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Sick at The ARIAS (One Direction, Niall)


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Trying something a little bit different here. This is my first One Direction fic. I've been into them for a while now and after seeing them in concert the other week, this baby just kind of snowballed. It's based on interviews of Harry and Niall when they were in Australia last November for the ARIAS and Niall was ill.

A/N: It is not intended to be slash, I just noticed how Harry and Niall touch each other quite a bit. If you want to read slash into it then go for it. Whatever floats your boat.

Warning: Please do not mistake Australian slang for racial slurs. I am Australian and when you say someone had a bit of a "wog", it means they had a bit of a bug, or an illness. It is in no way intended to be racist, please don't take it that way.

Niall struggled to swallow the coughs, but Harry made him laugh.

“Niall’s lost it,” Fitzy joked, as he struggled to get a breath in.

“I’m on antibiotics, to be honest wid ya. I’m not very well...”

“You’re on antibiotics?” Fitzy asked.

“Had to get the doctor round,” he added, as Harry put a comforting hand on his chest.

“Is it the flu, mate?” Wippa said.

“Dunno what it is,” Niall shook his head.

“Just some sort of a wog, ay?” Wippa’s accent was so classically Australian, even in Niall’s state, he had to make fun of it.

“Ah, tell ya what, mate. It’s killin’ me.”

Harry had moved further away from him on the couch, joking about germs.

“I wish I’d known, before I sat so close,” Harry said, as Fitzy and Wippa clutched their stomachs laughing.

If Niall was honest with himself, the entire interview was kind of a blur, and this was not the last interview of the day. They were stuck here for a few hours yet.

Fitzy and Wippa signed off and they were off the air.

Niall coughed into his elbow again.

“You alright, mate?” Harry nudged him.

Niall nodded, continued coughing.

“Get ‘im some water, will ya, Sarah?” Fitzy called.

Niall sniffed, “Nah. I’m good. I’m alright.”

There was a bit more ribbing, and laughs before the boisterous Aussie radio hosts left the room, wishing Niall good health on their way out.

They had a bit of time while the next hosts came in and set up. Niall wiped his face, he felt a little clammy through the interview and putting his hand to his face he realised he was sweating.

Niiiiall?” Harry had been calling his name, in a variety of funny voices he guessed, from the smiles on everyone’s faces.

“What?” he looked at his band mate.

“You’re awfully quiet. You sure you’re alright?”

Niall sniffed, tried to rub the itch away with his thumb and forefinger, across the bridge of his nose.

“Just tiih- tired. Het’schkew!” he pressed the back of his wrist against his nose.

“Bless ya, mate,” Harry snuggled Niall into his side, an arm around his shoulders.

What do you think? Continue?

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They got through the next few interviews. Everyone must have started to notice Niall’s decline, because soon a glass of water appeared in front of him, then a box of tissues. At least he managed not to sneeze when the camera was rolling.

Huh’eh’schtuu! Ehh’kschoo!”

“Bless you,” Harry’s brow furrowed.

Niall crumpled up the used tissue in his hand, coughed into his fist.

“You should have stayed in bed if you were this sick, Ni.”

“I felt alright,” he lied, elbows leaning on his knees.

“You wanna call it quits? I can do it on my own, mate.”

“No, what are you talkin’ about? We’ve only got one more left anyway.”

Harry shrugged.

The door opened and in walked Kyle and Jackie O. Harry instinctively stood up, Niall followed albeit a little slow and sluggishly.

“I won’t shake your hand, I’m a bit unwell,” Niall mumbled, staying in his designated corner.

“Aw, no. You alright?” Jackie asked, her voice laced with concern.

“Yeah, just a bit tired,” he turned to the side and sneezed into his elbow, “Huh’eschoo!”

A chorus of bless you’s filled the room.

“Aw, you poor thing,” Jackie said, as they all sat down, “Are you alright for this?”

“I said I could do it without him.”

“It’s not a problem,” she assured.

“I’m fine, honestly,” he tried to smile.

“He’s a trouper,” Kyle smiled at them, as they sat down.

This interview seemed longer, and Niall was quickly losing his ability to swallow the coughs. They seemed to erupt out of him with little to no warning. He spent half the time buried in the crook of his arm, or that’s at least what it felt like.

Then the glorious words came, “That’s it. You boys are done.”

Liam, Zayn and Louis were a few rooms over still going on their interviews. Harry looked at Niall and put a hand on his knee, giving it a squeeze.

“Do you wanna head back to the motel? Have a wee nap?”

Niall yawned despite himself, shook his head, trying to clear some of the fog.

“Might not be a bad idea, Harold.”

The car took them back to the hotel, which fortunately wasn’t too far away. Niall sat coughing against his arm, sniffling occasionally.

“You’re a mess, you know that?”

“Shud up. Het’eshhuu!”


More to come...

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“Feel better, mate,” Harry waved as they split up down the hall to go to their retrospective rooms. Niall nodded back. His throat hurt too much to say anything. He hadn’t felt this horrible in a long time. Paul had sat with him last night for a few hours before they made the call to the doctor, by that time he was running a pretty good fever.

Niall dropped himself into his bed, pulling the covers tightly around him, coughing into his pillow.


“Harry, we’ll be up in about half an hour. We’ll set Lou up in your room.”

“Yeah, no worries, Paul. You might want to give Niall a call and let ‘im know.”

“Ah, how is the young lad?”

“He was a bit sick at the interviews this morning, poor fella.”

“Yeah, he’s had a rough go of it. I’ll call him and make sure he’s up to it.”

“Thanks, Paul. See you soon, yeah.”


Niall was curled on himself, coughing into a fist. That was how he’d spent the better part of the afternoon. His phone buzzed next to him, and he rolled over to grab it. A cough took him by surprise as he answered and he held the phone away until he could get himself under control.

“Paul,” his voice was rough, “What’s going on, mate?”

“Jesus, Niall. Ye sound terrible.”

Niall shuddered, “Is there any particular reason you’re calling?”

“It’s the ARIAS nominee dinner tonight. We’ll be setting up hair in Harry’s room in half an hour.”

Niall coughed again, shook his head and rolled his eyes at his failure to contain it.

“Do we need to get the doctor back?”

“No, I’m alright. I’ll be there.”

“Ye don’t have to come, mate. The others can make excuses for ye.”

“No, no, no. I’ll miss one ting and the paper’s’ll say I’m leavin’ the group or something. It’s fine, I’m alright.”

“Ye got any medicine or anything?”

“Just my antibiotics.”

“I’ll get something else for ye. Just rest up for another half hour and meet us in Harry’s room.”

“No worries,” Niall hung up.

He actually managed to fall asleep soon after talking to Paul. His chest and stomach ached from the incessant cough.


“Jesus,” he moaned, pushing himself up. He folded back over on himself when the painful cough bubbled up from his chest.


Shit,” he whispered, taking a few uninterrupted breaths.

The thumping continued and he dragged himself up and opened the door, it was Paul.

“Jesus Christ, Niall. You alright?”

His nose twitched. He snuffled, turned to look at the neon clock by his bed.

“Ah, shit. Sorry, mate,” he walked back over to find his shoes.

“I called ye six times.”

“I... musta slept trew it," he said, sitting on the edge of the bed, pulling his shoes on.

Paul shook his head, ran a hand through his short hair.

“Ye can’t go like this...”

Niall stood up and looked at him, his eyes slightly glazed, then he grinned, his cheeks soft around his mouth.

“I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

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Why am I getting so excited over this??? Niall you adorbs little- Umph!

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I am actually in love with Niall so this is perfect!! Please continue this, there are never enough One Direction or Niall fics around ahhh

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Niall entered Harry's room as all the boys were getting ready to leave.

"Well, look who finally decided to show up!" Louis teased.

“Ya’alright, mate?” Zayn said, slapping him on the shoulder.

“Yeah,” he croaked, waving him off.

Lou was directing him quickly into the chair to fix his do.

He coughed into his fist, closed his eyes while she fussed.

“Niall, you’re awfully warm...”

“Yeah, probably.”

Lou furrowed her brow, but continued without saying anything else.

The boy were mucking around as usual. Paul was stressing about getting them ready, especially cause Harry wasn’t even wearing a shirt yet.

“Settle, boys. We gotta leave in 5.”

Niall leant forward in his chair, pulling his head away from Lou, as he coughed hard and rattly.

“Hey,” Paul squatted by Niall’s chair, with a hand on the arm rest, “How ye feeling?”

“Me throat’s killin’ me.”

“Here,” he said, popping a blister pack, “Ye had nurofen plus before?”

“Don’t tink so,” Niall took them in his hand.

“Ye might feel a bit weird, but ye’ll feel better. You eaten anyting recently?”

Niall shook his head.

“Ah...” Paul looked around like he was thinking about it, “Just keep ‘em till you’ve had dinner. Had yer antibiotic?”

“Yessir,” Niall nodded.

Louis had an arm draped over him as they walked down the the car. Niall convulsed with coughs again.

“You sure you’re alright? I think you have a temperature, Ni,” he said pressing a hand to his forehead.

Niall sniffed, felt his nose twitch, “Feel... Het’schuoo!... Shite.”

“Go back upstairs, man!” Zayn said. He had sympathy for Niall, he’d been sick himself a week ago. Probably passed it on to his bandmate.

“Nah, he’s a fighter,” Harry said, “Aren’t ya, Niall?”

Niall nodded, sneezed into his elbow again.

“Bless you,” they said in unison.

Niall had his head leaning against the glass window. He sniffed, coughed. Pulled the pills out of his pocket and stared at them.

“Ah, fuck it,” he said as he tipped them into his mouth, dry swallowing them. The lump scratched all the way down his throat and he coughed again.

“Geez, we’re all gonna be sick by the end of this,” he heard Liam mutter. He looked up to see that cheeky smile on his face.

“Come ‘ere, Liam. Hold me,” Niall joked.

Harry was sitting next to Niall, feeling the heat that poured out of him where their arms touched.

“You’ll tell one of us if ye feel worse, won’t ya?” Harry muttered quietly.

Niall looked at him, “Ye going soft, Harold?”

Harry laughed, pushed him a little, “‘M serious, mate. Don’t go hiding anythin’.”

“Yeah, I know,” Niall nodded, looking out the window.

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Nawwwww!!!!! Niall needs a hug and a pillow. :3 Such a sweetie. Love these boys :heart:

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry for how long it's been. I'm usually pretty quick with these but I just started studying again and it's taking up allllll of my time. I lost momentum with this and I'm sorry for the rapid end :( I hope you enjoyed it anyway *fingers crossed*


By the time they got to the dinner the nurofen had kicked in, but more importantly, so had the codeine. His nose felt clear, a little dry even, in fact everything felt dry and his throat felt worse, but the beauty was he didn’t really care. He felt euphoric, sluggish and content.

He was the last one to get out of the car and he kind of stumbled on the step, he caught himself though, and being at the back of the group, none of the other boys noticed. Only security that were standing behind him.

God, now that he was upright he realised he felt really weird. His stomach flipped and his head spun, but he did feel good. Really good.

Niall seemed to be full of energy as they made there way through the groups off gathered fans, signing things and taking pictures. The flashing lights were messing with his head, but he laughed and smiled and spoke to the fans, spoke to the media, danced along the carpet. He made it through the arrival with only a few uncontrolled sneezes, which seemed to emerge when his eyes caught a particularly bad camera flash.

Harry glanced at him during their last interview along the carpet. They laughed and joked in front of the camera but there was something else in it too, he was concerned.

“Niall, you alright, mate?” he put his arm around him as they made their way into the room.

There were round tables set up everywhere and they were quickly ushered where to go.

“Yeah, I feel great,” he shrugged.

Harry left him to it. They all sat down around their table and immediately started joking and laughing with one another.

Niall seemed in high spirits, a little too high if you asked Harry, but at least he wasn’t coughing or shivering or looking like he was going to die. At least not yet.

Everything seemed to take a downward turn when dinner was brought out.

“Do ya not like it, Ni?” Louis asked, peering at Niall, who hadn’t touched his food.

“Not really hungry,” he gave up, pushing the plate away.

“You’re positively green, mate,” Liam said, his brow furrowed.

Niall grabbed his napkin and brought it to his nose, “Heh’SCHUuu! Huh’KTSChho!”

Suddenly he pushed his chair back all the way and leaned his head right down, bracing his elbows on his knees, head hanging.

“Woah,” Louis put a hand on his back, “You alright? Can we get like a bucket or something?”

Harry came round the table and crouched next to him. People from other tables, celebrities, were turning their heads towards the commotion. Someone did actually appear with a bucket and it was shoved under his head.

Niall still hadn’t answered anyone, but held the bowl on his own.

Harry rubbed a hand up and down his back, “Talk to us, Niall.”

Niall didn’t talk. He coughed. He coughed hard and long, it rattled and gurgled and eventually left a gob of mucus in the bottom of the bowl.

“Shit…” Louis said.

“Alright, let’s get him out of here,” Liam, AKA Daddy Direction, announced.

“Niall, can you stand up, mate?” Harry asked. Niall shook his head. “Do you think you need an ambulance?”

Niall was silent, and slumped forward a little more. Louis’ arms were around him.

Zayn pulled his phone out, “This is ridiculous, I’m calling an ambulance.”

Security and event planners or whatever they are, were around the boys table. Asking them what happened, what was going on.

Niall started dry retching into the bowl and Harry put a comforting hand on the back of his neck. Unfortunately the retching only made him cough more.


Niall didn’t remember much after that. He remembered the paramedics coming in, asking him all sorts of questions. They made him stand up and walked him out to the ambulance. He remembered bits of the trip to the hospital, but mostly it was just white. When he came to, he was lying in a bed, tubes in his arms. His chest felt heavy and his head pounded.

“Hey, he’s waking up.”

He turned his head and saw Louis and Harry.

“I’ll get Paul,” he heard Zayn say from somewhere else in the room.

“What the-” Niall started, but his throat was raw. He tipped his head back and coughed.

“Take it easy, mate,” Harry had a hand on his shoulder.

“What happened?” He croaked.

“Niall…” Louis said, “Do you know what’s in nurofen plus?”

Niall furrowed his brow, “Nurofen.”

“And codeine,” Harry added, “Which you happen to be allergic to.”

“Oh,” Niall closed his eyes, swallowed, “Is that what that was?”

“You’ve never had it before so we didn’t know,” Louis added.

Niall nodded, “I didn’t do anything embarrassing, did I?”

Liam was sitting on the little couch at the edge of the room, “You threw up on Katy Perry’s shoes.”

“What!?” Niall sat up, started coughing again.

“Geez, I’m only joking,” he teased.

Harry glared at him, “Not really the time, Liam.”

“Eh, you’ll laugh about it later,” Liam gave a sympathetic smile.

Niall lay back against the pillows, “Well, this sucks.”

“Hey, you’ll be alright,” Harry said, squeezing his shoulder, “And you didn’t throw up on her shoes, but she did send you flowers,” Harry indicated to the windowsill full of gifts and flowers and get well cards behind Liam.

“She’s so in love with me,” Niall grinned, then let his eyes close.

“Yeah, I’m sure she is. Get some sleep, tiger,” Harry laughed.



That last part was terrible. Sorry :(

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NIALL!!!!!!!!!!! SWEETIE! :heart:

Best. Story. EVER. Looking forward to more of these :D

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  • 1 year later...

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