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Santana Lopez does not get sick (F; Glee)


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She possibly could be. I would update but I have to go so I'll just leave her in suspense.

Love you guys~StarshineEmber

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Here is the last chapter. Since I'm not going anywhere for a few.more hours I decided to post it. It makes me feel so sad to know I just finished my first fic. It feels so surreal.

CH11: Life as we know it ceased to exist

"Santana Lopez was a wonderful girl. Her smile was the brightest. Her eyes were full of life. When Santana left it seemed as if life as we know it ceased to exist. She kept us all alive. Made sure we all kept going. She helped when we were sick, but where were we when she was sick talking bad about her. Know that she's gone we don't know what to do." Tears were streaming down every bodies faces.

" She brought life to us all. She had a future. She had a life to live. She had so many options. Maybe if we would if insisted to take her to the hospital the minute she got up, she still would of been here. Santana Lopez will be missed." Everyone was silently crying for the loss of a girl who cannot be replaced.

" I'm still here guys." Santana said.

" I was just practicing" Rachel said.

" It's just that was such a beautiful speech that it made me think that you actually died." Brittany cried.

The doctors had managed to restart Santana's heart. She felt lucky to be alive.

" Ishoo, Esh, Hxngt *cough* *cough*"

She was still sick but she was glad to be out of the hospital, but she was most happy of being out of the gown and back into her cheer leading uniform.

"Bless you" They all stated.

Santana walked to Finn and sat on his lap. He wrapped his arms around her. Ever since Finn had confessed his love for Santana, they had started dating.

" Hxngt, Hxxt, Ishiew, Esh."

"Bless you, Baby girl."

"Thanks, Babe."

She smiled. For the first time in her life she was content. Her life was falling together and from that moment on she knew she would be alright along with her glee family nothing could stop her. Sick or not sick.

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Here is the alternative ending. I cried writing this chapters. Sorry for all the mistakes I couldn't edit Ch9,10,11and the alternative ending because they made me cry for some reason. Hope you enjoy the ending and tell me if it made cry. The song is Can't say goodbye by Josh Gracin

CH11: Goodbye

" Santana Lopez lived her life to the fullest. She was beautiful and popular." Her casket was being lowered into the ground.

" Her smile would always light up to the room. Her eyes full of life and ready to take on what ever life threw at her. She was a fierce girl who never went down without a fight. Santana was the girl on fire. She had ambitions. She had a future ahead of her. She would go places. She would go very far and everyone in the school knew it. She could be in a leader position. She could of been a singer. She could of been a dancer. She could of been a doctor. She did not only excel academically, but theatrically too. She was the best of the best. She didn't let anything get in her way. She was a special girl. A girl like her could never be replaced. She was a girl who could of been so much more. She was the one who took us to victory in the Regionals and we dedicate that trophy to her. Santana will not only live on in our memories but also in hearts. Our hearts will forever be missing her. Santana Lopez was the girl who dared to be herself. She was the girl who did something and never looked back. Santana was the girl we all strived to be and because of her we are the people we are today. Santana Lopez is the person we strive to be before we die and even though she dies young I feel she fulfilled what she was meant to fulfill in the short time she was here. Santana Lopez was and forever be the girl who did what no one else could do"

Everyone was crying for Santana brought life to everyone and without her they were lost.

" We sing this song in the memory of Santana."

" Sometimes, I think that I can make it

But most days, well, I get by on faking

'Cause I wont let them see me cry

So I hold my tears inside

Late at night, your name is calling

And usually (what gets you there comes running?)

But there's no way you can now

I wish there was a way somehow."

Quinn missed calling Santana late at night to be able to talk about anything. She remembered one late night she called her and it sent her to voice mail. She instantly remembered that Santana was gone. The night she went home after they came back from Regionals, she broke down. Her parents tried to comfort her. She was so heartbroken. She had cried herself to sleep.

"So I will remember you

And i will hold you close there in my heart and never let you go

And there'll be days when I will cry

But no I wont

No I cant say good bye

Lord tell me how is this fair

When in his eyes I see your memory there

Oh and the promises that we made

Get erased with yesterday"

Rachel went home that night after regionals. She went home crying. She walked into the door of her home. Her dad's were home. They asked what was wrong. She just stood there crying.

"Santana. She's gone."

She cried. Her fathers embraced her into a hug. Santana had been one of Rachel friends. Her mascara ran down her face. She was lost. What would glee club do without one of their most powerful singers. She just couldn't bear to go back to school on Monday.

"So I will remember you

And I will hold you close there in my heart and never let you go

And there'll be days when I will cry

But no I wont

No I cant say goodbye

So I will remember you

And I will hold you close there in my heart and never let you go

And there'll be days when I will cry

But no I wont

Oh no I can't

No I wont

No I can't...say goodbye."

Finn went home. He cried with his mom. He felt so alone in the world. Santana had his heart and she always would. He called her phone every night just to hear her voice mail. He was a mess. He loved her more than the world. Could he survive without her? He didn't know.

School was the hardest thing to go to for glee club. Candles and flowers were left by her locker. When they walked into the glee room they left her chair empty as a reminder of the girl on fire. The girl that could of been. The girl that could never be replaced, Santana Lopez.

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Holy shit, you killed off Santana Lopez!! Guuuuuurrrrllllll. Girl. I mean, this was awesome, but still. Girl. Anyway, congrats on your first fanfiction. I hope to see more in the future :)

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It was more dramatic, but strangley yes. I only say strangley because usually I hate character deaths. But I loved this through and through. There's not many Santana fanfiction here, is there? It was a nice change.

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I usually hate character deaths too. They make me cry, I cryes writing this one too and I wrote it so I have no one else to blame but myself. I think I'm going to continue exploring the genre of glee and maybe write more Santana fics. Thanks for supporting me.

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