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Tease it... [Achievement Hunter; Gavin]

Graham Cracked

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[sorry for the incomplete post, hit the wrong button x.x This is gonna be a one chapter story, primarily set as a build-up to the end, slightly inspired by a story I read on deviantArt a while back. It's also the first time I'm writing for the Rooster Teeth/Achievement Hunter boys, so, sorry if I mess anyone up. Hope you enjoy the story~]

Gavin was a bit of a brat, admittedly, or as Geoff once called him, 'A walking calamity'. From his history with his first desk, which was left to splinters at the end of it's run, to several messes made on the Slow Mo Guys, it seems that there's no day that goes by where someone isn't annoyed at him for something. But at the end of the day, he's still the lovable goofy Brit that so many would call friend, especially with how easily he was the butt of the joke for most in the Achievement Hunter office.

However, it was very rare to see him annoyed. He took most jokes in stride, brushing them off as good entertainment, always looking forward to the comments on the video. Michael, however, would normally be the one most annoyed, but with the two of them working off of each other so well, there's no wonder why they're the most popular pairing in the online community.

One day in particular, Gavin stepped into the Rooster Teeth office in a near monsoon of a rain storm, fumbling through the pelting water to get his key card through the slider outside of the door. He shook off the rain in his hair, trying to ring out the rest of it in his clothes. He was soon greeted by one of his employers, and fellow Achievement Hunter member, Geoff.

“You're late, asshole,” Geoff said, giving his usual sarcastic greeting. “Decide to take a swim in Michael's pool first?”

“Look outside, you knob,” Gavin replied, in style of interjecting British slang. “It's bloody freezing rain out there, I had to call two cabs to get here because one of them got flooded, literally flooded on the inside.”

“Shit, sorry about that, I would have given you a ride, but Gus was holding a meeting with Burnie and I. Creators only, sorry...” Geoff said with a shrug. “You need any spare clothes? We have plenty of our shirts you could wear, not too sure about the pants, though.”

“Nah, I'll be fine,” Gavin responded, swiping briefly under his, by his words, oversized nose with the back of his hand. “I'll just stand next to the kitchen's oven for a while.”

“Yeah right, jackass, we only have an hour before today's Let's Play session, get changed and get in there. I'm sure we have some of the RWBY pajama pants somewhere, if you can find those, you can wear them.”

“Fine, that works,” he sighed, grumbling a bit as he started for the storage room, where most of the packages of their clothing was. Looking around briefly for clothes, he grabbed a 'People Like Grapes' shirt from the pile. But, in traditional Gavin style, as the pile was high for supply and demand, he grabbed it from the bottom of the pile, causing the rest of them to topple over.

“Bollocks...” he muttered to himself, bending over to pick them up. For some reason, the shirts seemed to have managed to build up a thin layer of dust, and now the air around Gavin's bent height was speckled with it. Normally, it wouldn't bother him too much, but with being soaked in freezing cold rain for so long, his sinuses grew sensitive and damp, causing any inhalant to be an irritant.

“Hahh...” he hitched briefly, pulling the soaking collar of his shirt over his nose. Big mistake, as the moment it made contact with his skin, the sensation shot through his sinus faster. “Ighh...haaaahh--

“Hey, Gavin, you naked in here?” A voice broke his concentration with a start, as he straightened back up, turning to the opening door.

“Was just about to change, just dropped a few shirts,” he responded, a slight grimace on his face as the feeling descended into a nagging tickle.

“You fucking klutz,” the voice said, stepping in. The voice was easily recognizable by Gavin as Michael's. “Geoff told me you were in here, and to tell you to hurry up, we need to set up for some GTA.”

“O-Okay, I'll be there in a bit,” he responded, sniffling slightly.

“By the way, you tracked puddles into the office,” Michael said as he started walking out. “Gus is gonna be pissed at you.”

Gavin groaned and pushed the rest of the shirts to the side, trying not to inhale anymore dust. He quickly got changed in the shirt and some pajama pants he found, tossing his wet clothes to the corner, not caring for them at the moment. He stepped out and sniffled again, rubbing under his nose, trying to coax the feeling out. He knew that, if he won't sneeze now, it'll just mess with him the rest of the day. Knowing he still had time, he took to the Rooster Teeth kitchen, coming up with a hopefully easy solution.

“Where did they put it this time...” he muttered, looking through the cabinets, before spotting a box of black pepper, already wincing at the sight of it. Geoff would constantly add pepper to his food, knowing all too well that it bothered him. He took the box and poured a small amount into his palm, just the distant scent of it making his nose itch.

“Bottoms up...” he said, tilting his head back, palm to his nose, breathing in quickly, before snapping forward again, gag-coughing at the harsh irritant. It burned at first, then began to itch.

“Haahhhh!! Igghhhiihh-!” he hitched fiercely, before hearing footsteps behind him, causing him to swiftly press his nose with the back of his wrist and set the pepper box on the counter behind him.

“There you are!” the voice of one of the managers, Burnie, stepped in, grabbing an apple from the bowl on the counter. “You were late today, don't forget that we're doing a podcast later, and you're gonna have to mop the floor from the water you tracked in before Gus spots it,”

“...Mhhmm...” Gavin sounded, nodding his head, eyes a bit watery as he kept his wrist pressed against his now trembling nostrils.

“...You ok?” Burnie asked, stepping closer to him mid-bite of his apple.

“Y-...Yeah,” Gavin replied, voice a bit breathy.

“Alright, well, just remember that, ok? Don't be late, and clean off the floors,” Burnie finished, not questioning Gavin's odd behavior. And, once again, the tickle in his sinus, now a burning itch, receded to a tease.

“Dammit...” he sniffled harshly, rubbing his nose nearly raw. Defeated, not thinking of any other way to help himself, he started for the Achievement Hunter office, spotting most of them already in there.

“About time you got here,” Ryan remarked, being the first to look over. “We're getting a new desk for you, so you'll have to share a desk with someone. Not it!”

“Not it!” Geoff continued, as soon the others called in turn.

“Not it!” Jack said, eyes not leaving the screen.

“Not it!” Ray finished, flipping Gavin off.

“Wait, what?” Michael asked, looking over to the others, taking off his headset, the music from GTA V too loud for him to hear anyone else but Ray, who sat next to him.

“You're it, Michael, you're sharing your desk and second monitor with Gavin.” Ryan said with a smirk.

“What, why?”

“Because he doesn't have a way to play!"

Through the arguing, Gavin took on a distant look, taking steady breaths through his nose, trying to coax the feeling to get stronger again, before Michael stood up from his chair.

“Fine, get over here, Gavin...” he said, grabbing him by the arm and pulling him over, distracting his concentration once again.

Michael took to sitting on Gavin's lap as the game started, allowing them to share a microphone to make it easier on later editing. Gavin, however, could barely keep focus on the game with the strengthening-then-weakening tickle in his nose. The scent of the pepper still lingered, but wasn't at all enough to do anything but bother him. But in one slightly boring moment in the game, of mostly just driving through the city, Michael leaned back against Gavin, his long, curly hair in his face.

“Ngh...” Gavin winced, trying to get around his head to see the screen, as the tip of a lock slid into his nostril unintentionally. He sniffed and tried to flick it away instinctively, before realizing that the tickle had finally started to feel like a successful pre-sneeze feeling. He remained still, the subtle moments from Michael causing his hair to stroke the very edge of his nostrils like a delicate paintbrush, driving his nostrils mad, just what he wanted. “Heehh...”

“What?” Michael asked, eyes not moving from the screen. He soon felt Gavin's leg begin to tap underneath him, a tell-tale sign he was about to sneeze. “Gavin, don't you fucking dare...”

“S-ihh- Sorry, Micoo--” he said, burying his nose deeper into his hair. “Tease iihh...Tease it~

“Gavin, no!” he shouted, trying to pull away, only to feel the Brit's arms tight around his stomach.


“What the fuck?!” Ryan jumped, that having been both the loudest sneeze from Gavin, and the most quite like his odd bird noises.

“You bastard!!” Michael screamed, struggling to pull away, before feeling how Gavin kept his grip.

“...I'm sorry~” he said with a thick sniffle and chuckle. “That's been bugging me all day...”

“Let go!”

“I don't think you want me to...” he said in his sweater, feeling the wet against his nostrils.

“You gross fuck!” Michael squirmed in disgust, hearing the laughter behind him. “You and that fucking monster nose, ugh!!”

He finally managed to pull away and run out of the office, the rest of them laughing harder, including Gavin, who swiped at his nose in relief.

“Ohh, that was messing with me for so long...” he chuckled.

“You're just a walking calamity, Gavin,” Geoff said with a smirk.

“Didn't you already call me that?” he asked, before turning back to the screen, before hearing the very angry voice of Gus shouting 'Gavin!!' from outside of the office. “Oh, Christ...”

Edited by Vav
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Wow, I don't even know this fandom, but I am in love with the way you handled the writing! I absolutely love inducing and long buildups, so this was a real treat. Very cute characters too!! I adored the ending, when Gavin finally gets his sneeze haha~

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THIS!!! *Whistles* Wow. Great writing, love the character interaction. Gavin using anything and anybody to get that sneeze out. wubsmiley.gif

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