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Sick in The Fast Lane (NASCAR)


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It was a Bristol race weekend and Trevor Bayne had a bad cold. He did not feel good, but he was going to race through it. Drivers are stubborn and he was no exception. Coughing and sneezing would not be enough to stop him. HATCHOO! He got a tissue and blew his nose vigorously after that snotty sneeze. It will be easier once I'm in the car. Adrenaline is the best medicine. Makes you forget how you feel, if you don't feel too good he thought. Then, he had a cough attack.

Sunday's race was not nice to him. The first half of the race was oky, but not the second. He had a little sneezing fit in the car. ASHOO! HATCHOO! ARSHOO! This caused him to hit the wall, though not hard enough to end his day. Later on, he was involved in another wreck and finished the race 18 laps down.

Everyone had told him Bristol was tough and racing it when sick had shown him how true this was. He said on Twitter the next day, "Bristol wore me out." Adrenalin had helped me work through his fatigue when the race was going on, but it wore off afterwards. He was coughing and sneezing his head off and blowing his nose a lot. Even though he was pretty sick, he had been able to be on the track at the end of his first Bristol Cup race.

This story is based on something from about 4 years ago, so he was 20 at the time. He has dark brown hair and aqua eyes. I have heard of some driver or other racing with a bad cold or some other medical issue. I don't always have coughing in my stories, but this is reality based and he tweeted about it. "Bristol wore me out" may or may not have been linked with his being sick. "still pretty sick" "still coughin and sneezing my head off" It's very different than my normal fics here in certain ways, but I have written many non-sneezy NASCAR fan fics, as I'm on some sites dedicated to that sort of thing. I'd never share this on either one of those sites, so don't worry.

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The fandom is NASCAR, so can (NASCAR) be added to the title?

Edited by Joal 555
Title edited as requested
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You start a new Paragraph every time another Character speaks. This is a great idea Btw. When will you update?!

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I was unsure about continuing it. I could carry it a few more days. Like to the end of the week (story timeline). If you know it, I don't own it, we say on fan fiction sites.

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When I can. Writing a sneeze fan fic seems harder to me than to write an original one.

Adrenalin had helped me work through his fatigue when the race was going on, but it wore off afterwards.=character thoughts. I was in a hurry and mixed pronouns. brain fart. Not fully sure at the time how I wanted to do it (I think), but now if I could still edit it, I'd eliminate the his and add "he thought" to the end of the sentence. I feel it flows best as character thoughts.

Edited by blowlovinaspiegurl
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  • 6 months later...

Tuesday came and Trevor was still sick. He ran some test laps though. I won't let a cold keep me down, he thought. HATCHOO! He was a strong willed guy, so it would take more than coughing and sneezing to stop him. After the car test, he blew his snotty nose, producing a snotty honk. Being in the car helped him feel a little better, though. Sick or not, he had to clean up his apartment. Being on the road so much in the previous weeks meant he had clothes everywhere. So in between coughing, sneezing and blowing his nose, he cleaned up his mess. After cleaning up, he sat on the couch and sneezed. ASHOO! He turned on FuelTV, a favorite channel of his. After a while, he went to bed.

On Wednesday, Trevor had to get ready to fly to California. A Twitter friend asked there if he was feeling better. He replied "I'm gettin a little better finally. Still coughin and sneezing my head off, though." While on the plane, once he could get up, he went to the bathroom to blow his nose. Once the way, he sneezed a couple times. ATCHOO! HUPSHOO! He also coughed at one point. Someone gave him a look that said I hope I don't catch that, when he coughed. He got to the bathroom, closed the door and blew his nose vigorously until the congestion cleared.

As Trevor was headed back to his seat, the passenger that had looked at him said, "not much fun to fly with a cold, is it?" He said, " I wouldn't fly if California was closer to North Carolina, but it's not and I gotta get there at a certain time,". When the plane got to California, he got off and sneezed HIKSHOO! as he exited. He blew his nose a few times afterwards and then found his vehicle and drove to the track. Once there, he got settled in his motor home in the infield. He coughed a few times while unpacking. Later on, it was bedtime.

On Thursday, Trevor was less sick. He now felt good enough to work out, though he still had somewhat a lingering cough. If you have a cough, that's the last thing to go away, he thought. Even though he could race with a cold, he did not like being sick. He probably would not be as sneezy during the race this time.

This chapter is the end. The Jeff Gordon coldfic, which gave me the idea to post a NASCAR fic was 2 chapters, so I decided to give this 2 chapters. Like my fic, it was centered on something real, but unlike here, the illness was made up. I have an original fiction idea, about a teenage girl that's congested most of time and besides sneezy fan fics are hard for me, seemingly, so I'll stick to original sneezefics, at least for a while. Meals and things still happened, just not mentioned.

Edited by blowlovinaspiegurl
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