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Not pretending


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Not pretending

Written for a friend of mine. With out furth ado enjoy :)

" Twilight!" Discord pounded on the door. A baby dragon answered the door.

" Discord?! What do you want?" Spike asked, sounding incredibly rude. Discord crossed his arms.

" I need Twilight!" He rasped.

" I'll go get her hang on." Spike left and got Twilight. The Alicorn opened the door to the library. She frowned.

" Discord what do you want?!" Twilight asked.

" I'm sick!" He rested his body against the door frame. Twilight growled at him. Fluttershy rushed to his side knocking Twilight over.

" Oh you poor thing!" Fluttershy said,rubbing his forehead. She retracted her hoof back. " Ooo your burning up!" she exclaimed.

" He's faking it!" Twilight excused. Discord sniffed hard.

" I'm not! I feel-ISHHuuu! Ashuuu! Eshuuu!" Discord sniffed thickly. Fluttershy brought him tissues. He took a hand full and blew into them.

" Why should we believe you?!" Rainbow Dash asked. Discord stood up.

" Because I feel terrible!"

" Not a valid reason!" Twilight stated. Fluttershy walked in front of him frowning.

" Leave him alone! He can't help it if he's sick!" Fluttershy said. Discord started hovering.

" It's fine Fluttershy I'm going to rest it off somewhere else." Discord said. He left leaving many angry ponies behind him and one confused Dragon.

This is part one. I hope you guys like this I'll post a part two up soon.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Cute start. I'm rather fond of Discord too so that's extra :)

I am too that's why I decided to write about him. :)

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  • 1 year later...
  • 3 weeks later...

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