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Sick!Sammy Fluff (SPN)


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Hey! :)

I had a little bit of time on my hands, and for some reason I really felt like writing some sick!Sammy fluff... I tried to come up with a proper title for this, but then decided that it's just so short and random that it doesn't need one.

Basically, Sam and Dean are in the bunker. Sam's sick. Dean is just Dean, casually taking care of him without fussing. Oh, and since I'm mostly into Sherlock at the moment (like so much, you don't even want to know)... I may have actually mentioned Sherlock in this. You'll see. ;)

I had fun writing this little piece of fluff. I hope you have fun reading it, too! (:

Only warning: language...

Sam awakes to the sound of Dean rummaging downstairs. He groans, sniffles wetly, then forces himself to get up, briefly wondering why people call them 'power naps'. His personal experience is going to bed kind of tired and worn-out and waking up feeling like he's been hit by a fucking train.

He walks into the kitchen, where Dean is unpacking grocery bags, but before he can say anything, he finds himself doubled over, clutching his hand over his nose and mouth last second.


Dean pauses, looks up and raises one eyebrow. “So no improvement here.”

“Hi, Dean. A simple 'Bless you' would have sufficed”, Sam mumbles grumpily, then has to clear his throat.

“Bless you”, Dean says with an apologetic smile, then walks up to Sam and casually places his right hand on his forehead. “I told you to go to bed and take a nap while I'm gone, didn't I?”

Sam shrugs and sniffles miserably. “I did.”

Dean frowns, then shrugs. “Then I guess it's time for meds. We need to bring down that fever.”

Sam wraps his arms closer around himself. He's wearing one of his thickest sweatshirts, but it's not helping him get warm the way it usually does. “Do you really think that's necessary? I mean...”

He breaks off and turns away when his breath starts hitching. “Hehh... Hehh...”

Sam slowly brings up his hands, waiting for the sneeze to finally break its way through, a helpless expression on his face. Dean can't help but smirk at the sight, but respectfully goes back to putting away groceries as soon as Sam's fit starts, because he knows how easily his brother gets embarrassed.

“Huhh... EESHh'ooOO! Hahh'ISHHH! Hehh'ASHH'iooOo! Hehh... hehhh... hehhh... ISHHhh'Oo!”

When it's all over, Sam just sniffles wetly and leans against the doorframe for support. He feels shaken and shivery and weak. Slowly, he brings up his hand again to wipe his runny nose, and then his streaming eyes.

“Bless you”, Dean says softly, then turns around and bites his lip when he sees his brother leaning against the doorframe, all pale and bleary-eyed. “Hey”, he says gently, puts away the last bottle of orange juice and walks up to Sam again. “How are you feeling, Sammy?”

“Like shit”, Sam replies hoarsely.

“Oh, so that's an improvement then”, Dean says in the weak attempt of a joke. “I mean, last night you used the phrase 'total shit', so that means you're better now, right?”

Sam only stares at him with his 'tired-of-your-BS' expression, and Dean sighs. “Not up for joking, okay. I get that.”

He then places his hands on Sam's shoulders, turns him around with gentle force and guides him to the living room couch.

“Listen, Sammy”, he starts. “There's a case not too far from here. I'm thinking it's a vamp. Shouldn't be too hard. Four people have died already, so I really need to go and ice the sonoffabitch. You're not coming, of course.”

“Dean, I-”

“No, really, Sam. Don't even try. Anyway, I need to know that you'll be okay on your own. So, do you wanna go back to bed and sleep until I'm back or...?”

“Not tired anymore”, Sam mumbles, then sniffles thickly. “Sleeping... made it worse.”

“Yeah, okay.” Dean sighs again and puts his hands behind his back. “Alright, you can stay down here for a bit, I guess. Look, I bought you some things.”

Sam nods, then pulls his sweatshirt up over his face quickly and sneezes another strong double.

“Bless you!”, Dean says quickly, then leaves to get the Tylenol, cough drops and tissues he bought. He sets it all down on the couch table, plus a glass of water, then convinces Sam to take one of the pills. Next, he hands him the water and orders him to drink up. Sammy obeys and Dean realizes that he's reached the droopy state, where he doesn't even fight Dean anymore about these things.

Which is good and bad news at the same time.

“Look, Sammy”, he says, and holds up one more thing that he got for him when he went out. “I rented this for you, in case you get bored.”

Sam blinks sleepily, then reads the word on the DVD and frowns sceptically. “Sherlock?”

Dean shrugs. “Yeah. It's a modern Sherlock Holmes or something. People say the show is really good.”

“What people? Dean, who do you even talk to about this sort of stuff? Hehh...Hehh'ITCHh'ew!”

“Bless you. And... there's the internet, okay?”, Dean replies defensively. “So, what do you say?” He shakes the DVD encouragingly.

Sam shrugs. “Modern Sherlock Holmes. That just sounds like some kind of weird AU fanfiction to me.”

Dean startes at him and narrows his eyes in confusion, still holding up the DVD. “First of all, I have no idea what you just said.”

“Well, like you said, the internet...”, Sam mumbled, then starts coughing harshly.

“And second”, Dean continues undeterred, “I just thought you might like it. I mean, you're a nerd and so is this Sherlock guy apparently. We solve cases and so does he. He has an awesome older brother who watches out for him, just like you. So there you go.”

Sam looks at Dean, sighs, then smiles. “Okay, sure”, he says and takes the DVD from Dean.

“Great”, Dean answers and nods. “So, like I said, I'll be back in a bit. Let's just hope that Tylenol kicks in soon and brings down your temp. And if anything happens, anything at all, you start feeling worse, you.... have a bad dream, or you choke on a cough drop... you call me okay?”

Sam looks insulted. “Dean, I'm not...”

“You're not ten anymore, I know, I know. Still, okay? Call me. Even... if nothing happens. Just let me know how you're doing, alright?”

Sam rolls his eyes and nods. “Alright.”

“Okay”, Dean says, ruffles through Sam's hair quickly, then goes to pack his things for the hunt.

He's almost done when he hears Sam's powerful, yet quivering sneezes from the living room. When he enters, he sees Sammy doubled over, desperately trying to contain himself, but shaken all-over from the force of the fit.

“Hehh....ITCHH'ooO! ATCHH'iiiooOoOo! Hehh...hehhh... ESHH'ooO! Hehh'ETChH! Hehh'ETCHHhh!”

Dean shakes his head, drops the bag with the weapons and sits down on the couch next to his brother. He waits until the fit is over. Sam just sits there for a while, his hands still tightly pressed over his nose and mouth, as if he's unsure whether it's really over. Then, when Sam starts to relax, Dean hands him a tissue.

“Thaggs”, Sam groans, audibly congested, and begins to blow his nose.

When he's done, he looks up at Dean and his eyes look so big and shiny from the fever, it just pulls at Dean's heartstrings.

“So?”, Sam says and sniffles. “Whed are you godda be back?”

“I'm not leaving you, Sammy.”

Sam blinks in surprise. “But... the vabbp? You said...?”

“I know what I said. I was a stupid idiot. I'll call someone else to take care of it. I'm staying. We can watch that detective show together, if you like.”

“Are you... are you sure?”

Dean nods firmly. “Yes, I'm sure. I'm not going anywhere until you feel better.”

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sajdfLALSKDFKSAHGFSKAGDSasalfkdgkhdsdfjdg.....!!!!!! Omg Sammy! Dean-o! The fluff is killing me!

Sophie! You have no idea how great this made my morning. :hug: I wish I had a big brother like Dean, hell, even Sam as a big brother. But alas a lonely child I will be.

Love your writing!

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“Oh, so that's an improvement then”, Dean says in the weak attempt of a joke. “I mean, last night you used the phrase 'total shit', so that means you're better now, right?”

Love this part.

“Great”, Dean answers and nods. “So, like I said, I'll be back in a bit. Let's just hope that Tylenol kicks in soon and brings down your temp. And if anything happens, anything at all, you start feeling worse, you.... have a bad dream, or you choke on a cough drop... you call me okay?”

Sam looks insulted. “Dean, I'm not...”

Totally Sam and Dean.

Anyhow, I loved it, you're still awesome, life is good.

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Dean pauses, looks up and raises one eyebrow. “So no improvement here.”

“Hi, Dean. A simple 'Bless you' would have sufficed”, Sam mumbles grumpily, then has to clear his throat.

:rofl: I love how casually they totally sass each other. :lol:

“Like shit”, Sam replies hoarsely.

“Oh, so that's an improvement then”, Dean says in the weak attempt of a joke. “I mean, last night you used the phrase 'total shit', so that means you're better now, right?”

Aww, Dean. :lol: I love how you write him!

“Modern Sherlock Holmes. That just sounds like some kind of weird AU fanfiction to me.”

'Weird AU fanfiction' :lmfao: That's now my favourite line from anything ever. xD It's also a weirdly accurate description of BBC Sherlock...

“I'm not leaving you, Sammy.”

Awwhh! :heart:

Gah this is so adorable!! I didn't know how much I needed some SPN fluff until I read it! And beautifully written, of course!

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sajdfLALSKDFKSAHGFSKAGDSasalfkdgkhdsdfjdg.....!!!!!! Omg Sammy! Dean-o! The fluff is killing me!

Sophie! You have no idea how great this made my morning. hug.gif I wish I had a big brother like Dean, hell, even Sam as a big brother. But alas a lonely child I will be.

Love your writing!

Awww... thanks, hon! :hug: I'm really glad you liked it! :)

And yeah... I'm an only child, too, and I know exactly what you mean! An older brother like Dean (or Sam) would be really awesome! :wub2:

Yay, needed this right now

Then I'm glad I posted it! (:

“Oh, so that's an improvement then”, Dean says in the weak attempt of a joke. “I mean, last night you used the phrase 'total shit', so that means you're better now, right?”

Love this part.

“Great”, Dean answers and nods. “So, like I said, I'll be back in a bit. Let's just hope that Tylenol kicks in soon and brings down your temp. And if anything happens, anything at all, you start feeling worse, you.... have a bad dream, or you choke on a cough drop... you call me okay?”

Sam looks insulted. “Dean, I'm not...”

Totally Sam and Dean.

Anyhow, I loved it, you're still awesome, life is good.

Thanks so much, dear! I'm flattered that you liked my characterization, since that's one of the most important things for me! :blush:

That's now my favourite line from anything ever. xD

You're now my favorite person ever! ;) Really, thanks so much for the sweet and entertaining comment! You're great! :heart:

And yes, I mean, BBC Sherlock technically is an AU fanfiction! I sometimes see posts on Tumblr reminding people that anything they write about Sherlock Holmes isn't any less canon than anything that happens on the show! :lol:

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