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A Blooming Relationship: Agents of SHIELD AU (M) Phil


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Title: A Blooming Relationship

Fandom: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Alternate Universe

Summary: Phil Coulson is signed up for a flower arranging class by his daughter Skye as a blatant attempt to fix him up with her professor, Melinda May. The only problem is Phil has rather nasty hay fever. The things a man is willing to do for his daughter.

Disclaimer: I don’t own AoS. The alternate setting is mine, but none of the people who populate it are.

A/N: This is a multi-chapter fic, so there's no sneezing in this first part. But there will be in future chapters, I promise.


How he let himself get talked into taking an Asian fusion floriculture class was beyond him. Ever since Skye introduced him to her strict English teacher on family weekend, she’d been angling to get the two of them together. Then she came up with the absolutely horrible idea of taking the one elective Ms. May taught, which happened to be said floriculture class.

“Are you sure you can’t just invite her to dinner or, you know, the usual things kids do when they want to fix their pathetic single father up on a date?” Phil tossed the class information paper down on the counter and leveled his gaze at his daughter, who blinked at him in an innocent way that had never fooled him.

“I already told you. Ms. May doesn’t believe in fraternizing with her students, and that includes going over for dinner. So you have to take this class with me. Besides, you were the one saying that we needed to do more things together as a family.”

“Your logic is inherently flawed. If she doesn’t fraternize with students, she’s not going to join me for dinner if I’m in her class. And when I told you that we needed to do more father/daughter things I was thinking that we should, I don’t know, take a dancing class, or go to the movies more, not have you set me up on an almost blind date. And another thing, you’re forgetting my hay fever. I can hardly walk through the floral section of the supermarket without sneezing.”

“All of those arguments crossed my mind, believe it or not, and I’ve thought of everything. You don’t actually want credit for the class, so you’ll be auditing, which means she won’t have to worry about giving you a grade. I don’t want to taking a dancing class with you. I mean, I love you, but it’s weird. And you can just take Benadryl for your allergies. You’ll be fine.” Phil opened his mouth to tell her that that was not how his allergy medicine worked, but Skye cut him off. “Please Dad, I already paid for it, with my own money. It’s your early birthday present.” She looked crestfallen. “I guess I can tell them that I made a mistake, though.”

In spite of his stern words, Phil was hard pressed to deny the girl anything,much less something she wanted to do for him. “Well, alright. I can take more meds, I guess, and it does sound fun.” Forcing a smile, he looked at the pamphlet again, trying to banish from his mind the merry hell his allergies were going to play on him, meds or no. “So, I was thinking tonight should be taco night, what do you say? I have all the fixings here.”

“I love taco night. I’ll grate the cheese if you want to cook the meat.”

“Good plan, I’m not going to let you burn our ground beef to a crisp like last time.”

“I was texting Jemma at the same time. You can’t expect me to ignore people. I was raised better than that.”

Shaking his head, Phil turned on the stove. He wasn’t even going to try to argue with the logic of a nineteen year old. “Just do me a favor and don’t grate your fingers. I’d rather not run the risk of eating bloody tacos and I really don’t want to make a late night ER run.”

“You don’t trust me at all.”

“What reason would I have not to trust the only girl who failed the cooking portion of Home Ec.? I’m just glad you dropped it before you managed to sew your fingers together on a sewing machine. I’ve long since accepted the fact that I was the domestic of this family.”

“Why mess with perfection, right?” Skye put the cheese on the table and grabbed the bag of lettuce and the diced tomatoes from the fridge. “You’re a great cook, and Ms. May would be lucky to try your cooking.”

“Can we not talk about this anymore? I’ll go, alright, I’ll go.” Phil raised his hands up in mock surrender. “God alone knows how I’ll manage it. Hay fever aside, I don’t think I have an artistic bone in my body.”

“That’s why I’ll be there. I’ll tell you if something you’re making looks too bad. You can’t color coordinate to save your life, but that really doesn’t matter. Maybe this class will even fix some of that.”

“Don’t get your hopes up too high about that, Skye. I don’t think anything could really fix my nonexistent taste. So, when does this class of yours start?”

“Next Saturday. It’s an eight week, weekend elective. Don’t worry, it’ll be fine. You’ll be fine. We’ll stock up on Benadryl and that gross nasal spray that you use. Just don’t use it in front of Ms. May,”

“You have my word. I’m not excited about using it in front of people anyway. You don’t count, you live with me. I’m not going to suffer for your benefit.” Phil made himself a taco and handed the shells over to Skye.

“You know,” Skye took the plate and made her own taco. “You should come talk to Ms. May. before the class starts. Find out what you need to start and all that?”

“Do you think I can’t see through you? I’ll talk to her soon enough.” Phil rolled his eyes and continued to eat his dinner.


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