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Back to Bed (SPN, Sick!Sam)


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I had this ridiculous urge to write something and it's incredibly self indulgent and yeah. Don't worry about the plot/time period or anything, nothing makes sense, in this world Sam and Dean are living in the bunker but they've adopted a stray cat, because reasons.


“Well that’s a hell of an entrance. You trying to blow the bunker down?”

Margo gives a soft mew from the top of a bookshelf, and Sam groans, slumped against the doorframe like it’s all that’s holding him up. He’s in a t-shirt and boxers, and his comforter is wrapped around his shoulders like a cape. Dean takes in his brother’s appearance; red nose, dark circles under his eyes, hair sticking out all over the place. He looks like shit.

“You look like shit.”

Margo mews in agreement and jumps from the bookshelf to the table, where she sits and watches Sam as he scrubs at his nose.

“Thanks, jerk.” Sam fold his arms across his chest. “ And I’ll try to sneeze quieter next time.”

“Oh god no,” Dean replies. “Remember yesterday when you tried not to sneeze and you almost fell over?”

“I can’t help it,” Sam mutters. He plops down into a chair across from Dean. Dean’s not sure if the flush on his cheeks is from the cold, or from embarrassment. He doesn’t have much time to wonder, however, since Sam’s breath begins to hitch.


Dean slides a box of Kleenex across the table, but Sam opts for his blanket-covered arm.



“Thanks.” Sam sniffles and reaches for his computer, but Dean holds up a hand.

“We’re not working a case right now. Back to bed, Sammy.”

Sam huffs, but complies, pushing himself up from the table with a loud sigh and another powerful sneeze.

Dean watches Sam shuffle back toward his bedroom, then reaches over to pet Margo, who has curled up on top of Sam’s closed laptop.

“He’s such a baby when he’s sick,” he says to the cat, but she’s sound asleep, her purring soon joined by loud, congested snores.

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He looked like shit.

“You look like shit.”

:rofl: This part was amazing. Really well done xD

I loved all of this actually. It was short, sweet and fluffy. Exactly what I've been craving recently.

Nicely done!

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I've missed reading your stuff so much. The comforter and red cheeks were especially nice touches!! The tinge of embarrassment always gets me.

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Oh gosh this is so adorable!!! I love fluffy SPN stories like this, particularly where there's teasing going on between Sam and Dean! :heart: Also, your spellings. :blush:

I've been reading your stuff ever since I first got into Supernatural and I love it all! You're one of my all time favourite Supernatural writers so finding this made me so insanely happy! (This probably sounds creepy since I don't know you at all I'm sorry I'll just have my fangirl moment over here :bag: )

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First: The blanket around his shoulders like a cape! One of my favorite images. Along with a sick, sneezy Sam in general. I particularly loved the bit where Dean slides him the tissue box... and then he ignores it and uses his sleeve instead. Aww. So glad you decided to go with your I-must-write-something urge!

Second: Okay, do you remember a couple of years ago when you drew feverish!beat-up!Sam in a bathtub, and then someone wrote fic for it? Well... *waves shyly.* I finally decided to stop being scared/embarrassed/whatever and come join the party over here, so... Hi! So excited to see fic from you again. ^_^

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He looked like shit.

"You look like shit."

lol.gif This part was amazing. Really well done xD

I loved all of this actually. It was short, sweet and fluffy. Exactly what I've been craving recently.

Nicely done!

Whaaat you are crazy sweet. Thank you

I've missed reading your stuff so much. The comforter and red cheeks were especially nice touches!! The tinge of embarrassment always gets me.

Thank you so much!!

Oh gosh this is so adorable!!! I love fluffy SPN stories like this, particularly where there's teasing going on between Sam and Dean! heart.gif Also, your spellings. blush.png

I've been reading your stuff ever since I first got into Supernatural and I love it all! You're one of my all time favourite Supernatural writers so finding this made me so insanely happy! (This probably sounds creepy since I don't know you at all I'm sorry I'll just have my fangirl moment over here bag.gif )

Bahahaha not creepy, super fucking amazing

Nawwwwwww Sammy! This was just the right amount of fluff i needed tonight! biggrin.png

Thank you for reading!!

What a cute story! I always love big bro Dean looking after a sick Sammy ;-)

Me too!! Thanks!!

So perfectly simple and fluffy biggrin.png also I love your spellings and they're actually super fitting for Sam

You make me super happy.

First: The blanket around his shoulders like a cape! One of my favorite images. Along with a sick, sneezy Sam in general. I particularly loved the bit where Dean slides him the tissue box... and then he ignores it and uses his sleeve instead. Aww. So glad you decided to go with your I-must-write-something urge!

Second: Okay, do you remember a couple of years ago when you drew feverish!beat-up!Sam in a bathtub, and then someone wrote fic for it? Well... *waves shyly.* I finally decided to stop being scared/embarrassed/whatever and come join the party over here, so... Hi! So excited to see fic from you again. happy.png

Stop it!! You're incredible. Also is it bad that I don't remember the picture? (Don't hate me). You wouldn't happen to have a link?

So sweet!

Yes you are :)

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Stop it!! You're incredible. Also is it bad that I don't remember the picture? (Don't hate me). You wouldn't happen to have a link?

*blushes madly* No, you're incredible; do you have any idea how important you and the other lj spn sneeze!kink folks were to the process of me realizing, okay, I'm not alone in the world for liking what I like? By the time I actually signed up over here, most of those people had moved on, so it's very exciting to see a familiar face. Er. Name. Anyway! I'll stop fangirling long enough to pm you the link, since I like to keep that (lj/ao3) identity pretty separate from this one. Yay. :-)

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What's better than scrolling down the page and seeing 'SPN, Sick!Sam'?

Seeing '27_jj' next to it.

Was really cool reading your fic again. And the image of Sam trying not to sneeze and nearly falling over is adorable.

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Aww, this is super cute. Love the image of Sam all sickly and miserable with the blanket wrapped around him, the cat watching Sam scrub at his nose, the AMAZING spellings, and Sam saying "I can't help it" -unf, that gets me every time.

I've not been around here for too long, but I've read so much of your work, and it is all AMAZING, aaand I'm not gonna lie, seeing that you wrote something new totally made my day today smile.png

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I think I'm in agreement with the others when I say that I nearly cried from happiness and excitement when I saw it was you!! It was just as amazing as the others.

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  • 3 weeks later...

What's better than scrolling down the page and seeing 'SPN, Sick!Sam'?

Seeing '27_jj' next to it.

Was really cool reading your fic again. And the image of Sam trying not to sneeze and nearly falling over is adorable.

Aww, this is super cute. Love the image of Sam all sickly and miserable with the blanket wrapped around him, the cat watching Sam scrub at his nose, the AMAZING spellings, and Sam saying "I can't help it" -unf, that gets me every time.

I've not been around here for too long, but I've read so much of your work, and it is all AMAZING, aaand I'm not gonna lie, seeing that you wrote something new totally made my day today smile.png

When I saw this I nearly stopped breathing because I was so excited. It was totally awesome :-)

When I saw this I nearly stopped breathing because I was so excited. It was totally awesome :-)


I think I'm in agreement with the others when I say that I nearly cried from happiness and excitement when I saw it was you!! It was just as amazing as the others.

Gahhhh thank you guys. Now I wanna write more. I might need prompts.

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Ahhh, there can never be enough sick!Sam in this world... especially if it's written by you! You've written some of my all-time favorite SPN fics (the number of times I've reread Heceta Head is ridiculous :) ) and I was super excited to see a new one.

Your Sam here is spot on, as always. I'm in love with him sprawling against the doorframe, and of course he'd try to work through being sick. Good thing he has Dean to ride herd.

Hope you'll share more soon!

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You've written some of my all-time favorite SPN fics (the number of times I've reread Heceta Head is ridiculous smile.png ) and I was super excited to see a new one.

STOP IT that is not your favorite! how do you even remember that one. Heceta Head was one of m faves I wrote for some reason.


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This was a wonderful thing to come back to! I love your writing so much! Before I joined this forum, I'd never even heard of Supernatural, but I saw your stories and read them without realizing they were based off of a TV show. I decided to check it out once I realized and in completely hooked! Your amazing writing got me into my favorite show which helped me meet my best friend. Needless to say, you are by far my favorite author on this site!

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  • 1 month later...

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