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By Your Side - Pushing Daisies (M)


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I definitely thought I might be the only Lee Pace fiend watching (and subsequently, writing!) this series, but Garnet has totally (wonderfully!) beat me to it… soooooo… this one goes out to you hun!! heart.gif …Ned isn’t quite off the hook just yet! happy.pngwhistling.gif

By Your Side

Pushing Daisies

Chuck / Ned (M)


Snuggled into a booth in the corner of the Pie Hole, Chuck tucked both legs underneath her and plonked an elbow on the table, flopping her head sideways into her hand and beaming across the room as the Piemaker emerged from the kitchen. Ned was balancing a serving tray with three mugs of steamy hot milk and two slices of apple-rhubarb in his arms, his look of woozy concentration bubbling into a glow as he stumbled into her gaze.

Waving, she exaggerated a delighted inhale as the flavour of fresh-baked granny-smiths wafted across the shop, mouthing ‘yummy’ as he quickly lifted the tray to allow Olive to dart underneath with an order of banana-berry.

He hadn’t yet taken more than a step towards Chuck’s table before his smile blurred into something of a more dazed expression, the tray wobbling slightly as he paused, lopsided and watery. Eyebrows twitching toward the ceiling, he thrust the tray down on the serving counter and ducked back inside the kitchen with a great deal more haste than he had emerged.

Curious, Chuck shimmied over to the edge of the booth where Emerson was buried in a newspaper, heavily occupied with not-noticing Chuck’s attempts to crane her neck around him for a better view. A few seconds ticked over and Ned reappeared, a shade more abashed then usual.

Grinning, she surmised it was another case of forgetting cherry marshmallows for the milk. Adapting to the sudden surplus of new menu items wasn’t one of the Piemaker's strong suits. That particular combination had been one of her more cherished inspirations, reminding her of blankets and pom-pom beanies and evenings spent nestled between cross stitch patterns and language dictionaries. Yet to gain traction with the pie shop’s regulars, she had every faith it would eventually catch on. Not all great things were the sort you recognised straight away, but when you did, it would be the kind of great you couldn’t do without.

Depositing the tray centre-table, Ned wriggled into the bench opposite his companions. He looked a teeny bit pink in the cheeks, and Chuck desperately hoped she hadn’t bumped the kitchen thermostat over to heating while restocking the pantry- it would only be the third time.

Raising an eyebrow, Emerson surveyed the pink gooey globs oozing into his mug of milk.

“Okay. So, what part of ‘just coffee thanks- black’ did I not communicate here? Let me guess. It was when I started with ‘just’, right?”

Ned made a sound that landed somewhere between a chuckle and a cough.

“Hah. No. I got it. But you really have to try this, Chuck had this great idea of using cherry marshmallows in warm milk, and it’s just… great. Like, really great. As in, I thought we should all experience it rather than Chuck’s original suggestion of… just me.”

Emerson stared flatly between the pleading grin cemented on the Piemaker’s face and the hopeful anticipation in the dead girl’s.

“Uh-huh. Ever heard of an idea just selling itself? Well, this isn’t one of them.”

Ned responded with a soggy sniffle, then bobbed his head down as Chuck glanced at him in surprise, quickly swiping the back of his hand under his nose and leaving a smudge of baking flour on the tip.

A surge of affection spilling through her chest, Chuck felt her own hand inadvertently lift off the table as a notion of gently brushing it with her thumb bubbled, then dissolved. She plopped the arm back down. Second touch, dead again. Forever.

Instead, she gathered the napkin that had been readied in her lap to catch the sticky rhubarb droplets that tended to like leaping from her fork. Gently pushing the triangle of red across the table, she indicated the tip of her own nose with a finger. He surveyed the spot where she was pointing intensely, his mouth growing droopy and eyebrows scrunched, clearly confused.

“No, you’ve got something… yep, no… yep… right there” she instructed as he mirrored her actions, raising the napkin and hesitantly dabbing at his nose.

“Oh. Thank you.” his nostrils quivered at the touch and he gave a hapless smile, eyes crinkling precipitously.

“Are we done? I’m almost ready to drink this melted-cherry-goop just to give my senses something cringe about other than you two making doe-eyes.”

For that, Emerson earned himself an amiable Chuck-wallop in the arm. She shuffled upright and put on her best serious face.

“Okay, hit us up with the case- mystery waits for no one!”

“Rewards wait for no one” Emerson returned, but looked a tad more compensated as he turned the newspaper to the page he had kept dog-eared. “It happened last night-”

“Mnh… no… wait.” Looking as miserable as the soggy marshmallows, Ned had lowered the napkin neatly back into it’s original shape, only to pinch a thumb and forefinger tightly over his nose. Reaching the edge of a tapering inhale, he snapped forward, squashing a sneeze into a painful-sounding squelch.

“God… bless you” Chuck blinked, her attention immediately bouncing back to it’s original recipient. He didn’t sound well at all.

Suppressing an afterthought of a sniffle against his knuckle, Ned acknowledged it with a sheepish nod.

“Sorry, go ahead” he mumbled at the table.

Still paused mid-sentence, Emerson was less than appeased. “As I was saying, last night, Max Martin-”

“Wuhh-uh, hold on” Ned cut in. “Not again…”

“Not again, what?” The detective stared him down.

Ned could only shake his head in a panic, his lips slightly parted and eyes blinking back tears as he fumbled to cup both hands to his face in time. His forehead nearly collided with the table as he threw himself forward in shivery dismay.

Hiesh-CHSshhoo! …Hud’CSHOO!”

“Bless you!” Chuck piped in, as aghast as she was taken aback.


“Bless you again!

Peering over a hand still pressed firmly in place, his other crawled to the forgotten napkin as he mumbled out a “thank you”, followed by a gluggy blow.

“Well, I’m done with my slice” Emerson muttered emphatically, sliding his half-finished crust across the table.

Ned looked at the offering in perplexed surprise, then brightened. “Mm, thanks. Excuse me. I just keep getting all sniffly today.”

Stuffing a juicy slice of apple onto her own fork, Chuck snuck a peek at the article left discarded in the interim, but Emerson promptly snapped it up and cleared his throat.

“Last night, Max Martin, the chief Flavour Chemist at Creamy Cocoa Company, was found drowned in a vat of the factory’s signature confectionary product. It looks like a clear cut case of-”

“…death by chocolate?” Ned finished, wonderingly.

Murder. And that’s not all. The Company Board are claiming Max’s knack for unusual but strikingly pleasant flavour combinations wasn’t all they lost. His latest flavour formula has disappeared, and with all bets being the killer made off with it, there’s a generous reward on the line for his being brought to justice.”

Emerson looked at his companions wide-eyed responses with satisfaction, until Chuck broke the silence by articulating the thought that had been on her mind.

“A vat of their signature product… I wonder if it was the Almond Roca or the Butternut Crisp…?”

At this, Ned snorted into the milk he had been sipping, then had to turn toward the empty spot next to him as he spluttered into the edge of his sleeve. Chuck leaned across the booth, wondering if she could risk patting him on the back. As good as reading her mind, he shook his head forcefully in between coughs, trying to look less woebegone even though his eyes had already overspilled with breathless tears.

Neglecting the urge, she reluctantly acceded, drawing back. He was right, it was too hazardous. The risk of the smallest accidental bump against his skin... she swallowed, confronted by the thought she had promised herself not to think. It was Ned, alone, distraught, and without means to ever, ever, forgive himself. It was a picture as tangible as an echo. Or a ghost.

“Phew, sorry- I think some of that might have gone up my nose” Ned was saying, and Chuck swiftly shook herself back in place. Watching him push the offending mug of cherry-milk to the side whilst failing to notice Emerson’s glare as he inched away in the opposite direction, she felt a slow upsurge of gladness. While she couldn’t necessarily touch the Piemaker, the sense of having friends in her new life enveloped her with an overwhelming sense of closeness.

“So, the body’s in the City Morgue right?” she chirped. “And we’re, uh, connoisseurs commissioned to determine whether drowning really was the cause of death… or if it was something in the cocoa.”

“Hey, you’re really getting the hang of it” Ned concurred, beaming at her. A warm tingle blossomed in her chest, ready to flourish.

Ned looked as if he meant to continue, but drew to an abrupt standstill as his features crumpled in tangled alarm. With barely a gasp, his head snapped helplessly down against his chest.


Pinching the bridge of his nose with one hand in an apologetic grimace, he attempted to scramble out of the booth. He succeeded only in half tripping over himself, landing clumsily on his feet, then doubling-over with a huge “Hud’ ishCHSSGHOO!”

Gesundheit! Jeez, are you okay?”

Sorry. Thank you. Maybe. Excuse me.” Ned managed from behind his hand, until Chuck realised it would be a good time to pass him another napkin.

“We’d better hit the road” Emerson grumbled, giving his precarious colleague a wide berth as he clambered to his feet.

Chuck’s heart reached out to the Piemaker with unconditional tenderness. He stood, looking hunched and apologetic, the edges of his nose now as blushed as his cheeks. She considered, turning to Emerson.

“D’you think maybe he should go home and… hit a soft bed, instead?”

This time, it was Emerson’s turn to snort.

“Oh sure thing, but before he does, do you mind reminding me of the telephone number for that other guy we call to wake the dead? Cause it has just gone and slipped my mind. Oh that’s right, because we don’t have no substitute dead-waking guy. He’s it. And he’s coming.”

As their business partner marched toward the exit, Chuck raised her palms upwards in a big ‘I guess I had to try’ shrug. Ned chuckled.

“Thanks. I think it’ll sort itself out…. I hope” he added, rubbing a knuckle at his nose but unable to stop himself warming in pleasure at her concern. “And it could be nice. Well, I mean, if you’re coming with me. You are coming with me, right?”

He pulled his sleeves over his wrists and shoved his hands in his pockets, a niggling sense of worry flickering behind his hopeful expression.

“Count on it” she replied gently, carefully tucking the edges of her own cardigan into the folds of her dress and taking a tentative skip forward. As Ned looked down needfully, she gave his arm a gentle nudge with her fleece-covered elbow, watching him snuffle into unabashed relief.

“And I’m bringing along plenty of imaginary hugs and not-so-imaginary tissues” she added, leaning back to grab a handful of napkins from their table.

“They’re both very welcome. Especially the hugs. Well, the thought of them.”

“You kinda look like you could use them- in fact…”

You know what I could use?” an incredulous Emerson boomed from the doorway. “A pay-day, preferably in the form of cash from a murder waiting to be solved!”

Grinning, Ned waved him out the door and tuned back to Chuck.

“Alrighty then, ready partner?”

“Ready as rain- right behind you!”

She smiled, and with a final slurp of cherry-marshmallow milk, followed him into something that she recognised as great straight away- the kind of thing that had been great right from the very start, some nineteen years, twelve weeks, six days and thirty-three seconds ago.


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Okay, so like first, I must reference you to my IM reaction to Spoo because it accurately describes my feelings in so many less words. Second, I'm going to do a numerical breakdown a la Spoo because I can't corral my thoughts into something more cohesive otherwise.

Here we go!

1. Oh no, I am already hooked in the first sentence, from Chuck "plonking" down an elbow to Ned stumbling around woozily, for one reason or another. My heart.

2. Oh nooo ducking back into the kitchen
to sneeze
you poor sweetheart, and yet so fitting.

3. This show and every single fic about it always makes me crave pie that I always forget to either buy or make god DAMN it. Yours is NOT HELPING.

4. Okay but can we talk about how on-point your Emerson is. I don't know why he seems like an intimidating character, but he does, and you nailed him. Willfully not-noticing is his default state, I'm sure.

"Not all great things were the sort you recognised straight away, but when you did, it would be the kind of great you couldn’t do without."
Even outside of fetish context whatsoever, I love this.

6. Likewise with
"pleading grin cemented on the Piemaker’s face and the hopeful anticipation in the dead girl’s"
. You two walking fucking disasters were made for each other and I love you both.


Second touch, dead again. Forever.
Oh, Chuck

“Are we done? I’m almost ready to drink this melted-cherry-goop just to give my senses something cringe about other than you two making doe-eyes.”
OH EMERSON. I swear he's such an important character because just as the show gets too syrupy-sweet that even the viewer is starting to cringe, he's right there with a TONE IT THE FUCK DOWN YOU GROSS LOVEBIRDS and everything is understood and laughed about. Love it.

10. Chuck-wallop. Help.

"I just keep getting all sniffly today.”
NED GO TO JAIL (again).

12. Death by Chocolate, though. Laughing inappropriately at this because again, you got the narration's witticisms and quirks down pat.

13. "Overspilled" is a great word. Just saying. I'm stealing it.

14. Oh no Chuck, baby, such a former shut-in that she's so happy to have friends even in the bizarre forms of Ned and Emerson and Olive. Goodbye I need a feels vacation.

15. Hahaha Emerson avoiding him entirely. DISTRUST, PIEMAKER. DISTRUST AND BETRAYAL for your bodily functions!

“Oh sure thing, but before he does, do you mind reminding me of the telephone number for that other guy we call to wake the dead? Cause it has just gone and slipped my mind. Oh that’s right, because we don’t have no substitute dead-waking guy. He’s it. And he’s coming.”
I don't even had a comment for this other than that it's hysterical and sounds like it came straight from the script!

Okay but seriously, this is all so disgustingly, appealingly sweet that my soul is full up of equal parts cherry-marshmallow milk and Emerson Cod and I don't even know that to do with myself but it is great and you are great so. Yes.

Edited by Garnet
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Jeez this is adorable!!

Well, you definitely weren't the only one watching this perfect series, and I'm glad you realized that because this was a serious pleasure to read!

Hahaha, Emerson! You write him so well! Everything he said was spot on.

My god, the murder case! If that's not the most Pushing Daisies thing I've ever read, I don't know what is! "Death by Chocolate"?? You're a genius, I swear.

How do they make an unsolved murder sound so cute and quirky? I'll never know. But you did it too.

Awww, Ned just goes from sorta sick to miserable in two seconds!! First he's all ducking back into the kitchen to hide, and then he's just suffering and trying not to draw too much attention and completely sick, and so apologetic, and it's so cute I might die! He's perfect.

And Chuck is perfect.

And you write them fabulously.

This story is too cute for words. Makes me want to break out all my hidden Daisies ideas that I thought no one would appreciate.

Seriously though, I love it. Thanks for a fantastic read. <3

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I am just in love!

I have been secertly lerking in the shadows hoping someone else would share my love for Pushing Dasies and especially Lee Pace. I have to say you have captured the same fun, off the hip, quirky style of the original show perfectly.

Thank you so much for posting!

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Oh Garnet… that screen capture is seriously one of those things that has just made me happy FOREVER. Seriously. In between my slightly delirious giggling and going AWWW and feeling loved (and the teeeniest bit undeserving only because you are too kind to me!), I am just utterly appreciative of all your encouragement. It really means a lot. THANK YOU.

(and from Spoo… “Ohhh snap”… ahaha, you have no idea how much fun I have reading spoo-isms! laughing.gif)

And as for this downright ridiculously awesomesauce breakdown, I’ve enjoyed reading it so much that I’ve come back for seconds and thirds! It’s such a pick-me-up, I simultaneously crack myself up and get all humble-grateful with it every time, you have no idea! So, thank you from the bottom of my heart for that, it was an absolute treat.

And the Pushing Daisies foodporn PIE, oh my goodness, I get motivated to get my baking pants on every single time they do that shot of the multi-tiered cooling stand-thingy… or when I see gruyere being grated over a crust (am I ever curious to try this now!) So if these thoughts of yours ever manifest in the kitchen, be sure to send a huge virtual slice in this direction! biggrin.png

it is great and you are great so. Yes.

Ohhhjeez…. thank you… aaahlookwhatyou’vedonenowhappy%20crying.GIF

Seriously though, I love it. Thanks for a fantastic read. <3

Wow, thank you SO much! I am so thrilled to hear you found Emerson on point, I find him just too hilarious in the series, such a perfectly-timed dry/sardonic compliment to my two favourite goofballs. tonguesmiley.gif

Haha, I’m going to admit once ‘death by chocolate’ popped into my mind, I had to google it against Pushing Daisies, just to make sure it somehow didn’t come up in the second series (as I’m only just finished S1!) But luckily, looks like I was in the clear. Because I had to at least squeeze-in one dorky wordplay right??

And… aha, OOPS, I totally loved your reaction on Ned becoming super sick super quick, maaay have gone a little overboard there, but since you likey (thank you again!!), I’ll forgive myself THIS ONCE! heh.gif

And, if you should ever feel like busting out any closeted Daisies ideas, I’ll totally be waving a flag in your corner and doing a little happy-jig. Again, thank you for such a wonderful comment, it was a pleasure to read. And p.s... AW that John Lennon quote… happy.png

I have been secertly lerking in the shadows hoping someone else would share my love for Pushing Dasies and especially Lee Pace. I have to say you have captured the same fun, off the hip, quirky style of the original show perfectly.

YAY, thank you so very much! Oh man, am I ever right beside you in camp Lee Pace. biggrin.png I'm so glad you enjoyed and so happy to read your comment; 'off the hip' is such a spot-on description of the show, so I'm incredibly flattered that you felt the vibe here. Thank you!

This is great! Loving the pushing daisies fics cropping up! You really nailed Ned with the awkwardness! And Chuck! Who wouldn't love Chuck? Fantastic job velho.gif

Hehe I really appreciate that, thank you!! heart.gif Oh Ned, such an adorable dork... whodoesunspeakablethingstomyheart! wub.png

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  • 3 weeks later...

Okay, file this under: Things I Should Have Commented On ages Ago But Didn't Have The Mental Energy To. So, with apologies for bumping:

This is superb. everything Garnet said about style and cadence, because you are so, so good at this.

Some personal highlights:

He hadn’t yet taken more than a step towards Chuck’s table before his smile blurred into something of a more dazed expression, the tray wobbling slightly as he paused, lopsided and watery.

Whatareyoudoingtomyheart. "Lopsided and watery" is a beautiful phrase, and very Ned.

-Ned's efforts at promoting Chuck's innovations, despite his own aversion to change.

“Oh. Thank you.” his nostrils quivered at the touch and he gave a hapless smile, eyes crinkling precipitously.



*explodes again at that ouchie stifle* Ned, you're so ill. Go home.

“Wuhh-uh, hold on” Ned cut in. “Not again…”

“Not again, what?” The detective stared him down.

Ned could only shake his head in a panic, his lips slightly parted and eyes blinking back tears as he fumbled to cup both hands to his face in time. His forehead nearly collided with the table as he threw himself forward in shivery dismay.

Oh. Ohhh. Words are insufficient. Ned.

I may or may not have a real weakness for boys whose sneezes throw them forwards like that. Maybe.

Also, that fit and his "gluggy blow". He's so ill. "I keep getting all sniffly" my hat. Accept your fate, Ned.

As good as reading her mind, he shook his head forcefully in between coughs, trying to look less woebegone even though his eyes had already overspilled with breathless tears.

Aaand this was where I melted. Sweetheart. Let me love you.

Gesundheit! Jeez, are you okay?”

Sorry. Thank you. Maybe. Excuse me.”

Babies. Also, lovely Ned-voice here. It's like he's not sure what social convention is called for so he just runs the gamut. While covering his face because embarrasing mess. shy.gif

- Everything with Emerson. Everything. you've got his voice and attitude down pat.

-All the andsuddenlyI'msad moments from Chuck's internal monologue. Why must you do this to me? Please don't stop.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ugh this is so cute! I just started watching Pushing Daisies and I'm still on Season One! I love Ned's character and I feel like he'd act really bashful when he's sick, just like in the fic. :P Thanks for writing!

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  • 4 weeks later...

ok so I decided it´s time for me to crawl out of my cave and start commenting on all those wonderful Pushing Daisies stories sweatdrop.gif

I don´t know HOW you guys do it but every story I have read so far is just simply perfect and captures the language and characters of the show in such an authentic way I really don´t know what to say other than "wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow" did you sacefice your dog to satan or something?

However I really really loved your Emerson and just generally all the characters were so well written, reading this was like watching the show in my mind! clapping.gif

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sallyhally- Ah, thank you! It's always lovely to receive a comment, so I’m happy you did! Ahaha, totally cracked up at ‘sacrificed my dog to satan’ (possibly just a portion of my sanity?? :P) I’m so glad this series seems to have gained a subtle momentum around here, so much feel-good quirky, I’m all over it! ^_^

beatlelover22- And I’m soo glad your season-one-watching led where it did! :yay: Oh Ned… bashful-goofy-everything… GAH

RiversD- STRAIGHT TO MY HEART, how I flailed to read this whole comment! To be honest, I am always grateful and flattered to receive meaningful feedback no matter when. :blush: And oops, I totally have that ‘gets thrown forwards’ weakness too (if indeed I can differentiate it from the puddle of goopy-weaknesses that is my usual state!) Gosh Ned ticks a lot of the boxes as an adorkable walking disaster though. I’m feelin’ the Ned-feels just feeling about it!

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