch when he was satisfied with Sam’s hair. Sam looked hesitant but relieved to know that he could still go out.

“Thanks Dean, I’ll be back around-”

“S-Shit…” Dean somehow turned even paler and clapped a hand over his mouth before dashing to the bathroom. Sam shook his head and pulled out his cellphone while sitting his coat and keys down.

“Hey, babe?”

“Sam! Where are you, I’ve been here for about 10 minutes.” Sam sighed and forced himself to get the next words out.

“Remember my older brother, Dean? Well, he dropped by for a quick visit, but he’s sick as a dog, and I really don’t want to leave him, please don’t be mad at me-”

“Sam, calm down! It’s totally okay, I understand. We can go to a fancy dinner some other time. In fact, I’ll pick up some soup for your brother and we can watch some movies?” Damn, but Sam was so lucky.

“You…are the best girlfriend ever, Jess. That sounds great. I’ll see you when you get here.” After exchanging endearments, Sam heard the toilet flush and Dean staggered back into the living room. Dean was panting slightly and he slowly walked back to the couch, before gingerly laying down, not noticing that his younger brother was still there. Sam went to the hall closet and pulled down his first aid kit. He rummaged around for a bit and found the digital thermometer. He also grabbed some Tylenol and flu meds before walking back to the invalid on his couch.

“Hey, Patient Zero, sit up for a bit.” Sam said. Dean jumped and stared at Sam like he wasn’t sure if this was real or not.

“Sam? The hell are you still doing here?” Dean rasped. Sam rolled his eyes and popped the thermometer in Dean’s mouth. He chuckled at the older brother’s indignant squawk.

“Change of plans, bro. Jessica is coming over with food and movies,” Dean was about to protest when Sam waggled an exaggerated finger in his face. “Ah, no talking when your temperature is being taken.” Sam laughed at Dean’s glare and pulled the thermometer out when it beeped. Luckily, Dean forgot whatever he was about to say when his nose itched. He wrenched away, sneezing loudly into his gloved hands.

“Huh-HTSHCHSHUH! HASHSHshuh!” Dean groaned and wiped his nose on his sodden tissue.

“Bless you, man. You have a 101 degree fever, there’s no way I’m leaving you here alone. You’d probably drown in your own snot.” Sam teased. Dean scoffed and rolled over so he was facing the back of the couch and his back was to Sam. Sam poked Dean in the side and smirked when he swatted lazily at the offending fingers.

“Get up lazy-ass, and go lay in my bed. Change into something that isn’t denim and boots first. Food will be here soon.” Dean mumbled something pretty close to ‘damn sissy brothers’ and walked slowly to Sam’s room, dragging his duffle behind him and stifled a couple of sneezes in his elbow. Sam shook his head fondly and texted Jessica to pick up a few boxes of tissues on her way over.



I might continue when Jessica actually gets there, but it depends if y’all like it or not. (Please comment, the quality of my writing depends on it! shy.gif)

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I love it. I can't be a judge for characterization, since I've never seen the show in full, but the writing in general is spectacular. Good job!

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Aww... baby Winchesters in a happy AU with no deaths? How lovely! :)

Just one thing, though... if the story includes anything related to... you know... stomach stuff, it's nice to put a little warning for the emetophobes amongst us. I personally don't have much of a problem with it, but yeah, if you just put v-warning next time, that would be great! ;)

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Aww... baby Winchesters in a happy AU with no deaths? How lovely! :)

Just one thing, though... if the story includes anything related to... you know... stomach stuff, it's nice to put a little warning for the emetophobes amongst us. I personally don't have much of a problem with it, but yeah, if you just put v-warning next time, that would be great! ;)

Oh...I'm sorry! I figures since it was so non-descriptive that it would be okay... :(

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Aww... baby Winchesters in a happy AU with no deaths? How lovely! :)

Just one thing, though... if the story includes anything related to... you know... stomach stuff, it's nice to put a little warning for the emetophobes amongst us. I personally don't have much of a problem with it, but yeah, if you just put v-warning next time, that would be great! ;)

Oh...I'm sorry! I figures since it was so non-descriptive that it would be okay... :(

Oh, it was for me, don't worry! Personally, as a writer, I just like to be on the safe side. I just thought I'd point it out for future references, in case you don't know. Please, don't worry about it, okay? :)

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That was so so adorable! Poor Dean... awww, but Sam doing the right thing and taking care of him. I love it! :)

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Sorry this is so late; I was very busy these past couple of days!

Crazy_cat_girl: Thank you for reading! smile.png

Pyrus_Fangmon: asdfghjkl! I am continuing!

Always-a-Ginger: You’re fine, haha! I’ve never aimed to good imagery so its great that I can write it without trying!

Luckyleprechaun: No pressure, but you should watch the show. The fanfiction lives up to its awesomeness! Thank you so much lovely!

S.S.Smithington: Thank you!

Anonymous: Yes yes yes, more!

beatlelover22: Yes, Sam is a sweetheart! Hopefully he won’t be too close to Dean to catch germs!

(WARNING: This part may have references to v-ting, but none actually happens)


The apartment was quiet, except for the quiet mummer of the T.V. that Sam was watching, and the occasional cough from the bedroom. Sam had waited about 15 minutes before going to his room to check on Dean. He found Dean in sweatpants and a stolen sweatshirt he obviously found in Sam’s closet, if the large-font ‘STANFORD’ on the front was anything to go by. Dean was awkwardly twisted in the blankets on his back, a foot sticking out and one hand under the pillow, no doubt clutching a knife. His head was tipped back, a thunderous snore escaping every time he breathed in. Sam chuckled quietly and jumped when he heard a soft knock from his front door. Shutting his bedroom door, he walked quickly to the front, straightening his hair and clothes along the way. He took a deep breath before opening the door.

“Hi, Sam! Sorry I took so long, it seems quite a bit of people are sick, with that nightmare line at the pharmacy.” Jess said with a smile that took Sam’s breath away. She was still dressed nicely in a knee-length blue dress and black heels. Sam felt a pang of guilt that they couldn’t go to their fancy dinner.

“I’m so sorry this is how today turned out. It was supposed to be special and I don’t blame you for being disappointed.” Sam led his girlfriend into the apartment, his shoulders drooping with shame. Jessica turned to him after she sat the bags down on the table.

“Sam, you doofus, the whole point of an anniversary is spending time with your loved one. It doesn’t matter if we couldn’t go out. Honestly, you have to admit this is fun, eating Chinese takeout in dressy clothes while we watch dumb movies. Don’t you?” she leaned in Sam’s face, which caused him to smile shyly.

“Fine, I guess it’s not that bad. So what did you get?” Sam asked, poking through the goodies on the table. He found that his girlfriend had picked up some sesame chicken for the two of them and egg drop soup for his sick brother. She also bought a multiple boxes of tissues and there was some peppermint oil. Sam held up the small bottle, a question in his eyes.

“Oh, that’s for your brother. That stuff is amazing at clearing your sinuses, believe me. Where is he, anyway?” Jess went to the kitchen to grab some plates and utensils. Sam stayed at the table and put the food out on the table.

“He’s sleeping. He looks awful, poor guy. Thank you so much for doing all of this, babe.” Sam pulled her into his arms when she walked back. He pressed his lips to hers and slipped a twenty dollar bill in her purse while she was distracted. There was no way he was going to let her pay for all this without him chipping in. They remained lip locked until they heard a thick sniffle from the hallway. They jumped apart and saw Dean standing there, his clothes rumpled and red nose leaking to his upper lip. He was squinting woozily at Jess.

“Who th’hell are you?” Dean croaked and swallowed painfully. He had one hand on the wall for support and raised his other arm to wipe his nose with the sleeve. Sam cringed at the mess on his sweatshirt sleeve and put his arm around Jess’s waist.

“Dean, this is my girlfriend, Jessica. You can relax, there is no need to go all big brother on her.” Sam could feel the blush rising up in his cheeks. He knew his brother was sick, but damn, Dean was not on his game right now. Dean’s eyes locked on the boxes of tissues and he lumbered over. Sitting in one of the chairs, he snatched one up and tore it open. Before grabbing one, he looked up at the couple.

“Dude, she is way out of your league. Why the hell are you with this ugly moose?” He asked Jess and blew his nose. Sam’s bitch-face was at max power and Jess burst out laughing.

“I can tell we are going to get along very well Dean. I brought you some soup, if that’s okay?” Jess opted out shaking his hand and gave him a small kiss on his heated forehead. Dean gave a small smile; if he wasn’t feeling so shitty right now, there would be some seriously shameless flirting. Dean did the hand-waving in his face again, his eyelids fluttering.

“Hh-ETCCSSHuu!! Hhh-HAEESHCH! Hh-EHKSSSCHH!!” Dean groaned and blew his nose before putting his head on the table. Sam blessed him and put the back of his hand to his brother’s forehead. He sighed when he felt the burning heat and took the soup and a spoon out.

“I know you’re still feeling nauseous dude, but you need something in your belly for these flu meds.” Dean nodded, sat up, and began eating his dinner, albeit slowly. Sam patted Dean on the shoulder before fixing some food for Jessica and himself. “You want to join us for a movie?” he asked. Dean waved them off.

“Go enjoy your impromptu date, man. I’ll probably sleep after this anyway.” He said and coughed heavily in his elbow. Sam hesitated, but before he decided to stay, Dean gave him a pointed look. Sam huffed and went into the living room where Jess was already seated and the movie menu was showing on the television screen.


True to his word, Dean managed to eat half of his bowl before going back to Sam’s room and took a box of tissues with him. Sam and Jess were curled up together on the couch, sneaking in a kiss here and there. The movie was almost over when Dean walked in, breathing heavily through his mouth.

“Dean? You okay, man?” Sam and Jess looked up, concerned. Dean shook his head and collapsed on the other couch. “Did you throw up again?”

“Dno. Jus wogke ub ad dnow I cad’t breathe for shit. Sorry for interruptig, jus need to sit ub.” Dean was seriously stuffed up, his voice thick and garbled. “F-Fuck-HTSHHCH! Heh-t’SHHUH!” Dean shot forward into his tissues. His nose gave a ‘knnxt!’ when he tried to sniff, because no air was going in, so he settled for just holding the tissue there as his nose ran. “Jus shood be dnow, please.” He moaned.

“That’s my cue!” Jess surprised them both by going into the kitchen. There were sounds of cabinets opening and closing before she returned with a big steaming bowl of hot water and sat it on the table. Jess then walked down the hallway and came back with a clean towel.

“Where did you get water that is almost boiling?” Sam stopped the movie and moved to the edge of the couch as he watched his girlfriend bustle about.

“I put some water in a pot and heated it on the stove when you went to the bathroom some time ago. Dean, come over here please. And bring your tissues.” She said and patted the chair she wanted Dean in. Dean looked over to Sam, who only shrugged his shoulders, before standing up and walked to the table to sit down. Jess picked up the peppermint oil and put a generous amount in the bowl. It was very strong, and even Sam’s nose tingled a bit as the room filled with the minty aroma. Jess then leaned Dean’s head over the bowl before draping the towel over him. “Breathe in that for a while, it should help out a lot.”

“I thought you used something like eucalyptus for the steamy bowl thing.” Sam walked over to where his girlfriend and miserable brother was. He could hear Dean snuffling under the towel and rubbed his back.

“You do, but the mint is better. It’s faster and smells so much better.” Jess smiled and checked her watch. “Oh, wow it’s late. I would stay, but I need to go study for this paper I have in class tomorrow.” She gathered her things and stood on her toes to give Sam a kiss. “I’ll see you soon, okay? Feel better Dean, it was nice to meet you.” Dean gave her a slow wave from under the towel. Sam and Jess chuckled and she kissed him one last time before letting herself out. Sam sighed and sat across from Dean.

“‘Out of my league’? Really, Dean?” Sam asked, still slightly annoyed from what his brother said earlier.

“Hey, you know the rules. Always embarrass your sibling in front of their sweetheart.” Sam could hear the grin in Dean’s voice, which was much clearer now.

“S-Sam, hand me the t-tissues…” Dean’s breath hitched and he snatched the box under the towel with him. “Ehhhh-HURSHHH! ITSCHCHH! ETSHHCHH! Hp-TSCHCHHH! Oh my God…Dean gasped after the fit and moved the towel to lift his head. Dean’s face was sweaty from the steam and he blew his now runny nose into tissue after tissue.

“You are a gross pile of snot, you know that?” Sam huffed with a smile, his chin in his hand as he watched Dean try to clear his nose. Dean rolled his eyes and took a deep breath through his nose, sighing happily.

“Your girl is a fucking genius, man. You better keep her close.” Dean gave a huge yawn and rubbed at his eyes. “M goin’ back to bed. Night, dude.” He mumbled and stumbled back to Sam’s room.

“Believe me, I plan on it.” Sam said, mostly to himself. His phone dinged and he pulled it out, only to laugh at the picture of Jess holding the twenty he slipped in her purse earlier, with a fake grumpy expression on her face. He tapped a reply before beginning to clean up.

Happy Anniversary? –S



Wow, this was longer than I thought. I just started to type and I didn’t stop! Well, here’s the end of yet another fic! What should I write next? I’m open to suggestions! blushsmiley.gif (Don't forget to leave comments! They help me get better at writing!)

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Gahhhhh!!!!!!! stretcher.gif

I so wish for more! This was such a tease to what could have continued :P Dean is just.....guh! :heart:

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Wow, I wish you would continue with this. I absolutely loved the part where Sam got Jess's text with the $20 bill. If you are taking suggestions for the future, I personally quite enjoy Sam (and your Jess is awesome too). You're amazing and yeah...

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Oh my, you darlings are so sweet ^_^

I'm sorry if that ended to abruptly, but I was wanting to end it there! Maybe I'll write a little epilogue, but I think it's nice where it is, don't you? :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wow, this was longer than I thought. I just started to type and I didn’t stop! Well, here’s the end of yet another fic! What should I write next? I’m open to suggestions! (Don't forget to leave comments! They help me get better at writing!)

Well talking of epilogue... such sick and contagious Dean begs for some Sam catching the bug. Just saying ;-)

BTW Thanks for the story, I'm such in SPN withdrawal right now, I have to re read a lot of stuff and this new story was refreshing and everyone was in character so... yeah :D

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Wow, this was longer than I thought. I just started to type and I didn’t stop! Well, here’s the end of yet another fic! What should I write next? I’m open to suggestions! (Don't forget to leave comments! They help me get better at writing!)

Well talking of epilogue... such sick and contagious Dean begs for some Sam catching the bug. Just saying ;-)

BTW Thanks for the story, I'm such in SPN withdrawal right now, I have to re read a lot of stuff and this new story was refreshing and everyone was in character so... yeah biggrin.png

Thank you so much for the sweet words. Unfortunately, I most likely will not be adding to this story. BUUUUT The comment you left made my day! It's always a bit difficult to stay in character.

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  • 1 month later...

Sorry this is so late; I was very busy these past couple of days!

“S-Sam, hand me the t-tissues…” Dean’s breath hitched and he snatched the box under the towel with him. “Ehhhh-HURSHHH! ITSCHCHH! ETSHHCHH! Hp-TSCHCHHH! Oh my God…Dean gasped after the fit and moved the towel to lift his head. Dean’s face was sweaty from the steam and he blew his now runny nose into tissue after tissue.

love this <3

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