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The Compulsary Baku Blues. Tony Stark (M)


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I noticed there have not been anywhere near enough Tony Stark fics on here in recent times so I thought I would remedy this. I found this on my laptop so thought I'd share it with you lovely people.

It isn't finished, but if people want me to continue I will carry on with it.... whistling1.gif



Part 1

The bank of suites allocated to Stark Industries in the luxurious Kempinski Hotel Badamar was a hive of activity. Today was the opening of the 2014 Trans-National Nuclear Power Cadre Conference in Baku, Azerbaijan, and Tony Stark was guest speaker. Tony and his firm had arrived in the country twenty four hours previously and, already, the low temperatures and strong winds were grating on the genius billionaires nerves.

Shrugging into his bespoke pinstripe jacket, he scrutinized himself in the mirrored wall before him, noticing his how pale and rundown he appeared. “Pep?” he called over his shoulder, adjusting his metallic toned tie. Not a moment later, his flustered personal assistant appeared at his side, looking resplendent in a short white suit. “Everything alright?” She asked flicking, through reams of information on her iPad. He turned, pulling back his shoulders and raising his chin. “Do I look alright to you? Be honest.” Misunderstanding, Pepper regarded his suit carefully, plucking a small fleck of stray fluff from his lapel.

“Perfect. Now you are up to scratch on the last minute changes aren’t you? Remember the running order changed last night.” Tony grimaced, rubbing at the collar of his shirt. “Yeah yeah, I know all that, you must have told me twenty times over breakfast. Don’t you think I look a little… I don’t know… pasty?” Surprised she faltered. “Pasty? I wouldn’t have said so no, you spent most of the summer on the beach. Why do you ask?” He turned back to the mirrors, swallowing experimentally with a frown. “ I don’t know… Nothing I can put my finger on, I just feel a bit… off.”

He was interrupted by a sound official, clipping a remote power pack for his microphone to his waistband. Tony frowned, running a hand over his razor-edged goatee, discreetly feeling for the glands under his jaw that were swollen, just as he suspected. He knew then exactly what he felt and why he felt it, it was clearly the beginnings of a very badly timed cold. Rolling his eyes, he glanced at his Breitling watch. He had three quarters of an hour before he was due to take to the podium, plenty of time to stock up on espresso and antipyretics.

A knock on the door made him snap out of his revelry and he glanced across at an approaching Happy. “A Lee Martins from Horizon Magazine, apparently pencilled in before they changed the running. I’d have turned her away but… ah man…” He wriggled his eyebrows suggestively. “Re..heally? Lee Martins of the female variety? Feel free to show her in. Pep? Arrange coffee and ensure we are not disturbed, if you would.” He again adjusted his tie, ran his fingers through his hair then perched deliberately on the edge of a desk, feigning an air of nonchalance he wasn’t feeling in the least.

A moment later the door was held open and the most stunning redhead Tony had ever laid eyes on confidently strode in to the room, hand outstretched in greeting. “Tony Stark? Hi am Leigha Martins, Horizon Magazine Group. Thank you for agreeing to see me.” He took her hand, speechless for a moment. “Er… Hi… Yes. Think nothing of it, the pleasure is all mine Ms Martins I assure you.”

“Lee please. I understand from your people that the schedule has changed, I appreciate this opportunity.” He indicated for her to take a seat. “Ah it happens that often, I don’t even bother with the running order until the last minute. I have arranged some refreshments to be brought through. Now what can I do for you, Lee?” He deliberately opted to sit next to her on the low slung couch rather than sitting across from her as professionalism dictated. Screw professionalism. He hadn’t become the man he was today by abiding by all that formality nonsense.

Nonplussed, Lee sprung into immediate inquisition mode surrounding inexhaustible fuel sources and fission reactor benefits, making Tony smile. A beautiful redhead enthusiastic about renewable energy and nuclear physics, was it his birthday? “You understand, I’m pressed for time at the moment but unfortunately, I have to stick around all week. Why don’t your people get together with my people and agree a time and date that we can get more involved, ahem, professionally speaking.” He looked up as Pepper backed into the room carrying a tray of tea and coffee paraphernalia. Spying the girl he was lounged alongside she made a show of rolling her eyes as she slid the tray on the table in front of them. Tony, feeling a spark of mischief raise up within him, cleared his throat. “Actually, sack that. Are you free tonight, around say eight o’clock?” He ignored Pepper’s icy stare. They had discussed this. He had to attend the gala dinner, it was protocol. “Time check. 32 minutes Tony.” She announced, her brittle tone not lost on him one iota.

It was agreed then. Dinner that evening with a car being dispatched to her hotel to collect her, they could go through her entire interview and then some. Pepper, however, was really not happy, barking orders and snapping unnecessarily at the slightest thing. “Since when have we wined and dined the press…” She seethed, finally getting Tony on his own. “…let me guess, when it turns up in a size zero and offers it on a plate. You cannot turn it down can you Tony? You do know this is lining itself up to be another kiss and tell?” Tony smiled his trademark smirk. “Well you know what they say, Pep? All publicity is good publicity. Besides, who said anything about kissing?” Grabbing his prompt cards he allowed himself to be ushered backstage ready for his conference debut.

He took to the stage to massive applause, working his audience like a finely-honed machine. Despite his flawless confidence, he was becoming increasingly aware of the growing ache in his throat and pressure in his sinus that seemed to increase with every movement. During a pressing speech surrounding employment opportunities versus sustainable budgets he faltered, the pressure turning to a burning at the bridge of his nose and top of his mouth. Taking a sip of water, he squinted at the autocue completely distracted now by the agonising itch in his nose.

Anticipating what was literally about to happen, he was able to turn backwards, stifling a surprisingly powerful sneeze in his fist.


Turning back to his rapt audience he apologised, shaking his head as though shaking the sensation away. Glancing stage left he was able to make out Pepper, regarding him closely, hands on hips and look of unconcealed suspicion on her face. Clearing his throat he started the entire section again whilst mentally cropping as much as he could get away with from the remainder of his address. He could practically taste the congestion, so fast and intense did it build up, forcing him to lean away as much as possible from the microphone on the podium, to sniffle in a hope of shifting the pressure.

“…of course all this information is available on our website and point of sale literature packs available in the foyer. Do feel free to approach any of my representatives available on site, who would be more than happy to discuss this or any other matter further. Ladies and gentlemen, I thank you for your time.” Again, rapturous applause as he performed his now trademark wave, nodded and left the stage.

“God above!” He gasped whipping out a handkerchief and blowing his nose as hard as he could in the relative privacy of the steps leading down back stage. Pepper was waiting at the bottom watching him with concern. “You okay there?” She asked gently, as, stuffing the handkerchief back in his trouser pocket, he threw Pepper a nonchalant shrug and strolled past without comment. “Tony, if you are sickening for something we can resched…” She was silenced as he, stood with his back to her, held his hand up, pitching forward in a harsh, painful sounding sneeze. “A little bit of trivia, for you Pep, but did you know that I have been to this country twice in my lifetime, and both times I have managed to catch cold. Why’d you think that is? It’s no colder than New York, I just don’t get it.”


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Aww Tony <3 baby. I've been yearning to read another Tony fic because of the anticipation of AAOU and you have blessed this amazing work upon the forum. I do hope you continue :P

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