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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Cover for - free!, makoharu, haruka (m)


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Hey~! So, as promised, I'm back with another MakoHaru oneshot from the prompt game I'm playing with ElementsOfGray! I'm quite fond of this one, so I hope you like it too!!


Title: Cover For

Fandom: Free! Iwatobi Swim Club/Eternal Summer

Disclaimer: Don't own Free!. Very much wish I did sometimes. xDD;

Characters: Makoto, Haru (m)



1.) Once again, I ship MakoHaru like it's my job. So while this isn't by any means hardcore m/m, they are very much together and in love. :razz:

2.) This one also takes place in Tokyo (post-series), at some point during their first year at university. I told you I love this setting. xDD;;

Prompt: Makoto covering for Haru so he doesn't sneeze on anyone in public.



The rumbling sway of the train was enough to lull Haruka to sleep right then and there, despite the fact that he was standing up. He had to fight to keep his eyes open, gripping the dingy metal pole with both hands in his best effort to remain upright.


Haruka Nanase hated public transportation. The smell, the crowds, the noise, the waiting.. it repulsed him more than almost anything else in the big city. Sure, he'd had to take the train in Iwatobi, but the experiences could hardly be more different. There, the people were friendly, and the facilities were cleaner, and you could see the ocean from the windows. You could actually sit down in a seat and fall asleep and your greatest concern would be missing your stop. No danger of getting robbed, or worse.


Here, you were lucky if you even found a seat. Usually, the cars were so packed that passengers were squeezed together like sardines in a can. Which was why Haruka was standing up, holding onto his pole as if his life depended on it.


Ordinarily, Haruka found himself running through all the things he hated about trains to pass the time, but tonight, he just wanted it to be over already. His head ached, and his whole body trembled with fatigue. He longed to be back in his apartment, or Makoto's, or really just anywhere he could sit down.


Speaking of Makoto. He could practically feel his concerned stare on his back, but he didn't have the energy to turn around and check. The jostling of impatient passengers had separated them, and Makoto now stood several rows back from him, clinging to his own pole. Haruka closed his eyes, letting out a weary sigh. The two of them had gone downtown for dinner, and were now on their way back to their respective apartments. Haruka didn't regret it – on the contrary, he treasured every opportunity he got to spend time with his boyfriend, since their schedules were both so hectic. However, he had pushed his limits a little too far tonight, and was only realizing it now.


"Hh.." Haruka wrinkled his nose, frowning as a most unwanted itch made itself known within his sinuses. He chanced letting go with one hand to try and rub it away, only to nearly lose his balance as the train whipped around a corner. He gave a silent huff of displeasure, shifting position in an attempt to rub it again without letting go. However, he was squished so close to the pole by the other passengers that it was awkward and uncomfortable, and he soon gave up.


The itch, however, did not. It spidered up and down his throat, taunting him, making his breath catch deep in his chest. Haruka's frown became a scowl. When he was younger, he had endured much friendly teasing for never realizing when he was going to sneeze until it happened; but living in Tokyo had quickly trained him out of that. In the big city, it was very, very rude to sneeze or cough without covering your mouth or else wearing a mask, and naturally in order to do that one must be prepared beforehand. So Haruka had learned.


That didn't really help him in cases like this, though. His arms were effectively pinned in front of him, and so no matter how he tried to cover, it would likely not be good enough to be considered polite. Haruka sighed again, air rasping against his developing sore throat, and willed himself not to sneeze.


"hh'KSSHh'h!" ...it didn't work. Haruka snapped forward, tucking his head down over his chest, but he wasn't quick enough; and worse, he still had to sneeze. He kept his eyes fixed on the pole, not wanting to see the disgusted glares that would surely be leveled in his direction. If he could just keep from sneezing any more, it would probably be okay..


" hh! 'KgSsh'u! 'TSSH'h!" No such luck. Haruka squeezed his eyes shut and held his breath, trying desperately to control it, to keep it from happening... but the irritation only grew, prickling through his nasal passages until his body took over again. "nn'KKkSh'h! Hh'UHKkSH'u!" These tore at his throat, making his eyes water.


"Hey, watch it!"


"Wear a damn mask!"


"Get away from me!"


Haruka winced as he was jostled from both sides, receiving sharp reprimands from several people near him. He bit the inside of his lip and glared at the pole, trying not to let the comments sting. What did they know, anyway? It wasn't his fault that he was tired, or that he wasn't feeling well, or that he didn't have a mask with him. Just a little longer, and he'd be at his own apartment anyway, where he wouldn't bother anyone, and nobody could bother him.


The train slowed, then stopped, doors hissing open. For a moment, the space around Haruka freed up as people exited the car. But in the next, more people boarded, all stomping feet and scowling faces, and he was crowded once again. They brought the cold winter air in with them, thick with fumes and dust, and Haruka shivered violently, huddling in on himself as the chill sank into his tired muscles and the scents assaulted his nose.


The doors slid shut, and new passengers pressed in on him, everyone shoulder to shoulder, everyone impatient and ill-tempered and anxious to get wherever they were going. Haruka's head began to throb along with the noise of the train, and his nose threatened to run. His fingers around the pole were gloveless, turning icy cold as the metal did the same. His jacket wasn't enough to keep the harsh wind out, but it was also too much in the stifling warmth of too many bodies mashed together. Haruka let his shoulders droop, leaned his head forward to touch the chilled metal of the pole. He was exhausted. He was cold. He was fed up with Tokyo. He... had to sneeze again.


Curling as far into himself as possible, he pressed his nose into the cuff of his sleeve, clumsily. "Heh'IHSSh'h! Hh-hh – 'AHGkSsH'u!" ….managing little other than to bang his forehead on the pole. And yet still got a fresh round of venomous grumbles from the people around him.


Haruka wilted, ready to give up. His throat burned, his whole body ached, and his nose felt unbearably tickly and swollen. He couldn't control it anymore, he just didn't have the energy. If they decided to throw him off the train, then so be it.


Another station came and went, leaving the car just as crowded as before. Haruka coughed harshly as the sharp smells overwhelmed him, not caring who bitched at him for it this time. Someone pressed right up against his back, and he endeavored to ignore them, more concerned with the fact that his nose most definitely was about to start running, and he didn't have a handkerchief. He sniffled, winced at the wet sound of it, and then made do with his sleeve.. only to nearly lose his balance again the moment he let go.


If he'd been more alert, he would've said that the person behind him grabbed his shoulders to steady him, but he knew he had to be imagining things. His eyes were hot and blurred with moisture, and his ears were ringing. He tried fuzzily to remember how many more stops there were until his own, but his nose interrupted him.


"Hhih!" His breath hitched, then calmed, and he bristled with annoyance. This kind of feeling was the worst – he knew he was going to sneeze, but when he would sneeze was anyone's guess, and so he had no choice but to wait... head tilting back, eyelashes fluttering, nostrils quivering, his whole body tensing up as he helplessly anticipated the loathed yet much-needed release – and –! "hih'AHhGkSSH'hmfh!"


A warm, gloved hand gently covered his mouth and nose at the precise moment that Haruka crumpled forward; and the arms that belonged with the hand wrapped around him for support. Haruka stiffened, and would've given the person a well-placed elbow to the gut... if he hadn't been all too aware that he'd probably have toppled over without them there. As it was, the occurrence startled him so much that any subsequent sneezes backed off for the moment, and he twisted sharply around, heart pounding – to find himself looking up into kind, familiar green eyes.


"Easy," Makoto admonished him softly, shaking his head. He had wrapped himself around Haruka from behind, holding onto the pole with one strong hand and resting the other on Haruka's own arm. "And bless you." He whispered the last into Haruka's ear, making him shiver.


"S-Shut up-" Haruka began, heat crawling up his neck; but his nose twitched again, sending him over the edge once more with a sharp "hh'IGKTSH'n! hh-hih – 'UHGKSsH'mf!"


Makoto adjusted his position so that they could both be comfortable, catching Haruka's sneezes in his own hand as if it were a completely natural thing to do. Haruka suspected that everyone present found the situation too awkward to even comment on, though there were plenty of scandalized stares. Makoto, however, ignored them all, and shielded Haruka with his body as if to protect him from them as well.


"Sorry it took me so long to get to you," Makoto murmured, his warm breath tickling Haruka's ear. "Are you okay?"


Haruka knew he should tell him to move, call him stupid, scoff that his attempts at not making a scene were doing just that. But... it... was Makoto.. and if he were to be completely honest...


"...better dnow." Haruka mumbled, allowing himself to relax by increments. Makoto was strong, and warm, and being in his arms was truthfully the best possible thing that could happen to him right now, on this smelly, unfriendly train. Haruka would be stupid not to accept it.


"Mm." Makoto hummed, and though he couldn't see him, he was sure he was smiling. Haruka uttered a half-hearted snort, which just made his nose itch more. Biting his lip, he sniffled, grimacing; and then Makoto's hand was back against his face, firm but not stifling, his fingertips massaging the bridge of Haruka's nose. It was all Haruka could do to keep from groaning in appreciation.


The train lurched, causing Haruka's heart to skip a beat; but Makoto was a rock, holding them both up without any difficulty. Suddenly Haruka almost felt like crying, he was so relieved. The heat prickling behind his eyes just made his nose itch more, however, and he sneezed again. "hh'AHSHh'hk! hn'KSSCh'hmf!" Makoto's warm palm was waiting, though, covering for him in a way that was comfortable both for him and (mostly) for everyone else.


As if reading his thoughts, Makoto chuckled. "Well, at least they can't complain about the spread of germs now, can they," he said lightly, giving Haruka a squeeze.


Haruka 'hmph'd' quietly, rubbing his nose against the rough fabric of Makoto's glove. It served as a decent mask, he thought drowsily. Now that Makoto was there, keeping himself awake was proving to be even harder. He doubted he'd even be standing right now if Makoto weren't basically holding him up.


"Don't worry," Makoto continued, his hair brushing against Haru's temple. "We'll get you some masks and tissues tonight so you can be comfortable. And so these stupid city people can stop giving you a hard time." Makoto's tone turned offended, which was just so funny that Haruka couldn't help it. He started to laugh.


His shoulders shook with it, and Makoto paused his mini-tirade. "Haru?" His voice squeaked as he tried to make it quiet, which made Haruka laugh harder.


"Y-You're so –" was all Haruka could choke out, before breaking down into a fit of coughs, but he didn't mind. The whole world could see that Makoto was a giant dork, but it didn't matter, because he was his giant dork.


Makoto let go to rub soothingly at Haruka's back as the train slowed again. "This came on quickly, huh..." he observed, voice still softer than one would think possible from someone his size.


Haruka shrugged. Yes, and no.. he hadn't realized it was quite this bad until tonight, but he'd felt it coming for a while now.


Makoto sighed, and murmured something else that Haruka didn't hear. Makoto was so warm...


"...Haru.." Makoto was talking into his ear again, which made him want to giggle more for some reason.


"Mm..?" He grunted a response, since Makoto seemed to want one.


"I think you have a fever," he said, patiently. Haruka shrugged again, then shivered at the rush of air. Makoto hugged him tighter, his hand hovering near Haruka's face just in case.


They stood pressed together in a comfortable silence for a while, and gradually the gawkers lost interest, turning away with a scoff or a curse. Haruka began to drift off in earnest, safe in his soulmate's arms... and didn't stir until Makoto shifted to get his attention.


"Haru, my stop is next," he informed him gently.


Haruka blinked, a sinking feeling tugging at his insides. Right. Makoto's stop was first.. then his own, two stations after. Before he was finished processing this, the train was slowing – but before he could panic, Makoto was squeezing his arm.


"Come home with me?" His breath was warm, his embrace warmer; and Haruka was nodding his answer almost before he spoke.


"A..ah.." He was going to say more, but his voice cracked, and his nose prickled, and Makoto never needed many words anyway. "hh'KKTSsH'h! hh'UHGkSsH'n! hh-hh! 'AHGKkSCh'mf!"


Makoto didn't miss a single one, anticipating them better than Haruka himself.


"hh'ISSCH'h! 'KkSSH'h! hiISSh'h! hheh – 'UGKHSCh'mf!" The rapidfire fits made Haruka dizzy, but Makoto was there, so it was okay. He didn't have to worry about staying upright, or keeping his footing when they got off the train, or making their way to Makoto's dorm. He was sneezing, and he was tired, and he was fed up with Tokyo. But with Makoto, it was bearable again. Because... with Makoto... he was home.





And there you go! Feedback and comments much appreciated, as always ^_^ 

Edited by {rhodochrosite}
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oH MY- This is so cute!! I very much enjoyed this one. Poor Haru in the beginning, I could feel his embarrassment. Keep up the good work!

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That was lovely thank you so much for sharing, Poor Haruuuuu

Oh my goodness though it was so adorable and I love the way

you write! Awesome points from me keep up the good work! *hugs*

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Oh my god... OH. MY. GOD.

I logged on to the forum tonight for the SOLE PURPOSE of finding a sick!Haru fic. It was exciting enough to find one right on the first page, but then to see that YOU wrote it, I almost screamed and woke up my whole household. And even with all that excitement and anticipation, this beauty did not disappoint.

Your fics always make me like things I never thought I would like. Catching someone else's sneezes had always been a little much for me, BUT THIS IS AMAZING! So much cute. SO MUCH CUTE. Gahhhhhhh it gives me butterflies and makes me all squirmy. wubsmiley.gif This fic is so daring and delightful it feels positively SINFUL and I love it so much.

And duuuuuude the Mako/Haru. YES. Perfection.

You know, I started watching Free! because you told me to, and I think it was the best decision I've made all year. Haru is my favorite, and you made him even more adorable. Thank you for another awesome story. I will read absolutely anything you write.

Usually, the cars were so packed that passengers were squeezed together like sardines in a can

^That is so Haru, thinking in terms of fish. laughing.gif

When he was younger, he had endured much friendly teasing for never realizing when he was going to sneeze until it happened

^Headcanon accepted.

"I think you have a fever," he said, patiently.

^heart.gifheart.gif FEVERSheart.gifheart.gif

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Best use of such a prompt ever! heart.gif__heart.gif Makoto doing that for Haru is so delightfully delicious that I could just blush! I really really enjoyed every millisecond I spent on this fic. You've done such an amazing job! And it's always nice to see Tokyo MakoHaru... I hope you write more of these wonderful Free! fics because I'm definitely a fan now~ clap.gif

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Ohhhhh my gosh, that was so cute!!! Poor Haru, that's just the absolute worst feeling- it's a good thing he has the sweetest boyf in the whole world. These dorks will be the death of me, I swear. wubsmiley.gif

Thanks for sharing!

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this was one of the cuuuuuuutest fics you've ever written, I swear :D I love how you describe mako and Haru so perfectly, and it was especially adorable when Makoto basically shielded Haru like a rock. I need to go and reread it now!!

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It is nearly 1 am and I am practically crying with feels over this fic im

my heart. it. it's so happy.

Makoto is SUCH a mom and and you did it all so perfectly, sick Haru is one of my weakness and im,,, yes.

every moment of it was frackin adorable and the last linE I can't handle the cute

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  • 1 month later...

I'm so sorry it took me so long to read this--I was missing out! This was a lovely story. The way you characterize Haru and Makoto is, as always, perfect. I love that you were able to carry the story with so little dialog, and focus mostly on their surroundings and the character's body language, while using those details to convey their feelings. This is really good, solid writing. I'm always impressed with the quality of your work, and this is no exception.

I can imagine it must have been...awkward, to say the least, for the people on the train to watch Makoto covering Haru's face like that. XD; But hey, it's a good solution. It was also kind of amusing hearing Makoto complaining about "stupid city people"--I had a brief moment of offense being one myself, but then it was like, no, yeah, someone in his situation would realistically say that. (City people do have a pretty strict code of 'mind your own business' but I can't say for sure what it's like in Japan.) In any case people would definitely be grossed out and whether they said anything or not, Haru would be able to pick up on it and Makoto would even moreso--I think Makoto is more aware of other people's feelings than Haru is.

You wrote the symptoms out really well also--hot as usual, and nice and drawn out and delightfully detailed, just really really great. And Makoto is just so loving and protective, it's beautifully done.

Great work, and thanks for posting this!!

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