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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Santana Lopez does not get sick (F; Glee)


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So I noticed there was a lack of Santana sneeze fics here so I decided to write one. This my first fan fiction so be honest so I can improve my writing skills. I might make a few changes later on. So without further adue "Santana Lopez does not get sick" I hope you enjoy. Oh and I also wanted to say that I did this all on my phone so I want to apologize it's not the best quality.

Santana Lopez walked into the room where glee club usually meets. The bell rings and Mr. Shue begins to talk. She sees Rachel walk up and start talking but decides to not pay her any attention. Truth is that she has a dull ache in her head.

"Santana, what did I just say"

"Um" she didn't have enough energy to come up with an insult to tell Rachel off.

"Pay attention Santana. Rachel , please continue" said Mr Shue.

Santana felt a small tickle ignite in the back of her nose. " Please not now. Don't sneeze" she thought to herself. Santana loved the attention but not that type. Sneezing is a sign of weakness and Santana Lopez is anything but weak. She never let anyone hear or see her sneeze. Not even Quinn or Brittany and she was not about to let the glee club see her sneeze . She gave her nose a quick rub The quick rub did nothing to quell the itch. In fact, it made it worse , but she could fight it off. All of a sudden , she heard her name being called.

" Santana you can perform your song now"

She forgot she was going to sing today. How could she have forgotten. She walked to the center of the room. She began to sing. Halfway through the song she felt the tickle begin to get worse. Her breath began to hitch. It through off her singing. Her classmates began giving her strange looks. Mr. Shue began to speak. " Santana are you okay?

" Ihuh I'm fahh fine ."

In one swift movement she ran out of the classroom and to the girls restroom. Leaving her classmates very bewildered.

" I'll go get her " Quinn said

She ran to the bathroom.

"Santana ."

"Go huh awahh away

" What's wrong."

" Nuuhh Nothing. I'll go back in huh a few minutes."

"Okay" Quinn walked out of the bathroom and back to the class.

" Finally." Santana whispered.

She could finally sneeze.

" Huh ahh hxngt hngt hxstchoo hxngtchoo"

she had always stifled ever since a little girl. She had mastered the silent sneeze in 5th grade. But some sneeze just can't be stifled silently. She came out of the stall. She looked into the mirror and saw sometime she wished never to see in her life again. Her eyes had dark circle and were bloodshot. Her nose was pink and she looked pale. When she went back to the class she kept her head bowed and sat back down in her seat in the back row and waited for the class to be over. When the bell rang she bolted out of the room and went home. She looked at herself in the mirror and said "Santana Lopez does not get sick."

To be continued

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So I unfortunately no longer have a computer so all the updates will be from my phone. I just want to give a warning to people with emetophobia that this part talkies about feeling sick but has no part with the actual vomit in it. The next part will though but I'll give you the warning in caps when I put the next part on. Please comment and leave feedback. Oh and I have names for every chapter. Enjoy.

CH2: Must the World conspire against me

Santana awoke to her head pounding,her nose stuffed up and congestion had obviously set in. It was a Saturday , but unfortunately with Regionals were coming up and they had to practice. Her head felt heavy and her throat was hurting. She tried doing a scale but it sound raspy and horrible. They were obviously going to notice she was sick. Sickness is weakness and she is not weak. So she got up and got ready to go practice. When she got to school she saw that everyone was there and seated. She walked in and everyone was staring at her. Her little scene must have caused some people to worry. She walked past them and sat down next to Quinn and Brittany.

"OK so let's get this started. Santana do you mind doing some scales for us"

Santana had no choice but to do them. "Do,Re,Mi, Fa,Sol,La,Ti,Do" Everyone in the room flinched at the sound they were hearing. She sounded like a cat screeching and she knew it.

"Santana are you alright?"

She clears her throat " I'b fide"

" Alright. Rachel let's practice your solo."

"Yes Mr. Schuester"

Santana sat down and Put her head on Quinn's shoulder. She felt her eyelids become heavy and the last thing she saw before falling asleep was Rachel begging to sing.

"Santana." She felt someone nudge her " Santana wake up" she opened her eyes to see Quinn practically shaking her off her chair.

" It's time for your solo" she slowly stood up. Walked to the center of the room and began to sing I will Survive by Gloria Gaynord

" At first, I was afraid, I was petrified. Kept thigkid' I could dever live Without you by my side, But thed I spedt so bady dights Thigkid' how you did be wrogg. Add I grew strogg. Add I learded how to get alogg." Her voice started to hurt every time she spoke.

"Add so you're back frob outer space.

I just walked id to fidd you here With that sad look upod your face." She felt a sneeze coming on.

" I should've chagged that stupid lock, I should've bade you leave your key, If I had dowd, for just ode secodd, You'd be back to bother be." Her breath began to hitch.

" Well, Dow huh go.

Walk out thaaah that door.

Just turn ahhh aroud dow." She stopped singing. She didn't want to sneezes in front of them but she just couldn't run out like yesterday. Well, she could but as she made her way to the door Mr. Shue had Puck block the exit. Mr. Shue probably thought she had a problem and ran out crying yesterday. Were they going to host intervention? Can't they see she just needs to sneeze.

"Santana. We're worried. Why are you running out. If you're having any problems you can tell us." Said Mr shue.

" Move Puck."

"No Santana I'm not moving"

"I said muhh move god damahhh dammit!"

She turned around to get away from Puck but they had her surrounded.

" Santana we're here to help" said Rachel

"Please just let muhh me go to the ahhh bahh bathroom." That was the first time Santana said please and it was probably her last.

" No Santana just stay here and we'll help you"

" What is so embarrassing that you have to got to the bathroom for"

" Mr. Shue. Just let me go to the bathroom."

" If you need to cry just cry in front of us."

She felt the inevitable sneeze begin to happen.

" huh ahh"

She quickly turned around from everyone and shielded her face.

"Hxnggt, hngt, hxxxt, hupxngchoo, hexngtsho"

Everyone was quiet. Suddenly the room filled with laughter.

" That's what you were trying to hide. A sneeze. A tiny little sneeze"

" Shud up Finn. It's not fuddy" she says wiping her nose on her sleeve

" Awww who would of known Santana Lopez. Ms I don't take anything from anyone had such an adorable sneeze."

" I will edd you Kurt."

" Come at me kitty sneeze"

" OK guys I think Santana has been through enough. Stop with the insults." " One more Mr.Shue "

" I said enough Kurt"

Just as she thought it was all over she felt another sneeze coming on.

"Why me" She thought. Finn saw her pre-sneeze. " Uh oh looks like kitty sneeze is going for round two"

"I sweahh swear if ahh anyone else makes another huh comment my foot will meet there..." she broke off.

" hxxt, hupngt, hupchiew, haishoo"

" even when not stifling , her sneezes are adorable"

" Alright who said dat"

Silence filled the room. Even when sick she still was threatening.

" hah ehh"

" She's gonna Blow"

"Hxngt, haishoo, Eshoo."

"Bless you"

It was Quinn she had bearly noticed Quinn was there

" Dank You"

"Alright everyone. Back to work. Santana you can relax in your seat for the rest of the time."

She put her head on Quinn's shoulder. Suddenly Santana felt her stomach lurch.

" Quinn" Santana whispered


" I feel like I'm going to be sick"

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Don't forget to leave your comments.

Ch3: To Clean or not To Clean. That is the question and Throw up is the answer.

Quinn seemed panicked. She looked at Santana an could tell that one movement and she would blow.

She searched frantically for a trash can. Luckily she noticed one at the corner. She immediately got up and and went for it. Santana completely lost it once the trash can was in her reach. She made a loud sound interrupting Mercedes' Solo.

" And IIIIIIIIII will always lo.. BLURGH!!!"

The minute they saw Santana throwing up all hell broke lose. Ch

Quinn was holding Santana's hair.

Brittany went to find a vending machine that has some water. Rachel started spraying disinfectant spray.

Finn was rubbing Santana's back

Mr. Shue was checking if Santana was okay.

Mercedes was trying to get Rachel to stop spray the disinfectant spray which was starting to irritate Santana's nose.

Kurt was squirting hand sanitizer everywhere.

Blaine was washing his hands.

Even though Santana was only sick for a few minutes at most, everyone went crazy.

"Enough!!!" yelled Mr. Shue.

"Santana becomes sick and you all decide to go crazy. Rachel, Kurt, and Blaine just because she's sick doesn't mean you have to go and disinfect everything."

But Mr.Shue I'm just trying to stay healt.."

"Enough Rachel. I'm very disappointed in all three of you"

In that moment, Brittany walked in with the water.

" I got the water."

" Bring it here Britt"

"San , Britt brought you some water"

Santana opened the water bottle and took a small sip.

" Thanks Britt"

" Okay Mercedes you can continue your solo."

Just as everything is getting back to normal Rachel accidentally pressed the can of spray making Sanata's nose go on overdrive.

" Heshoo , ishieww, hxgt , hxxt, ashoo." " Britt do you have a tissue"

" No"

" Quinn do you have a tissue"

" No. Let me ask Mr Shue."

Before she could even say no to the idea Quinn had already asked.

" Mr. Shue do you have a tissue box." Everyone turned to look at Santana and her hands cupped around her nose. Half of the class cringed and she was pretty sure she heard a gagging sound in the mist of all the noise. Mr. Shue handed the box to Quinn who in return took out some tissues for Santana. After taking care of her little mess , Mr. Shue had decided to go buy some lunch for everyone.

"I'm leaving Rachel and Kurt are in charge while I'm gone" then he walked out of the door.

" OK , so I guess we can start by disinfecting the place. Everyone grab some wipes and start cleaning. You too Santana." Everyone grabbed a wipe even Santana who usually never listens to Berry.

When Rachel noticed Santana wasn't really doing the best job she decided to help her out kinda.

" No no no like this Santana" She sprayed the disinfectant. Santana begin to cough. Of course being the stubborn person she is she still continued to clean in the mist of the coughing fit.

" Santana maybe you should go sit down."

Do *Cough*. I'b *cough* okay *cough*.It wasn't until she was about to fall down when Finn put his foot down.

" Alright you're going back to your seat" Finn caught her before she fell. He picked her up and carried her to her seat.

" No Fidd. Put be down!!! I feel fide!!! Fidd I swear..." but before she could finish her threat she was already on her seat.

She shot up almost immediately from her chair she tried to walk but getting up too fast made her head spin.

" Okay no more cleaning this room is starting to smell like a hospital." They all sat down.

" Santana do you want to perform your solo again or are you to sick." She felt as Berry was calling her out.

" I'll perforb"

"Santana your sick"

" I'b fide."

" Rachel I don't think it's in best interest to have Santana perform" It was Mr. Shue back with the food.

"Food!!" Yelled Puck

Everyone began to eat. Well, everyone except Santana.

" Santana you have to eat something"

"I'b dot hungry"

"Santana. Eat!!"

" Quidd I'b dot hungry."

" Fine, but just please drink some water."

Santana took a drink from the water bottle. Truth is she didn't think her stomach could take on any food.

She laid her head on Quinn's shoulder.

Quinn began to notice that Santana was looking very pale. Her eyes had bags and she was breathing from her mouth. She felt Santana bob forward a little. She looked down to see Santana stifling silently.

" Santana you're going to burst ear drum like that."

"That's huh never huh hahhh happened to anyone in real huuh life"

She continued to stifle silently.

"Bless you"

" Dank you"

" Santana please just eat for me."

"Fine" She picked up the fork and began to eat her salad.

"Hey Santana. How you hanging in there" It was Finn. Believe it or not they actually care for each other.

"I'm fide" she bite on a tomato and swallowed it. She instantly knew that was a mistake. Finn saw Santana's gag reflex act up and instantly reached for the trash can. Luckily, he got it to her in time. Everybody's else's appetite was gone when she threw up. While Finn rubbed her back again and Quinn held her hair again everyone decided lunch time was over.

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Literally put off checking the forum all day just so that i could be extra excited when i checked tonight. Looovvveeee this. I cant handle it. I. Cant. Handle. It.

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Thanks for the comments guilty as charged. You're the person that keeps me going.So here is the next part.

Ch4: Bonding with Finn

When she was done she laid her head on Finn's chest. Finn played with her hair. Santana and Finn had never seen eye to eye but they were still friends. He cared about her well being. He felt Santana jerk in his arms and he felt her put her face into his chest. He then felt something wet. He looked down to see Santana stifling in his shirt.

" Hxngt, Hxxxt, Hngt, hxngtshoo, hxtcho"

"Bless you"

She looked up and Finn saw that she was blushing.

" Dank you" He continued to stroke her hair but then noticed that Santana's breathing had become shallow. She had fallen asleep. She looked so young and peaceful. She looked almost innocent. Finn and Santana were really close even if seemed that they hated each other.They were friends till the end. He remembered when they would have sleepovers at his house. Santana would invite Quinn and Brittany and he would invite Puck. Back in those days a girl boy sleepover meant nothing but kids being kids. Now a days well you know. Those were the good days. The last time Santana had fallen asleep on him was when she was 6. Her father and her mother had somewhere to be. They dropped her off at Finn's house. And Santana being a drama queen cried like there was no tomorrow. Santana was inconsolable. In walked Finn to see 6 year old Santana crying. Finn ran over to her and hugged her. He took her to his room and he played with her hair. Brittany, Quinn and he were the only ones who knew that playing with her hair could put her to sleep. He was surprised it still worked. She fell asleep in his arms and when his mom walked In she thought the scene was just too cute and took a picture. Those were the good times. He remembered in back in 2nd grade she had fallen and scraped herself. Not a big deal except that Santana was being a drama queen like always started crying like she had broken something, Brittany and Quinn not knowing what to do began to cry also. He had walked over to her and picked her up and gave her a kiss on the cheek . That immediately stopped her crying. Quinn and Brittany just stood there stunned. He then walked away. In 4th grade her pet bunny got lost. She made Brittany, Quinn , Puck and Finn look for it all day. He Remembered after day of yelling Coco all over town she ran home and looked herself in her room. In 8th grade he remembered the dance that she went to with a guy. They dated for a few months. The guy chose the exact same day of the dance to break it off. Of course Santana being the strong woman she is threatened him and forced him to go to the dance with her and then she broke up with him after the dance. Finn later on went to beat him up for messing with Santana. Finn felt Santana breathing become uneven

" Huh IShoo"

" Ble" she cut him off with another sneeze

" Huh Etchoo"

" Bless you"

" You cad stop sayigg bless you fidd"

 "I don't mind it"

"Thagks for lettigg be sleep od you fidd"

"No problem" After that she drifted off to sleep

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Aww thanks guiltyascharged. You're the best *sends virtual hug*

Sorry if there isn't enough sneezing.

CH5: Criticize and then apologize.

When Santana some she saw everybody huddled in a circle whispering.

" She's going to bring us down Mr. Shue "

Rachel she's sick. She can't help it."

"She's going to cost us the Regionals." That was Kurt.

" She was one of the three people that was going to bring us to Victory."

" She can barely sing without sounding like a dying cat." That was Rachel again

" Maybe she can get better." That was Brittany

" By Monday. I don't think so girl" That was obviously Mercedes.

" How are we going to perform in Regionals without Santana. She had a solo."

" Santana just ruined everything"

That stung. Santana felt tears prick her eyes. She shot up.

Well I'm sorry I'm such an inconvenience for you! Oh and By the way I'm not sick." She ran out tears streaming down her face. She ran to the girls bathroom. This damn cold was making her so sensitive. Wait what is she saying. She's not sick.

" Santana!!! Come back" It was Finn

No she can't let Finn see her as a crying mess.

" Get it together Santana" She told herself. But the more she told herself that the more she would break down. It seems like everything was coming down on her. The stress from being in the Cheerios, the stress of the Regionals, being Queen Bee, getting good grades. It all came crumbling down. Who would of known that Santana Lopez would be the girl crying in the bathroom. She heard the door open.

" Santana. Are you okay"

"I'm fine. Ishoo"

" Bless you"

Santana was sitting in the corner. Finn picked her up and cradled her as if she was a baby. Usually she would protest but right now she just wanted to feel his arms around her. He felt him carry her out. She didn't fight back. She just continued crying.

" Ish, hxngt, Ishiew, Hxxt."

"Can you not." He joked

She blushed a bright red shade and then put her head in his chest as they

walked Into the classroom. Everyone stared as they saw Finn carry Santana in as if she was nothing. Santana was in hysterics. Finn put her down. Quinn ran up to her and pulled her into a hug. Quinn was surprised Santana never cried. Santana was always a strong willed girl who never cried. Not even when her dog died back in 7th grade.

" Santana everyone would like to say something to you"

" We're sorry Santana"

" It's alright guys" She said wiping her eye

"Group hug!!!" Yelled Rachel. They huddled together

" Ishoo. Ish!"

"Okay maybe not that close."

And from that moment on she knew she would be alright along with her glee family nothing could stop her. Sick or not sick.

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Thanks quiet sneezer. Thanks guiltyascharged. The next few parts might not have much sneezing. I'm working on the ending. I'm going to do the ending and then an alternative ending.

CH 6: Regionals

Santana was in the hotel room. It felt so surreal to be here. Regionals where Tomorrow. She was sharing a room with Quinn, Brittany and the devil herself, Rachel. Santana was pretending to feel better so they would let her perform. Truth was her throat was hurting. Her stomach still couldn't take much food. She was taking medicine to help the congestion. She was still sneezing but she stifled silently when practicing. She did let out a few sneezes occasionally. Her throat hurt when she sang but she wasn't going to let a little cold take her down. She had fever but she could take the heat.

" Santana" She heard a knock on the door. She pretend to be asleep.

" She's asleep Mr. Shue."

"Just let her sleep. She is just getting over a cold." They closed the door. Getting over. How funny. Her cold was at its worse.

When they left she sneezed" Ish, Esh, Hxngt"

She drifted of awhile later.

* 5 minutes before Regionals*

" Okay guys let's give it our all. Try harder than ever before."

" Performing Next are the Dragons" The announcer announced

She heard the first singer was pretty good. Santana felt her stomach lurch. She ran to the bathroom. She pushed open a stall and got rid of the contents in her stomach. She felt a hand on her back and someone holding her hair. She looked up briefly before throwing up again. It was Rachel.

" Nervous are you?"

"Ishoo.Yea a little" she gagged again

" I remember the first time I competed in Regionals. I couldn't get out of the bathroom."

" I couldn't either" They both laughed

" The nerves must be messing with your stomach"

" Yea" She stood up and flushed the toilet. She felt a little dizzy. She reached out to grab Rachel so she could steady herself.

" You okay?"


She was getting dizzier every step she took.

" It's your turn." Rachel said. She was right.

"The last performance is Santana Lopez from the New Directions."

She walked to the stage. She sang her solo.

"At first I was afraid I was petrified."

Kept thinkin' I could never live

Without you by my side,

But then I spent so many nights

Thinkin' how you did me wrong.

And I grew strong

And I learned how to get along.

She was feeling pretty bad but want going to lose because of a stupid cold.

And so you're back from outer space.

I just walked in to find you here

With that sad look upon your face.

I should've changed that stupid lock,

I should've made you leave your key,

If I had known, for just one second,

You'd be back to bother me.

Well, now go! Walk out the door!

Just turn around now,

'Cause you're not welcome anymore!

Weren't you the one

Who tried to hurt me with goodbye?

Did you think I'd crumble?

Did you think I'd lay down and die?" She started to feel out of breath.

Well, now go! Walk out the door!

Just turn around now,

'Cause you're not welcome anymore!

Weren't you the one

Who tried to hurt me with goodbye?

Did you think I'd crumble?

Did you think I'd lay down and die?

Oh no, not I! I will survive!

Oh, as long as I know how to love,

I know I'll stay alive!

I've got all my life to live.

I've got all my love to give.

And I'll survive! I will survive!

Hey, Hey!" She felt as if she was running out of air.

It took all the strength I had

Not to fall apart

And trying hard to mend the pieces

Of my broken heart.

And I spent, oh, so many nights

Just feeling sorry for myself.

I used to cry,

But now I hold my head up high!

And you'll see me, somebody new,

I'm not that chained up little person

Still in love with you.

And so you felt like droppin' in

And just expect me to be free,

But now I'm savin' all my lovin'

For someone who's lovin' me!"

She felt as if her lungs were about to burst

Go now! Go! Walk out the door!

Just turn around now!

'Cause you're not welcome anymore!

Weren't you the one

Who tried to break me with goodbye?

Did you think I'd crumble?

Did you think I'd lay down and die?"

She started to feel light headed.

Oh no, not I! I will survive!

Oh, as long as I know how to love

I know I'll stay alive!

I've got all my life to live.

I've got all my love to give.

And I'll survive. I will survive! Oohh..

Go now! Go! Walk out the door!

Just turn around now!

'Cause you're not welcome anymore!

Weren't you the one

Who tried to break me with goodbye?

Did you think I'd crumble?

Did you think I'd lay down and die?

She started to feel out like she couldn't breath.

Oh no, not I! I will survive!

Oh, as long as I know how to love

I know I'll stay alive!

And I've got all my life to live.

And I've got all my love to give.

And I'll survive. I will survive! I will survive!" She started seeing black spots. She heard people whistling and clapping. She smiled before all she could see was black

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So I finished the story. I might be posting more frequently because I finished the story and because of the weekend. I decided to post the next part now.

CH7: Love is for the Faint.

The crowd gasped. She had smiled before swaying and falling to the ground with a thud. The New directions ran out on the stage. Santana was lying limply in the middle of the stage.

Finn picked up Santana's body and brought her backstage. She hung limply in his arms. This sight made his eyes water.

" Santana" That was Rachel

" Santana" That was Mercedes

" Santana please wake up" That was Finn

Everyone was teary eyed. They hoped she would wake up. It had been 5 minutes and still no reaction. Santana could smell alcohol. She stirred and mumbled a little bit.

"She's moving"

" Santana. can you hear me?"

She couldn't open her eyes but she knew that was Finn.

" Santana. Are you alright"

She opened her eyes. In an instant she heard sighs of relief.

" What happened?" She asked a blob.

Her sight was still a little bit blurry.

" You fainted after you finished your solo." She remembered everything. The clapping. The whistling. The light headedness.

" Huh Ishoo, Eshoo, Ashoo, Hxngt"

The stifle made her head hurt.

"Santana. Did you lie about getting over your cold." She had been found out.


" She was totally lying" Everyone silently agreed

"Hxngt. Ishoo. Ish"

"You got the crowd worried out there." Mr.Shue said

"I'll go tell the crowd she's okay"

She heard Rachel heels click away

" We have an update. Santana Lopez is awake now and she's okay."

The crowd cheered.

" They loved your solo , you know"

"That's how you do it Thumbelina"

" You hit your head pretty hard. You don't want to get it checked out"

"No I feel fine."

" You should go get it chec..." She got cut off.

"Ish, Hishieww, Hxngt. Uhh" She let out a sigh at the end.

" Bless you"

"Thank you"

" Ishieww, Hngt, Esh. Ug why can't I stop sneezing!!!"

Santana got up or at least tried. She was still feeling dizzy. She felt someone grab her arms. She looked up and saw Finn helping her up.

She tried to walk but it just looked like she was drunk. She couldn't see anything. She tripped on a rug.

" Do you want me to carry you." Finn asked

" Please" She whispered

Finn picked her up. She put her head on his chest.

" Ishoo" She sneezed on his chest

" Bless you"

"Sorry" She blushed.

" Huh uhh"

" Stuck sneeze"

"Yea" He walked into the elevator. He put Santana down.

" Look at the light" He pressed the button on the elevator to take them to there floor.

"Huh Ishoo, Esh, Itchiew, ISHIEW!!" The last sneeze bent her at the waist. She hit her head on the elevator wall

" We don't need you getting a concussion Santana and that's if you don't already have one"

She had a slight headache. Her vision was still distorted. She felt a little bit nauseas but nothing to serious. They walked out of the elevator. She almost trapped on her own feet. Why was she being so clumsy. She felt out of it. Like everything was passing by in a haze. " " Finn did the crowd like my performance."

Yea don't you remember all the clapping and whistling"


" Why are we here"

" We're competing in the regionals remember"

" Oh Yea" Truth was Santana was having a hard time remembering anything.

"We're here" They were standing just outside her room.

"Thanks for walking me Finn"

" Feel better Santana" Just before he left Santana kissed him on the cheek.

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Thanks guys. I hope to have this story finished by tomorrow or Sunday at most. If I do plan to finish by tomorrow I'll probably update 4 or 5 times. Hope you have goodnight or morning or afternoon from where ever you are. Nighty nighty from California

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Happy Valentines Day my lovelies. I think past this part there is not much sneezing until the end. I hope to have this story finished by today so keep an eye out for more updates.

CH8: Glee Member Down

* 2 AM in the morning*

Santana shot up. She had trouble falling asleep. She has been sleeping on and off for the past hours. She felt nauseous. She ran to the bathroom. She closed the door. Santana sat on the cold hard floor. She felt the bile coming up. She threw up. It burned her throat. She tried to keep quiet. She kept throwing up. It was red. She realized it was blood.

"Was she dying? Why was she spewing blood out her system." These were the first thought that ran through her head. "Call Finn" She thought.

She ran out the door. She closed the door quietly as to not alert her roommates. She ran to Finn's room. She knocked on the door.

" Finn!!" She whispered.

"Finn open the door!! Ishoo, Hxngt, Esh"

" Santana? What are you doing here?" He mumbled sleepily

" I'm scared Finn" That immediately sobered him up.

" What's wrong?"

" I don't know. I stared throwing up blood. I have a headache. My vision is blurry. I don't remember anything. Ishieew, Choo, Hishoo." She was crying by the end of that sentence.

" Let's go get Mr. Shue. They walked to his room. Santana was losing her balance. Finn was her only support that was keeping her up.

"Eshoo, Hitchoo, Chieew, Hxngt."

They knocked on Mr. Shue's door. He opened the door almost immediately.

" Santana, Finn what are you doing here."

" Santana's been throwing up blood."

Ish,Hxxt,Eshoo,Hngt, Ishieww.

" We'll take her to the doctors tomorrow morning." Santana started to fall down. Finn caught her.

" Santana you okay?

" Yea just lost my balance. Ish, hxngt, kishoo, Etchoo."

They walked back to Santana's room.

" Get some rest Santana we'll take you to the doctors tomorrow"

She walked into the room and closed the door. She started to feel faint. The room started to spin. She fell. The whole world had gone black in her eyes.

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Time for the next update. No sneezing but I cried writing this chapter the song just ties everything together in my point of view. The song is Has anyone ever written anything for you by Stevie Nicks

Ch9: Santana, Are You Okay?

Rachel woke up at 6:00 am to find Santana on the floor. She must of fallen asleep down there.

" Santana get up and got to your bed" she called

" Santana. C'mon get up" She got no response. Rachel knelled down.

"Santana?" She shakes her slightly.

Rachel screams.

" She's dead! She's dead! Santana's dead!" Brittany and Quinn wake up.

" What's wrong Rachel?"

" She's dead! Santana's dead!" That immediately wakes them up"

" She can't be dead. She's my bestfriend. She promised we would die old and wrinkly." Quinn began to cry.

" Let's go get help" That all ran to the hall and started knocking franticly. " "She's dead" They screamed. Every member followed Rachel, Quinn , and Brittany to Mr.Shue's room. They knocked franticly.

" Rachel? What happened?"

" She's died"

" Who's dead"

" Santana" Everyone gasped. Santana was dead. How could this of happened. Everyone was crying. Finn and Mr. Shue ran to the bedroom that they Santana was in. Everyone else followed suit. When they walked they gasped. She was on the floor. She had a weak pulse , but she was alive.

" She's alive, but she has a very weak pulse. We need to get her to the hospital now if you want her to survive" They stopped breathing. If they wanted her to survive. That means there's still a chance she could. Rachel called an ambulance.

" 911. What's your emergency?"

"Send an ambulance quick. She's fainted! She's on the verge of death. She was feeling sick last night."

"Ma'am calm down. Can you tell me the symptoms she had last night."

" We were competing in Regionals."

" The one that was on the news."

" Yes. She fainted on stage and ever since she woke up she's been really bad. She was also just getting over a cold."

"Is this person that fainted Santana Lopez."

"Yes. How did you know"

" I was watching the regionals on T.V yesterday. Congrats on the win."

" Thank you but shouldn't we be concentrating on Santana."

" Oh yes. Can you describe her symptoms?"

" Finn knows." She hands the phone phone to Finn.

" She was throwing up blood. She had a hard time remembering things. She was losing her balance and she complained about blurry vision."

"The ambulance is on the way." The dispatcher hung up.

The glee club was in a circle around Santana's. body. Most of them crying.

They were singing "Has anyone ever wriiten anything for you" by Stevie Nicks.

"Has anyone ever written anything for you

In all your darkest hours

Have you ever heard me sing

Listen to me now

You know I'd rather be alone

Than be without you

Don't you know"

They heard the sirens getting closer.

"Has anyone ever given anything to you

In your darkest hours

Did you ever give it back

Well, I have

I have given that to you

If it's all I ever do

This is your song."

The medics were walking into the room. They put her on a gurney and carried her out.

"And the rain comes down

There's no pain and there's no doubt

It was easy to say

I believed in you everyday

If not for me

Then do it for the world"

They follow the gurney out and sing loudly behind it. People open the doors and clap when they see these brave young men and women carrying their fallen soldier out.

"Has anyone ever written anything for you

In your darkest sorrow

Did you ever hear me sing

Listen to me now

You know I'd rather be alone

Than be without you

Don't you know."

They were walking out the door. People stopped on the side walk and clapped for these braves soul who worried about their Comrade. They were singing louder than ever. People would stop and wish for Santana Lopez, the girl who had led the New Directions to victory, to get better.

"So, if not for me, then

Do it for yourself

If not for me then

Do it for the world

Poet... priest of nothing

Poet... priest of nothing"

The ambulance drove away. When they finished singing not a dry eye was seen in and outside the hotel. The glee club members were crying harder than ever.

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This was one of the hardest chapters to write. The song is Dreaming of you by Selena Quintanilla. The words in parenthesis are words in Spanish because Selena sang in Spanish. These last chapters have made me cry so much.

CH10: Dreaming of you

They went to the hospital. They sat on the chairs and waited for news from the doctor.

" Santana Lopez?" Asked the doctor. Everyone stood up.

"How are all of you related to her"

"Supervisor on this trip" Mr.Shue said

" Classmates" They replied

" She has a concussion caused by the hit she took on stage and the one she took in her room. She had been fighting of a nasty cold which made it hard to breathe. The cold is not deadly but, the concussion is. We are watching very intently. She also has a very serious case of pneumonia which can also cause death if it gets worse.

She is currently in a coma. We hope she will wake up soon.

Her condition was worse than they thought. They had double the chances of losing her.

"Late at night all the world is sleeping. I stay up and think of you. Late at night when all the world is sleeping

I stay up and think of you

And I wish on a star that somewhere you are

Thinking of me too. Cause I'm dreaming of you tonight

Till tomorrow I'll be holding you tight

And there's nowhere in the world I'd rather be

Than here in my room dreaming about you and me

Wonder if you ever see me

And I wonder if you know I'm there

If you looked in my eyes

Would you see what's inside

Would you even care?."

Quinn thought back to all the memories they had together. When they went on a vacation together one summer in 7th grade.

" Santana come on. Jump in the water with me."

" Let's do it." They jumped in holding hands.

She didn't know what she would do if she lost her bestfriend

"I just wanna hold you close

But so far all I have are dreams of you

So I wait for the day (wait for the day)

And the courage to say how much I love you

Yes I do!

I'll be dreaming of you tonight

Till tomorrow I'll be holding you tight

And there's nowhere in the world I'd rather be

Than here in my room dreaming about you and me."

Brittany looked back at the time she had with Santana. She remembered when they made the cheerleading squad. They were so excited.

" Santi I made the squad!!"

"Me too" They jumped up and down squealing.

"I can't stop dreaming of you

(No puedo dejar de pensar en ti)

I can't stop dreaming

(Cómo te necesito)

I can't stop dreaming of you

(Mi amor, cómo te extraño)

Late at night when all the world is sleeping

I stay up and think of you

And I still can't believe

That you came up to me and said I love you

I love you too!

Now I'm dreaming with you tonight

Till tomorrow and for all of my life

And there's nowhere in the world I'd rather be

Than here in my room dreaming with you endlessly

With you tonight

And there's nowhere in the world where I'd rather be

Than here in my room I'll be dreaming

With you tonight."

Finn thought back to the good time he had with Santana. He remembered when they built a snowman when they were 8

" Finn help me roll the snowball" They rolled it the bottom half of the snowman.

" Now help me build the tummy." They rolled up the "tummy" and pushed it on top of the bottom one.

" Now for the head." Santana made the head.

" Help me put the head up" He went on his knees and let Santana get on his back. She put it on top.

" There." She smiled satisfied with the


" We can take visitors now."

" What room is it".

" RM 52" They all wanted to go.

" Rachel. You can go first."

Rachel walked down the corridor. She opened the door. She sat down and began to speak.

" Santana. I know we don't have the best relationship and despite everything you did to me I forgive you. In case you do die which I hope you don't maybe this will take some weight of your chest. I'm sorry for calling you a stripper and hating you but in my defense most people hate you. Get well soon." She kisses Santana on the cheek and then walks out."

"Who's next"

" Quinn. You can go." Quinn walked into the room.

" Oh Santi." Seeing Santana hooked up to all those devices made her eyes water.

" Well Santi I hope I never to come back and do this again. You've been my Best friend since the beginning of time. Remember that time I pushed you down the slide because you were taking too long. Remember the time you lost your bunny Coco and we spent all day looking for her." She laughed. " Santi, please don't give up." With that Quinn got up and placed a kiss on her cheek.

Brittany went next.

" Hey San. I miss you. I hope you can get better so we can start cheering again. Maybe after we can go on a vacation together together or something." She kissed her cheek and left.

"Finn, you can go next"

Finn walked in.

"Hey Santana. You really gave me a scare there. Please keep fighting. Remember in 1st grade when you feel down and started crying. Oh and remember the time in kindergarden when you were in a play and you got stage fright and forgot your line. Remember the sleepovers we use to have. Those were the good times.

I love you Santana. Not as a friend but, as much more than a friend. Maybe when you get out of this joint and we can be something more than friends."

As he got up heard something he never wished to hear. He heard the heart monitor go flat line. " Beeeeeeeeep"

In the exact same moment he heard the speakers alerting the doctors and crowd.

" We have a flat line. RM 52. We have a flat line. RM 52."

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