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Doctor who


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The doctor was in the tardis with amy and rory so hey where should we go the doctor asked. amy and rory replied where ever doctor as long as its fun we dont mind. Right i choosen a place at random then lets see what features it has for us this time the doctor said. right doctor lets see if your right rory replied.

Hey im always right the doctor said. well appratley not amy replied you got a lot wrong. That was ages ago i gained more knowlege since then. well doctor put that to the test during todays visit when we land in the new location. Fine we'll see who's wrong hahaha.

What's so funny rory replied. nothing i jusy thought i add a laugh to make it spooky the doctor said. Well it would definatly give kids nightmares. My laugh is not that spooky im offended.

oh quite doctor we didnt mean it. Ha got you there the doctor screamed. Wow this is one crazed man im surprized im still here amy whispred. Well although he's crazy sometimes he cares very much and always tries to protect us rory replied.

yeah i guess your right that answerd my question even though is was not a question amy replied happily. Right were here the doctor said. Great time to adventure they all said. Wow this smells new hmm makes my nose itch a little ,ittchew, wow bless me amy replied the new location might not agree with me.

Dont worry amy just take a little time to get used to. Got some nice fresh grass with flowers this is a beutiful location. What could be harmful around here the doctor said. Nothing rory replied. Exactly everythings perfect just the eay i like it replied the doctor.

Thats when they heard a scream that was weird why is there a scream in such a peaceful place replied rory. Im not 100 percent sure rory but that was out of the ordinary replied the doctor.

Are we going to investigate amy said. Not at the moment the doctor replied what ever it was lets stay out of the way for now until theres more screams or dangerous activity then we will ask people what's been up lately or if any strange happenings but for now let's have look around to enjoy the view.

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